This is your Tyler Chronicle!

Bobby D. Moore, sole owner and publisher

Our First Edition went to press in the summer of 1971, more than half a century ago.

                 Tyler, Texas USA Winter, 2022  Worldwide Edition Volume 52 Number 3               

Water on the Moon! See Story on Page Nine

A Political Stew Which May Choke Us

Opinion, By Bobby D. Moore

If you are one among the many who regularly visit The Tyler Chronicle, the absence of political commentary concerning the endless strife between President Donald Trump and the American Socialist/Communist faction may seem strange. (You may have come to know it by a different name. But whatever alias is currently in use, if you look closely and with an informed mind, there is a common denominator.)

That denominator can be factored down into a single word. “Gimme”. “If you got it, we  want it!” But what they fail to understand is that the government is powerless to directly create.  In order for government to “give”, it must first “take”. And, there is a very handy device for this purpose called “taxation”.  You may choose to view it as a Robin Hood scenario in which those with means are robbed with the loot being distributed to the serfs.

But how does this scheme of “legalized theft” influence the desire to work, and build and accumulate? In other words, what does it do for private initiative? The answer is simple; initiative is reduced and ultimately destroyed.  And it is this private initiative (the freedom to make choices) which represents American freedom at its most basic level.

(more to come)



                 Tyler, Texas USA Winter, 2022  Worldwide Edition Volume 52 Number 3               

Water on the Moon! See Story on Page Nine

A Political Stew Which May Choke Us

Opinion, By Bobby D. Moore

If you are one among the many who regularly visit The Tyler Chronicle, the absence of political commentary concerning the endless strife between President Donald Trump and the American Socialist/Communist faction may seem strange. (You may have come to know it by a different name. But whatever alias is currently in use, if you look closely and with an informed mind, there is a common denominator.)

That denominator can be factored down into a single word. “Gimme”. “If you got it, we  want it!” But what they fail to understand is that the government is powerless to directly create.  In order for government to “give”, it must first “take”. And, there is a very handy device for this purpose called “taxation”.  You may choose to view it as a Robin Hood scenario in which those with means are robbed with the loot being distributed to the serfs.

But how does this scheme of “legalized theft” influence the desire to work, and build and accumulate? In other words, what does it do for private initiative? The answer is simple; initiative is reduced and ultimately destroyed.  And it is this private initiative (the freedom to make choices) which represents American freedom at its most basic level.

(more to come)



The Tyler Chronicle  Spring, 2024

Fact and Opinion By Bobby D. Moore:

Multiple Threats Face US in the Months Ahead

Threats abound; there is no shortage of them. An entire library could be devoted to the subject. The selection is great, ranging from nuclear incineration to a subverted educational system guaranteed to perpetuate the lowest common denominator. At this time, however, it is my pleasure to focus on a thing called "The World Economic Forum". A single article won't suffice. And, of course, it is highly opinionated. Don't accept this, or whatever else you read as factual. Do your own research and draw your own informed conclusions.  Obtaining the true facts  about anything is never easy. In today's world, it is nigh impossible.

The Tyler Chronicle   Winter,  2022

Fact and Opinion: 

Nov 3... the Most Important Election in Modern U.S. History


A Most Remarkable Time

By Bobby D. Moore

There are unique periods of history when, in spite of all the hell on earth which mankind can devise, there is justifiable cause for optimism and hope for a better tomorrow. Whether this is such a period remains to be seen. One thing is certain; we are riding the runaway train of technology.

How this technology is used will determine the future of the human race.

What you see before you is nothing less than a technological miracle. It is a miracle which has worldwide, revolutionary implications and which has, in large part, taken place within the space of a lifetime. I am doing something at this very moment which, in times past, not even the most powerful and wealthy could have accomplished. I am making my thoughts known to the entire world (almost instantaneously) and what is equally amazing is that I have the freedom to do it!  The question which I ask myself each day is, “How long will that freedom last?”

That is why our oft repeated slogan is, “Freedom of Speech; Use It or Lose It!”

My time on this earth spans the better part of a century; just a tick of the historical clock. And during the duration of that tick, truly incredible things have happened! My wish is to share with you now my experiences with the technological advances in newspaper publishing over the past few decades. To be more accurate, I should say “advances in communication”.  This is so because the lines which once clearly delineated print, radio, television, moving pictures, etc. are fading fast.

For example, this issue of The Tyler Chronicle which you are reading at this instant contains far more than just “black ink on white paper”. In fact, it contains neither ink nor paper!

But that’s not how it was way back at the beginning of time when I first got the “urge” to publish a newspaper. I can tell you when and I can tell you how, but the “why” eludes me. Why does a bird sing?

My first publishing effort was made with carbon paper on 8½  by 11 sheets of  typing paper. It was all hand printed, since there was no typewriter. Besides, I hadn’t learned to type anyway. My little “newspaper” consisted of twelve pages, and it had a full page editorial cartoon decrying the habit of cigarette smoking.  The first and only “press run” was 24 copies.  It was styled, “The Enterprise”.  I was twelve; the year was 1952.

At that time, virtually all the newspapers in the United States or in the entire world, for that matter, were printed by the same process (not with carbon paper!) but by applying ink to paper. There were several methods to accomplish this, the most common being “letterpress” which had been in use since before the invention of movable type. 

Movable metal type, as used in the western world (an invention commonly attributed to the German, Gutenberg in 1450) represented a great stride forward, since individual letters of the alphabet  could now formed from metal and then arranged to form words. When they were inked and pressed against paper, the ink was transferred to the paper. A large number of copies could thus be made. They could be rearranged to form new words and could thus be used over and over. The newspaper publishing industry was born! The first such newspaper was printed in Germany in 1609.

The telegraph, and later the telephone made it possible to gather news quickly from distant points. Invention of the rotary press in 1843 and the Linotype by Mergenthaler (a German) in 1884 paved the way for the growth of massive newspaper enterprises. By the end of the Civil War, line drawings were used to illustrate newspaper stories. And soon photographic reproductions (halftones) began to appear as well.

While there were many technological improvements over the years, in very broad terms, this was the “state of the art” when I began my early newspapering efforts.
Here’s how it was back then. Newspapers were ordinarily printed with black ink. Colored inks could be used to create solid color images, like headlines in red for example. To publish full color reproductions of photographs, however, was far more complicated. This was beyond the scope of most small weekly letterpress publications.  

---to be continued


Incredible Story of the John Kennedy Assassination

by Doctor Donald Miller

I was 23 years old when President Kennedy was killed. Now, 55 years later I am most likely the only person still alive who personally knew the two physicians who figure most importantly in the case, Admiral George Burkley, Kennedy’s physician, and Dr. Malcolm Perry, the surgeon who performed a tracheotomy on him after he was shot.

When I was a teenager my father and our family and Dr. Burkley and his family shared a duplex at the Newport Naval Hospital in Newport, Rhode Island, where then Capt. George Burkley, M.D. was Chief of Medicine and my father, Capt. Donald Miller, M.D. was Chief of Surgery. I remember Dr. Burkley as a pleasant man, a straight arrow Naval officer like my father.

Dr. Burkley’s son George and I were the same age and we became buddies. One time we sailed up Narragansett Bay in his 16-foot sailboat and camped out on a small uninhabited island. That night, unknown to us, a hurricane warning was issued and early the next morning our fathers had a Navy launch come and tow us back home.

Admiral Burkley filled out Kennedy’s Death Certificate. He wrote, “A second wound occurred in the posterior back at about the level of the third thoracic vertebra.—T3, that’s 5½ to 6 inches below the neck. He flew back from Dallas on Air Force One with the body and was at the autopsy.

Military pathologists performed the autopsy at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, MD. The whole-body chart (front and back), for marking the scars and wounds on the body places the bullet wound in the back at the T3 level, as in the Death Certificate. Dr. Burkley signed the chart, writing “Verified” above his signature.

The Single Bullet Theory

The Warren Commission recognized that the single bullet theory was the only way a lone assassin firing from behind Kennedy could have killed him. Oswald only had time to fire three shots. One hit the street and grazed a bystander, and one bullet hit Kennedy in the head. So, the third bullet had to account for all the other injuries JFK and Governor Connally sustained.

The bullet holes in JFK’s shirt and jacket were likewise 5¾ inches below the collar

With a bullet shot from the sixth floor of the building behind him, it would have had to turn upward at a considerable angle to exit his neck, and then turn downward to go through Connally’s chest, fracturing a rib; next shattering his wrist, with pieces of the bullet left behind on X-ray and finally landing in his left thigh. The Warren Report blamed a near unscathed bullet found on a stretcher at Parkland Hospital for all those injuries (Commission Exhibit 399).

No bullet could transit the neck without hitting any bony structures as a CT scan of the neck will show, especially one coming out the middle of his throat. An autopsy X-ray of JFK’s neck showed no bone trauma.

At a news conference after the assassination Acting Press Secretary Malcolm Kilduff said: “Dr. Burkley told me, it is a simple matter… of a bullet right through the head.” Questioned, he stated, “It is my understanding [from Dr. Burkley] that it entered in the temple, the right temple.”

 Inside the Assassinati... Douglas P. Horne Best Price: $17.50 Buy New $24.88 (as of 12:35 EDT - Details)  In an interview at the Kennedy Library in 1967, when asked how many bullets struck Kennedy Burkley replied, “I would not care to be quoted on that.” Ten years later, in 1977, he offered to explain to Richard Sprague, Chief Counsel of the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA), why there must have been more than one shooter. But he once again clammed up when Sprague got fired wanting to conduct a no-holds-barred investigation. Dr. Burkley did, however, sign an Affidavit for the HSCA, which states that the casket was constantly observed and not opened or disturbed in its trip to the National Naval Medical Center autopsy laboratory in Bethesda, Maryland. It reads:

“I travelled from Andrew’s Air Force Base in the ambulance with the President’s body to the Bethesda Naval Hospital and accompanied the [bronze Dallas] coffin to the autopsy laboratory and saw the body removed from the coffin and placed on the autopsy table.”

Admiral Burkley lied. The bronze Dallas casket was opened and was empty when it arrived at the autopsy lab.

Douglas Horne, in his book Inside the Assassination Records Review Board: The U.S. Government’s Final Attempt to Reconcile the Conflicting Medical Evidence in the Assassination of JFK (1,804 pages in 5-volumes, 2009) shows that there were indeed three JFK casket entries to the Bethesda Naval autopsy lab that evening.

Men in suits emerging from a black hearse delivered the corpse to the autopsy lab at 6:35 pm in a body bag placed inside a cheap aluminum shipping casket. Next, Secret Service agents brought the now empty 400 lb. Bronze Dallas casket into the lab at 7:17 pm. Then at 8:00 pm, with Jackie and Bobby Kennedy walking alongside it, a military honor guard carried the Dallas casket into the autopsy laboratory, Kennedy’s corpse back inside it, once again wrapped in sheets.

Sgt. Roger Boyajian’s written report proving that Kennedy’s corpse arrived in the autopsy lab an hour-and-a-half before its official time-of-entry is the “smoking gun” in the medical evidence.

Dr. Burkley ordered the three junior-grade military pathologists to not probe the neck wound and not dissect the neck. And he took possession of the brain.

(My father was Chief of Thoracic Surgery at the Bethesda Naval Hospital in the 1950s, from 1956 to 1958.)

Admiral Burkley, the Warren Commission, and His Family

In 1982 Dr. Burkley told an assassination researcher that JFK was the target of a conspiracy, refusing to elaborate. In 1983 he admitted to another researcher that JFK had a large wound in the back of the head, which had “all the appearance of an exit wound.” He died in 1991, age 88.

Dr. George G. Burkley and his wife Isabel had four children—Nancy, George, Isabel, and Richard. Nancy was executor of his estate. In 1997 she agreed to release her father’s attorney-client file on JFK’s death to the Assassination Records Review Board. But she would not sign a waiver of confidentiality the ARRB required to review the files, so they stayed sealed.

I contacted my teenage buddy George W. Burkley, a retired Marine Corps helicopter pilot living in Hawaii. He said that his dad only questioned why the Warren Commission never asked him to testify, noting, “Dad was [a] very close hold when it came to his professional life.”

His father knew very well why the Warren Commission never called him to testify. Admiral Burkley knew first-hand that the single bullet theory was bogus. He chose not to tell his children the true facts of the JFK assassination or his involvement in the cover-up. Perhaps to protect them?

Doug Horne nails it in his book Inside the Assassination Records Review Board (Volume 4, page 1057, published in 2009):

“[Admiral Burkley’s behavior] can only be understood as that of a man who was filled with deep and profound guilt about the massive coverup he participated in—indeed, which he appears to have engineered—a man who wanted to confess his role and unburden himself on some occasions, and who would then abruptly change his mind on other occasions, when he considered the effect this would have had on his reputation and his family’s peace-of-mind. His behavior from the time of the assassination up until his death was that of a deeply conflicted man, ridden with guilt and shame, who wanted to confess his involvement in the cover-up for the moral absolution it would have provided to him but who at the same time, was afraid to do so for practical reasons involving his reputation and his family. History will not absolve him, either for his role in the cover-up, or for his failure to come clean when he had a chance to do so with the HSCA, which could have granted him immunity if he had decided to expose the cover-up.”

The Warren Commission published the autopsy body chart without Admiral Burkley’s “Verified” and signature on it (Commission Exhibit 397). Pathologist Cmdr. J. Thornton Boswell testified before the Commission that he had mistakenly placed the bullet hole in the back too low on the chart. And with Admiral Burkley’s signature on it erased the Commission need not question him about it.

The Warren Commission also chose to not publish Admiral Burkley’s JFK Death Certificate. The Commission treated that like a poisonous snake, since it kills the single bullet theory.

Researcher Gerald McNight puts it this way: “Admiral Burkley’s plight was akin to that of the old Bolsheviks, who were airbrushed out of Soviet history books and the national narrative after they fell victim to one of Stalin’s purges.”

In the 26-volume Warren Commission Hearings and Exhibits, instead of JFK’s Death Certificate one will find things like these: A Certificate of smallpox vaccination for Oswald’s daughter, June (CE 73A); Jack Ruby’s income tax returns, but not Oswald’s, said to be withheld for National Security (CE 713-719); and the condition of Marina Oswald’s teeth (CE 1403). One I particularly like is Commission Exhibit 53, displaying a fragment of an aria from Tchaikovsky’s opera The Queen of Spades.

My connection with Dr. Malcolm Perry was a professional one. He moved to Seattle from Dallas in 1974 to be professor of vascular surgery at the University of Washington. We operated together on complex cases (thoraco-abdominal aortic aneurysms) and became friends.

Dr. Tom Shires left Dallas to become the Chair of Surgery at the University of Washington in 1974. He brought with him Dr. Jim Carrico, Dr. Malcolm Perry, and two other surgeons. Dr. Carrico, as a surgical resident then, was the first physician to treat Kennedy upon his arrival to Parkland’s Emergency Room.

I was the last UW faculty surgeon that Dr. Shires hired, in 1975, right before he left and moved to Cornell. Dr. Perry stayed on until 1978 and then joined Dr. Shires in New York. Dr. Carrico also stayed and was the UW’s Chair of Surgery from 1983 to 1990.

(The University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle was founded after World War II. Its first Chair of Surgery, from 1959 to 1964 was Dr. Henry Harkins from Johns Hopkins University. He died suddenly from a heart attack while hosting a picnic on Lake Washington for his surgical residents. I performed heart surgery, coronary artery bypass grafts, on three of the next four Chairs of Surgery: Dr. K. Alvin Merendino, Chair 1964-1972; Dr. John Stevenson, 1972-1975; and Dr. John Schilling, 1975-1983. Dr. Merendino performed the first open heart operation on the West Coast using a heart-lung machine in 1956. He lived to age 97 and died in 2011. Dr. Shires and Dr. Carrico escaped heart disease and died from cancer, like Dr. Perry.)

The Bullet Wounds in JFK’s Neck and Head 

Dr. Perry was the first Parkland doctor to speak publicly about President Kennedy’s wounds at a news conference. He said, “There was an entrance wound in the neck…It [the bullet] appeared to be coming at him…” Questioned, he twice more affirmed that it was an entrance wound.

Threatened by an agent from the Secret Service (Elmer Moore), Dr. Perry agreed to change his view of the bullet wound in the neck when he went before the Warren Commission in 1964 and testify that it could have been an exit wound.

Dr. Perry always refused to discuss the Kennedy assassination with anyone, but one night, in 1977, after we had been operating together for many hours on a complex case, we sat alone having coffee in the surgeons’ lounge while our residents closed the incisions. Asked yet again, this time Malcolm told me that the bullet wound in Kennedy’s neck was a wound of entrance, unquestionably a wound of entrance.

A year later, in 1978, when testifying before the House Select Committee on Assassinations Dr. Perry once again reverted to publicly supporting the government’s single bullet narrative, like he did before the Warren Commission. He once again agreed that the bullet wound in the neck could be an exit wound. He explained that the wound was so neat and small that he had mistaken it for an entrance wound.

In 1986, Dr. Perry also privately disclosed to another physician that it was an entrance wound.

In his hand-written treatment report on the day of the assassination, Dr. Perry wrote: “A large wound of the right posterior cranium was noted, exposing a severely lacerated brain. Brain tissue was noted in the blood [pooled] at the head of the carriage.” Dr. Carrico wrote in his treatment report: “Two external wounds were noted. One small penetrating wound of the neck in the lower one  third. The other wound had avulsed the calvarium and shredded brain tissue present and profuse oozing.” More than 20 Parkland doctors and nurses observed a fist-sized hole in the back of Kennedy’s head. Nevertheless, a photograph taken at the autopsy shows the skin and hair on the back of the head to be intact and undisturbed.

Bobby Hargis, Clint Hill, Kenny O’Donnell and the Grassy Knoll

Bobby Hargis, the patrolman riding a motorcycle just behind and to the left of the president’s limo, was splattered with blood, brain, and bone when Kennedy was shot in the head. Hargis dropped his motorcycle and ran up the grassy embankment where he and other spectators heard shots come from behind a fence there.

Agent Clint Hill assigned to protect Jackie Kennedy was standing on the Secret Service limo behind her. When Jackie reflexively reached out over the trunk for a piece of JFK’s skull, he jumped on the president’s limo as it sped up and pushed Jackie safely back into her seat. He saw, close up, that the back of JFK’s head was blown out.

JFK’s top aide and close friend Kenny O’Donnell, riding in that Secret Service limo, said he also heard shots coming from the front. But like with Dr. Perry, FBI agents, in his case, told O’Donnell that he must have been imagining things. Those agents said that it would be better for him to testify before the Warren Commission that the bullets sounded like they came from behind, which he did (and later regretted).

JFK Assassination Timeline

The first notable books critiquing the government narrative were:  Who killed Kennedy? Thomas G Buchanan Best Price: $4.95 (as of 01:20 EDT - Details

Who Killed Kennedy? (1964) by Thomas Buchanan.

Whitewash: the Report on the Warren Report (1965) by Harold Weisberg.

 Rush to Judgment (1966) by Mark Lane.

The Second Oswald (1966) by Richard Popkin.

Six Seconds in Dallas: A Micro-study of the Kennedy Assassination Proving that Three Gunmen Murdered the President (1967) by Josiah Thompson.

Accessories After the Fact: Warren Commission, the Authorities, & the Report on the JFK Assassination (1967) by Sylvia Meagher.

The Clark Panel (1968) and Rockefeller Commission (1975) addressed the matter and held to the lone nut assassin account.

Then, 22 years after the assassination, in 1975, the public finally got to see the Zapruder film showing JFK’s head violently thrown backwards from a head shot. Hearings by the House Select Committee on Assassinations followed (1976-1978). The HSCA concluded that Oswald did kill Kennedy but that there was a second shooter, who missed, thus making it a conspiracy.

Oliver Stone’s film JFK (1991), which showed the CIA and U.S. military playing a role in Kennedy’s murder created a public outcry. This film played a key role in passage of the JFK Records Act of 1992. This Act released many thousands of records on the Kennedy assassination the government was withholding. Its Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB) reviewed them and questioned involved witnesses now absolved from their compulsory oaths of silence. Its findings basically clear Oswald of the crime.

Who Killed President Kennedy? 

The six main suspects in JFK’s assassination are: Castro, Anti-Castro Cuban Exiles, Russians (Soviet Union), the Mafia, Texas Oil Barons, and the U.S. Government’s Central Intelligence Agency.

Given the medical evidence the ARRB uncovered, the first five suspects, from Castro to Texas Oil Barons, are all innocent. There is no way any of them could have orchestrated Kennedy’s autopsy in a U.S. military hospital done by U.S. military pathologists. That was beyond any of those suspects’ sphere of influence.

The CIA planned and staged JFK’s assassination. It was a palace coup, a coup d’état, the murder of a leader by forces within his own government, like Caesar and his senators.

Six weeks before the CIA killed him, Arthur Krock in the New York Times quoted a high-level source who said:

“If the U.S. government ever experienced [a coup attempt], it will come from the CIA and not the Pentagon. The Agency represents a tremendous power and total unaccountability to anyone.” 

Three Key Books on the CIA Conspiracy to Kill President Kennedy

Harvey and Lee: How the CIA Framed Oswald by John Armstrong (983 pages, 2003, along with an enclosed CD of documents and photos, now available online,). Armstrong has done more field investigation on Oswald than anyone. One seasoned JFK assassination researcher states, “Of all the homerun hitters in this league, John Armstrong is the ‘Babe Ruth.’”

JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters by Jim Douglass (488 pages, 2008)This statement is on the top of its dust jacket: “He chose peace. They marked him for death.” James DiEugenio’s review of it, “James W. Douglass, JFK and the Unspeakable,” describes well its importance. Douglass has written what is perhaps the best book on the subject so far.

Last Word: My Indictment of the CIA in the Murder of JFK written by the dean of assassination researchers Mark Lane, with a chapter by Oliver Stone (300 pages, 2011). This is Mark Lane’s last book, published five years before he died at age 89. The book ends with a Postscript that begins: “There is more than sufficient evidence for the attorney general of the United States and for United States attorneys serving various jurisdictions to impanel a grand jury and consider asking for an indictment of the CIA and its leaders.”

CIA Conspirators

 Whitewash: The Report ... Harold Weisberg Best Price: $9.49 Buy New $9.99 (as of 01:20 EDT - Details)  Allen Dulles most likely first came come up with the idea of assassinating JFK after Kennedy fired him as Director of the CIA following the Bay of Pigs debacle. John Armstrong, in Harvey and Lee: How the CIA Framed Oswald, writes, in italics: “In the author’s opinion Allen Dulles was almost certainly one of high-level conspirators in the assassination of President Kennedy and was also instrumental in the cover-up.” He identifies the four other CIA conspirators shown here as simply conspirators and not instrumental in the cover-up.

James Jesus Angleton, Chief of Counterintelligence, was most likely its architect with Oswald a pawn in the plot. Both Richard Helms, Deputy Director of CIA Plans and later Director of the CIA, and James Angleton worked closely with Allen Dulles in the World War II Office of Strategic Services (OSS), which predated the CIA.

Career CIA officers David Atlee Phillips and E. Howard Hunt started working together in 1954 when they plotted and engineered the overthrow of Guatemalan President Jacobo Arbenz.  Hunt and Phillips were in Mexico City when Oswald was supposed to have visited the Russian Embassy and Cuban Consulate. And they were both there in Dallas.

James Angleton promoted the idea that Oswald was a Soviet agent.

It has been said that most people holding high-level positions in government are sociopaths, with no conscience and are “cold, unemotional and predatory as reptiles.”

President Truman on the Subject

The National Security Act of 1947 created the CIA, and President Truman signed it into law. Along with intelligence-gathering activities, the Act empowers the CIA “to perform such other functions and duties related to intelligence affecting the national security…” [emphasis added]. Secretary of State General George Marshall warned Truman this Act would grant the new intelligence agency powers that were “almost unlimited.”

Truman began writing a Public Statement on the CIA after Kennedy was killed. It reads:  JFK and the Unspeakabl... James W. Douglass Best Price: $3.04 Buy New $8.00 (as of 06:35 EDT - Details

“I think it has become necessary to take another look at the purpose and operations of our Central Intelligence Agency… For some time, I have been disturbed the way the CIA has been diverted from its original assignment. It has become an operational and at times a policy-making arm of the Government…There is something about the way the CIA has been functioning that is casting a shadow over our historic position and I feel that we need to correct it.”

The Washington Post published President Truman’s Statement on the CIA Dec 21, 1963, under the title “Harry Truman Writes: Limit CIA Role To Intelligence,” on page A11 in the morning edition. No other newspapers, including The New York Times, ran it. No television newscasters touched it, and even The Washington Post deleted this statement in its evening edition. Truman called the CIA “an American Gestapo.”


Lyndon Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover had foreknowledge of the CIA’s plot to kill Kennedy. They had the most to gain from JFK’s murder. Johnson was on the verge of facing a criminal indictment on scandals linked to aid Bobby Baker and tycoon Billy Sol Estes. With Kennedy dead he’d be president and all that would be forgotten. Allen Dulles flew down to Texas to meet with Johnson at his ranch a week before the assassination.

Edgar Hoover faced mandatory retirement at age 70 on January 1, 1965, his birthday. With JFK gone he was able to continue as FBI director until he died in office in 1972 at age 77.

The Secret Service aided the shooters. It was the Secret Service, not President Kennedy as conspiracy denialists would have it, that ordered the two agents assigned to stand on the back of the president’s limo to remain at the airport, rendering JFK more exposed.

Dallas parades and motorcades down Main St. would always stay on Main St. through Dealey Plaza, like President Franklin Roosevelt’s motorcade did when he visited Dallas. But the route the Secret Service approved for JFK’s motorcade, several days before the event, was unique. It made a right turn off Main St. onto Houston St. bordering Dealey Plaza and then a hairpin, 120-degree turn onto Elm St., violating the Secret Service rule that the president’s limousine never makes a turn greater than 90-degrees.

Agent William Greer driving the president’s limo slowed down on Elm St. and brought it to a momentary halt after the first shot was fired. (This was edited out of the Zapruder film.)

It was a sniper’s gallery, with shooters positioned behind the fence on the grassy knoll; on the southwest 6th floor of the Texas School Book Depository (closer to the limo than the southeast corner where Oswald was supposed to be); the roof of the Dallas County Records Building; and the 2nd floor of the Dal-Tex building on Elm St. (adjacent to the Book Depository and County Records Building), which provided a straight shot down Elm St.  Last Word: My Indictme... Mark Lane Best Price: $5.22 Buy New $52.33 (as of 01:20 EDT - Details

President Johnson and FBI Director Hoover played major roles in the cover-up. Johnson signed an Executive Order a week after the assassination that established The President’s Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy (the “Warren Commission”), and Hoover supplied reports to the Commission. Angleton allegedly let Hoover know the CIA had a photo of him having sex with another man (partner Clyde Tolson), to encourage him to stifle any allegations of CIA involvement in the assassination.

Allen Dulles attended the most meetings and was the defacto leader of the Warren Commission. He kept it from looking into any CIA activities.

The government-controlled establishment media assumed the role of court conspiracy deniers and dutifully portrayed Oswald as the lone nut assassin. Former CIA Director William Colby declared that everyone of any significance in the U.S. media was owned by the CIA.

The Two Oswalds

There were two Lee Harvey Oswalds, Lee and “Harvey.” Jim Douglass calls it “a double Oswald drama directed by the CIA.”

Using doubles, like the exotic dancer and German spy Mata Hari did during World War I is a long-established practice in intelligence work.

The CIA found an East European refugee living in New York who spoke perfect Russian and looked like an American boy his age in New Orleans. The two boys led parallel lives for seven years up to age 19. At that point the Russian-speaking “Harvey” assumed Lee’s American identity in preparation for his false defection to the Soviet Union.

Posing as an American dissident, “Harvey” lived in Russia for 2½ years, mostly in Minsk observing what was going on. He spoke English, cultivated English-speaking Russians and pretended not to know the Russian language.

“Harvey” and Lee shared the same military ID card and the same social security number. The card featured a composite photo of the two of them. They each carried two cards, one in the name Lee Harvey Oswald and the other, Alek J. Hidell, most likely the birth name of this refugee. Given his Slavic accent Alek was probably born in one of the three Baltic States, perhaps Latvia.

In 1961 Hoover learned that someone was impersonating Lee Harvey Oswald in the U.S. when he (“Harvey”) was in Russia. Hoover wrote a memo about it. James Angleton himself most likely told Hoover then about the CIA’s Oswald Project. Angleton once said, “You could take Mr. Hoover as long as you put your cards on the table.”

After “Harvey” returned from Russia the CIA used his double, Lee, to help set him up as the “patsy” for the JFK assassination. Lee would go to a rifle range, gun shop, sporting store and make a nuisance of himself, loudly denouncing Kennedy and saying that he should be shot. So, people in these places who had heard Oswald (Lee) condemn Kennedy would come forward and help confirm Oswald (“Harvey”) as the killer when authorities arrested him for the assassination.

Deputy Sheriff Roger Craig and four other eyewitnesses saw Oswald leave the Book Depository after the shooting and get in a Nash Rambler on Elm Street. Sheriff Craig’s unwavering certainty about seeing Oswald do this, the real Oswald in this case, cost him his life. After surviving multiple assassination attempts, Roger Craig, at age 39, was killed by a bullet shot from a rifle.

The Warren Commission bungled its biography of Lee Harvey Oswald. The Commission has him in the fall of 1953 attending two schools at the same time—the 8th grade at Public School 44 in New York City (CE 1384) and Beauregard Junior High in New Orleans (CE 1413), sporting a perfect attendance record at this school. That would be Harvey.

In another misstep, the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) missed confiscating medical records that shows Lee Harvey Oswald (Lee) being treated for gonorrhea at the Atsugi Station Hospital in Japan while, at the same time, the Marine Corps Diary has Lee Harvey Oswald (“Harvey”) billeted in Taiwan.

John Armstrong puts it this way:

“If you understand who Harvey and Lee really were, who created them, who directed them then you will know who was responsible for the assassination of John Kennedy.”

Jack Ruby shot the Baltic-born “Lee Harvey Oswald” (Alek James Hidell). The American-born Lee Harvey Oswald disappeared after the assassination.

For more on Harvey and Lee, visit the website, from which the table here is taken. Assassination researcher Jim Hargrove created the site in 1999 and last updated it on July 1, 2019.

Why Was Kennedy Killed?  

The motive for Kennedy’s murder was the perceived need to bring about a regime-change based on National Security. It arose after the abortive April 17-20, 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba by 1,800 anti-Castro Cuban exiles. JFK inherited this CIA-planned invasion from the Eisenhower Administration. Pressed to approve it, Kennedy made clear that he would not under any circumstances permit any U.S. military intervention. When the invasion failed (as its planners expected) the CIA and top military brass figured the new, young president would cave in and authorize U.S. military air support and troops to bail out the now trapped Cuban exile force. Refusing permission, Kennedy made himself an enemy of the National-Security State and its CIA-Pentagon-Arms Industry War Machine.

JFK’s so-called “Second Bay of Pigs” was the Oct 16-28, 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, arising when the U.S. discovered the Soviet Union was installing nuclear missiles in Cuba. The Pentagon’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, in particular Air Force General Curtis LeMay, implored Kennedy to authorize them carry out a preemptive military strike against the Cuban missile sites and quickly put an end to the crisis. Much to their disgust, however, JFK held off and resolved the crisis peaceably, promising the U.S. would never invade Cuba and agreeing to remove all nuclear missiles the U.S. had in Turkey on the border of the Soviet Union. General Curtis LeMay branded this the “greatest defeat in our history.”

Little did the Joint Chiefs know that the Soviet Union had 47,000 Soviet troops and close to 100 tactical nuclear weapons on the island and had given its commander, General Issa Pliyev, hero of the defence of Stalingrad and Moscow, authority to use them should U.S. troops invade Cuba.

(If Kennedy had given his Joint Chiefs permission to invade Cuba, with U.S. forces suffering destruction from tactical nuclear weapons, a potentially civilization-destroying, full-scale nuclear war between the Soviet Union and the United States might well have happened.)

Another insult to the CIA-Pentagon-Arms Industry War Machine was Kennedy’s June 10, 1963 American University Commencement Address advocating world peace and nuclear disarmament. The National-Security establishment (named after the National Security Act of 1947) did not want peace, then or now.

In this commencement address, President Kennedy says:

“What kind of peace do I mean? What kind of peace do we seek? Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, the kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and to build a better life for their children – not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women – not merely peace in our time but peace for all time.”

Its most heartfelt moment was this:

 ”For in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children’s futures. And we are all mortal.”

JFK’s Sept. 24, 1963 National Security Action Memorandum 263 announced that he was going to bring home the 16,500 U.S. military “advisors” then in Vietnam. That and his Oct. 11 Nuclear Test Ban Treaty with the Soviet Union sealed his fate.

Jim Douglass writes in JFK and the Unspeakable:

“As we continue to reflect on John Kennedy’s vision at American University, which sought a way of peace, we can foresee the falling stars of lives that would be brought down with the death of that vision. Among them would be Lee Harvey Oswald, a young man on assignment in Russia for American intelligence… Oswald was a pawn in the game. He was a minor piece in the deadly game Kennedy wanted to end… Oswald was being moved square by square across a giant board stretching from Atsugi to Moscow to Minsk to Dallas. For the sake of victory in the Cold War, the hands moving Oswald were prepared to sacrifice him and any other piece on the board. However, there was one player, John Kennedy, who no longer believed in the game and was threatening to turn over the board.”

Mary Meyer, ex-wife of top CIA official Cord Meyer, was JFK’s lover and confidant. Mary came to Jack’s American University peace speech, not Jackie. Peter Janney, author of Mary’s Mosaic: The CIA Conspiracy to Murder John F. Kennedy, Mary Pinchot Meyer, and Their Vision for World Peace, was the son of high-ranking CIA official Wistar Janney and a close friend of the Mary and Cord Meyer family. He writes:

“The Warren Report was ultimately nothing more than a house of cards; once ignited with the right matchstick, it would be engulfed in flames. If Mary courageously went public with who she was, and what she knew, making clear her position in the final years of Jack’s life, people with influence would take notice; the fire of suspicion around Dallas would erupt into a conflagration… She had to be eliminated.”

The night of Mary’s murder her sister Tony Bradley found friend James Angleton rummaging through Mary’s house looking for her diary.

In her 2019 book, A Lie Too Big to Fail: The Real History of the Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, Lisa Pease confirms that the CIA also killed Robert Kennedy. RFK was a particularly dangerous piece on the CIA’s chessboard, especially after he had secured the upcoming  Democratic nomination for President. He too had to be eliminated.

A few days after Robert Kennedy announced he was entering the 1968 presidential race, Jackie Kennedy told Arthur Schlesinger: “Do you know what I think will happen to Bobby? The same thing that happened to Jack.”

John F. Kennedy died at age 46, a martyr for world peace. Had he lived, there would not have been a Vietnam War costing the lives of 58,000 Americans, more than 2 million Vietnamese and 600,000 Cambodians. More than 270,000 Vietnam veterans have suffered from PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder). And since the war ended 45 years ago somewhere between 50 to 100 thousand Vietnam veterans have committed suicide.

JFK was corresponding secretly with Khrushchev and Castro, gaining their trust when the CIA killed him. Kennedy and Khrushchev together would have ended the Cold War 25 years sooner if JFK had lived.

Castro was having lunch at his summer place with journalist Jean Daniel when an aide rushed in saying Kennedy had been shot. When word next came that Kennedy had died Castro stood up, looked at his guest and said, “Everything is changed. Everything is going to change.”

Recommended Reading

Three short books on the subject I highly recommend: Two by Jacob Hornberger, The Kennedy Autopsy (154 pages, 2015) and Regime Change (95 pages, 2014)Jacob is Founder and President of the Future of Freedom Foundation, and he writes well. The third is JFK’s War with the National Security Establishment (214 pages, 2014) by the ARRB’s Doug Horne. (Each is $2.99 on Kindle.)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Donald Miller  is a retired cardiac surgeon, a Professor Emeritus of Surgery and former Chief of the Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery at the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle. He is a member of Doctors for Disaster Preparedness and writes articles on a variety of subjects for His website is



The Tyler Chronicle            Winter, 2022         Worldwide Edition 

Taveling Texas                                            

Big Boy Meets Chronicle Publisher, Bobby D. Moore

Marshall, Texas... From Archive, 11-11-2019

   *It was a date with destiny, this meeting between Tyler Chronicle publisher, Bobby D. Moore and the legendary steam locomotive affectionately known as “Big Boy”. Moore traveled about 60 miles to keep the rendezvous, but many of the thousand or more others who kept the date drove hundreds.

    A light, cold rain was blowing in from the north by the time we reached the rail siding in Marshall. Puddles of muddy water were collecting in shallow depressions beside the tracks and patrolmen were hard pressed to control the influx of traffic. Parking space was not easy to find so we walked in the rain, new shoes, video cameras and all, the final several hundred yards.

    We knew exactly what camera angles we wanted for the shots, but getting them was all but impossible.  Many of the spectators had brought umbrellas which made it even more difficult. They clustered around the million plus pounds of hot, breathing iron like baby chicks around a mother hen. They wanted to be intimately close, to touch, to smell and to feel the beast.

   Their attitude was that of awed respect and appreciation. Many of them seemed to understand, instinctively perhaps, the vital role that steam locomotives played in the history of our country. For it is true that the America we have known and loved was built on shining rails of steel. An unexpectedly high  percentage of them expressed concern that  many younger Americans do not understand and  share that appreciation.

    The spectators varied in age from babes in arms to octagenarians in wheel chairs, young and old, rich and poor, city slickers and country bumpkins, busloads of students, to down and out hoboes. They were all there, drawn by a common thread; the lore and mystery of steam.

    It is easy to understand how the operators of steam locomotives (the brave engineers) became bigger than life characters. They assumed an identity above and beyond common mortals; they became a living flesh and blood extension of the locomotive itself.

(stock photo)

Union Pacific's "Big Boy" steam locomotive was in Marshall, Texas on November 11, 2019 where hundreds gathered to experience this once in a lifetime opportunity. The enormous locomotive which weighs 1.2 million pounds is one of 25 built by the Alcoa Locomotive Works in New York in the 1940's and is the only remaining engine of its kind still in operation according to Union Pacific.

                           (photo courtesy Union Pacific)

If you were an engineer or fireman inside the cab of "Big Boy", this is part of what you would see; a bewildering maze of valves, levers gages and other controls, all necessary for the  successful operation of this enormous locomotive. The throttle (which serves the same purpose as the automobile accelerator) is on the right. Can you pick it out?


Remember When?


Texas Ports; Gateways to the World!

Numerous cruise lines have ships which depart Galveston and other Texas ports on a regular basis. And if you haven't taken a trip on one of these luxury liners, you owe it to yourself to give it a try! The cost can be less than you might expect, and if you enjoy travel in comfortable surroundings, with excellent food and good company, you can't lose with a cruise.

Consider food, for example. Just for fun we asked what it takes to supply a typical week-long cruise on Royal Caribbean's Freedom of the Seas, the largest ship afloat. Here's what is consumed every 7 days:

234,000 appetizers; 105,000 meals and 300,680 desserts
20,000 lbs. of beef, including 69,000 steaks
12,000 lbs. of chicken
4,000 lbs. of seafood; 2,500 lbs. of salmon and 1,400 lbs. of lobster
65,000 lbs. of fresh vegetables and 35,000 lbs. of fresh fruits
5,800 lbs. of cheese
28,000 fresh eggs
18,000 slices of pizza
8,000 gallons of ice cream
1,500 lbs. of coffee and 1,500 gallons of milk
11,500 cans of soda; 19,200 bottles and cans of beer and 2,900 bottles of wine

The Ghosts of Goliad

You cannot walk the corridors of Presidio La Bahia alone. The ghosts of Fannin's dead Texans walk with you. They whisper in the night, persistently demanding that you listen to the story they have to tell. Listen closely and you will hear the clash of armor, the shouting and shooting of battle and the cries of the dying... And the Dead. Fannin's soldiers have a story that must be told. Will you listen?

By 1835 American colonists in Texas had become frustrated enough with Mexican rule to fight a revolution.

On October 9, 1835, Captain George Coillinsworth led a group of angry Texans in an attack on the Mexican garrison stationed at Presidio La Bahia. They successfully took the fort and about two months later the first Declaration of Texas Independence from Mexico was signed at the fort near Goliad.

Goliad and the presidio are perhaps best remembered however, for what was probably the most infamous event of the Texas Revolution. In February, 1836, Colonel James Fannin of the Texas Army assumed command of the fort. But after the fall of the Alamo, Fannin and his soldiers were ordered by Sam Houston to retreat to Victoria.

The evacuation of the fort began March 19, but Fannin encountered Mexican General Jose' Urrea after about nine miles of travel. Fannin and his men were outnumbered and without provisions (even water). The battle of Coleto Creek resulted in Fannin's surrender with the agreement that he and his men would be held as prisoners of war. They were marched back to the fort and held in the chapel.

Although it is generally agreed that Urrea's intentions were to honor the terms of the surrender, Santa Anna ordered Fannin and his men to be executed. On Palm Sunday, March 27, the Texans were marched outside the presidio "for exercise". The story goes that Fannin paid his executioner not to shoot him in the face.
When the killing was done, Santa Anna's troops dumped the bodies of 342 dead and dying Texans into bonfires that burned long into the night.

The Goliad Massacre aroused sympathy and support for Texas from the United States, and "Remember Goliad" became a battle cry in the Texas War for Independence.

A memorial shaft near the presidio stands over the burial site of those killed in the massacre and about 10 miles northeast, Fannin Battleground State Historical Park marks the site of the Battle of Coleto Creek. (Tyler's "Camp Fannin" was named after Colonel James Fannin.)

     Go to Goliad.     
You'll like it, and you may learn a little about Texas history in the process. One thing is certain, you will come away from the old Mission Espiritu Santo and the fort (La Bahia) with a deeper sense of understanding and respect for the Texans who fought and died to make Texas an independent republic.

Goliad State Historical Park is a must-see. The central feature of the park is the Mission Espiritu Santo. this Spanish mission existed as an active mission for over 110 years (longer than any other in Texas).It was later used as a Protestant college, but was a shambles when the land was deeded to the state in 1932. The mission was carefully restored using authentic materials and methods by the Civilian Conservation Corps.

Mission tours are $2 per person; money well spent. A map will guide you through the ruins of the original structures along the banks of the San Antonio River.
Two camping areas are featured. One area caters to group campers with spacious sites and a dining hall. The other features RV hookups in addition to primitive riverside camping and picnicking. Both areas are along the meandering and steep banks of the San Antonio River and are heavily wooded. Screened shelters complete with overhead fans and lighting are available for rent. There's a nice swimming pool available too.

Here's a part of what's in or near Goliad: Presidio La Bahia, the Fannin Memorial, Fannin Battleground, ruins of the Mission Rosario, the town of Goliad itself, Goliad State Historical Park and Mission Espiritu Santo.

  Fannin; Texas Hero, or Incompetent Leader?     
BACKGROUND--- James Walker Fannin Jr. (1804-1836)was the illigitimate son of Er Isham Fannin of Georgia. Fannin was adopted by his maternal grandfather, James W. Walker and was reared on a plantation near Marion.

He entered the United States Military Academy at West Point under the name of James Walker, but withdrew after disagreements with classmates. In 1834 he moved to Texas with his wife and two daughters and settled at Velasco. There he operated a small plantation and bought and sold slaves.
In 1835, Fannin became a supporter of the Texas Revolution and an active member of the volunteer army for the revolution. he was commissioned as a colonel in the regular army of Texas by Sam Houston in 1836.

After an ill-fated plan to invade Matamoros, Mexico, Fannin withdrew to the Presidio La Bahia (Fort by the Bay) near Goliad. The presidio was strengthened to resist an expected attack by Mexican General Jose' Urrea.

DEFECTS AS A COMMANDER--- Fannin was accustomed to the discipline of a regular army and adapted poorly to being head of a group of volunteers; he dispised the idea of electing officers and was bothered by the absence of a clearly defined chain of command in his forces. His arrogance and overriding ambition served to earn him the contempt of many of those under his command. In the final weeks before the massacre at Goliad, Fannin repeatedly requested to be relieved of his command.

Today most historians concur that Fannin made many serious mistakes as a commander, ultimately resulting in his own death and that of 342 others fighting for the Texas cause at Goliad. But despite his indecisiveness, and obviously poor military judgement, he held out bravely until the end.

  Fannin, Texas     
As you might guess, the town located on U.S. Highway 59 about ten miles from Goliad is named for the controversial commander, James W. Fannin. The original settlement on Perdido Creek near the site of Fannin's defeat at the Battle of Coleto was established before 1852. A post office was established there in 1852 and was called Fannin's Defeat.

The town's name had been changed to "Perdido" by the time the second post office opened in 1873. By that time prosperity of a sort had come to the tiny community, a general store was in operation, a combination steam gin and gristmill was built as cotton became a local crop and a school and church wee constructed. Daily stages to Goliad and Victoria served the fifty residents in 1884.

Now comes the railroad. In 1889 the Gulf, Western Texas and Pacific Railway was routed a mile to the south of the settlement. The depot was called "Fannin", and the town moved to the railhead. As was often the case, the railroad brought prosperity and the town's population quickly grew.

By the early 1900's more than 300 residents populated Fannin, which by now had a cotton gin, a flour mill, two saloons, a hotel, a dance hall, a jail, and a blacksmith shop... as well as two houses of ill repute.

But trouble was on the way. In 1911, a feud between two locals resulted in gunplay at one of the town's saloons and a stray bullet just happened to strike a kerosene cookstove. The resulting conflagration destroyed most of the town. By 1933 the population had declined to about 100. The Fannin school closed in 1944 and the gin was torn down in the early 40's.

The railhead cattle pens were removed when ranchers began shipping cattle by truck, and the hotel, which had operated continuously from 1880 to 1950 closed it's doors. In 1990 Fannin had about 90 residents if you counted stray dogs and roosters!

   Fannin Battleground State Historic Site     
It's a mile south of U.S. Hwy. 59 at Fannin, in eastern Goliad County and marks the location of the Battle of Coleto between Texas Colonel Fannin and Mexican General Urrea during the Texas Revolution in 1836.

The battlefield was marked originally by a pile of rocks placed by William L. Hunter, one of Fannin's men who survived the battle and the resulting massacre at Goliad. In 1891 the pile of rocks was replaced by a massive iron screw from a cotton gin.

In 1914, the state constructed a rock wall around the area and erected a monument. In 1965 the thirteen acre park was placed under the care of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept. The iron screw still marks the entrance to the park and small museum.

     Where Are the Heroes?
Where are the heroes in this story of Fannin and his men? There may not be any. does a man become a hero because he exercises poor judgement in a wartime situation which results in the murder of over 300 men?

There may be heroes in war, but war itself is ugly and in general, not a heroic undertaking. The Texas War for Independence from Mexico was no exception.
The Texans at Goliad were not, for the most part, professional soldiers. They were not recruits. They were a mixed bag of undisciplined volunteers whose motives probably varied widely.

Their leadership, in the person of Fannin, was inadequate, as Fannin himself admitted. If Fannin had followed the orders of Texas General Sam Houston, he would not have been "slouching" away from Goliad to be overtaken by Mexican General Urrea. In fact, he would not have been at the persidio at all.
The decision to establish himself at Goliad was Fannin's own. The Texas government at that time was rife with confusion and intrigue. Orders were often contradicted or ignored.

The Mexican army under general Urrea, although better disciplined than Fannin's, was itself, quite a hodgepodge. The Mexican "soldiers" who actually carried out the execution of Fannin and his men were Yucatan Indians.

But regardless of how heroic we may or may not consider Fannin, one cannot visit the persidio at Goliad without feeling the spirits of the men who died there. One thing is certain, a very great price was paid to secure the freedom of the Republic of Texas.

We live in a sea of myths. They seem to be a necessary part of human existence. if we dispel the myths of Goliad, others will come to take their place. so, let us not be myth-busters. But let us recognize that a great price was paid for our freedom and must be continually... repaid.






The Tyler Chronicle     Autumn,  2022    Worldwide Edition 

Follow Your Dream, & Doors Will Open

     "...Lewis and Clark headed west. Isak Dinesen took off for Africa. We all have our Africas, those dark and romantic notions that call to our deepest selves. When we answer that call, when we commit to it, we set in motion the principle that C. G. Jung dubbed synchornicity, loosely defined as a fortuitous intermeshing of events. Back in the sixties, we called it serendipity. Whatever you choose to call it, once you begin your creative recovery you may be startled to find it cropping up everywhere.
...I have learned, as a rule of thumb, never to ask whether you can do something. Say instead, that you are doing it. Then fasten your seat belt. The most remarkable things follow.
    In my experience, the universe falls in with worthy plans and most especially with festive and expansive ones. I have seldom conceived a delicious plan without being given the means to accomplish it. Understand that the what must come before the how. First choose what you would do. The how usually falls into place of itself.
...We like to pretend it is hard to follow our heart's dreams. The truth is, it is difficult to avoid walking through the many doors that will open. Turn aside your dream and it will come back to you again. Get willing to follow it again and a second mysterious door will swing open.
...Take a small step in the direction of a dream and watch the synchronous doors flying open."
Julia Cameron

"Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, grace, and power in it."
W.H. Murray
The Scottish Himalayan Expedition

Dead Space Poetry Society

Here is your opportunity to be a "published" poet. Just send your original work to The Tyler Chronicle's Dead Space Poetry Society, and we will publish it as space and time permit. And now, not only can your poem appear in the printed editions of the the Chronicle, but also in the web version you are reading now!
Just think! Your poem can appear right alongside the likes of Keats, Shelley, Byron, and Shakespeare. Not only that, but if your poem is published we will send you a gen-u-ine certificate (suitable for framing) telling the world that you are indeed a member of this elite society. We suggest that you always copyright your works before releasing them.
Send your original poems to:

Come, Little Leaves


by George Cooper


 " Come, little leaves, "  said the wind one day,
" Come o'er the meadows with me and play;
Put on your dresses of red and gold,
For summer is gone and the days grow cold. "

Soon as the leaves heard the wind's loud call,
Down they came fluttering, one and all;
Over the brown fields they danced and flew,
Singing the glad little songs they knew.

" Cricket, good-by, we've been friends so long,
Little brook, sing us your farewell song;
Say you are sorry to see us go;
Ah, you will miss us, right well we know.

" Dear little lambs in your fleecy fold,
Mother will keep you from harm and cold;
Fondly we watched you in vale and glade,
Say, will you dream of our loving shade? "

Dancing and whirling, the little leaves went,
Winter had called them, and they were content;
Soon, fast asleep in their earthy beds,
The snow laid a coverlid over their heads.

By Rudyard Kipling

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But  make allowance for their doubting too; 

If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;

If you can dream - and not make dreams your master,
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two imposters just the same; 

If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with wornout tools; 

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch and toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about  your loss; 

If you can force your heart and nerve and sinue
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!'

 If you can walk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings - nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much; 

If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run -
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man my son!


 Who Am I? 
By Anonymous

I am rich, but I am poor.
I am lonely, but not alone
I am smart, but very dumb.

I am the son of Noah and Sam Bodie.

I am Noah Bodie.

 My Friend 
By Woodine Wiley

My friend you are so very nice.
To my life you have added spice.
My heart is happy every day;
Since you came along my way.

God bless you for the things you do.
Most of all just being you.
A gentle word, and kindly smile;
Make my life seem worthwhile.

Keep on being the things you are.
To me you are God's shining star.
A shining light to lead the way.
For songs to sing and music to play.

 Love Poems from Ancient Egypt 

(Extract from a 3,000 year-old papyrus)

She is one girl, there is no one like her.
She is more beautiful than any other.
Look, she is like a star goddess arising
at the beginning of a happy new year;
brilliantly white, bright skinned;
with beautiful eyes for looking,
with sweet lips for speaking;
she has not one phrase too many.

With a long neck and white breasts,
her hair of genuine lapis lazuli;
her arm more brilliant than gold;
her fingers like lotus flowers,
with heavy buttocks and girt waist.

Her thighs offer her beauty,
with a brisk step she treads on ground.
She has captured my heart in her embrace.
She makes all men turn their necks
to look at her.
One looks at her passing by,
this one, the unique one.


I wish I were your mirror
so that you always looked at me.
I wish I were your garment
so that you would always wear me.
I wish I were the water that washes
your body.

I wish I were the unguent, O woman,
that I could annoit you.
And the band around your breasts,
and the beads around your neck.
I wish I were your sandal
that you would step on me!

O my beautiful one,
I wish I were part of your affairs, like a wife.
With your hand in mine
your love would be returned.
I implore my heart:
"If my true love stays away tonight,
I shall be like someone already
in the grave."
Are you not my health and my life?
How joyful is your good health
for the heart that seeks you!

 The Young Man's Wish  

(An old copy, without printer's name; probably one from the Aldermary Church-yard press. Poems in triplets were very popular during the reign of Charles I., and are frequently to be met with during the Interregnum, and the reign of Charles II.)

IF I could but attain my wish,
I'd have each day one wholesome dish,
Of plain meat, or fowl, or fish.

A glass of port, with good old beer,
In winter time a fire burnt clear,
Tobacco, pipes, an easy chair.

In some clean town a snug retreat,
A little garden 'fore my gate,
With thousand pounds a year estate.

After my house expense was clear,
Whatever I could have to spare,
The neighbouring poor should freely share.

To keep content and peace through life,
I'd have a prudent cleanly wife,
Stranger to noise, and eke to strife.

Then I, when blest with such estate,
With such a house, and such a mate,
Would envy not the worldly great.

Let them for noisy honours try,
Let them seek worldly praise, while I
Unnoticed would live and die.

But since dame Fortune's not thought fit
To place me in affluence, yet
I'll be content with what I get.

He's happiest far whose humble mind,
Is unto Providence resigned,
And thinketh fortune always kind.

Then I will strive to bound my wish,
And take, instead of fowl and fish,
Whate'er is thrown into my dish.

Instead of wealth and fortune great,
Garden and house and loving mate,
I'll rest content in servile state.

I'll from each folly strive to fly,
Each virtue to attain I'll try,
And live as I would wish to die.

One Ticket Should Be Enough
Author Unknown
(Copied from a one cent post card postmarked March 22, 1941 and addressed to F.G. Swanson, Tyler, Texas.)

How would you like to travel on a train,
From Portland Oregon to Portland Maine,
And stop at every station on the line
To buy another ticket? I opine

You would call that crack-brain, but anyhow
It is the way we pay our taxes now.
One cannot spend a nickel anywhere,
But the Tax Eater is already there,
Hiding behind a Price Tag to collect
A rake-off very few of us suspect.

He pickets every show place, every store,
Where sight-unseen, he reaches out for more.

And where all things must start from, in the rough
Is Mother Earth. Those who have got control
Are ticket-takers, and they charge a toll
Which should provide the revenue.

(Only when we are tax-free shall we become free men...) Horatio 

One Drop
Original attributed to Lord Byron
(Copied from a one cent post card postmarked March 22, 1941 and addressed to F.G. Swanson, Tyler, Texas.)

Truth is contageous and a Drop of Ink
May make a thousand --even millions-- think.

Why then should I --Truth's custodian--
Shrink from spreading that one precious Drop of Ink
When all the world is trembling on the brink
Of Ruin's crater and about to sink.

Eighty Years
By Woodine Wiley (September 2007)

Eighty years old, that I AM;
With spirits as frisky as a lamb.
TROUBLES AND WOES; I don't have any.

The Lord has blessed me with a family so dear;
Adding three more "great grands" just this year.
He brought a daughter-in-law who brings much joy.
She has three children; all of them boys.

So, if you think being eighty could be a drag;
Look at all the things about which to brag.
Look forward to being eighty years young.
God will bless you with so much fun.

(It is bad if your enemies are unfriendly-- and worse if they are your friends.) Leonardo da Vinci 

By Woodine Wiley

My loved one passed away; it has been a year,
One year with many a fear and many a tear.
Days, weeks and months of loneliness and feeling blue;
Wondering oft times "with my life, what should I do?"

Just as in times past, as along life's path I did plod,
My path and direction were relinquished to God.
What a difference it made in life's troubled pathway;
To seek His will, as I walked day by day.

"Enlarge my territory, Lord" I prayed as Jabez did.
Many events happened which I felt were spirit led.
A Grief Support Group shared heartfelt pain;
From each other, new courage we would gain.

Attending church was lonely too;
My love's place was empty in the pew.
God provided neighbor children with me to go.
You can't be lonely with children in tow.

So life continues bringing joy and sorrow,
Also hope with each new tomorrow.
God will provide my needs I know;
With Him to guide me, I will onward go!

Halloween, Betwixt, Between!
By Bobby Moore (copyright 2007)

It is the night of things unseen! Halloween, Betwixt, Between!
Creepies, Ghoulies, Witches, Cats,
Skulls and Mummies, Vampire Bats!
Spiders, Toads, and Voodoo Charms,
Zombies wait with open arms!

Halloween, Halloween!
Halloween! Betwixt, Between!

The moon is full; the moon is red,
This is the night of living dead!
Monsters, chains, and screams of freight!
The undead dance with keen delight!

Halloween, Halloween!
Life and death, betwixt, between!

Graves and tombs, and castles stark,
Werewolves prowling in the dark!
Demons crawl beneath your skin,
Nightmares beckon you, "Come in!"

This is the night of Halloween!
Life and death, betwixt, between!

Owls and broomsticks, familiars fly,
Across the moon and through the sky!
Voices moan throughout the night,
Jack 'O Lantern's eerie light!

Life and death, betwixt, between!
Outside My Front Door
By Wanda Jennings (2006)

The hummingbirds come dancing
Outside my front door,

The hummingbirds come dancing
And leave me longing for more,

They dash across one way and then back the other
They fly up high and dive toward one another,

They come dancing in the morning
And then they're back close to noon,

But they do their best dancing
When the day is almost through,

So small and yet so graceful
They put on quite a show,

The hummingbirds come dancing
Outside my front door.

Wanda Jennings, 8-4-2006

Kindness... Anonymous 

If you had a kindness shown
Pass it on--
'Twas not meant for you alone
Pass it on--
Let it travel down the years
Till in heaven,
The deed appears--
Pass it on, pass it on.

The Family... Anonymous 

The family is like a book--
The children are the leaves;
The parents are the cover, that
Protective beauty gives.

At first the pages of the book
Are blank and purely fair;
But time soon writes memories,
And paints pictures there.

Love is the little golden clasp
That bindeth up the trust;
Oh, break it not lest all the leaves
Shall scatter and be lost!

The Builder... Submitted by the late Judge Harry Loftis 

I watched them tearing a building down
A gang of men in a busy town,
With a ho heave ho and a lusty yell
They swung a beam and a sidewalk fell.
I asked the Foreman, Are these men skilled
And the men you'd hire if you had to build?
He gave a laugh and said, "No indeed
Just common labor is all I need.
I can easily wreck in a day or two
What builders have taken a year to do."

And I thought to myself as I walked away
Which of these roles have I tried to play?
Am I a builder who walks with care
Measuring life by the rule and square?
Am I shaping my deeds to a well made plan
Patiently doing the best I can?
Or am I a wrecker who walks the town
Content with the labor of tearing down?
"Tall Paul" Williams
 Ode to The Tyler Chronicle... By Paul Williams

How old was I when I first knowed Bobby Moore?
Shucks, I can't remember when he weren't around.
That ole boy did a heap of work...
Sniffin' out news like an ole bloodhound.

From the Whitehouse Journal, to the Tyler Star, to the Tyler Chronicle
He's made his mark on East Texas journalism
For about forty years
And he's gettin' better every day.

I rekon you heard about him finding K-DOK's "Tall Paul", "Wild Child" Williams?
Took him a year, but he never gave up
Until he found him
Down Houston way.

Well, I got a letter today from the folks back home in Tyler.
Everybody's fine... Crops is dry.
Down at the end, cousin Linda Jean said,
"You knowed the Tyler Chronicle is 28 years old
And ole Bobby Moore (Rupert's boy)
Is still the "Head-Guy".

You know, one of these days I'm gonna climb a mountain,
Walk up there among them clouds,
Where the cotton's high and the corn's a-growin'
And there ain't no fields to plow.
With the sun beatin' down ore the fields I'll see...
That Tyler Chronicle, Bobby Moore, "Daddy Julz"... and me. Whatever Happened?... By Bobby D. Moore

Whatever happened to the dancing daffodils
Who smiled in the springtime sun,
Whatever happened to the forest
Who surrounded them with arms of oak,
Whatever happened?

Whatever happened to the happy brook
Who laughed on her way to the sea,
Whatever happened to the meadow lark
Who nested in the tall grass,
Whatever happened?

Whatever happened to the peaceful pond
Who made a home for sunfish,
Whatever happened to it's denizens
Who nipped at my skin in it's warmth,
Whatever happened?

Whatever happened to the leaves of autumn
Who painted the woodland floor,
When did the warmth of Thanksgiving leave us,
Whatever happened to Halloween,
Whatever happened?

Where is the warm smoke that wafted from chimneytops
When winter's white cloaked the hills,
Where are the friends and loves of my youth,
How did I lose them?
Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep 
Author Unknown

I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow:
I am the diamond glint on snow
I am the sunlight on ripened grain:
I am the gentle autumn rain.

When you awaken in the morning hush,
I am the swift, uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circling flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.

Do not stand by my bed and cry;
I am not there; I did not die.

(Contributed by Duffie Lee Sinclair in memory of his mother, Gladys Ella Sinclair, 1902-1979)



The Fever... By Karl Ries 

The sun went down, the sky's still red:
Helpless I lie here on my bed.
And as the evening light turns low,
I watch the darkness subtly grow.
There is a stillness all around,
There's naught to see and not a sound.

But nothing seems at rest or ease;
I am in pain, I find no peace.
My throat is parched, my head's aglow,
My body aches from head to toe
When, drifting from the darkest gloom,
A swirling shadow shares my room.

Now there are more, they're everywhere;
Could that be just my fever's flare?
Or am I suddenly aware
Of things that have always been there?
The things don't seem to threaten me,
They are just there-- I let them be.

I can't see clear, I try in vain,
I watch as fever wracks my brain.
I stress my eyes, the strain's enorm.
Then slowly, some of them take form;
And what I see then has the look
Of something from a Lovecraft book.

I won't describe them in detail,
Some are quite massive, some seem frail.
They differ all in size and shape;
I sense we can't communicate.
The air is thick, the silence deep.
They linger as I fall asleep.

As I awake again somehow,
They are still there, but resting now.
They crouch, some low and some up high.
And are on guard as I pass by.
They make no move, I walk real slow;
Their eyes keep watching me, I know.

The next night, as I wait for them
I fail to sense their presence then.
I wonder: Were they real last night,
Or were they just my fever's sight?
My fever's down, I take some food:
I wonder: Are they gone for good?
By Charles Wright (1959)

KDOK the number one sound,
It can be heard all over town,
The one station that gives you a regular beat
And makes you forget all about the heat.

If you get lonely, just turn the dial
1330 hi-fi style.
The time & temperature are kept up to date
With the latest news from around the state

The dejays are of the very best
They swing the music out our way
From sunrise to sunset --
Every hour of the day

Bill Atkins is probably the oldest one there
But who cares, if he has gray hair --
He does a swell job on his "Timekeeper Show"
And that's what counts as you all know.

Then comes the shyest one of them all
Bouncing Bob Lloyd as you recall
With slow moving rhythm and funny jokes,
It's his pleasure to entertain the folks

When four o'clock finally comes 'round
Tall Paul Williams wears the crown,
He is slated as the hi-fi king
With his weird laugh and everything:

Coca Cola is his faithful sponsor
With prizes and gifts in store
If you will stay tuned for awhile
You'll surely want to hear more.

So as time progresses
Let's help in every way
And try to always be faithful
To the sound of KDOK.


“Father, Must I go to work?”
No, my lucky son
We're living on easy street
On Dough from Washington
“We’ve left it up to Uncle Sam
So don’t get exercised
Nobody has to give a damn

But if Sam treats us all so well
And feeds us milk and honey
Please, Daddy, tell us what the hell
He’s going to use for money

“Don’t worry bub, there’s not a hitch
In this here Noble Plan,---
He simply soaks the filthy rich
And helps the common man

“But father, won’t there come a time
When they run out of cash
And we have left them not a dime
When things will go to smash?

“My faith in you is shrinking, son
You Nosey little Brat,
You do too damn much thinking, son,

Fable of the Nut Tree:
The nut tree displayed its fruits. Everyone who passed beneath it cast stones at it. (Leonardo da Vinci)


Too many Congressmen in Washington
Just waste and waste the public revenues!
They soak us poorer folks with taxes now—
No nation ever paid, and then survived.

Two thirds of congressmen in Washington
could do a better job than all of them:
Since cutting force is now in style again,
We ought to fire at least one third of them.

Some better men might add to pay they get,
And still reduce our growing public debt:

F.G. Swanson
Tyler, Texas
January 22, 1954


Cheer up! For here’s a Valentine!
For you, we’ve worked it up in faulty rhyme.
For Life is a problem, and a hard one—too,
And Love is a traitor to all but a few.
Perhaps, you may find, in Life’s mystery,
Some hours are like pearls in a rosary;
With sweetest of memories of fitful flames
That flickered, went out; in it’s loosing games
But vows of the past, by whomever uttered,
Like castles of fairies are barred and shuttered
So why should you worry, or possiblly fret
Or waste any time, in any vain regret?
Whatever has happened, whatever the reason,

F.G. Swanson
February 14, 1940
 Tyler High's Last Class of "58"... By Paul Williams

How old was I when I first knowed about old Tyler High School? Shucks! I can't remember when it weren't around. That Old School did a heap of work... educating us silly clowns.

She was built in 1882... 17 years after the Civil War bloodied America's ground. By 1945, the year World War II ended, the school was 63 years old. Most of us in this room were only 5.

We were a long way from fulfilling our destinies that would include old Tyler High.

None of us had any idea we would be gathered here tonight... still very much alive.

Well, by the time 1958 rolled around, the high school was 76 years old... time to retire... and that it did, stepping aside for the youngsters: John Tyler and Robert E. Lee.

This year, 1998 marks 40 years since we, the last seniors graduated and survived.

We are the last that will honor that old school and hold it close to our hearts for the rest of our lives.

Well sir... I got a letter today from the folks back home... crops is dry, everybody fine... Down at the end Aunt Grace said "Son, you knowed Old Tyler High School died... they turned it into a playschool and tore most of it down."

Well, Uh... sittin' here now in this new plowed earth... tryin' to find me a little shade, with the sun beatin' down o'er the fields I see, that ole' school, the class of '58... and me.

One of these days I'm gonna climb a mountain... walk up there among them clouds... where the cotton's high and the corn's a growin'... and there ain't no fields to plow... with the sun beatin' down o'er the fields I'll see... that old school, the class of '58 and me.

And to the ones who've died and gone on before, we'll be lookin' forward to walkin' with them, up there among them clouds... for a joyous reunion for the last class of Tyler High...

1958 was a year to be proud!!

Daily Devotion 
By Rod Smith

For each and every new day
My Lord and Savior paves the way
Providing me hope
Which will never fade away

For without faith
We may not make it through the day
May I remember to live
A single day by day

For it is written
That his love and charity
Is the greatest of all
Just how grateful I should be

For this provides me
A life filled with purpose
And unconditional love
For our prayers are answered
From above

For we will always be
Friends now and forever
With our Lord and Savior

So long as we shall both believe
Yielding to our Father we will find our destiny
Each day remembering all of his humility

As one-day
We both bow down to our knees
Finding His prosperity
Living together



When Earth's Last Picture Is Painted

By Rudyard Kipling

When Earth's last picture is painted and the tubes are twisted and dried,
When the oldest colours have faded, and the youngest critic has died,
We shall rest, and faith, we shall need it - lie down for an aeon or two,
Till the Master of All Good Workmen Shall put us to work anew.

And those that were good shall be happy: they shall sit in a golden chair;
They shall splash at a ten-league canvas with brushes of comet's hair.
They shall find real saints to draw from - Magdalene, Peter, and Paul;
They shall work for an age at a sitting and never be tired at all!

And only the Master shall praise us, and only the Master shall blame;
And no one will work for the money, and no one will work for the fame,
But each for the joy of the working, and each, in his separate star,
Shall draw the Thing as he sees It for the God of Things as They are!

(Do not count as riches anything that can be lost.) Leonardo da Vinci 

 Have You Received Your "Deadspace" Certificate? 

If you have submitted a poem to our Deadspace Poetry Society which has been published... and you have not yet received your certificate, please write or email us.
We came across several certificates the other day which had been signed and placed in envelopes, but never mailed. There may be more.
We would like very much to establish an annual meeting time and place for everyone who has had poetry published in our column. A dinner together might be nice. So if you have any suggestions, send them along.
Contact: The Tyler Chronicle, Deadspace Poetry Society. Email:



The Tyler Chronicle            Winter, 2022         Worldwide Edition


By Karl Ries

“In a few days it’ll be Halloween again,” Alvin remarked. “Let’s see what kind of spooks will be on the loose that night.” Alvin reached for his coffee as he sat in the diner with two of his co-workers. Jesse and his close friend Harold grinned at the remark. They were all in their twenties and worked at the steel mill across the street.

“It used to be fun, when we were kids. Sometimes it was really scary and I kind’a miss that,” reminisced Jesse.

“Oh come on, guys,” protested Harold, “I don’t remember ever being scared. I always found it all so silly.”

“Silly or not,” Alvin replied, “everybody is scared of something at the right time and under the right circumstances.”

“That may be true,” conceded Harold, “but no phony Halloween prank would ever excite me.”

“Oh yeah? I say that even you would be scared out of your wits if some spook would show up at night in your bedroom.”

“Let him try,” Harold boasted, “I won’t be scared. My trusty revolver in my nightstand drawer would take care of any uninvited spook, real or otherwise.”

That gave Alvin a clever idea. “Well, I’m willing to bet a case of suds that even you can be scared. Is it a deal?”

“Why not,” grinned Harold, “you fix up the spook and I’ll enjoy the beer.”

A strange noise had aroused Harold from deep sleep. He wasn’t fully awake yet but he was listening intently. There it was again – an erie, undefinable sound seemed to come from a corner of his bedroom. It was to dark for Harold to see anything. He carefully reached for the switch of the little lamp on his nitestand, then hesitated, intently listening.

That’s when he heard it once more, this time it sounded even more erie than before. It was like an awful, wailing moan but there was also the faint clatter of heavy chains. Harold turned on the lamp, quickly getting accustomed to the mellow light. Fine beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he discovered that he was not alone. In the far corner of his room stood a hooded figure entirely wrapped in a black cloak. The face of a skull was faintly discernable within the shadows of its hood and a heavy chain hanging from its shoulder was wrapped about its thin waist. The apparition stood perfectly still. It made no sound.

Harold sat frozen in his bed staring at the intruder which still had not moved. His mind raced to comprehend the situation and thankfully grasped the idea that it was just a prank. At that moment, accompanied by the tinkle of the chain, the intruder took a step towards him. Harold had partly recovered his wits.

“Stop where you are or I’ll shoot,” Harold ordered calmly. A sneering sound emanated as the figure advanced another step. With one fluid move Harold took his revolver from his drawer, cocked it and pointed it squarely at the dark shape.

“One more step and you’re dead,” Harold threatened. When the black thing advanced again, Harold aimed and fired.

The noise of the shot was deafening. However, there was just the slightest indication of movement from the intruder as the bullet impacted, but the specter did not fall. Instead a bony, skeletal hand appeared out of the utter darkness of this spooky apparition, reaching for the spot where Harold’s bullet must have hit. It seemed to pluck something out of itself. Then, with a smooth movement, the specter tossed something at Harold. It landed on the bed cover in front of him. Harold instantly recognized it. It was the very bullet he had just fired pointblank at the apparition.

Harold’s hair stood on edge, his jaw trembled but with a steady hand he fired the second shot. The results were the same, only this time a horrible, hollow laughter accompanied the return of the bullet. Acrid powder smell hung in the air as Harold fired again and again, but after every shot, spent bullet was nonchalantly tossed back to him. Then, although Harold tried to shoot again, only an ineffective click could be heard. With the realization that his gun was empty Harold’s body went limp. He fell back onto his pillow – dead.

“I didn’t mean to harm him, Your Honor, and I certainly didn’t mean to kill him,” Alvin pleaded.

“Explain in your won words what happened,” the judge demanded at the hearing.

“Harold, Jesse and I were talking about Halloween while eating lunch the other day,” started Alvin, “when Harold insisted that he could not be scared by any means. This somehow represented a challenge to try and do just that. When Harold further announced that he kept a loaded revolver by his bed and would not hesitate to shoot at any intruder, and idea of how to really scare him presented itself. We made a bet and Harold accepted.

“I needed Jesses’ help since Harold rented a room in the same house where Jesse lived. The two were close friends and Jesse had a key to Harold’s room. Jesse obtained Harold’s loaded gun for me. I loosened the crimp on all six cartridges and carefully removed and kept the bullets from the casing. I then made certain that the powder remained in place by sealing it with a few drops of candle wax. I replaced the harmless cartridges into the gun, knowing that it would sound like a real show when fired, but that it would be completely harmless.

"I dressed up as 'Father Time' and after Harold was asleep, Jesse, using his key, let me into his room. I didn’t know if Harold would really shoot at me, but if he did, I would just toss his projectiles back at him.”

Alvin cleared his throat, but had to wait a moment until he could continue. With a choking voice Alvin added, “Harold did not appear scared. He fired and I tossed the bullets at him. When his gun was empty, he fell back on his bed. At first I thought he had just fainted, but when my attempts at reviving him failed I immediately called 911.”


 REVENGE IS MINE...Another Short Story

By Karl Ries

With reservations, Mark moved into the small apartment he had found in this foreign city. His knowledge of the subject and his fluency in the Italian language had brought the opportunity to teach at this prestigious university in Milan, Italy. Milan, with it’s magnificent Cathedral and its world renowned opera house, the La Scala. Mark was thrilled with living in Italy, a country he had always admired for its elegance, but the scarcity and the price of accommodations had forced him to accept these rather primitive lodgings. At least it was within walking distance to where he would be working, saving him from the tumultuous traffic jams that this otherwise beautiful city was famous for.

His first day at the university had been exciting and rewarding. The faculty had made him welcome and the students cheerfully accepted him. Any lingering doubts about moving to a place so far from home dissolved rapidly.

Mark was on his way to his little flat when a traffic light stopped him and seemingly hundreds of other pedestrians at a busy intersection. Up to then, he hadn’t even noticed the many people all around him. He had been too absorbed with the way his first day at the university had gone. Just then, he thought he had felt a slight bump from behind. As he turned around, the light changed and the masses of pedestrians started moving, pushing him along with them across the intersection.

With no further delay Mark arrived at his new address and swiftly climbed the stairs to his apartment on the fourth floor. In changing for dinner, he quickly became aware that his wallet was missing. The slight bump he had felt, waiting for the traffic light, came to mind immediately. Luckily, he had not carried much money. However, the loss of his credit cards and identification papers caused him much inconvenience and unexpected hassles to say the least.

From now on, Mark carried his papers and his money in a small, unobtrusive pouch which he hung on a string around his neck. Just for the heck of it, he also filled another cheap wallet with insignificant papers and very little change. This he carried as usual in his back pocket. The very next day on his way home, however, this was lifted at the very same intersection.

With Mark’s suspicions confirmed, he wasted no time and started and action of his own. With the help of an acquaintance well versed with chemicals, and with information readily available from the Internet, Mark constructed a very small letter bomb. Small enough to fit into a normal wallet. Its effect would be very localized but, more importantly, very deadly. Next, Mark bought an assortment of cheep wallets from a nearby dime store. To build a small detonator with an effective range of only about a hundred yards was no problem at all for Mark.

With this fake wallet in his pocket and the detonator in his shirt pocket, Mark was ready and very willing to teach an unknown thief a healthy lesson. One evening, as if nothing at all had happened, Mark waited at the same intersection for the light to change and – you guessed it – for the slight bump. He didn’t have to wait long for either. He followed the crowd across and when he felt safe, he reached for his shirt pocket and activated the detonator.

When Mark heard the sound of a muffled explosion somewhere in the distance, not near as noisy as he had expected, he forced himself not to look, but to walk on as if nothing had happened. The next day, somewhere on page four of the local paper, one could read a small article headlined: “Notorious Pickpocket Succumbs to Mysterious Explosion”.

Several more such mysterious explosions could be heard at early evening hours. When he no longer felt the by now familiar bump of his disappearing wallet, Mark found new routes to his flat, frequenting several different busy intersections. Sure enough – there it was again: the familiar bump and then the familiar muffled explosion somewhere in the distance.

By now, alarm had sounded in the underworld of Milan. It wasn’t the Mafia, it was just a band of loosely organized pickpockets that, gotten worried, clamored for action. And action they got. Antonio, considered the master of pickpockets, had a plan. Spies were put into action. It didn’t take long until one of the spies observed what was happening and who was responsible.

Again Mark felt the familiar bump of his disappearing wallet. What he didn’t feel, however, was a much less noticeable touch as his wallet was reinserted into his other pocket. The next day, somewhere on page four of the local paper, one could read a small article headlined: “Foreign University Professor Succumbs to Mysterious Explosion”.  


"Mom What Is Peace" by Karl Ries  (A Book Review)

    Prologue from the book...

As a young child in Germany, I lived through World War II and it's aftermath. This book tells of my varid childhood experiences. Imagine how terrible an ordeal it must have been for the German civilian population and for the small child who wrote about it decades later. I strove to portray my impressions in an honest, informal, upbeat and positive way with no desire to bore my readers with negative characterizations or whining self-pity.

Most Americans view Germany of that time as the villain not the victim. The unique element of this book is that it starts out in the style of a little nine year old boy. As the boy grows older and matures, the 'elan of telling his story matures right along with him. Some friends felt that, because of the war, I must have been deprived of a "happy childhood", but this is not so. I percieve that term as relative. I certainly thought of myself as a happy child. A youngster growing up amongst war, bombs, sufferings and death cannot possibly comprehend times of normality, peace and plenty and is therefore unable to draw comparisons. I believe a child's capabilikty to feel happy and make the best of things rests as much on the circumstances of his surroundings as on the individual personality of the child. Unfortunately this often changes as the child "matures". It is also lamentable that such a hostile environment tends to harden a child's perception of the suffering of others and even of the value of a human life. This book was not intended to be a historical reference but rather a narrative of my personal experiences.

The stated opinions, observations and emotions of the different characters are related justs they were encountered first hand at that time and location.

------ Karl Ries.

Karl Ries

Karl Ries was a prolific writer, an avid hunter,  an accomplished pilot and a skilled technician but above all, he was an honorable man. He was a regular feature writer for The Tyler Chronicle and gave us "on the scene" accounts of his many exciting journeys, most notable of which was a trip around the world. He died of cancer in -------, but his writings remain.

"Mom What Is Peace" was a self-published paperback of 221 pages. In all respects it was a top quality book. It is currently out of print and is a much sought after collector's item. It is a "must have" for every serious collector.

--- Editor


Did It Fly, or Did They Lie?      


Fully one year before Orville and Wilber Wright took flight at Kitty Hawk in 1903, a Texan had already taken to the skies. At least that's what proponents of the Ezekiel Airship story would have us believe. And who is to say they are wrong?      


The Reverend Burrell Cannon, a Pittsburg, Texas minister, who was a lifelong Bible student with particular interest in the biblical account of Ezekiel and his vision of the "flying wheels". But in addition to being a Bible scholar, the reverend was a skilled machinist and an inventor, as you shall soon see.


The story of Ezekiel's wheels fascinated Cannon to the point of obsession, and for twenty years he refined plans and designs for a flying machine based upon the biblical description.


"The appearance of the wheels and their work was like unto the color of beryl; and they four had one likeness; and their appearance was as it were a wheel within the middle of a wheel." Ezekiel 1:16"And when the living creatures went, the wheels went with them; and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up." Ezekiel 1:19.


The Reverend Cannon took this account literally and by 1902 he had constructed a full sized craft ready for a test flight


The device was launched from a nearby pasture owned by a man named Thorsell (who also owned the machine shop where the airship was built) and was flown by a "Mr. Stamps" who had worked on the construction of the machine. Those present at the intial flight reported that the airship moved forward a short distance before becoming airborne. It then rose vertically and began to drift. Excessive vibration caused the engine to be turned off and the machine settled back to the ground without accident.


If this account is true, then the Ezekiel Airship, which seems to have been a cross between a helicopter, hover-craft, and airplane did indeed beat the Wrights into the air! But now the story begins to turn muddy.


The contraption was loaded onto an open rail car to be shipped to the World's Fair Exhibition at St. Louis. But near Texarkana, a storm blew it off the car, totally destroying this one and only working model of what may have been the world's first flying machine.


Cannon is reported to have said,"God never willed that this airship should fly; I want no more to do with it." 


But if this is the case, something seems to have changed the inventor's mind, because in 1908, he again sold stock in his airship venture in the Longview area. A second "Ezekiel Flying Machine was built in Chicago, Illinois and was flown by a test pilot named "Wilder". 


But alas! Tragedy struck again. This time the thing is said to have hit a telegraph pole, ripping the bottom out of it. Again Cannon vowed never to build another flying machine. 


He then turned his attention to perfecting a "boll-weevil destroyer" where he lived in Marshall, Texas until his death at age 74 or thereabouts. 


You can take this story for what it's worth, but you can see the model of the Ezekiel Airship on display at Pittsburg, Texas, and you can drive by the old Thorsell Machine Shop where the original was constructed. 


Did it fly? Or did they lie? 


You be the judge!


The Tyler Chronicle           Winter, 2022          Worldwide Edition

The Tyler Chronicle Cookbook

_____To Grandma's House for Christmas Dinner!_____


Grandma’s  Fried Raisin Pies


2 c. Raisins
1 1/2 c. Water
2 c. Sugar
1 1/2 Tbsp. Corn Starch to thicken

2 c. Flour
1 Tbsp. shortening
Add ice cold water until it makes dough.      


Bring raisins and water to a boil, add sugar and thicken with cornstarch. Simmer till raisins are tender then cool.

Mix flour and shortening until incorporated. add water teaspoon at a time till forms a dough. Roll out on a floured surface to 1/4 " thick. Cut out the size of a large saucer. Place 1 1/2 Tbsp. filling in center, fold over half moon style and pinch together with a fork dipped in flour.
Fry in 1/2" shortening until golden brown, turn and cook other side. place on paper towel to drain.        

Fried Cherry Pies


  • 1 cup all-purpose flour

  • 1/4 teaspoon baking powder

  • 1/4 teaspoon salt

  • 2 tablespoons shortening

  • 1/3 cup boiling water

  • 1 cup cherry pie filling

  • Oil for deep-fat frying

  • 1/4 cup maple syrup

  • 1/4 cup whipped topping


  • In a small bowl, combine the flour, baking powder and salt. Cut in shortening until mixture  resembles coarse crumbs. Stir in water just until moistened. Turn onto a lightly floured surface; knead 8-10 times.         

  • Divide dough into four portions; roll each into an 8-in. circle. Place 1/4 cup of pie filling in the  center of each circle. Fold dough over filling; secure with  toothpicks.        

  • In an electric skillet or deep fat-fryer, heat 1 in. of oil to 375°. Fry pies, folded side down, in oil for 2-3 minutes or     until lightly browned. Turn and fry 2-3 minutes longer. Drain on paper towels. Remove toothpicks. Serve with syrup and whipped  topping.     


 Crabapple Kugel 
1 8oz. pkg. wide noodles
2 eggs (beat with 1 tbsp. sugar)
Salt to taste
Cinnamon to taste
2 heaping tbsp. crabapple jelly (stirred)
2 lg. or 4 sm. apples, grated
Handful of raisins
1 tbsp. oil
Cinnamon for top

Cook noodles until tender. Drain well. Add remaining ingredients except for cinnamon for topping. Turn into large casserole dish. Top with cinnamon and bake for 1 hour at 350 degrees.

       Pickled Crab Apples      
* 6 cups vinegar
* 8 cups brown sugar
* 2 teaspoons cloves
* 1 stick cinnamon
* 8 pounds washed crab apples
Boil vinegar, brown sugar, cloves, and cinnamon together.
Leave stems on crab apples. Add to syrup and boil until fruit is tender.
Remove the fruit and pack into sterilized jars.
Pour in syrup. Seal.

1 cup chopped peanuts
1 tablespoon butter
1 cup milk
2 cups maple sugar

Boil the sugar, milk, and butter to a soft ball stage when tested in cold water; add the nut-meats; remove from the fire and stir until creamy; pour into buttered pans; when cool cut into squares.

       Grannie's Good Ol' Pumpkin Bread   
Here's How!: Cream: 2/3 cup of shortening, 2 and 2/3 cups sugar.
Add: 4 eggs, 1 - 16 ounce can of pumpkin, and 2/3 cup of water.
Blend: 3 1/3 cup flour, 2 tsp. soda, 1 1/2 tsp. salt, 2 tsp. baking powder, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1 tsp. cloves, and 2/3 cup chopped pecans.
Bake: 1 hour and 10 minutes in 2 loaf pans.
Short and sweet, and what a treat!

       Grannie's Cucumber Pickles     
Soak cucumbers overnight in cold water. Slice, but not too thin. Make a syrup of: 2 cups cider vinegar, 1 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon mixed spices (pickling), 1/2 teaspoon mustard seed. Bring to a boil. Then add cucumbers and boil about 3 minutes (until they lose their green look). Pack pickles solidly into sterilized jars. Add 1 teaspoon salt to each quart, 1/2 onion sliced, cover with boiling syrup and seal at once.

       Good Ol'Fashioned Oatmeal Cookies     
Ingredients: 3/4 cup vegetable shortning, 1 cup firmly packed brown sugar, 1/2 cup granulated sugar, 1 egg, 1/4 cup water, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 3 cups rolled oats (uncooked), 1 cup all purpose flour, 1 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon baking soda. Preheat Oven to 350 degrees F. Beat together shortening, sugar, egg, water, and vanilla until creamy. Add combined remaining ingredients. Mix well. Drop by reounded teaspoons on greased cookie sheet. Bake at 350 degrees F for 12 to 15 minutes. For Variety, add chopped nuts, raisins, chocolate chips, or coconut. Makes about 5 dozen cookies.

       Grandma's Tea Cakes (Sugar Cookies)     
Cream 1 cup sugar, 1/4 pound butter; add 2 eggs. Beat. Add 2 tsp baking powder and 1 tsp vanilla.
Mix and add about 1 1/2 cups flour. Place on floured board and work into a dough... just stiff enough to handle. Roll out and cut. Cook on ungreased cookie sheet at 350 degrees F about 10 or 12 minutes.

       Dinner in a Pumpkin!     
Ingredients: 1 medium pumpkin, 2 lbs. ground beef, cooked, 1 chopped onion, 3 sliced carrots, 1 can cream of chicken soup, 1 can sliced mushroom, drained, 1 tablespoons garlic salt, 1 celery stalk, sliced, 2-3 potatoes, diced, 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper to taste.
Bring all ingredients (except pumpkin) to a boil in a pot. Boil 10 minutes. Place pumpkin in sturdy baking pan. Fill pumpkin with hot mixture. Bake at 350 degrees, for approximately 45 minutes, until pumpkin is tender and brown.

"Dinner in a Pumpkin" (version # 2) 2 lbs. ground beef 6 oz. ground sausage 6 oz. can tomatoe sauce 2 1/2 tsp. salt 1/4 cup chopped onion 3/4 cup raisins 1/2 green bell pepper, chopped 2 tsp. oregano 1 tsp. vinegar 3 eggs, beaten 1/3 cup chopped stuffed green olives 1tsp. pepper Brown ground beef and sausage. Combine meats with all other ingredients. Fill in a medium cleaned pumpkin. Bake in 1 inch of water of 350 degrees for 1 hour. Serve in pumpkin, scraping sides for the vegetable.

"Dinnner in a Pumpkin" (version # 3) 1 small-med. sized pumpkin 1 onion, chopped 2 tablespoons oil 1 1/2 - 2 lbs. ground beef 2 tablespoons soy sauce 2 tablespoons brown sugar 4 oz. can sliced mushrooms, drained 10 3/4 can cream of chicken soup 1 1/2 cups cooked rice 1 8oz. sliced water chestnuts, drained

Cut off top of pumpkin and thoroughly clean out seeds and pulp. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a large skillet, saute onions in oil until tender. Add meat and brown. Drain drippings from skillet. Add soy sauce, brown sugar, mushrooms, and soup. Simmer 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add cooked rice and water chestnuts. Spoon mixture into cleaned pumpkin shell. Replace pumpkin top and place entire pumpkin with filling, on a baking sheet. Bake 1 hour or until inside meat of pumpkin is tender. Put pumpkin on a plate. Remove lid and serve. Scoop cooked pumpkin from sides for vegetable. Serves 6

"Pumpkin Cake in a Jar" 2/3 cup shortening 2 2/3 cups sugar 4 eggs 2 cups canned pumpkin 2/3 cup water 3 1/3 cups flour 1/2 tsp. baking powder 1 1/2 tsp. salt 1 tsp. ground cloves 1/2 tsp. ground allspice 1 tsp. ground cinnamon 2 tsp. baking soda 1 cup chopped walnuts 8 pint-size wide mouth canning jars with lids and rings Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Cream shortening and sugar together, adding sugar slowly. Beat in eggs, pumpkin, and water; set aside. In another bowl, stir together flour, baking powder, salt, cloves, allspice, cinnamon, and baking soda. Add to pumpkin mixture and stir well. Stir in nuts. Grease jars well and fill each jar about half full. Place jars on baking sheet and bake for approximately 45 minutes. When done, remove jars, and wipe the sealing edge of the jars. Place lids on jars and close tightly with the ring. Notes: Proper sealing of cakes in a jar: After the cake is cooked be sure to wipe the sealing edge of the jar clean. Place the lids on and close them tightly with the ring. You should here a "plinking" sound as the jar cools, meaning that they are sealed. You can also press on the lids after the jars have cooled -- if they are properly sealed, they should not move at all. How to serve a cake in a jar: Open jar and slide knife around the inside of the jar to loosen the cake, and then slide the cake out. Slice and serve alone, with whipped cream, or even some ice cream! A 1-pint jar equals approximately 5 slices. How long they keep: A cake in a jar that has been properly sealed will keep for up to a year.       


                                                                                                                                                                                                        You Can Substitute Honey for White Sugar                                                                                                                                                                             




           LESS LIQUID




           1 Tbsp

           2 tsp 


           no need


           no need


           2 Tbsp 


           1 Tbsp 1 tsp 


           no need


           no need


           1/4 Cup 


           2 Tbsp 2 tsp 


           no need


           1/8 tsp 


           1/3 Cup 


           4 Tbsp 


           no need


           1/4 tsp 


           1/2 Cup 


           1/3 Cup 


           2 tsp 


           1/4 tsp 


           2/3 Cup 


           1/2 Cup 


           5 tsp 


           1/4 tsp 


           3/4 Cup 


           2/3 Cup 


           2 Tbsp 


           1/2 tsp 


           1 Cup 


           3/4 Cup 


           2 1/2 Tbsp 


           1/2 tsp 


           2 Cups 


           1 1/4 Cup 


           5 Tbsp 


           1 tsp 





Turn Back the Clock with These Recipes from 1922!


Fruit Cup
Hot Ham Sandwich
Currant or Grape Jelly
Tomato Salad with Cheese Dressing
Cocoa Ice Cream
Fig Marguerites
Tea with Candied Mint Leaves


Fruit cup ready to chill
Ham prepared for the sandwiches
Tomatoes peeled and placed in ice box
Salad dressing made
Fig marguerites made
Candied mint leaves prepared
Ice cream ready to freeze
Jelly made


1 pound cooked ham
1 cream cheese (Roquefort flavor if desired)
1 quart milk
1 pint cream
½ pound butter
6 eggs
½ pound white grapes
3 or 4 oranges
2 lemons
1 pound (4 small) tomatoes
1 green pepper
1 head lettuce
1 bunch mint
½ can sliced pineapple
8 maraschino cherries
2 tablespoons mayonnaise dressing
½ pint raspberry or strawberry syrup
¼ pound figs
2 ounces walnut meats
1 ounce tea
⅛ pound cocoa
1 loaf sandwich bread
½ pint grape or currant jelly or juice
Oil of spearmint
1 package small round crackers
1 ounce marshmallow cream
1 cup salad oil
Loaf sugar


Remove skin and seeds from
  ½ pound white grapes. If grapes are firm, boiling water may be poured over them and allowed to stand 1 minute, when skins will come off easily.

  2 oranges, removing white part with the skin, and remove sections free from membrane.

4 slices canned pineapple in dice. Mix the fruit with
⅓ cup sugar
1 tablespoon lemon juice
½ cup orange juice
½ cup syrup from canned pineapple, and
  Few grains salt.

Put into ice cream freezer, surround with ice and salt, and stir occasionally until juice begins to freeze. Serve in cocktail glasses, garnishing each glass with a


Maraschino cherry.



1 pound cooked ham through food chopper. Add
4 tablespoons creamed butter,
1 teaspoon mustard and
  1 teaspoon paprika, and mix well.

  Bread in sixteen ¼-inch slices, spread eight slices bread with the ham mixture, cover with remaining bread and press slices firmly together. Cut each sandwich in three strips.

2 eggs slightly and add
  2 cups milk. Dip sandwiches, one at a time, in this mixture, and sauté in butter, cooking on one side until browned, and then turning and browning the other side. Serve very hot.

Other meat, or marmalade or jam may be used in sandwiches in place of ham.



Wash and pick over
  Fruit. Crush in kettle one layer at a time and boil, stirring frequently, until juice is extracted from pulp. Let drip through double piece of cheesecloth, rinsed in cold water, over night or till juice no longer drips. Do not squeeze.

1 tablespoon juice add
  1 tablespoon alcohol; stir and let stand 10 minutes.

If ⅔ of the mixture is cloudy use
  ⅔ cup sugar to each cup juice. If all is cloudy use equal parts sugar and juice. (This is called the Pectin Test.) Be sure that juice mixed with alcohol is discarded immediately. Measure remaining juice into kettle, bring to boiling point, add required amount of sugar and cook to 220 degrees F. or until mixture will show two distinct, firm drops when dripped from side of spoon, or when small amount will become firm when dropped on very cold saucer. Then skim and pour into sterilized glasses.

Second Extraction

Return fruit pulp to kettle, add barely enough cold water to cover it, bring slowly to boiling point, stirring to prevent burning on; cook 5 minutes, drain and finish as for first extraction, boiling 5 minutes before adding the sugar.

Third Extraction

Proceed as for second extraction. Oftentimes the juice from second and third extractions may be combined before being made up into jelly. By making three extractions the amount of jelly obtainable from a given amount of fruit may be almost doubled.


  4 tomatoes in halves in such a way that they come apart in points.

Arrange each half in a nest of
Lettuce leaves. In the center of tomato pile
Cream cheese forced through a coarse strainer. In center of cheese put a
Few bits of green pepper finely chopped. Serve with cheese dressing.



2 tablespoons mayonnaise dressing with
2 tablespoons cream cheese. Add
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon table sauce
½ teaspoon paprika and add very slowly
  ¼ cup salad oil, beating with egg beater until very thick. Add slowly  1 ½ tablespoons vinegar. Keep in cool place till ready to serve.

Cream cheese with Roquefort flavor is desirable in both the above recipes, but the usual cottage or cream cheese may be used if preferred.


Mix very thoroughly
½ cup dry powdered cocoa
Few grains salt
1 cup sugar and
  1 tablespoon cornstarch.

Add slowly
  2 cups milk, scalded, and cook over boiling water 20 minutes, stirring until thickened and occasionally afterward.

Pour over
2 eggs well beaten, chill, and add
2 cups cream beaten stiff
1 teaspoon vanilla and
  1 cup syrup drained from canned raspberries or strawberries, and freeze.

If frozen in a vacuum freezer, put mixture in center can of freezer; cover, invert freezer, and fill outer compartment with finely crushed ice mixed with half the amount of rock salt. Open the freezer occasionally, scrape cream from sides and mix well, using a long-bladed knife. If frozen in an ordinary freezer, it is not necessary to beat the cream. Put mixture in can of ice cream freezer, surround with three parts ice and one part salt.

Let mixture stand 5 minutes, then turn crank slowly until mixture is stiff. When frozen drain off ice water and repack, using four parts ice and one part salt.


Put in top of double boiler
⅞ cup sugar and
  3 tablespoons water.

Stir until sugar is dissolved as much as possible. There will still be small sugar crystals remaining. Wash sugar crystals from inside of double boiler with pastry brush dipped in cold water.

  1 egg white, unbeaten. Place over hot water and cook, beating constantly with egg beater for 7 to 12 minutes or until mixture will hold its shape.

  1 tablespoon marshmallow cream and  ¼ teaspoon vanilla, and fold over and over until again stiff enough to hold its shape.

⅓cup (3) figs cut in small pieces and
  ⅓cup nut meats cut in small pieces.

Pile on
Small round crackers and bake at 375 degrees F. for 10 minutes or until delicately brown. This rule will cover 3 dozen small crackers.

Should frosting be too soft to hold its shape after adding marshmallow cream, it may be again placed over hot water, and folded gently over and over, until it becomes slightly granular around the edges. Remove from hot water, and continue folding over gently until of the desired stiffness.


Use above mixture with or without figs and nuts as a cake filling or frosting. It need not be baked.


Fresh mint leaves, remove from stems and rub each leaf gently with the finger dipped in
  Egg white slightly beaten.

3 tablespoons granulated sugar with
3 drops oil of spearmint, and sift over each side of the mint leaves.

Lay close together on a cake rack covered with wax paper and leave in a warm but not a hot place until crisp and dry.

Serve in
Tea with
Sliced lemon and
  Loaf sugar.


Half fill a perforated tea spoon or tea ball with
  Orange Pekoe, or other preferred tea.

Place in cup, add fresh
  Boiling water, until cup is two-thirds full. Remove tea spoon as soon as tea is of the desired strength.

Two or three cups of tea can usually be made without emptying and refilling the tea spoon.


Grapefruit Baskets with Mints
Open Cheese and Bacon Sandwich
Mixed Sweet Pickles
Crab Meat and Tomato Jelly Salad
Egg Biscuits
Orange Layer Cake
Iced Coffee with Vanilla


Grapefruit prepared and put on ice
Cheese grated (or chopped) for sandwiches
Bacon cut same length as bread slices
Pickles may be made at any time
Tomato jelly and mayonnaise dressing made
Eggs, hard cooked
Celery (or endive) cut and put in cold water
Crab meat picked over and put on ice
Lettuce washed and put on ice in cheesecloth
Cake baked and one layer frosted
Cake filling made, except the whipped cream
Dry ingredients and shortening for biscuits combined


½ pound crab meat
¾ pound bacon
¾ pound cheese
½ pint milk
1 pint cream
¾ pound butter
1 dozen eggs
½ pint salad oil
4 grapefruit
1 head lettuce
2 roots celery or ½ pound endive
5 oranges
2 lemons
1 green pepper
1 onion
¼ can (½ pint) tomatoes
2 ounces (8) cream peppermints
¼ pound cluster raisins
1 loaf bread
¼ pound candied cherries
1 ½ doz. small sweet cucumber pickles
2 yards narrow ribbon
Small fresh flowers or fresh mint leaves
½ package gelatin
¼ pound finely ground coffee


Cut in two
  4 grapefruit.

Insert two toothpicks opposite each other on each half. From one-half inch on each side of toothpick cut through the skin around the grapefruit one-fourth inch from the top of each half, leaving skin whole where toothpicks are inserted.

Loosen pulp and remove and discard seeds, membrane and toothpicks.

Sprinkle pulp of each half with
  1 cream peppermint, broken in pieces, and chill.

Bring the two strips of skin together above the grapefruit and tie together with
Narrow ribbon, for the handle. Insert in the knot a sprig of
  Flowers, berries or mint, and place on doily on individual serving plates.



3 eggs until light, add
¾ pound soft cheese grated or put through food chopper
1½ teaspoons table sauce
¾ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon paprika
  Few grains cayenne.

Mix well and spread on
  8 slices bread cut one-third inch thick.

  ¾ pound bacon in very thin slices the length of the slice of bread.

Make bacon still thinner by pressing each strip on a board with a broad knife. Cover cheese with bacon and bake 8 or 10 minutes under gas flame, or in hot oven.


Put in small agate or enamel saucepan
1 cup vinegar
½ cup sugar
¼ teaspoon peppercorns
¼ teaspoon blades of mace
  ¼ teaspoon whole cloves, and cook 2 minutes.

½ cup candied cherries, cook 5 minutes; skim out, add
  ½ cup large Malaga raisins in clusters of two or three.

Cook 10 minutes, remove raisins and add
  18 small sweet cucumber pickles and cook 10 minutes.

Arrange in glass jar in closely packed layers, putting raisins in first, then cherries, then pickles; repeat until jar is full. Strain hot syrup into jar, and seal.



In a salad bowl lined with
Lettuce leaves, arrange separate piles of
½ pound crab meat
3 hard-cooked eggs, chopped (use silver knife so white will not discolor)
2 roots celery or
½ pound endive cut in small pieces, and
  Tomato jelly cut in cubes.

Between piles place
  Green pepper free from seeds and cut in strips.

Make a nest of heart leaves of lettuce in center and fill with
  Mayonnaise dressing.

The salad ingredients may be mixed lightly together, when salad is being served, or only those ingredients that are desired may be served to each person.


Heat to boiling point in agate saucepan
1 cup tomato juice and pulp
2 tablespoons mild vinegar
1 tablespoon gelatin
½ tablespoon sugar
Bit of bay leaf
1 slice onion
1 tablespoon lemon juice, and leaves from
  1 stalk celery.

Stir until gelatin is dissolved, strain through fine strainer, and mold in small bread pan that measures about 4½ inches by 8 inches.

Cut in ½ inch cubes for serving.


Sift into a bowl
½ teaspoon mustard
½ teaspoon sugar
½ teaspoon salt and
Few grains cayenne. Add
1 egg yolk, mix well and add
  1 tablespoon vinegar, stirring constantly.

  ¾ cup salad oil and add 3 teaspoons of the oil a drop at a time, beating constantly. Then while beating, add it 1 teaspoon at a time till mixture begins to thicken.

When very thick, add
  1 tablespoon lemon juice and add remaining oil rapidly. The whole process should take about 7 minutes.


Sift together
2 cups bread flour, measured after sifting once
5 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt and
  1 tablespoon sugar.

Work in with fingers
2 tablespoons shortening. Add
1 egg yolk, slightly beaten, mixed with
  ⅔ cup milk, cutting it in with a knife.

Toss on floured cloth or board and knead 5 minutes. Shape in any way suggested below. Bake 15 minutes at 400 degrees F. Brush with milk or melted butter just before removing from the oven.


Make in small round balls and bake in muffin pans.

Bake 2 round balls in each muffin pan, brushing between with melted butter.

Bake 3 round balls in each muffin pan.

Roll ¼ inch thick, spread with butter, roll up like a jelly roll, cut in pieces 1 inch thick, and bake in muffin pans.

Prepare as above, sprinkling with sugar and cinnamon before rolling.

Prepare as above, sprinkling with chopped nuts and maple sugar before rolling.

Roll ¼ inch thick, spread with butter, fold in 3 layers, cut off strips 1 inch wide, twist and coil. When baked spread with confectioners' frosting.

Shape and roll in strips 8 inches long and about as large around as a lead pencil and bake.

Roll ½ inch thick, cut with small oval cutter, brush with butter, double over and place close together and bake.


Beat together until thick
2 egg yolks
¼ teaspoon grated orange rind
4 tablespoons orange juice and
½ tablespoon lemon juice. Add
  ¾ cup sugar gradually, continuing to beat with egg beater.

Fold in
2 egg whites, beaten stiff and
1 cup pastry flour, sifted 4 times with
¼ teaspoon soda and
  ¼ teaspoon salt.

Grease an angel cake or deep round tin and line bottom with greased paper. Pour in cake mixture and bake 30 minutes at 375 degrees F.

Split, put
Orange cream filling between layers, and frost top with
  Boiled orange frosting.


2 tablespoons butter, add
4 tablespoons cornstarch, and when mixed add
Grated rind 1 orange
1 cup orange juice and
  1 cup sugar.

Bring to boiling point, stirring all the time. Cook 15 minutes over boiling water.

½ teaspoon salt and
  1 ½ tablespoons lemon juice.

Cool and fold in
  1 cup cream beaten stiff.


1 cup sugar and
  ¼ cup water in a small saucepan.

Stir until sugar is dissolved and boiling point is reached. Do not stir after it boils. Wash down sides of saucepan with pastry brush dipped in cold water to prevent formation of crystals. Cook until syrup spins a 4 inch thread when dropped from spoon held at least 8 inches above pan.

Pour slowly onto
2 egg yolks beaten until thick and lemon colored, beating constantly with egg beater until mixture will hold its shape, then add
Few gratings orange rind and
  ½ tablespoon orange juice and spread on cake.

2 egg whites may be used instead of egg yolks if preferred.


Add to
6 cups cold boiled or percolated coffee
½ teaspoon vanilla1 cup cream and
  Sugar to taste.

Serve in tall glasses with
  Cracked ice.


Cooking Out with Bob King Coal      


Here's a basic rule. If you're in a hurry, don't cook over a charcoal fire.Charcoal is for people who take time to enjoy living. It is for those individuals who take "cooking out" seriously.


So, if you're in a big rush to get it all done and over with, use a gas or electric grille. Or better yet, forget "cooking out" entirely and go to a restaurant, or call a caterer.


The key to being a successful outdoor cook is being in control... knowing what to do to achieve a desired result, and then doing it. If you are one of those folks (or would like to become one of them) this column is for you. So, let's begin with basics.


For our purposes we will use three and only three fuels; wood charcoal, wood charcoal briquets, and wood.


CHARCOAL. Wood charcoal is one of the oldest and best fuels known to man. It was used by primitive cave dwellers, the Greeks and the Romans, the early Spaniards and other Europeans who explored and settled the New World.


Wood charcoal is made by heating wood in huge air-tight ovens. All the moisture and other non-solid components are driven off by the heat, leaving almost pure carbon. The resulting hot chunks of carbon are cooled, screened to remove fine pieces, and bagged for your use.


Well made wood charcoal retains all the cell and tissue structure of the original wood, but loses about 75% of it's weight and 30 - 50% of it's volume. The best charcoal for cook out purposes is made from dense hardwoods like oak. Charcoal made from pine and other resinous woods is not desirable as a fuel for back yard chefs. Wood charcoal which has not been formed into the familiar briquets is relatively easy to ignite, and produces a quick, very hot flame.


It is surprising that some people do not know the difference between the natural wood charcoal we have been writing about, and charcoal briquets. Natural wood charcoal is often referred to as "lump" or "chunk style" charcoal. The pieces are irregularly shaped, and still show all the grain structure and many other characteristics of the wood from which they were made. Well made wood charcoal is about 95% carbon.


Contrary to popular belief, high quality wood charcoal produces little or no smoke when it burns. The smoke is produced by meat drippings which fall into the hot coals or from woods like hickory or mesquite which may be added to the fire. A wood charcoal fire can become extremely hot.


Briquets are a different story entirely. More about them later.


TIMING. One of the most important considerations in cooking over a wood or charcoal fire is timing. Equally important is temperature, but that is the subject of a future column. Today, timing is the thing!


Last time, we discussed outdoor cooking using aromatic woods as fuel and fuel additives (mesquite, hickory, etc.). Let's continue along that line of thought and consider the timing of a fire of hickory. Let's say we have splurged on some really nice, thick steaks, suitable for grilling. The meat market man gave us exactly the cut we wanted, and now the moment of truth approaches. We have some really great steaks, but now we gotta' cook 'em to bring out their best for all those hungry carnivores soon to be gathered around the picnic table.


Getting the right fire is important. And good timing is absolutely necessary in order to get the right fire. Here we go! 


We have a good stack of green and seasoned firewood piled up by the charcoal grill, and like all good outdoor cooks, we have a nice supply of very dry hardwood kindling on hand. You could get by with pine or other resinous wood kindling in a pinch, but using very dry, very small hardwood twigs, prevents any possibility of undesirable flavors or odors. We wouldn't use charcoal lighter fluid or any other liquid fire starters unless it were a matter of life or death. Under no circumstamces use gasoline, or any other highly volatile fuel for this purpose. The object is to cook your steaks, not incinerate yourself!


We will assume that you know how to start a wood fire and within a few minutes you have a good open fire with plenty of excess air and little smoke. We will also assume that you have used the seasoned hickory rather than the green pieces piled by your cooker.      


Now... Simply put, here is the secret. DON'T put the steaks on the grille too soon! Make sure you have plenty of wood in the fire to begin with, and then let it burn down to a beautiful, even, bed of glowing, hot coals. As the fire burns down to the "coals" stage, you may need to distribute the pieces a bit with your fire poker. Getting a smooth, uniform bed is important.      


And it is ironic that although we are talking about timing... you can't use a clock to tell you when the fire is right. Experience will tell you. Here are some things that will let you know when that time has arrived.      


 1. Your fire will be hot... hot as blue blazes!      


 2. There will be little or no smoke.      


 3. Flames will not be large, and will not be yellow or orange. Clear blue is the color to achieve.      


Once this condition has been obtained, cut the air supply to your cooker to almost nothing. (We assume that you are cooking with an open top grille).      


Now bring the steaks which have been previously prepared for cooking. (Preparation is the subject of another article.) Oh boy! It won't be long now!      


The object is to sear the steaks on both sides quickly to seal in juices and to preserve tenderness. The tenderest steak in the world can become tough as a boot if you cook it incorrectly.              


Great New Cookbook... Coming Soon

Page after page jam-packed with great recipes collected over the years from far and wide!  Watch this space for ordering information.

Book #1... "How Bobby Moore Gained 20 Pounds Without Even Trying!"

UnitAbbrev.Definedfl ozmL
[note 1]
Binary Submultiples
Dry & Fluid Measures
dropdr., gt., gtt. (plural)196 tsp15760.0513429
smidgensmdg., smi.132 tsp12560.1155222 smidgens = 1 pinch
pinchpn.116 tsp11280.2310432 pinches = 1 dash
dashds.18 tsp1640.4620862 dashes = 1 saltspoon
saltspoon or scruplessp.14 tsp1320.9241732 saltspoons = 1 coffeespoon
coffeespooncsp.12 tsp1161.848352 coffeespoons = 1 fluid dram
Fluid dram[note 2]fl.dr.34 tsp183.696692 fluid drams = 1 dessertspoon (Australia)
teaspoon (culinary)[note 3]tsp. or t.13 tbsp164.928922 teaspoons = 1 dessertspoon
dessertspoon[20]dsp., dssp. or dstspn.2 tsp139.85784
tablespoontbsp. or T.116 cup1214.78682 tablespoons = 1 fluid ounce
fluid ouncefl.oz. or oz.18 cup129.57352 fluid ounce = 1 wineglass
wineglasswgf.14 cup259.14712 wineglasses = 1 teacup
gill or teacuptcf.12 cup4118.2942 teacups = 1 cup
cupC12 pint8236.5882 cups = 1 pint
pintpt.12 qt16473.1762 pints = 1 quart
quartqt.14 gal32946.3532 quarts = 1 pottle
pottlepot.2 qt641892.712 pottles = 1 gallon
gallongal.231 in31283,785.412 gallons = 1 peck 


How to Can Pickled Onions


  • 8     cups thinly sliced sweet onions

  • 2     tablespoons canning salt

  • 1-3/4     cups white vinegar

  • 1     cup sugar

  • 1 teaspoon dried thyme


  • Place onions in a colander over a plate; sprinkle with canning salt and toss. Let stand 1 hour. Rinse and drain onions, squeezing to remove excess liquid.

  • In     a Dutch oven, combine vinegar, sugar and thyme; bring to a boil. Add onions and return to a boil. Reduce heat; simmer, uncovered, 10  minutes. Remove from heat.

  • Carefully ladle hot mixture into four hot half-pint jars, leaving 1/2-in. headspace. Remove air bubbles and adjust headspace, if necessary, by adding hot mixture. Wipe rims. Center lids on jars; screw on bands until fingertip tight.    

  • Place jars into canner with simmering water, ensuring that they are completely covered with water. Bring to a boil; process for 10 minutes. Remove jars and cool.

Nutrition Facts

2 tablespoons: 36 calories, 0 fat (0 saturated fat), 0 cholesterol, 395mg sodium, 9g carbohydrate (7g sugars, 1g fiber), 0 protein.


   The Tyler Chronicle      Winter, 2022      Worldwide Edition



Who says size doesn't make a difference? Tyler Chronicle Reader Ads are the biggest in the world! Not some skimpy little two inch wide thing;  the ad you place here goes all the way across the page and to readers around the world! Three whole lines! That's enough space to write a book!  See what I mean? We're still going! Place your Tyler Chronicle Reader Ad today. Get a three line ad as big as Texas for a whole month for only ten dollars!

WANTED. Your junk computers and other electronic scrap. We will haul it away at no cost to you. MAMA; Just phone 903-707-6258.  Or send an email to

See and Hear the Bobby Moore Show from the comfort of your home. Our roadshow, which has been playing for many  years, has been temporarily interrupted because of the virus scare. We will resume it as circumstances permit. In the meantime, watch us on You Tube and on our internet websites. Bobby's voice is now heard around the world on the BMCN radio network and on the internet
at To see and hear Bobby on You Tube, just go to You Tube and then type in BMCN TELEVISION. That's all there is to it!

ORDER YOUR  pre-publication  copy of DYNAMITE! the story of Dyanna Dawnn's struggle for stardom against the odds.  Be one of the first to receive a numbered copy of this inspiring book originally scheduled to be released in 2022.

FOR YOUR OWN signed and dated copy of the collector's edition of the hour-long CD DOES GOD EXIST?  Just send
a note requesting it to the following email address;  You will be billed $20 after your order is shipped.

THE LEGACY of Dyanna Dawnn lives on. If you or someone you know sings or plays a musical instrument and would like to perform professionally, this may be the opportunity you've been waiting for. For a free audition, call 903-707-6258.

AFRICAN MOONFLOWER SEEDS Complete mature seed pod in sealed plastic container. These pods often contain 100 seeds or more. Priced now while supplies last at only $9.99 per pod plus shipping. Comes complete with information about this remarkable plant and planting instructions.
Phone 903-707-6258 (sorry, sold out.)

REACH THE WORLD with a Tyler Chronicle Reader Ad like the one you are reading. Three lines, only $10 per month. Email your copy to You will be billed when your ad appears. We think this is one of the best advertising offers to be found!

WE WANT YOUR ALUMINUM CANS. Bring them to us, or for pick up at your location, call 903-707-6258.

GET SOME TODAY! (Moore All Natural Charcoal, That Is!)

COUNTRY EGGS FROM HAPPY CHICKENS  Don't settle for those pale, watery yolks that just won't stand up, laid by imprisoned hens that never know the thrill of chasing a grasshopper or scratching for a big fat earthworm!  Chickens are people too, you know!  $3.00 a dozen, first come, first served. (SOLD OUT!)

PUTT-PUTT BOATS   What is probably the world’s smallest steam powered boat! No batteries, no springs, no sails. This tiny all metal boat is powered entirely by steam.This is not a toy. It is intended as a vintage collector’s item to be used only with adult supervision. With proper care, these little boats can be passed on from generation to generation.  5 1/2" long, brightly painted metal boat comes complete with fuel and complete operating instructions.  Brand new! $10 each plus shipping. Place your order at   (email)

ARMADILLOS WANTED  Alive only. Females with kits or individuals. Must not be injured. Phone 903-707-6258 and ask for Armadillo Joe.


BMCN GOSPEL RADIO IS ON THE AIR! BMCN GOSPEL, the seventh internet radio station to be added to the Bobby Moore Communications Network went on the air for the first time Sunday, September 29, 2019.  Like the other BMCN stations, coverage is worldwide. The station is not affiliated with any specific denomination and is dedicated to fully exercising the constitutional right to freedom of religion. For more information visit or go to

MOORE ART GALLERY  Features fine art paintings and sculpture. To see the latest additions to our growing  collection, go to .  Add Moore's fine art to your collection. Commission your painting directly from the gallery website.

BOBBY MOORE SINGS  Another website dedicated to the recordings and personal appearances of this Elvis  "soundalike". Visit

BATHOUSES  Reduce mosquitoes and other insect pests. Installed, $50 contribution to Mary Alma Moore Association (MAMA).  Order today by email. 

HOMES FOR HOMELESS BIRDS  You can provide a home for homeless birds with a contribution to MAMA.


                                                                     "Where'd they go? Where'd they go?                                                                      




To respond to any of the listings below phone   903-707-6258  or email    Be sure to give item number.

(1) Gasoline powered electric welder. Age unimportant; must be priced right.

(2) Free Goat to help clear brush; will pick up.

(3) Complete Drum Set; all or part.

(4) Large Peavy Speakers, 200 w or more.

(5) 8N or 9N Ford Tractor.

(6) Wanted: Old Computers & Printers, dead or alive. Free pickup.

(7) American made pickup truck. ('82 or older) Running or not.

(8) $1,000.00 reward for information leading to arrest & conviction of person or persons responsible for theft of  trucks, machinery and other property taken from the charcoal plant on CR 2121, Tyler. All information will be appreciated and held in strictest confidence. 

(9) Cupola grade cast iron scrap, sized and clean. 

(10) Canaries; young singers and hens.

(11) Ornamental bird cage.

(12) Your old aquarium tank, any size.

(13) Used propane tank.

(14) DC electric motors, all sizes.

(15) Used books of all kinds for MAMA Memorial Library.


   The Tyler Chronicle      Winter, 2022      Worldwide Edition


Reilly Springs Old Time Country Music Venue

Ref. The Texas State Historical Association:

REILLY SPRINGS, TEXAS. “Reilly Springs (Reily Springs), a rural community nine miles southeast of Sulphur Springs at the junction of Farm roads 1567 and 2560 in southeastern Hopkins County, was named for James Reily, who in 1841 and 1842 bought up several tracts of land in the county that had been given to soldiers as pay for service in the Texas Revolution. One of the early wagon trails from Shreveport, Louisiana, passed through the land. A camping place at a group of springs grew into a village called Reily Springs.

After the Civil War a number of businesses were established in the area, including two gins, a gristmill, a sawmill, and a brick kiln. In 1867 Steve Tucker built a store and gin, and a tanyard operated in the community for several years. A post office was granted in 1871, but the post office officials mistakenly changed the spelling to Reilly. In 1885 Reilly Springs had two steam gristmills and cotton gins, three churches, and an estimated population of 200.

A school was built the same year on land donated by Col. J. A. Weaver. By the turn of the century the town had three schools, which during the 1905–06 school year had a combined enrollment of 189. At its height during the 1920s Reilly Springs had an estimated population of 300.

The town began to decline in the early 1930s, and by 1939 the population had dwindled to sixty. In 1948 Reilly Springs was the site of a justice court, a voting precinct, two churches, a store, a gin, and a three-teacher school. The town's population continued to decline after World War II, falling to forty in 1952. The school and stores closed, and by the mid-1970s the town had only the Methodist and Baptist churches, a cemetery, and the old school building, which was used as a community center. In the late 1980s Reilly Springs was a dispersed rural community. The population in 1990 was forty-four. The population remained the same in 2000.”

Like many small communities that once flourished across Texas, as this is written, Reilly Springs is a mere ghost of its former self. The old cotton gins and grist mills are long since gone as is the post office and the population.

But on the third Saturday night of each month, the sounds of fiddles, guitars, and local “would-be” singing stars bring new life to the auditorium of the old Rilley Springs schoolhouse as “The Reilly Springs Jamboree” comes to life.  After its closure, the old building became a local community center, and since 1956 has been the home of this locally produced show.

Currently, Enola Gay Matthews, a radio personality from Sulfur Springs radio station KSST emcees the monthly event, which has, in years past featured greats and near-greats such as Johnny Cash and Francell Lawrence. (The history of “The Reilly Springs Jamboree” is a story within itself and will be featured in an upcoming edition of THE TYLER CHRONICLE.)

We learned about the Reilly Springs Jamboree from Tylerite Neil Newsom who is a friend and fishing partner of Jamboree drummer, Bill Langly. We had never heard of Reilly Springs, much  less of “Reilly Springs Jamboree” but the idea of a viable music venue in such an obscure place seemed interesting. The result was our ongoing research into the “Jamboree”, as it was, and as it is.  This is the beginning of our story.  (to be continued)

*Like many other local venues, shows at Reilly Springs are suspended until further notice because of the "virus" threat.

The story of the Reilly Springs Jamboree will be continued...


Click here to visit Bobby's website 

Watch for Bobby Moore Live! 

Great Musical Variety Show Featuring Bobby Moore with a talent lineup that can't be beat!

Coming Soon to Antique Capitol RV Park Auditorium

"Nobody Sang It Then Like Elvis... Nobody Sings It Now Like Bobby!"




The Bobby Moore Show at "The Waterton Inn

Assisted Living Facility, 2885 Shiloh Rd. in Tyler, Texas

Be There! Admission is Free!

2nd Wednesday of each month at 2:00 pm

NOTE: The February 2020 will be the last show of the current six month series at this venue.


      The Tyler Chronicle      Spring, 2022      Worldwide Edition                 

Chaffer 1-18-2020


A native of Sulfur Springs, Texas, Kenya began singing at the tender age of three!  And she has been captivating audiences ever since. We first saw and  heard Kenya at a small stage  show in Sulfur Springs Texas recently, and she, along with another great personality on that show immediately  became  candidates for the "Chronicle Hall of Fame".

She and her husband, Charles operate a private home school in Sulfur Springs in addition to performing. Kenya writes songs,  and plays, and is hoping to expand into cinema and television.

If you have the opportunity to see and hear Kenya perform, be sure to take advantage of it. You won't be disappointed.

Chaffer 1-20-2020


For more than 30 years, drummer, Charles Chaffer has kept the beat for the musical "greats". He is now back in his home state of Texas and recently married to singer Kenya Chaffer. In addition to keeping busy with their educational efforts at "Chaffer's Place" in Sulfur Springs the couple maintains a busy live performance schedule.

SEND TO ARCHIVE  1-20-1010

   Paul Williams 

  Judith Lynne

Dustin Stephens 

      Kit Scott

Cindy Greyson                  

The Bobby Moore Show atYour Venue”

Your Address can be here!

This is a Big, Hour-Long Show featuring Bobby singing hits of the 60s as only he can. Music is live and digitized; door prizes, audience participation... more. Phone 903-707-6258.  Email:

Click here to visit Bobby's website



                  The Tyler Chronicle      Winter, 2022    Worldwide Edition                                                              

Tyler Chronicle Science Magazine



  Researchers have detected water molecules in Clavius crater, in the moon's southern hemisphere. The large crater is visible from Earth.                                                            

 NASA/Screenshot by NPR                   

NASA has confirmed the presence of water on the moon's sunlit surface, a breakthrough that suggests the chemical compound that is vital to life on Earth could be distributed across more parts of the lunar surface than the ice that has previously been found in dark and cold areas.   

"We don't know yet if we can use it as a resource," NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine said, but he added that learning more about the water is crucial to U.S. plans to explore the moon.

The discovery comes from the space agency's Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy, or SOFIA — a modified Boeing 747 that can take its large telescope high into Earth's atmosphere, at altitudes up to 45,000 feet. Those heights allow researchers to peer at objects in space with hardly any visual disruptions from water vapor.   

The water molecules are in Clavius crater, a large crater in the moon's southern hemisphere. To detect the molecules, SOFIA used a special infrared camera that can discern between water's specific wavelength of 6.1 microns and that of its close chemical relative hydroxyl, or OH. 

"Data from this location reveal water in concentrations of 100 to 412 parts per million — roughly equivalent to a 12-ounce bottle of water — trapped in a cubic meter of soil spread across the lunar surface," NASA said in a release about the discovery. 

"This is not puddles of water but instead water molecules that are so spread apart that they do not form ice or liquid water," said Casey Honniball, the lead author of a study about the discovery.                      

The data confirm what experts have suspected, that water might exist on the moon's sunny side. But in recent years, researchers had been able to document only water ice at the moon's poles and other darker and colder areas.   

Experts will now try to figure out exactly how the water came to form and why it persists. NASA scientists published their findings in the latest issue of Nature Astronomy.  

"Without a thick atmosphere, water on the sunlit lunar surface should just be lost to space," said Honniball. "Yet somehow we're seeing it. Something is generating the water, and something must be trapping it there."   

There are several possible explanations for the water's presence, including the possibility that it was delivered to the surface by micrometeorites impacting the moon. Glass beads from that process could trap water, but the SOFIA instruments cannot distinguish between water held inside impact glasses and water trapped between grains and in voids, according to the researchers' paper.

(Article from NPR, 10-27-20)  

NPR's Geoff Brumfiel contributed to this report    


Science Fiction Fantasy Becomes Reality as Manned Spaceflight to Mars Is Seriously Contemplated

Rocketship X-M (a.k.a. Expedition Moon and originally Rocketship Expedition Moon) is a 1950 American black-and-white science fiction film from Lippert Pictures, the first outer space adventure of the post-World War II era. The film was produced and directed by Kurt Neumann and stars Lloyd Bridges, Osa Massen, John Emery, Noah Beery, Jr., Hugh O'Brian, and Morris Ankrum.

Rocketship X-M tells the story of a Moon expedition that, through a series of unforeseen events, winds up traveling instead to distant Mars. Once on the Red Planet, its crew discovers the remnants of a Martian civilization destroyed long ago by atomic war and now reverted to barbarism.[1]


Four men and a woman blast into outer space from the White Sands Proving Ground aboard the RX-M (Rocketship Expedition-Moon) on humanity's first expedition to Luna. Halfway there, after surviving their jettisoned and runaway first stage and a meteoroid storm, their engines suddenly quit. Recalculating fuel ratios and swapping around their multiple, different fuels finally corrects the problem. When the engines are reignited, the RX-M careens out of control on a rapid heading beyond the Moon. The increased acceleration lowers their cabin oxygen pressure, and the crew pass out. Reviving days later, they quickly discover that they have traveled some 50,000,000 miles; the RX-M is now just 50,000 miles away from Mars. Dr. Karl Eckstrom (John Emery) is forced to "pause and observe respectfully while something infinitely greater assumes control".

The RX-M safely passes through the Martian atmosphere and lands. The next morning the crew, clad in aviation oxygen masks due to the low atmospheric pressure, begin exploring the desolate surface. They come across physical evidence of a now dead advanced Martian civilization: a partially buried-in-the-sand, stylized, Art Deco (or Tiki culture) like metal face sculpture and in the distance Moderne architecture-like ruins. Their Geiger counter registers dangerous radiation levels, keeping them well away; from those dangerous levels, it is clear that there was once an atomic war on Mars in the distant past.

Finding cave refuge, the crew notice in the distance the primitive human descendants of that civilization emerging from behind boulders and creeping toward them. Amazed, Dr. Eckstrom comments "From Atomic Age to Stone Age". Soon after leaving, two of the explorers encounter a dark-haired woman who has lost her footing and rolled down a hill toward them; she is blind, with thick, milky cataracts on both eyes. She screams upon hearing their oxygen mask-distorted voices. The radiation burned tribesmen attack, throwing large rocks and stone axes. Armed with only a revolver and a bolt-action rifle, the explorers defend themselves, purposely missing the primitives. Dr. Eckstrom is killed by a stone axe; navigator Chamberlain (Hugh O'Brian) is badly injured by a large thrown rock. The survivors finally make their way back to the ship.

As the RX-M nears Earth, the survivors calculate that they have no fuel to make a landing. Col. Graham contacts their base and reports their dire status to Dr. Fleming (Morris Ankrum), who listens intently and wordlessly over headphones. Col. Graham's report is not heard, but Fleming's subtle reactions tells of the crew's odyssey, their discovery of a once advanced civilization destroyed long ago by atomic war, and of the crew fatalities at the hands of Martian descendants reverted to barbarism.

Col. Graham and Dr. Van Horn embrace as the RX-M begins its uncontrolled descent, consoling one another in the moments left to them. Through a porthole, they bravely watch their rapid descent into the wilds of Nova Scotia. The press is later informed by a shaken Dr. Fleming that the entire crew has perished. When they ask if the mission was a failure, he confidently responds with conviction, stating that all theories about manned spaceflight and exploration have now been proven. He continues, underscoring the point that a dire warning has been received from the crew that could very well mean the salvation of humanity, "A new spaceship, the RX-M-2, begins construction tomorrow". The pioneering exploration continues. 


Mars 2020 Mission Overview

(SOURCE: NASA) The Mars 2020 rover mission is part of NASA's Mars Exploration Program, a long-term effort of robotic exploration of the Red Planet. The Mars 2020 mission addresses high-priority science goals for Mars exploration, including key questions about the potential for life on Mars. The mission takes the next step by not only seeking signs of habitable conditions on Mars in the ancient past, but also searching for signs of past microbial life itself. The Mars 2020 rover introduces a drill that can collect core samples of the most promising rocks and soils and set them aside in a "cache" on the surface of Mars. A future mission could potentially return these samples  to Earth.  That would help scientists study the samples in laboratories with special room-sized equipment that would be too large to take to Mars. The mission also provides opportunities to gather knowledge and demonstrate technologies that address the challenges of future human expeditions to Mars. These include testing a method for producing oxygen from the Martian atmosphere, identifying other resources (such as subsurface water), improving landing techniques, and characterizing weather, dust, and other potential environmental conditions that could affect future astronauts living and working on Mars.

The mission is timed for a launch opportunity in July 2020 when Earth and Mars are in good positions relative to each other for landing on Mars. That is, it takes less power to travel to Mars at this time, compared to other times when Earth and Mars are in different positions in their orbits. To keep mission costs and risks as low as possible, the Mars 2020 design is based on NASA's successful Mars Science Laboratory mission architecture, including its Curiosity rover and proven landing system.

Mars 2020 Mission: Some of Its Goals

This image shows a white, frothy stream flowing down a canyon between tall, red, volcanic cliffs.i

 Goal 1: Determine whether life ever existed on Mars

The mission of the Mars 2020 rover focuses on surface-based studies of the Martian environment, seeking preserved signs of biosignatures in rock samples that formed in ancient Martian environments with conditions that might have been favorable to microbial life.

It is the first rover mission designed to seek signs of past microbial life. Earlier rovers first focused on and confirmed that Mars once had habitable conditions.

This image shows layered, red cliffs rising up from a flat, brown surface. The cliff surface slants from right to left, with the nearest cliffs on the right-hand side of the image and those farther away toward the left. Pinkish-tan clouds hover above the crests of the cliffs.i

Goal 2: Characterize the Climate of Mars

Past Martian climate conditions are a focus of the Mars 2020 rover mission. The rover's instruments are looking for evidence of ancient habitable environments where microbial life could have existed in the past.

Scientists will determine if environmental conditions at the Mars 2020 landing site on Mars were ever capable of supporting microbial life. The landing site that is eventually chosen might include layers of rock where water once flowed or stood, as portrayed in this artist's concept. (above)  Layers of rock in craters and mountains, as shown in this artist's concept, contain a record of the geologic past on Mars

This image shows a round crater exposing horizontal layers in its walls. Around it is an undulating brown surface. In both the foreground, in the lower right corner of the image, and in the backround, forming the horizon, are cliffs exposing horizontal layers of rock. The sky is a typical shade of martian peachy pink.i

Goal 3: Characterize the Geology of Mars

The Mars 2020 rover is designed to study the rock record to reveal more about the geologic processes that created and modified the Martian crust and surface through time. Each layer of rock on the Martian surface contains a record of the environment in which it was formed. The rover seeks evidence of rocks that formed in water and that preserve evidence of organics, the chemical building blocks of life.
[more on Goal 3 for the entire Mars Exploration Program]

The challenge of future human exploration of Mars drives the development of new capabilities that would support astronauts traveling to and from, and surviving on the Red Planet.


Goal 4: Prepare for Human Exploration

The Mars 2020 rover is demonstrating key technologies for using natural resources in the Martian environment for life support and fuel. It is also monitoring environmental conditions so mission planners understand better how to protect future human explorers.

This science goal relates to national space policy for sending humans to Mars in the 2030s. Similar to the history of the exploration of Earth's moon, robotic missions to Mars provide a crucial understanding of the environment and test innovative technologies for future human exploration.

Investments in Mars 2020 technologies include contributions from NASA's Human Exploration and Operations (HEO) Mission Directorate and Space Technology Program (STP) as part of NASA's long-term efforts to develop future capabilities for human space exploration.





  .... Albert Einstein said.... "Everything that is really great and inspirational is created by the individual who can labor in freedom."  



This image shows a backward-looking view of an astronaut in a white spacesuit hiking over reddish sand and rocks on Mars. A gray plume of smoke rises from a fumarole behind the astronaut. 

British Physicist Voices Doubts Concerning Musk's Mars Plans


      Professor of Physics, Deputy Director (Solar System) at the Mullard Space Science Laboratory, UCL    

Space X and Tesla founder Elon Musk has a vision for colonising Mars, based on a big rocket, nuclear explosions and an infrastructure to transport millions of people there. This was seen as highly ambitious but technically challenging in several ways. Planetary protection rules and the difficulties of terraforming (making the planet hospitable by, for example, warming it up) and dealing with the harsh radiation were quoted as severe obstacles.

Undeterred, Musk took a first step towards his aim in February this year with the launch of a Tesla roadster car into an orbit travelling beyond Mars on the first Falcon Heavy rocket. This dramatically illustrated the increasing launch capability for future missions made available by partnerships between commercial and government agencies. 

But six months later, the plans have started to look more like fantasy. We have since learned that there could be life beneath Mars’ surface and that it may be impossible to terraform its surface.

The possibility that there currently could be life on the red planet was raised last week as scientists reported the discovery of a salt water lake beneath Mars’ surface. The lake would be 1.5km below the south polar cap and at least 20km in diameter. This was found from analysis of subsurface radar data from the Mars Express spacecraft. The water is thought to be briny, with the likely magnesium, calcium, and sodium perchlorate salts acting as an antifreeze down to temperatures of perhaps 200K (-73.15°C).

              Mars’ south polar cap, hiding the lake.              NASA/JPL/MSSS            

This is exciting as it is the first definitive detection of liquid water on Mars, and it is possible that there may be further deep lakes elsewhere on the planet. This means there is a real possibility of current life on Mars.

We already knew life could have existed on Mars in the past. There are several pieces of evidence indicating that Mars was habitable 3.8-4 billion years ago. Data from recent missions – including Mars Global Surveyor, Odyssey, Opportunity, Curiosity and Mars Express – have provided mounting evidence that water was present on the surface in streams and lakes with reasonable acidity and that the right chemistry for life to evolve existed there around the time that life was evolving on Earth. 

But Mars lost its magnetic field, which would have protected life from harsh radiation from space, 3.8 billion years ago. This also meant its atmosphere started leaking into space, making it increasingly inhospitable. So living organisms may not have survived.

But while the new discovery may fuel aspiring colonisers’ dreams that the water in the subsurface lake might be usable to sustain a human presence, the reality is very different.

The risk of contamination means we shouldn’t send humans there until we know for sure whether there is naturally evolved life – something that could take years to decades. We will need to drill under the surface and to analyse samples, either in-situ or from material returned to Earth, and find suitable biomarkers to be sure.

Terraforming plans crushed?

Perhaps even more damning, the long-suggested idea of terraforming Mars is now firmly locked in the realm of science fiction. Musk has previously indicated that he wants to terraform the planet to make it more Earth-like, so you can “eventually walk around outside without anything on.” This would most easily be done by producing an atmosphere made of heat-trapping greenhouse gases locked in the planet’s ice in order to raise its temperature and pressure. Musk has suggested that we could drop thermonuclear bombs  on the ice at its poles in order to heat it up to release the carbon dioxide.

But according to a new study, published in Nature Astronomy, Mars has lost so much of its potential greenhouse gases to space over billions of years that there is now no possibility of transforming the remaining atmosphere into a breathable one with available technology. 

              An Earth-like Mars?              Steve Jurvetson/Flickr, CC BY-SA            

The study is based on measurements of the recent escape rate of gases to space measured over the last 15 years by Mars Express and the last four years by MAVEN. This can tell us how much effective greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide and water are available at Mars. The measurements, combined with knowledge of the inventories of carbon dioxide and water on Mars from recent space missions, show that greenhouses gases locked in the ice caps are not enough to provide the necessary heating.

More may be available deep within the planet but extracting that is well beyond today’s technology. Also, the atmosphere is still being lost due to the lack of a magnetic field, so that would need to be somehow slowed to maintain any changes achieved by terraforming. This means that potential explorers would need to use heavy, airtight walls, roofs or buildings to provide the right atmosphere and the required screening from cosmic radiation.

While Musk may be disappointed by these new results, most Mars scientists are breathing a sigh of relief. There may be present or past life on Mars, and we can now focus on finding it.

We will be searching for signs of life with the ESA-Russian ExoMars 2020 rover, and the NASA Mars 2020 mission will gather samples for eventual return to Earthbound laboratories by around 2030. The results of all this may tell us if there was, is or could be life elsewhere. In our solar system, the best targets are Mars, Saturn’s moon Enceladus and Titan, and Jupiter’s moons Europa. And these just hint of the potential for life on the many planets beyond our own solar system.

Mars is bright in our skies this week, the brightest since 2003. The red planet is never far from our thoughts, whether as a potential cradle for life beyond Earth or as a target for humans in the future. We live in exciting times when it comes to space exploration. So let’s not spoil one of the largest and most fundamental experiments for humankind by letting dreams of colonisation go too far – at least until we know whether there is life.


MR. COATES; WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE IF LIFE IS PRESENT OR NOT?  Such a concern for life didn't deter your ancestors from colonizing the "new world" and subjugating it's indigenous population. 


The Tyler Chronicle     Autumn, 2022   Worldwide Edition
Antiques and Collectibles 
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 The Tyler Chronicle     Winter,  2022         Worldwide Edition 


 Mary Alma Moore Association  

Mary Alma Moore, 1898... Last of the "pioneer women" and a remarkable person in any age, decades ago laid the groundwork for what today promises to become one of the most unusual natural parks of its kind. The 56-acres near Tyler, Texas has already become an "island of refuge" for countless wild animals which seek shelter from urban sprawl and the clanking bulldozers of encroaching "developers".

We invite you to visit this page often to keep up to date on the history and development of the park and the related activities of Mary Alma Moore Association (MAMA).

On August 1, 1985 the park was dedicated. Following is the complete text of the dedicatory address made by Bobby D. Moore on that day.

 Mary Alma Moore Memorial Park Groundbreaking            

(Interlude Fades)
"The Waste Land" T.S. Elliot
Speaker: Bobby D. Moore

What are the roots that clutch, what branches grow
Out of this stony rubbish? Son of man,
You cannot say, or guess, for you know only
A heap of broken images, where the sun beats,
And the dead tree gives no shelter, the cricket no relief,
And the dry stone no sound of water. Only
There is shadow under this red rock,
(come in under the shadow of this red rock),
And I will show you something different from either
Your shadow at morning striding behind you
Or your shadow at evening rising to meet you;
I will show you fear in a handful of dust.


Speaker: Good afternoon friends. My name is Bobby Dean Moore. And it is my privilege to welcome you at this time to groundbreaking ceremonies for Mary Alma Moore Memorial Park.

Some of you may be wondering why this particular day and hour were chosen for this ceremony. The reason is that my mother, Mary Alma Moore, was born on this day and on this hour. And since the park we are about to build here is created in her honor, it seemed appropriate to begin it on the day and hour of her birth.

Sometime in the future I plan to publish a small pamphlet which will contain many facts about my mother, Mary Alma Moore, and this park which is being created in her memory. If you would like a copy, be sure to sign the register before you leave. Include your name, address, and telephone number. And when the booklet is completed I will mail a copy to you.... free of course.

When making up the program for today, I wrote two versions; one extended version for use on a cool afternoon, and an abbreviated version for a hot afternoon. Since this is a hot afternoon, as we might expect on the first day of August, you will be exposed to the short version.

The program is brief, but if you need to move to a shade or have a drink during the proceedings, please feel free to do so.

Mary Alma Moore Memorial Park when completed, will consist of five acres of woodlands, nature trails, a wildlife protected area, and a memorial library.

The first of several phases of development is expected to be completed by August 1, 1986.

The park is privately owned and privately financed. But it will be open to all who appreciate its beauty.

Mary Alma Moore Memorial Park will be a place of beauty, peace, and rest; a place to contemplate, to meditate. It will be a place to commune with one's self and God and Nature.

It will be a dedicated and sacred and holy place.

The park is designed to express the nature of Mary Alma Moore. She loved beauty. She loved nature... the trees... the birds... and the little animals of the woods.

And they knew and trusted her. They were fed here and they found safety here... to the extent that she could afford it to them.

Many is the time she would rescue an injured animal and nurse it back to health. It mattered not what the creature; wren or rabbit, cardinal or crow, she expressed kindness and care... and love.

The central feature of Mary Alma Moore Memorial Park will be a twenty foot tall monument of pink granite, weighing over ten tons and set upon a foundation which will be dug here today at the culmination of this program.

Granite was chosen because of its almost indestructable nature... the monument placed here will be millions of years old when it is set in place and becomes a part of this park.

Granite is an ancient and igneous rock... meaning a rock borne of fire. Granite forms the very foundations of the continents themselves.

Its color is pink... warm and delicate. Texas granite similar to that to be used here has been used to construct great monuments throughout the world... the state capitol at Austin, Grand Central Station in New York, and many others.

It is appropriate to build this monument of dependable, unfailing, granite. Granite comes as close to being an indestructable material as any found in nature.

My mother was dependable and unfailing, and indestructable. She was always there for me when I needed her. No matter what the personal cost or embarrassment to her. She never... never ever once in all my life let me down.

Mary Alma Moore was the Universal Beacon, the Unmiversal Unfailing Constant of all my life. She was my only true friend. She was the finest, fairest, and noblest of all the people I ever knew.

She was my mother. And I loved her with all my heart... as she loved me. She lived her life for me and I lived mine for her. I always knew how much she cared for me... And like all the great gifts of life... like air, like breath, like sunshine... I took her for granted.

But I didn't really know how much I loved her and how much my very day to day existence depended upon her until the tragic fire which occurred here in the early morning hours of Sunday, January 20, 1985.

That event of unspeakable horror on that bitterly cold and windy night took my mother's life. And with her a part of me died. And that part may never live again.

A few moments ago I made a statement which may have struck you as odd. I stated that my mother was indestructable. And now I seem to be telling you that she was indeed destroyed.

But I tell you my friends, most emphatically... mary alma Moore was NOT destroyed!

There can be little reasonable doubt that her physical form was reduced to cinders on that night. But the noble spirit, the unconquerable will, and the beauty that was Mary Alma Moore was released of its earthly confinements.

She was set free. And she exists. She exists within me. She exists in this place. And she will exist forever more.

We are not here to mourn! We are here to celebrate the life of a great and noble person.

On this occasion, may we proclaim with Electra in the ancient Greek tragedy... reverant before the tomb of her father, Agamemnon:

 Thou art not dead!      
Tho' housed with spirits where
Thy children dwell!
For children are as echoes
 To proclaim their parents' fame.       

Mother loved poetry... and every once in a while she would ask me to recite a poem for her. One of her favorites was a little poem I learned way back in fifth grade at Whitehouse School.

She asked me to recite it for her after dinner, thwe night of the fire. I was preoccupied with other thoughts. And the fact that she asked me quite frankly irritated me. I bluntly and impolitely refused.

I read it now.

When Earth's Last Picture Is Painted

When Earth's last picture is painted
And the tubes are all twisted and dried
When the oldest color has faded
And the youngest critic has died,

We shall rest, and faith we shall need it
Lie down for an eon or two
'Til the Master of all good workmen
Shall put us to work anew.

And those that were good shall be happy,
They shall sit in a golden chair
They shall splash at a ten league canvas
With brushes of comet's hair.

They shall find real saints to draw from
Magdeline, Peter, and Paul
They shall work for an age at a sitting
And never be tired at all

And only the Master shall praise us
And only the Master shall blame
And no one will work for money
And on one will work for fame.

But each for the joy of the working
And each in his separate star
Shall draw the thing as he sees it
For the God of things as they are.

The last verse of William Cullen Bryant's...


So live, that when they summons comes to join
That innumerable caravan, which moves
To that mysterious realm, where each shall take
His chamber in the silent halls of death
Thou go not, like the quarry-slave at night,
Scourged to his dungeon, but, sustained and soothed
By an unfaltering trust, approach thy grave,
Like one who wraps the draperyh of his couch
About him, and lies down to pleasant dreams.

Now I would like to borrow and paraphrase a few lines from Alfred Tate's eulogy to Thomas Alva Edison, delivered at the first memorial meeting of the Edison Pioneers at the Hotel Astor in New York, February 11, 1932.

And until the toll of time shall have been fully paid
Until my voice is forever hushed
On each and every anniversary of her birth
The name of Mary Alma Moore will be extolled
And her fame proclaimed
By one who has known
And loved her.

Now, in conclusion, I pray...

Almighty God.

Bless and make sacred this place. I ask that you fill every stone, every statue, every tree and every brook, every fountain and every structure with your holy presence and power.

May the song of every bird and the beauty of every flower instill joy and happiness and enrich the lives of all who come here. Here may they learn wisdom. May their broken hearts and broken homes be mended. May their shattered lives be re-directed by your power.

May this place be a force for good. May it be a joy and a blessing to all who come to know it.

UKse me as an insgtrument to bring to reality the plans for this park. Bless and guide my efforts. Not for my benefit, but for the cause of all that is beautiful and good and true and holy.

And may we always remember... now and for all the decades to come, the life of Mary Alma Moore, who saved and cherished, and protected this place.

Who lived a life of dedication to your cause and who never lost her faith.

The Mary Alma Moore Association is dedicated to education, conservation, preservation of the natural environment, helping those who help themselves, and promoting the lofty ideals which were so much a part of the life of Mary Alma Moore. If you would like more information, please call 903-707-6258. Your interests and support are greatly appreciated.

For more information, call Bobby D. Moore at 903-707-6258.




The Tyler Chronicle     Winter, 2022    Worldwide Edition

My Struggle... an Autobiography...
            The Life and Times of Bobby Dean Moore

    EDITOR'S NOTE: The chronology below represents the first notes of what is intended to be a repository of information, writings and philosophical notions absorbed  during the long life of the author. A better title might have been "The Works of Bobby Moore" since its content goes well beyond the biographical. The author makes no pretense of being objective or impartial, nor is the book intended to be a heavily footnoted scholarly work. But the reader will come away from it with a better understanding of the author and his time and place than can be found anywhere else.  There are no known descendants; none to keep his memory alive. This book is a statement made by the one most qualified to make it.

                                 Entry I September, 2005
(Unedited and Incomplete)

A lot happened in 1940. Franklin Roosevelt was elected president of the United States. Adolph Hitler was named Chancellor of Germany. Winston Churchill became Prime Minister of Great Britain. Television was publicly demonstrated for the first time in America, and they tell me I was born.
My life in the womb was, for the most part, a pleasant one. It was warm, and dark and I floated comfortably. The most distinct memory I have of that period, however, was a time when the umbilical cord somehow wrapped around or perhaps pressed against my neck. I can remember it well; the distinct feel of it; I felt it with my tiny hands; turgid and slippery.
Occasionally during my childhood, the inner-womb memories presented themselves to me, but I could not identify them as being what they were... memories of life before birth. The umbilical cord memory is without a doubt the most profound; it's occurance usually being triggered by seeing a rubber hose filled with water, or something similar.
I cannot recall my birth or life immediately after. For an account of that period, my mother's recollections as related to me will serve.
The birth was not an easy one. A Texas "blue norther" had blown in on the night of September 28, 1940, freezing the wet wash hanging outside the bedroom where I was soon to make my entrance. The house where my mother had come to give me birth was not her own; but that of her half-sister, Allie Burns. The house was cold.
My mother, Mary Alma Moore was 42 when I was born. She had no other children before me, and as menopause approached, she prayed for a child; specifically a baby boy. She took my conception on January 20, 1940 as a literal answer to her prayers, and she did all within her power to assure a successful pregnancy. She dedicated me to God before I was even conceived. I have always considered this interesting and a bit unfair, since I wasn't consulted!
Her labor began almost 24 hours before the delivery. There were no doctors or nurses in attendance; no anesthetics; no pain-killers. She lay on a wet bed in a cold house alone. During the latter stages of the birth process, she became unconscious. In her delerium my mother experienced what she termed in later years, "a vision". In the "vision", as she gave birth, two powerful figures (one of darkness and one of light) fought for possession of the child being expelled from her womb; the archetypical battle between wickedness and virtue. The vision dimmed in the cold morning light as she was greeted by the sound of a healthy, crying newborn, and the comforting words of a kindly doctor who had finally been summoned in desperation by relatives.
And so began the life I could never call mine... on a cold Sunday morning, September 29, 1940.
(Insert Alma background leading to the birth.)

(Chicken memory in Louisiana... in diapers)
The earliest memory that comes to my mind is when I spoke (sang) my first words. I was standing up in the front seat of a Model "T" Ford. Mother was driving. And I began to sing "You Are My Sunshine". If I recall correctly, I sang the complete song. Another early memory was formed at the cottage of my maternal garandmother, Mattie Caroline (Grandma) Harrison. It was winter, and the little house smelled of kerosene from the kitchen stove, burning wood in the wood heater, and a certain unique, unidentifiable odor that I shall always associate with "Granny". It was a pleasant odor reminiscent of the lavender bushes that flowered in her back yard.
It was morning and I had awakened to the aroma of freshly baked muffins in the kitchen. Granny always made wonderful muffins! I was out from under the covers in a flash, and headed barefoot across the cold linoleum-covered floor toward the treasures that were nested on the kitchen table. But I was intercepted on the way by my mother and admonished not to walk on the cold floor without shoes or socks. "But I'm walking on my little heelies!" I said. It was a fact, I was indeed walking on my heels. Everyone laughed, and before long, I was stuffing myself with hot buttered muffins and fresh milk.


           Entry II November, 2005 

My maternal grandmother was a devout Christian; as lovely as she was faithful to her God. The most persistent memory I have of her is her lovely long, white hair which she usually kept in a "granny knot"... and her prayers. I can see her sitting in her rocking chair, right hand raised to heaven... calling upon the God she knew was listening. She told me Bible stories and she sang a little song sometimes before I went to sleep...
"Jesus may come tonight, Jesus may come. Jesus may come tonight, Jesus may come. When the sun goes down... And the moon comes 'round... Jesus may come."
She prayed before we left on our way to Louisiana. She had packed us a lunch of bacon, and muffins, and fruit, and milk in quart jars. Mother had apparently received word from my father, Edgar inviting us to join him in Louisiana, where he was working as a railroad engineer.
My father wasn't present during my birth, or for quite some time before. The very first haunting memory that I have of him is that we were leaving to be united as a family for the first time. Somewhere in Louisiana; Anahuac, DeQuinse, perhaps Baton Rouge. He had a job. A reconcilliation of some kind had taken place between my two parents, and we were leaving for Louisiana in Mother's "Model A" Ford.

The time of our departure is not recalled, nor is the exact time of year. My first and only memory of the trip is awakening inside the automobile on a cold, frosty morning somewhere in Louisiana. We were parked off the road in a pine forest. The limbs of recently cut pine trees resembled a scene from a Christmas Card outside the window. The early morning sun glistened on their frost covered needles and framed the window with glittering diamonds.
I was wrapped in blankets and cozy. Soon my mother had a small campfire going outside and we had our breakfast, including hot bacon strips cooked on long, pointed sticks over the fire. The scene was one of beauty, and love and warmth. I was infinitely blessed with a mother who loved me more than anything else on earth.

It is difficult to arrange my memories of life in Louisiana in chronological order. Perhaps I will be able to accomplish that later. For the moment, I shall relate them as they occur to me.
Mother and I are walking together... somewhere in the vicinity of a terpentine refinery. I can still smell the pungent aroma. We pass the ruins of a recently burned-out sawmill. One of us picks up a small cylindrical magnet. I still have it.


  The very first memory of my father. He sits in the cab of a powerful steam locomotive pulling a passenger train. The railroad and highway run flat and parallel for miles, and mother drives along, keeping pace with the engine as it slowly pulls out of town. Now safely beyond the confines of the town and it's numerous crossings, Daddy pulls back on the throttle and in a blinding rush, whistle screaming, he leaves us in a cloud of steam and smoke. Waving, laughing, proud. For these brief moments, they both are happy. This is a memory I shall carry with me to the grave.
Christmas in Louisiana is approaching. This is, in fact, my very first memory of Christmas. We are living in what was once a small grocery store. Our landlady's name is Mrs. Bageron. My memories of her are sparse, but kind. For some reason, my mother and I visit her late one evening, near twilight. She is catholic and in her yard is a small grotto with a miniature manger scene. With great curiosity, I carefully examine each little icon.

           ENTRY III November, 2005 

While the time spent with my maternal grandmother could be measured in days; that with my father's mother would amount to hours. I recall having seen her only twice in my lifetime. The first time was while we were living in the little store building in De Quincy Louisiana ('43-'44).
She nad come from Houston for a brief visit. She brought a big sack of cookies and a Houston newspaper. This is my first memory of a newspaper; I can see it in my mind as plainly as if it were yesterday. On one page was a diagram of a German V-1 (buzz bomb). That's the page that stamped itself into my mind. The cookies were soon gone, and we ate the crumbs and broken pieces from the bottom of the sack.
"Grandma Moore" was a tall and skinney woman with enormous ears. Unfortunately those ears (though slightly diminished) were passed on to my father... and on to me. She was swarthy and wrinkled. Somehow I didn't feel comfortable with her.
Life in Louisiana was good for me; one of the few times we existed as a family. The time was one of adventure and learning. The value of my mother's love and wisdom during those formative years is priceless. Few things were forbidden. I learned valuable lessons through experience; lessons that I never forgot. I learned to use and respect fire. I "fried" mud pies on top of a kerosene fueled railroad lantern. I chopped "salads" from tender, green weeds which grew in the back yard. I have a scar on my left index finger as a result! But I learned. I learned! I seemed to derive satisfaction from creating order from disorder. One of my favorite things was to stack carrot slices in neat, uniform columns.
In an attempt to attach lighted birthday candles to a small, artificial Christmas tree, the little tree became ignited. I extinguished the fire without help.
Books came into my life and I began to read. There was a book about "Uncle Wiggley and Granddaddy Longlegs"; a picture book about kittens; a Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd comic book. Bugs was melting old tires to create a rubber automobile. The book of all books though, was "Vitology", a four inch thick hardcover tome with remedies for every concievable disease and ailment. The book contained an elaborate fold-out section of the internal organs in vivid color. It contained recipes for poultices and "before" and "after" photographs of a young man who had succumbed to the "evil" of masturbation.
Books, carrots, dreams. My first remembered dreams occurred during this period ('43-'44). I remember dreams of falling. My first nightmare was a dream in which my mother had disappeared. I ran through the house searching for her and screaming for her. I found her in a closet. She had changed into a human-sized carrot. This may sound comical as you read it now, but it was my first taste of horror in a dream. My first experience of waking horror was when I accidently opened "Vitology" to the fold-out of the internal organs!
I loved the green, green grass of Louisiana; the moss covered trees; giant, paper-shelled pecans, and wild strawberries. I captured huge shelled snails and attempted to attach them to penny match boxes like horses to a coach. During our stay in Louisiana, an old green metal, toy auto (large enough for me to ride in!) came into our possession. It's origin is uncertain, but my mother painted it green to cover the rust.
I developed "trench mouth" a fungal infection which my mother successfully treated with a solution of alum and boric acid. The condition was discovered one day at dinner as I ate salty, giant butterbeans. I remember the pain quite well.
Crabs were bought by the toesack full. Standing too close to a torn sack taught me a healthy respect for snapping pincers.The three of us gathered mayhaws in water waist-deep in flooded bar ditches. I was captain of a Number 3 galvanized wash tub, stabilized by my papa's strong arm. We salvaged a freshly killed young alligator which was soon transformed into several tasty dishes. Then there was the sheep. Mother had found it injured somewhere along the road and brought it home to recuperate. Things were going quite well until she sprayed it with flyspray to eliminate the blowflies which swarmed around it. The sheep died shortly after the spraying; I suspect from the effect of the spray.
The "star window" was on the second or third floor of an enormous wooden mansion, long abandoned. The paint had peeled from the outside walls and columns, and green creepers were slowly moving to enclose the veranda. The window had broken panes of stained glass and faced the back yard which was filled with giant pecan trees. Shreds of curtains sill hung in the windows. Everything had been abandoned suddenly. The story was that the house had been built by a wealthy politician for the beautiful young woman he loved. Unfaithfulness, either real or imagined, resulted in her being shot as she stood in front of the star window. Perhaps then, the lover in a fit of remorse ended his own life. We gathered pecans under the trees and the image of the house burned itself into my memory.
The Mississippi River, barges, steam engines and railroad cars. We sat in the automobile, watching my father's locomotive push loaded boxcars onto river barges. The whole thing seemed quite dangerous. I remember the enormous trestles which spanned the river.
Red Rainwater was the son of a widow lady who made her livlihood as a washer woman and who lived on the lot behind ours. Red was a little older than I, and sometimes he came to our front screen door asking if I could come out and play. Enormous dragonflies in a multitude of bright colors swarmed our yard in the evenings. Red would trade me these "mosquito hawks" for cookies. As a result, there were often two or three dragonflies zooming around inside our living room.


  Trips to the "roundhouse" were always a treat when Mother would sometimes take Daddy to work. I loved the smell and the look and sound of the locomotives. I still love them to this day. My geatest thrill was to be taken inside the cab.
(Add bats, chickens, "excuse me", tall grass, boardwalks)
I suppose it would be possible to connect all the foregoing seemingly unrelated memories into some kind of logical order, but why? The unifying threads will become clearer as the long story unfolds. In summary,I was a happy child, bright and cheerful during the Louisiana days. I remember no family discord, physical pain only twice, and emotional distress on two occasions (the nightmare and the experience with the fold-outs). I don't remember being spanked or scolded by either parent.
The Louisiana period must have been a relatively happy one for my mother too, since during this time she sewed and embroidered lovely designs on just about every scrap of cloth she could find. Some of her work of that period survives today. But something was wrong. I have never understood the true basis of the discord which developed between my parents. Maybe I have simply refused to accept the facts. There are several theories which will be explored later.

           ENTRY IV December 8, 2005 

What happened to end our stay in Louisiana is unclear, but my mother and I once again found ourselves at Grannie's house near Tyler, Texas. The time of year is also uncertain, but I think it must have been spring or summer. I remember the sounds of satisfied hens, big and fat and black and white feathered; dusting in the sand, resting in the shade of the chinaberry trees, and each, in turn, announcing the arrival of her daily egg. The sweet song of mockingbirds filled the perfumed lavender bushes. Whatever had happened to cause the end of our stay in Louisiana, had left me unscarred, or at least, without any conscious memory of it. One thing is certain, Daddy was no longer with us.
Once again, Alma had returned to the only "safe" harbor she knew, penniless and virtually without resources. But now she was not alone.
The cottage where Grannie lived, had decades before, housed a small country store. It was a simple, well-made board structure with a wood shingle roof, rectangular in shape, facing the Troup Road. A shallow well near the back afforded abundant, clear, cold water. An outhouse, a small storage building, and a chicken house completed the setting. There were no utilities; no electricity, no plumbing, no telephone, no gas. Heat was provided by wood fires, and kerosene lamps with polished chimneys gave us light. The house was sparsely furnished; the most notable item being my grandmother's spinning wheel which had been hand-made by her father. A well-used Bible, an almanac, a Sears and Roebuck mailorder catalog and a hanging medicine calendar were always at hand. A "Number 3" galvanized washtub and a washboard hung on the wall outside the back door.
A sandy trail not more than a hundred yards long connected my grandmother's back yard with that of her daughter, Edna Roberts, sister of my mother. Aunt Edna was the wife of a local barber, John William Roberts. She had three children; my first cousins and closest relatives outside my immediate family. The oldest of the three, Helen, had already married and established her own home when we returned. She was the daughter of an earlier marriage. The twin boys; John William Jr. and Don William who were ten years older than I, were still attending the country school at Whitehouse, some ten miles south.
I can remember the distinctly different personalities of the two brothers; Don and John. In spite of the considerable age difference, we played together and seemed to enjoy each others' company. We played store, with John always being the store-keeper. We dug caves in the sand with gusto. In all my years of knowing them, there was never an argument or harsh word between us. Throughout their lives, they showed me only love and generosity.
Our stay in the cottage with my grandmother was brief; amounting to a few months at most. The time was pleasant for me; still a babe in the nest. I watched the hens and listened to their conversations; I came to know and love the resident birds; I experienced my first sexual stirrings. Little did anyone know then that soon an event would take place which would set the course of my future. To call it meaningful would be an understatement. It was probably the single most important happening in my entire life.

           Entry V December 9, 2005 

Our next location was a small, board shack. There's no other word for it. The tiny house was roofed with tin and coated with peeling whitewash. The location was a scant two miles from my grandmother's house, off the main road. It was situated in a creek bottom a few hundred feet west of the I&GN Railroad branch line which extended from Troup to Mineola. The red dirt road which passed in front dead-ended at an old community cemetery a quarter of a mile east. Probably because of past "bootlegging" enterprises which may have flourished in the area, that flat stretch of road had become known as "Whiskey Flat".
Our stay there was brief and not an entirely pleasant one. A few stray chickens and a clump of daffodils are the only life forms I remember at that location. We made a small bouquet of the flowers and considered eating one of the chickens, but either because of moral scruples (or because the chicken was a fast one) it never made it into the dinner pot.
It is probable that our stay at "Whiskey Flat" was intended to be a short one, as indeed it was. At most, the time we spent there could be counted in weeks. A larger house in a much more desirable location became available, and we moved into it. It was normally occupied by tenant farmers and was owned by Roy L. Lilly, a local landowner and the proprietor of a nearby "country store". The Lilly house was four or five times the size of the little shack, sported a real front porch, and a well-built outhouse. Water was drawn from a well adjacent to the back porch, and was covered by a sheet metal roof. Of course, there was no plumbing or any utilities. There were no neighbors. Past the few acres of cultivated fields near the house was a vast climax hardwood forest which I came to know intimately.
Some of my first unhappy memories were made during the months we spent in the "Lilly" house. In retrospect, it is clear that my mother was at that time under considerable financial and emotional stress. My father had returned.(Maybe that was our reason for leaving Grannie's.) He now had no permanent job, and worked intermittently as a "roughneck" in the nearby oil fields. He seemed to be with us infrequently. Money was in short supply.
Summer became autumn and then winter. The warm days had passed, and a sudden, unexpected snowstorm during the night left a blanket of white over the whole of our universe. There was no wood to burn in the cheap sheet-metal stove which served as our heat source, nor was there an axe to cut any. Nor was there a father in sight to care for his wife and child.
The morning was cold and bright. Bundling me in the warmest clothes we had, Mother instructed me to wait in the yard for her while she made her way to the edge of the woods. Her object was to keep me in sight while she foraged for fallen limbs in the snow. I watched patiently and with interest as she gathered fuel, but I soon realized that glare from the snow was affecting my vision. By the time she returned, I had become totally snow-blind, and had to be led into the house. My mother cried and prayed. There was no money for doctors.
One cold day of the same winter, I learned to tie my shoes, but not before receiving some harsh words from the mother who loved me. This is my first memory of her raising her voice to me in anger; perhaps in frustration. She was facing the reality of survival without the stability of a reliable family structure.
One of our nearer "neighbors" was a black family. Ernest Seaton worked in the rose fields as did his two good-natured sons, Ernest Jr. and Bennie Troy. His wife Clara, was rotund and jolly,with the whitest teeth and an ever-present smile. She was without a doubt one of the best cooks in the county. They were our friends.
Bennie Troy, the younger of the two brothers rode a black horse... bareback. He would periodically come galloping down the gravel road to our house, a cloud of red dust behind him. Mother and I affectionately called him the "black rider". One morning "Black Rider" showed up in our front yard only minutes after I had backed into the hot wood-burning heater mentioned earlier. A severe burn the size of a silver dollar was visible on the left side of my rump. 'Rider offered to treat the injury, and within minutes had made the mile long round trip to his house and back. He brought with him two fresh eggs in a cloth flour sack. He removed the thin membrane inside the egg shell and carefully and completely covered the burn with it. The treatment was a complete success.
Our stay at the "Lilly" house would soon come to an end. The "important event" mentioned at the end of Entry IV was about to take place.

           Entry VI January 14, 2006

The female nesting instinct is strong. My mother was now searching for a nesting place to rear her child. The early years of the marriage between my parents had been spent traveling to the far western states, living in the most primitive conditions imaginable. At that time there was no child; the hardships and deprivation were endured. But now Alma prayed for a home to raise her baby. The move from the shack in "Whiskey Flat" to the rented tenent farm house was definitely a move "up", but there is a great difference between sleeping in a bed under a rented roof, and in "owning" the place where you live.
The exact circumstances surrounding my parents purchase of the tract of land adjacent to the Lilly rent house are unclear. The property was owned by Roy L. Lilly, the same man who owned the rent house where we lived. What is clear is that when the chance to buy the 60 acres to the south came along, mother grabbed it... not in greed, but in desperation. The acquisition of that land... where I grew from infancy to adulthood, was the single most significant event of my entire life. Although I have always been a strong believer in the importance of heredity (versus environment) the extremely powerful influence of the land on my life is undeniable.
Man's devotion to the soil of his origin can be one of the most powerful human motivators. That has certainly been true in my life.

           Entry VII February 28, 2006

So, how was it that my parents, virtually penniless, were able to move from the status of "whitetrash" renters to property owners? They had access to very little money, and dim prospects for obtaining any. How can this be explained?
First of all, it must be remembered that the seller saw value in property only for agricultural purposes, and in his view, the 60 acres had limited agricultural use. Much of it was hilly, and heavily wooded with a climax hardwood forest, and the remainder had been for decades a source of red, iron-ore gravel for paving county roads... a gravel pit. There were no buildings, and fencing on one side only. It was accessible only by means of the dirt road which passed through "whiskey flat" which was periodically flooded during periods of heavy rain. It had no creeks, or ponds, or wells. There was no dependable water supply.
The closest thing to a pond was "the craters". We called them the "water holes". In wet weather, they would accumulate water which rather quickly seeped back into the porus gravel. These depressions very closely resembled bomb craters, and had in fact been created by large explosive charges set off near the surface. The fifty-foot diameter depressions were spaced very close together; there was very little partition between two of them, and probably less than twenty feet separating the third. The exact date and circumstances of their creation was unknown although it was generally assumed that they were the result of early seismic exploration. A futile attempt had been made to create a small water retaining dam slightly uphill from the water holes, but as a water source, it was even less effective than the craters.
There had been at least one attempt to dig a well. It was located atop a hill at what was once an old houseplace. All vestiges of the house had long since disappeared, and the depths of the 80 foot deep well were shunned by well-diggers since it was rumored that more than one man had lost his life in it because of "gas". A similar well some few hundred yards north had been an instrument of murder. A negro woman had been robbed, blindfolded, and "walked off" into the well, according to legend. Her screams were silenced by rocks thrown in by the murderer.
The surface which had been mined for gravel was almost absolutely flat. The gravel layers had been scraped into rows with a blade and then shoveled by hand into wagons and trucks for distribution. All topsoil had long since been removed, and the bright orange-red limonite remaining glowed in the hot sun like the surface of Mars. This area contained very little grass and no trees with the exception of a few persimmon bushes. "That place ain't worth a damn' fer nuthin' but growin' 'simmon sprouts", a neighboring cattleman was heard to say.
Not only was the land viewed as almost worthless by the previous owner, but it must be remembered that both my parents were charismatic, and in this case, bursting with enthusiasm at the prospect of "having their own place". My father had spent his youth as a street-wise city boy in Houston, and then his years as a dashing, womanizing locomotive engineer. But deep inside, he had always yearned to be a farmer... to plow his own land. As a child, he had paid visits to an uncle who had a farm, and the young man was imprinted with the desire for life.
My mother was born and raised in the deep piney woods of East Texas, and although she had spent some years in Detroit, Michigan during the time of her first marriage, she longed to return to the land. Now, with a child, the urge became almost uncontrollable.
My mother was a beautiful woman, even at this stage of her life. That fact must not be disregarded. But good looks, and charisma and enthusiasm can take you only so far. There had to be a down payment. She had only one possession that had sufficient value; the one thing she had carried with her from her life in Detroit... a diamond wedding ring. Only she would have known the sacrifices she endured to keep it over the years... when money was absent and times were hard. But now the ring served it's higher purpose. It was pledged and the deal was closed.
I do not wish to cast any shadow on the integrity of the seller. But it is very likely that he did not believe that people of such mean circumstances would be able to pay the note installments as they came due. In fact, he admonished them not to "cut any timber" until the balance was paid. He, like many others over the years, underestimated my mother.
My parents were fired with enthusiasm. The limited income provided by intermittent work was immediately put to use. A neighboring two-room shack formerly used by black share-croppers was bought, and somehow, the money was obtained to pay a trucker to move it onto the property. One of the earliest memories I have of the homeplace was the day that little house was moved into place and set on blocks. It was surrounded by magnificent oak trees, and several smaller ones had to be cut to make room for the tiny cabin that was to be my home through young adulthood.
The little house was less than you can imagine. The walls were made from rough-cut boards produced at a local sawmill; single walls, not double. The few windows could not be raised or lowered. There were front and back door openings (no doors) and a single partition wall inside. The ceiling was low; the roof was rusted, corrugated sheet iron. The house was quite old when my parents bought it; how old is uncertain. I would not be surprised if it had housed slaves in it's prime.
I remember our first night on the land as clearly as if it were yesterday. It was dark and warm, and the sound of insects was loud in the trees. We sat under the arms of the big oaks at a rough board table illuminated by kerosene lanterns. We ate our first supper together on the place and for another brief moment in my life, we were a family.

Entry VIII March 31, 2006

From Whiskey Flat tenant to a possessor of lands! The nest, fragile though it was, was in place. My mother now had a suitable place to rear her child. And she held on tenaceously until her death... and perhaps beyond. A board shack and land, true; but what else?
There was no stable income. There was no nearby well or other water supply for the house. No plumbing. No bathroom; no toilet. There was no telephone. There was no gas or electrical service. Barns or other outbuildings were non-existent. The nearest neighbor was half a mile away. There was no mail delivery, and the school bus didn't turn down the road to Whiskey Flat.
Of all the things desirable that were missing, most acutely missed was a stable family structure. It is impossible for me to accurately weigh the causes of this situation. I am inclined to place the great majority of this burden upon the shoulders of my father. I loved him, and I know that he loved me, but he was absent as a provider and father. But my purpose is not to condemn; rather to relate, as honestly as I can, the truth. And the truth can be a very elusive thing.
Yes, there was a lot that we didn't have, but the positive side of the ledger was far better than anyone realized at the time.

           Entry IX April 14, 2006

First and foremost, I was blessed with a mother who was the product of a genetically healthy and gifted ancestry. Not only that (quite probably as a result of it) she was a woman of great intellect, spirit and integrity. She possessed all the qualities that any person of greatness should possess, and she loved me beyond measure.
And we still had freedom. The United States, coming out of the crucible of World War II was the most powerful nation on earth, militarily and industrially, and still afforded it's citizens a large measure of that fragile and elusive property, so long ago paid for by the blood of our forebearers. Freedom! How sweet. I held it to my breast like a mother holds a child. And I loved it so. Freedom was mine in so, so many ways. Mine was the freedom to speak my mind, to think my own thoughts, to exercise countless initiatives. Mine was the freedom to invent, to engage in trade and industrial enterprise with a minimum of governmental interference. I was an American! I was a Texan! My limits were set only by my abilities and my willingness to work.
We had a our own land! Precious living space. Room to grow. And what a wonderful space it was... part of it covered by a towering climax hardwood forest, and rich with berries and blossoms and sweet persimmons, and brown nuts in the fall! It became a part of me and I a part of it; the red cardnals, the nesting oreoles; chameleons, green and brown; the countless furry creatures; flying squirrels who made their home in the attic, and the mysterious bats which darted to and fro in the darkening skies. And with the coming of darkness, the dance of fireflies filled the air. And the land itself, millions of pounds of rich iron-ore gravel was solid, stable and dependable... and it was always there... under my feet. We were one.
We were blessed by the good reputation of my mother's sister and her family and that of my maternal grandmother. They were respectable folks, well thought of in the community... and well-deserving. The good relationship that this family enjoyed with the nearby country school would prove to be of great benefit to me when I reached school age. The school itself and it's faculty were priceless assets. There is no doubt that other institutions could have offered more academically, but none... I say NONE could have provided a more wholesome environment. The school faculty eventually became my surrogate family.
Yes, there was a lot we didn't have; refrigerators, electricity, toilets and telephones... But we were wealthy beyond measure. And ironically, most of this treasure we took for granted.

           Entry X May 24, 2006 

I grew up as a child of nature. The change of the seasons was a delight for me; the chill and changing leaves of autumn, winter's snow and long icicles hanging from the roof, the tiny forget-me-nots of spring, and long walks in the warm summer rain. Bubbling wet-weather springs, and rivulets that became rivers for my tiny boats. Blackbirds in the snow. Trees covered in ice. A frozen lake. The sudden sound of rain and sleet on a tin roof. Ear-splitting thunder; lightning bolts exploding treetops. The nightime symphony of frogs in the shallows.
I came to intimately know the buckeye, the cottonmouth, the copperhead, scorpions, poison ivy, sweet wild dewberies, pecans and wild plums, red and yellow and purple. "Wild" animals were always our pets. Cardnals and bluejays were handfed as hatchlings and flew freely about the house. Baby 'possums rode my shoulders, hanging to my shirt collar with prehensile tails. I had a penchant for turtles and terrapins and collected them by the dozen. We even raised a baby mink, who grew up to follow me about the place like a pup. We would walk to the spillway of the lake behind our house where he would dive like an otter for minnows and crawfish in the clear water. My early life was one of constant joy and discovery, and those most precious of all qualities... freedom and innocence. But freedom can be fleeting, and the cost of innocence is high.
Even so, these memories are priceless. I would not be willing to trade the experiences of my childhood for all the material wealth of this earth. For they made me what I am... and I am exactly what I was destined to be.

           Entry XI June 24, 2006 

Was it all really this idyllic? For me, yes. But there were realities that were harsh. The property had been bought with a "ring and a promise" so to speak. Small amounts had been paid as agreed, but a large note balance loomed menacingly in the distance. Where would the money come from to make the final payment?
There were no sources in sight: no wealthy relatives, no generous friends... Where was help to be found? As the day of reckoning drew closer, there was an unspoken tension that pervaded the house and all that surrounded it. Was it possible that the unthinkable might happen? The kerosene lamps burned late into the night. My mother prayed, as she always did, but there were no angels in white robes descending from heaven with cash in hand to bail us out! There was no knight in shining armor charging down our red dusty road on a great white steed with a pocket full of greenbacks!
Instead there was the white Ford pickup truck of the leinholder pulling into the yard to remind my mother of the impending doom. Yes, cruel reality was on our doorstep, reminding us that we were, in reality, still poor white trash, who would soon again be flushed into the hole from which we had tried so hard to escape.
I shall never forget the moment. I was standing in the front yard, barefoot, in short pants. The white Ford truck approached in the usual cloud of red dust and came to an abrupt halt scant yards from me. My little heart quickened. Tears welled in my eyes, and I stood there, helpless... yet defiant. Defiant, yet not knowing what to do or say. The truck door opened and the tall, imposing figure of a man stepped out into the dust cloud. He carried a handful of important-looking legal-sized papers. He stepped closer.
By this time, my mother had come out the front door. She stood there in her apron, her hands clasping the fabric of it. The look on her face will follow me to the grave. But the look of desperation quickly changed, as I watched, to one of somewhat bewildered curiosity. When I turned to again face the man in the dust cloud, I understood why.
The tall man with the papers was not the leinholder at all, but rather a complete stranger, who by now was joined by another stranger from the other side of the truck... who carried even more papers... and a huge map rolled up and wedged under his arm.
Incredibly, what my mother and I had both first perceived to be our damnation, was in fact, salvation. The two men were engineers employed by Lone Star Gas Company, and as they politely introduced themselves and made their purpose known, it became clear that the company needed a right-of-way easement to construct an large natural gas pipeline across the property. It also became clear that the company was prepared to pay for the easement... a sum, which to us was enormous; a sum large enough to pay off the property note with a surplus!
Within what seemed like a very short time, and with a bare minimum of preliminaries, a company draft was issued, the note balance was paid in full (to everyone's astonishment) and a survey crew was making it's way directly across the center of the property, leaving a trail of wooden stakes and flags to mark the location of the enormous ditch which was soon to follow. The digging of that pipeline ditch was one of the most significant events of my early life. The "nest" was secure. The environment which was to nourish the remainder of my childhood and approaching youth was assured.

           Entry XII July, 2006 

The pipeline crew was efficient. Following the surveyors came the hulking dozers, clanking relentlessly over the orange/red limonite and leaving a long, red scar in their wake. I was fascinated by the power and size of these machines. I stood barefooted and charmed by the drama being played out before me. Every single day, I watched them from daybreak until quitting time, and when the work day was over, I explored the site. I became friends with the workers. They shared lunches with me. They had my respect and admiration.
Then an enormous ditching machine appeared in the distance, moving slowly down the center of the right-of-way; a giant, iron wheel with clawed "buckets" around it's perimeter; rolling along endless tracks and cutting an eight foot deep ditch in the virgin earth. Trucks followed with their many loads of long, steel pipe; then weldors, who joined the sections into one seamless, pressure-tight artery nearly two feet in diameter, and designed to carry Texas natural gas at a pressure well in excess of a thousand pounds per square inch. A curious "wrapping machine" coated the outside of the pipe with hot, molten tar and an endless spiral of heavy paper. The pipe was laid in the ditch by still another fleet of crawling, smoke belching machines. Finally, a lone 'dozer followed behind the procession, and like a benediction, covered the pipe in the ditch. And in the days that followed, as the earth-shaking rumble of the mechanical parade faded into the distance, the song of the field lark replaced the sound of "progress".
Income from the pipeline easement coupled with more from an oil and gas lease for a time relieved the financial stress which had been our everyday companion. I was a happy child approaching school age, loved by my parents, and joyously exploring every aspect of the wonderful world around me. In retrospect, I can see most of the major features of my proclivities, character and personality already developed at that age.

           Entry XIII August 14, 2006 

By the age of five, my abilities, interests, and psychological characteristics were clearly defined. I was possessed by insatiable curiosity, a desire to understand anything and everything around me, and a powerful creative urge. I never lacked self-confidence, and was an effective communicator.
The creative urge first manifested itself in art. My first drawings were with crayons and pencil and often were of the same subjects... in many variations. The events of World War Two impressed me indelibly: army tanks, submarines, ships, aircraft of various kinds; the wreckage and destruction of war. But steam locomotives, chemical plants with their towers and stacks, and construction cranes were drawn with equal, or greater frequency. Fanciful castles and mansions and trees were sources of inspiration (as they still are today).
These images continued to manifest themselves well into my middle years in high school. Interestingly, I never drew people. Never. Animals occasionally, but never people. It's not that I didn't like people; I found other subjects more interesting.
I never considered myself "gifted" as an artist. Drawing and painting became an enjoyable activity for me, and I perfected to some degree, at least, those skills. Some of my teachers seemed to think I had artistic talent, but I never gave it much thought.
From a very early age, I seem to have been "driven" to build and create. At the age of three, I drilled imaginary oil wells with derricks made of wire and sticks. During that same period, I constructed my first "factory" which was a makeshift "petroleum refinery" from discarded pieces of pipe, and cans and hose.
How can I explain this kind of "imprinting"? Perhaps I can't. But one thing is certain; this is the pattern that has repeated itself in my life countless times over a period of more than half a century. Why? The extremely powerful creative urge has dominated my entire life... quite frankly, to my material disadvantage.
To my material disadvantage, yes. But I have never regretted being what I am. I couldn't change with any less difficulty than a fish could exchange scales for feathers.

           Entry XIV August 16, 2006 

By September 15, 1945, World War II had ended, and Whitehouse Public School resumed classes for the fall term. Summer vacations in those days were long; a carryover from the time when children helped with crop cultivation and harvest. I found myself enrolled in the first grade class of Mozel Brown... but not for long. Since my birthdate was on September 29, and school started on the 15th, technically, I was not of school age (6 years) when I was enrolled. About two weeks after the start of school, the teacher realized this and wrote a note to my mother, suggesting that a talk with the principal would probably result in my staying in school.
Mother thought it wise not to ask for "special privileges" and so my first experience with formal education was cut short.
Well that it was, for reasons which I shall elaborate at some later time. It is probable that a new infusion of capital was needed to keep Mary and Edgar's plans in motion; so a trip was planned to the "greener pastures" of the west; Tucumcari, New Mexico, to be exact. "There's oil in them thar hills..."
"Oil in the hills" doesn't necessarily mean money in the pocket, but the whole thing turned out to be an exciting adventure for me. The trip to Tucumcari was extended to Rangely, Colorado. We lived at both places for a short while, but we were back home before school resumed the following autumn.

           Entry XV August 27, 2006 

Our means of conveyance west was not a chuck wagon as might have been the case a few generations earlier, but our green '39 Chevrolet sedan and the wagon of the old west had a few things in common. The back seat was loaded with the basic necessities of housekeeping, with barely room for one little passenger. The front was occupied by my mother and my father who took turns at the wheel. A big, heavy, tent / tarpaulin was carefully rolled and lashed to the top of the old car. My mother constructed a portable table which extended out of the trunk and rested on two legs when the lid was raised. Iron skillets, a food supply, plates, knives, forks, cups, saucers, clothing.... We were well supplied for the trip.
I remember our pulling out of Tyler but not the time of day. I suspect that I slept during much of the early part of the trip. The first clear memory after we left Texas is that of a large, cinder cone volcano in New Mexico. We passed very close to it, and I was able to see a recently constructed road spiraling around it toward the top. I recall that I desperately wanted to stop and explore it. Of course, circumstances prevented that, but from that moment forward, I was fascinated by things geological.
We arrived at Tucumcari, New Mexico, (insert Tucumcari legend) and rented a low-cost motel room at the base of steep hills of fine volcanic ash. An abandoned gasoline tank from an old tanker truck immediately became my fortress and private retreat. At least, it was private for a while, until a swarm of Mexican kids invaded my little domain and one of them decided to use the tank as a toilet. I retreated immediately, not so much because of the superior number of the invaders, but because of the stench.
The powdery ash slopes offered an excellent opportunity for "sledding" on makeshift cardboard sleds, but our stay in Tucumcari was short-lived. We were again on the road. Destination: Rangely, Colorado.
We climbed the winding mountain roads into Colorado through Monarch Pass, Ratoon Pass and over the Continental Divide. Mines, rocky cliffs, fir trees, rushing mountain streams and waterfalls, clear mountain air, and snow (in summer). I was utterly fascinated by the beauty unfolding before my eyes. We sopped periodically to camp and eat the food mother prepared over campfires. The stops afforded me the opportunity to explore. Quaking Aspen, cold, clear water over polished stones, flat-tailed beavers and ravens kept my attention.
The number of nights spent "camping out" is uncertain, but one in particular made an indelible impression. Darkness was upon us as we finished dinner, and big, heavy raindrops began to fall as we scurried under the shelter of the heavy tarp. I can never forget the wonderful sound of those raindrops on the tarp. I don't recall our bedding arrangement, but I felt warm and secure with my parents. The tarp was new and had a distinctive odor; not entirely unpleasant. That night was one of the most memorable of my entire childhood.
Our progress was slow, but steady, and before long we were at our final destination: Rangely. Daddy found a job in the nearby oil field. We moved into a small log cabin with a coal-burning stove, and I regularly feasted on apricots and fresh pastries, the source of which will be revealed in due time. Our stay in Rangely was short, but a comfortable routine was established. (witch, cat, rough slope, snake, whirlpool in the river, Mr. Haney (the baker))

           Entry XVI September, 2006 

The log cabin was nestled at the base of steep foothills which rose abruptly a few hundred feet from the back door. The setting was very similar to Tucumcari, where we had volcanic ash hills behind the house. There was a difference though. The hills at Rangely were steeper and higher, and they were not composed of volcanic ash. They were rocky.
Not fully understanding these vital differences, I soon made my way up one of the slopes with my makeshift sled of cardboard. Understanding was not long in coming, as I began my sled-journey down a shallow, gravel-bottomed ravine. Faster than the Tucumcari hills, the ride was going fine until the pebbles began to erode through the bottom of my "sled". I soon realized that disintegration was on the way. I tried slowing my descent by dragging my hands, but sharp rocks and ever increasing speed made that impossible. By the time I stopped, the "sled" was scattered along the ravine in fragments and the seat of my pants was worn thin.
So ended my sledding experiences at Rangely. But still fascinated by the hills, I occasionally made excursions to the top; usually with my mother, but sometimes alone. Once while making the treck alone, I encountered a rattlesnake at the very peak. The snake slithered into a hole, and I quickly made my way back to the house.
I have always been fascinated by stories of witches and goblins, and sometimes pretended to be warlock. On one such occasion, under a full moon, as I cavorted behind our little cabin, with a cloak made from my mother's tablecloth... I encountered a tiny kitten. We made friends immediately. Mother and I named her "Fluff" and she remained my mascot for all nine of her lives.
Like Tucumcari, our stay at Rangely was short-lived. Memories which remain with me are those of fresh, sweet, apricots; huge, powerful, oilfield trucks laboring up steep grades; and a churning whirlpool in a nearby river. And how could I ever forget "Mr. Haney"? Tall and toothless, and red as an Indian; he was a local baker who had to get up very early each morning to bake rolls and doughnuts and cakes for the day's trade. Mr. Haney had a delightful sense of humor, always laughing... with his big, red, toothless mouth opened wide with the pure joy of being alive. His work at the bakery ended in mid-afternoon, and he frequently stopped by our place with a huge paper sack filled with delicious, sweet rolls and pastries... still hot. I have carried memories of his kindness with me for a lifetime.
Soon the work ended at Rangely and the decision was made to return home. Our financial condition at that time is unclear to me since I wasn't monitoring the cash flow. Apparently, there was enough money to make the return trip successfully, and perhaps even a little surplus to plough into the land when we got back.
Soon, once again, we were home.

           Entry XVII October, 2006 

Shortly after our return, an overnight storm blew the rotted trunk of a large oak tree down near our house. At the top was a woodpecker's nest carefully chiseled and containing several small woodpeckers. They had not been injured by the fall, but had little chance of survival on the ground.
Mother rescued the fledglings and nourished them with food she prepared herself. She made a paste of boiled egg, milk and water and fed them with a medicine dropper. The little birds adapted very well and would sit on the edge of their new "nest" in our bedroom and skwawk when they wanted to be fed.
Their little pink and toothless mouths would open wide, reminding me of our baker friend in Colorado, Mr. Haney. I named one of the birds "Haney". Before long, Haney and his siblings were old enough to fend for themselves and took up residence outside.
In the years following, we raised many young wild birds in this fashion including cardinals, blue jays, mocking birds, and sometimes the canaries which mother grew for sale.
In this setting, I developed a love and respect for the world of nature and viewed myself as an integral part of it. (Billy, the mink, pet skunk, possums, armadillos, bats, flying squirrels) (Oriole nests, fieldlarks, walks in the rain, brooks, wet weather springs, lake spillway...)
It was during this interval; the time between our return home and the beginning of school in the fall that I began to construct makeshift "refineries" and chemical plants from tin cans and pieces of discarded pipe and hose. The only photograph extant of me and my father together shows one such toy plant in our backyard. I also began drilling miniature "oil wells" with derricks made from wire wreath stands discarded from the nearby cemetery.
Miniature volcanoes were also homemade amusements. A conical pile of powdered sand and clay was piled over the open end of the delivery hose of the tire pump from our "39 Chevy. Pumping at various rates gave the flameless eruptions and a perfect "cinder cone".
In summer I enjoyed building dams on small streams, and "caves" were a constant fascination, and there was always a treehouse under construction.
I repeat. In spite of near constant financial stress, material shortages, and the absence of a stable family life, my surroundings were idyllic for a child of my predispositions. There was room to learn and grow in a free and nurturing environment.

           Entry XVIII November, 2006 

My life to this point had been devoid of relationships with other children, and it might seem that adjustment to a classroom setting would have been difficult, if not impossible. But such was not the case. I entered the first grade joyously and for the most part, maintained excellent relations with my teachers and classmates for the entire twelve years spent in the public schools. There was not a single year of the twelve that I didn't happily anticipate the beginning of school.
There were numerous reasons for this. (1) I learned effortlessly and enjoyed it. (2) My mother's sister Edna and my mother had paved the way for good relations with my teachers by being fair minded and co-operative. (3) Mozel Brown, my first grade teacher, was a kind and loving person whom I quickly came to respect and love. (4) As the years passed, I was given remarkable freedom of action within the school setting... a freedom which I never abused. (5) A deep bond existed between me and most of my teachers over the years. Our relationships were co-operative, not adversarial.
The memory of my first day in Mozel Brown's class is as clear in my mind as if it were yesterday. That was the first and only day my mother came to school with me. After a visit with "Miss Mozel", she left.
Several significant events ensued. I happened to sit behind a lovely, spirited little girl named Bennie Lou Ables, who immediately offered me a piece of chewing gum. (Is this beginning to read like Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden?) I gratefully accepted the offer of sweet friendship, but before I could blow my first bubble, Mozel Brown admonished me not to "chew gum in class" and I swallowed my prize. Woman, woman, thou art the downfall of man! (I don't think Bennie Lou's transgression was ever detected.)
Later we were introduced to the first reader... a huge, oversized book which opened to about three feet in width and which contained the story of "Dick and Jane" and "Spot", and was printed in bright colors.
Quickly it was recess time, but as the play period drew to an end, Mozel lined us up beside the outdoor toilets and instructed us to go inside and not to come out until we had "used the toilet".
What a shocking experience! I found myself inside a smelly, wooden outhouse for the first time, with at least half a dozen other little boys my age, facing a long, wooden "toilet seat" with holes uniformly spaced and cut to fit the behinds of six-year olds.
As I took my seat, much too close for comfort to the boys on either side, Mozel's words rang in my ears, "Don't come out until you use the toilet!" While everyone else did their business and left, I sat there petrified. I didn't need to use the toilet; I tried to follow the teacher's instruction, but I couldn't! Endless minutes passed, and I could hear the bell ringing to resume class. (Mozel carried a big, hand held bell, and she would ring it from the schoolhouse steps to re-assemble her flock.)
Having discovered me missing, she sent a student to see what had happened. She supressed a chuckle when I, in all seriousness, explained to her that I had intended to follow her instructions if it took all day. I don't recall ever using that toilet! I don't think I ever did.

           Entry IXX December, 2006 

As might be expected, my little gum-chewing Eve and I soon became a romantic "item". Bennie Ables and Bobby Moore. What a pair! Sometime during that first year, Bennie introduced me to the fine art of first grade kissing under one of the big oaks that grew in the schoolyard. That kiss was the first and only one I ever received at school... for the whole twelve years!
During those years it was customary for the faculty and students of the school to celebrate a "Halloween Carnival" in late October. the affair was the biggest event of the year and was used as a fundraiser for worthy school-related causes. Couples were elected by their classmates as "king and queen" of each grade. Then at a coronation ceremony the night of the carnival, a high school and a grade school king and queen were crowned, winners being determined by which classes had raised the most money.
Bennie Lou and I were elected king and queen of the first grade, and somehow our class managed to raise the most money, making us the reigning monarchs of grade school. Mother made a little tuxedo for me to wear at the coronation. (I looked like a miniature "Dracula".) Bennie Lou wore a tiny white evening gown.
So, I was the "king", and I acted the part... so much so that the nickname "king" followed me for years. On the festive night of the coronation, there was a talent show and Bennie Lou sang "Dust on the Bible". Her older brother accompanied her on the guitar. In years to come, much of the money raised by the king and queen contest was used to buy theater seats for a new school auditorium. The sale of countless cakewalks and bags of peanuts and popcorn helped furnish this very fine 250 seat auditorium, which was later demolished to make room for a "new" and greatly inferior building... with no windows... and no auditorium.
The new building did bring with it however, a huge debt which probably has not been retired, even as this is being written. The older building was debt free, having been built by the Works Progress Administration in the 30's. Destroying the old building to build the new inferior one was a textbook example of lethargy, stupidity and greed, repeated countless times all across America.
But lethargy wasn't in my vocabulary, and greed hadn't touched me as I walked across the stage with Bennie Lou in October 1947. I was king, and the world was my domain.

           Entry XX January, 2007 

Second grade at Whitehouse Elementary School was less than exciting. The teacher was an unattractive younger woman who seemed to be preoccupied with capturing butterflies and moths and gasing them to death with chloroform. I thought the creatures were much more beautiful in the living state than when dead and pinned to the bottom of a cigar box. Although I did not particularly dislike the second grade teacher, I found her mannerisms and dullness irritating. About the only interesting thing that happened at school that year was when Bennie Lou fell during recess and broke her arm.
Third grade found me in the class of Mary Louise Yarbrough; a lovely and soft spoken, genteel lady, the younger sister of my first grade teacher, Mozel Brown. Art, and a smattering of science broadened my horizons under her tutelage. Mary Louise drew the first science-related diagram that I ever saw on a blackboard (showing the earth revolving around the sun). I realized at the time that her drawing was inaccurate since it represented the earth's orbit as circular rather than elleptical. Mary Louise also introduced us to the fine art of bird house building.
It was during this otherwise idyllic time that I had my first taste of conflict and pain. The pain came in the form of a severe and prolonged allergic reaction to poison ivy. The inner sides of my thighs became raw as calve's liver and the infection was spreading upward and back. After exhausting home remedies, I was finally taken to Dr. Rice (the same doctor who had delivered me). His series of injections proved useless, and as a last resort, he prescribed tincture of metaphine (a bright red liquid resembling mercurachrome). It was mopped on with large cotton swabs producing extreme, burning pain. But it proved highly effective. A very few applications and the itching, burning misery that had tormented me for months was over.
But misery of another kind reared it's ugly head. A small clique of "bullies" seemed to be hell-bent upon making life miserable for me. Instead of taking my mother's advice not to fight, I should have beat hell out of them. But I seem to have been as popular with most members of my class as I had been in first grade, and once again Bennie Lou and I were voted king and queen.
Mumps, chicken pox, and the other usual childhood diseases of the day came and went during my early years at Whitehouse. A fall from a tree resulted in a broken arm, but the trauma of death had not entered my life. Death was unreal to me since at this point in my life none of my immediate family had died. Within months that was to change. Grim reality came knocking on our door.

           Entry XXI February, 2007

My mother had been reared in a matriarchial household from childhood. Her father was a tall, blue eyed Scot with black hair. From all reports, he was a good father and provided well for his family as a railroad construction engineer, but death claimed him before my mother reached puberty. The story goes that he developed fatal pheumonia while supervising the construction of a railroad bridge during a cold, rainy winter.
His death left his widow, Martha Caroline "Mattie" Jones, with some land in the piney woods of east Texas and three daughters, the youngest of which was my mother. The family's major asset was a big log house which the engineer had constructed before his death.
Grannie was a frail little lady, a former school teacher who was not at all suited to the crude, frontier life imposed upon her by the sudden death of her husband. Nevertheless, she and her daughters attempted to extract a livlihood from the land. Crops were planted, and it seemed for a time that they might survive as farmers.
Then one Sunday morning, as was their custom, Mattie Jones and her daughters set out for church in the family wagon. Going to church was an all-day affair back then, and it was near twilight when they returned home. There they discovered their homeplace and all their material belongings reduced to a pile of smouldering ash.
Now in debt from loans intended to finance the farming operation, and without shelter, Mattie was forced to seek whatever work was available. There wasn't much to choose from; She accepted employment as a cook for a logging company and soon found herself and her daughters working in a cook tent, surrounded by a crew of loggers. The situation was not idyllic. Events which took place there left indelible impressions upon my mother emotionally... some of which she carried with her to the end of her life.
During this time she also acquired a typhoid infection from drinking contaminated water from a mill pond. Her description of the fever, its effects, and the effect of the medications used to treat it are both sad and fascinating. (See Chapter...)
The hardships endured during this period served to strengthen the bond between my mother and Mattie. They loved each other very much. Was their bond stronger than that between the other sisters and their mother? Very probably so. It remained strong throughout the years, and when the time came for Mattie to die, she asked to be brought to my mother's house. Not to the neatly constructed and well-kept structures of her other daughters, but to the shanty in the woods that my mother had built with her own hands. Maybe too, the trees were calling her back.
She died in that little house; a slow and agonizing and humiliating death, amid a constant stream of prayers that she would be healed. She wasn't healed. She wasn't even granted a peaceful death. We watched her die, and my mother went to pieces; emotionally overwhelmed. "Is this how God rewards the faithful?" I wondered.
In mother's mind, the death of Grannie was made even more exacerable by the fact that only a few months before, uncle J.B. had died of a massive heart attack. Mother was one of the first on the scene and rode in the ambulance with him to the hospital where he was pronounced "dead on arrival". She described to me many times the horror of that trip.
The cumulative effect was psychologically devastating and mother sought to escape it somehow by attempting a reconciliation with my father who was then employed at a machine shop in Houston.
It was summer 1950 when we packed up and left for the big city; the only period of my pre-adult life spent away from the homeplace and away from the protective guidance of my teachers at Whitehouse School. While this was a unique experience for me, it was not altogether unpleasant. I remember much of it quite well.

           Entry XXII March, 2007

And so we made the pilgrimage to Houston... a big town which seemed even bigger than life in the eyes of a ten year-old country kid. Somehow though it seemed a friendly and exciting place to me. I liked it.
    The memory of my fraternal grandparents house on Quitman Street is unforgettable. The kitchen, the on-demand hot water heater with it's copper coils and blazing gas flame, the musty smell of the living room with its heavily draped windows, the easy-going nature of my grandfather, George. Somehow,




 I had become attached to a little red hound puppy who had made the trip with mother and me to Houston.



Entry XXIII May, 2015


    The world has changed since that last entry was made nine years ago. Nine years! Nine years during which my personal life has been rocked by deceit and treachery; nine years during which my country, the United States of America, the greatest bastion of liberty in all history, has become a defacto dictatorship. If I seem unhappy about this, it's because I am. I am, in fact, furious. Controlling that fury is the most difficult thing I have ever had to do. Frankly I don't think it is something that SHOULD be done. But it is something that WILL be done for reasons which will become apparent much later in the book. So now, I resume the story with an account of my very brief stay in Houston.


    My mother and I had made the trip to the big city in our old green Chevrolet (1939 vintage). Along the way, we stopped at the ghostly remains of several very large steam powered sawmills at the edge of the great East Texas Piney Woods. They stood silent and cold. In memory I can still smell the fragrant pine sawdust and the valve oil of the steam engines. I embraced them. I worshiped the massive iron boilers, the steam cylinders, and the flywheels. (Our maximum speed during the 200 mile trip was about 30 miles per hour.) As we came nearer the city, countless huge billboards advertised liquor and new automobiles, and all the other enticements that a big town could offer.


    Within a day or two of our arrival, and after our visit to the Moore's home on Quitman Street, we (that is the three of us; my mother, my father,and I) set out to find a place to live.( Daddy was lining in a nondescript, one-room apartment at the time, The images of it are very clear in my mind.) The first house we visited as prospective renters had been recently repainted inside. I remember pastel yellow and blue. But the apartment finally chosen was upstairs in a very large old house. I had my own room with my own gable window with a view across the yard and to the street. It was, in fact, a perfect room for a ten year old. I had taken a model boat with me from Tyler, which I was constructing  from an old apple box. The neighborhood was old; the homes were well kept but old, as were many of the people who lived in them. I walked down the sidewalk confident and unafraid, enjoying the cool shade of the lush, green trees and taking note of the glimpses of life which presented themselves to me. It was quite an adventure. Through one  living room window I could see a large, salt-water aquarium which was home for colorful tropical fish which swam leisurely between rocks covered with green algae. Times were different then. 


    Ironically the landlady was an elderly and devout Catholic as had been our landlady during our brief stay in Louisiana some years before. We got along very well together and she would occasionally invite me in for snacks. She owned a very large and articulate parrot which had quite an impressive vocabulary. Some time before, I had read "The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle" (the fictional story of a man who learned to converse with animals) and I was very interested in discovering whether the landlady's bird understood what it was saying.  My experiments were cut short however. We moved.


    The exact reasons for the move remain obscure, but one event near the end of our stay is crystal clear. It was payday and the rent was due and Daddy was late coming home from the machine shop. Dinner was waiting, and my mother became justifiably concerned. I took it upon myself to determine why he was late, so I began the long walk to the machine shop. I had grown up taking long walks. But this one was different. This wasn't the woods; this was the biggest town in Texas. The foreman at the shop told me that my father had left work at the usual time. I became concerned and tried to imagine what had caused him to be late. I stopped at a saloon on my way back home and found him inside...sitting at the bar. The atmosphere was filled with stale cigarette smoke and the odor of beer.


    A tall woman with a heavily powdered face and garish red lipstick immediately came to me, and put her arm around me in a protective sort of way. Within a moment Daddy saw me and proudly introduced me as his son. The people all seemed cordial, but I quietly explained to him that dinner was waiting, and so we left. Within a few short days we left Houston. For some undisclosed reason, his employment at the machine shop had ended.


    Soon we found ourselves in Cleveland, Texas about twenty miles north of Houston.

For more information call Bobby Moore at 903-707-6258




 -to be continued-


  "The tree of liberty is watered by the blood of patriots and tyrants".... Thomas Jefferson....             


The Tyler Chronicle   Winter, 2022

The Chronicle's Continuing Search for 911 Facts

Timeline of Major 911 Events as Recorded in Wikipedia

AA11 flight path from Boston to New York City

UA175 flight path from Boston to New York City

AA77 flight path from Washington to Pentagon

UA93 flight path on from Newark to Somerset County, Pennsylvania

7:59 a.m.: American Airlines Flight 11, a Boeing 767 carrying 81 passengers and 11 crew members, departs 14 minutes late from Logan International Airport in Boston, bound for Los Angeles International Airport. Five hijackers are aboard.

8:14: United Airlines Flight 175, a Boeing 767, carrying 56 passengers and 9 crew members, departs 14 minutes late from Logan International Airport in Boston, bound for Los Angeles International Airport. Five hijackers are aboard.

8:14: Flight 11 is hijacked over central Massachusetts, turning first northwest, then south.

8:20: American Airlines Flight 77, a Boeing 757 with 58 passengers and 6 crew members, departs 10 minutes late from Washington Dulles International Airport, for Los Angeles International Airport. Five hijackers are aboard.

8:42: United Airlines Flight 93, a Boeing 757 with 37 passengers and 7 crew members, departs 42 minutes late from Newark International Airport, bound for San Francisco International Airport. Four hijackers are aboard.

8:428:46 (approx.): Flight 175 is hijacked above northwest New Jersey, about 60 miles northwest of New York City, continuing southwest briefly before turning back to the northeast.

8:46:40: Flight 11 crashes into the north face of the North Tower (1 WTC) of the World Trade Center, between floors 93 and 99. The aircraft enters the tower intact.

8:508:54 (approx.): Flight 77 is hijacked above southern Ohio, turning to the southeast.

9:02:57: Flight 175 crashes into the south face of the South Tower (2 WTC) of the World Trade Center, between floors 77 and 85. Parts of the plane, including the starboard engine, leave the building from its east and north sides, falling to the ground six blocks away.

9:28: Flight 93 is hijacked above northern Ohio, turning to the southeast.

9:37:46: Flight 77 crashes into the western side of The Pentagon and starts a violent fire.

9:45: United States airspace is shut down.

9:59:00: The South Tower of the World Trade Center collapses, 56 minutes after the impact of Flight 175.

10:03:11: Flight 93 is crashed by its hijackers as a result of fighting in the cockpit 80 miles (129 km) southeast of Pittsburgh in Somerset County, Pennsylvania. Later reports indicate that passengers had learned about the World Trade Center and Pentagon crashes and were resisting the hijackers. The 9/11 Commission believed that Flight 93's target was either the United States Capitol building or the White House in Washington, D.C.

10:28:22: The North Tower of the World Trade Center collapses, 1 hour and 42 minutes after the impact of Flight 11. The Marriott Hotel, located at the base of the two towers, is also destroyed.

10:50:19: Five stories of part of the Pentagon collapse due to the fire.

5:20:33 p.m.: 7 World Trade Center, a 47-story building, collapses.

Detailed timeline of events

6:00 a.m.

6:00: Mohamed Atta and Abdulaziz al-Omari travel on Colgan Air Flight 5930 from Portland International Jetport in Portland, Maine to Logan International Airport in Boston, Massachusetts.[1]

6:45: Atta and al-Omari arrive at Logan International Airport.[1]

6:52: Marwan al-Shehhi calls Atta from another terminal at Logan to confirm that the plans for the attack are set.[1]

7:00 a.m.

7:35: Atta and al-Omari board American Airlines Flight 11.[2]

7:40: The rest of the Flight 11 hijackers board the airplane.

7:45: Flight 11 is pushed back from Gate B32 at Logan International Airport.

7:50: Hani Hanjour and his four fellow hijackers board American Airlines Flight 77.

7:58: United Airlines Flight 175 is pushed back from Gate C19 at Logan International Airport.

7:59: Flight 11, a Boeing 767 carrying 81 passengers and 11 crew members, departs 14 minutes late from Logan International Airport in Boston, its destination being Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) in Los Angeles, California.[3]

8:00 a.m.

8:01: United Airlines Flight 93 is pushed back from Gate A17 at Newark International Airport (now Newark Liberty International Airport).

8:09: Flight 77 is pushed back from Gate D26 at Dulles International Airport.

8:13: Flight 11 has its last routine communication with the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA's) Boston Center.[4]

8:14: Flight 11 is hijacked when hijackers Waleed and Wail al-Shehri rise from seats 2A and 2B and stab two flight attendants. Atta rises from seat 8D and approaches the cockpit. Within minutes, he is at the controls.

8:14: Flight 175, another fully fueled Boeing 767, carrying 56 passengers and nine crew members, also departs from Logan International Airport in Boston; its destination was also Los Angeles International Airport. Five hijackers are aboard. One of them, most likely al-Shehhi, communicated with Mohammed Atta shortly before American Airlines Flight 11's takeoff.[4]

8:19: Betty Ong, a flight attendant on Flight 11 alerts American Airlines via an airphone: "The cockpit is not answering, somebody's stabbed in business class—and I think there's Mace—that we can't breathe—I don't know, I think we're getting hijacked." She then tells of the stabbings of two flight attendants.[4]

8:20: The FAA's Boston Center flight controllers decide that Flight 11 has probably been hijacked.

8:20: Flight 77, a Boeing 757 with 58 passengers and six crew members, departs from Washington Dulles International Airport, for Los Angeles International Airport. Five hijackers are aboard.

8:21: Flight 11's transponder signal is turned off, but can still be tracked via primary radar by Boston Center. (Prior to the 9/11 Commission's report, news organizations reported this time as 8:13 or immediately thereafter.)

8:24: A radio transmission comes from Flight 11: "Eh..... We have some planes. Just stay quiet, and you'll be okay. We are returning to the airport." It is believed Atta mistakenly held a button directing his voice to radio rather than to the plane's cabin as he intended. A few seconds later, Atta's voice says, "Nobody move. Everything will be okay. If you try to make any moves, you'll endanger yourself and the airplane. Just stay quiet." Air traffic controllers hear the transmission.

8:25: Boston Center flight controllers alert other flight control centers regarding Flight 11. The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) is not yet alerted.

8:26:30: Flight 11 makes a 100-degree turn to the south, following the Hudson River toward New York City.[5]

8:29:24: Boston Center alerts Cleveland Center and New York Center regarding Flight 11. The flight's position is estimated to be fifteen miles (24 km) southwest of Albany.[6]

8:33: Flight 175 reaches its assigned cruising altitude of 31,000 feet.

8:33:59: A third transmission from Flight 11: "Nobody move please. We are going back to the airport. Don't try to make any stupid moves."

8:34: Dan Bueno from Boston Center notifies the tower controller at Otis Air National Guard Base at Cape Cod of the hijacking of Flight 11. The controller directs Bueno to contact Northeast Air Defense Sector (NEADS), the northeast sector of NORAD.[7] The controller then notifies Otis Operations Center that a call from NEADS might be coming.[8] Two F-15 pilots begin to suit up.[9]

8:37: Flight 175 confirms sighting of hijacked Flight 11 to flight controllers, 10 miles (16 km) to its south.

8:37:30: Flight 11 begins a rapid descent at 3,200 feet per minute, starting from an altitude of 29,000 feet. This descent continues until the moment of impact with the North Tower. Half a minute later, having descended one thousand feet, the flight makes a slight southward turn.[10]

8:37:52: Boston Center control notifies NEADS of the hijacking of Flight 11, the first notification received by NORAD that Flight 11 had been hijacked. The controller requests military help to intercept the jetliner.


Cockpit view of the World Trade Center towers from the Hudson River, showing the approximate flight path of American Airlines Flight 11

8:41: The FAA's New York Center requests information about Flight 11 over the radio. Flight 175 responds: "ah we heard a suspicious transmission on our departure out of Boston ah with someone ah, ah sound like someone sound like someone keyed the mike and said ah 'everyone ah stay in your seats'".[11] New York Center acknowledges and says it will pass the information on.

8:42: Flight 93, a Boeing 757, takes off with 37 passengers and seven crew members from Newark International Airport, bound for San Francisco International Airport, following a 40-minute delay due to congested runways. Four hijackers are aboard. Its flight path initially takes it close to the World Trade Center, which is 4 minutes away from being struck, before moving away westwards.

8:428:46 (approx.): Flight 175 is hijacked.

8:43:30: While descending at 10,000 feet, Flight 11 makes a final turn, turning south-southwestward towards New York City, aiming for the World Trade Center.[12]

8:44: Flight attendant Amy Sweeney, aboard Flight 11, reports by telephone to Michael Woodward at the American Airlines Flight Services Office in Dallas, "Something is wrong. We are in a rapid descent. We are all over the place." A minute later, Woodward asks her to "describe what she sees out the window". She responds, "I see the water. I see the buildings. I see buildings." After a short pause, she reports, "We are flying low. We are flying very, very low. We are flying way too low." Seconds later she says, "Oh my God, we are way too low." The call ends with a burst of very loud, sustained static.

8:46: Two F-15 fighter jets are ordered to scramble from Otis Air National Guard Base in Massachusetts, intended to intercept Flight 11. Because Flight 11's transponder is off, the pilots do not know the location of their target. NEADS spends the next several minutes watching their radar screens in anticipation of Flight 11 returning a radar contact.


Seconds after American Airlines Flight 11 impacted North Tower

8:46:40:[13] Flight 11 crashes at roughly 466 mph (790 km/h or 219 m/s or 425 knots) into the north face of the North Tower (1 WTC) of the World Trade Center, between floors 93 and 99. The aircraft enters the tower intact. It plows to the building's core, severing all three gypsum-encased stairwells, dragging combustibles with it. A powerful shock wave travels down to the ground and up again. The combustibles and the remnants of the aircraft are ignited by the burning fuel. People below the severed stairwells start to evacuate, but no one above the impact zone is able to do so.

BBC correspondent Stephen Evans was sitting in the foyer of the South Tower and described hearing a "huge bang like somebody dropped a skip full of rubbish" followed by "two or three similar huge explosions". The South Tower shook.[14] French filmmakers Jules and Gedeon Naudet and Czech immigrant Pavel Hlava videotape the crash of Flight 11 with their video cameras from different locations. A camera belonging to local New York television station WNYW records the sound, but not the image, of the crash.

8:46: Another flight in the area, US Airways flight 583, reports to New York Center that it received a brief emergency locator transmitter signal on 121.5 MHz.

8:46:43: Chief of the New York City Fire Department's 1st Battalion, Joseph Pfeifer, makes the first fire department radio message advising the FDNY Manhattan Fire Dispatch Office of the crash. Chief Pfeifer and personnel from other fire companies were several blocks north, on the corner of Church Street and Lispenard Street investigating an odor of gas in the street, and witnessed the attack, along with Jules Naudet, who was accompanying the firefighters at the time:

Battalion 1 Chief (Chief Pfeifer): Battalion 1 to Manhattan.

Manhattan Dispatch: Battalion 1, 'kay.

Battalion 1 Chief (Chief Pfeifer): We just had a plane crash into the upper floor of the World Trade Center. Transmit a 2nd Alarm and start re-located companies into the area.

Manhattan Dispatch: 10-4 [message received], Battalion 1.

8:47:39: Boston Center and New York Center contact other flight controllers in the area, stating that they have lost Flight 11. Roughly a minute later, New York Center passes on information supplied by Kennedy Tower about a fire at the World Trade Center.[15]

New York Center: Kennedy Tower serious? Kennedy Tower reports that there was a fire at the World Trade Center. And that's, ah, that's the area where we lost the airplane.

8:4810:28: Some 100-200 people, primarily in the North Tower, trapped by fire and smoke in the upper floors, jump from the towers.[citation needed] One person at street level, firefighter Daniel Suhr, is hit by a jumper and dies.[16] No form of airborne evacuation is attempted as smoke is too dense for a successful landing on the roof of either tower.

8:48:08: WNYW breaks into a Paramount Pictures movie trailer for Zoolander to make the first broadcast report of an incident at the World Trade Center, less than two minutes after Flight 11's crash.  One of the station's camera crews, already having been out on the street that morning for New York's mayoral primary election, takes the first live pictures of black smoke coming from the North Tower.[17] As these pictures are broadcast, the voice of reporter Dick Oliver is heard as he reports from the scene to anchor Jim Ryan, who was not in the studio at the time:

Jim, just a few moments ago, something believed to be a plane crashed into the South Tower of the World Trade Center.  I just saw flames inside, you can see the smoke coming out of the tower; we have no idea what it was.  It was a tremendous boom just a few moments ago.  You can hear around me emergency vehicles heading towards the scene.  Now this could have been an aircraft or it could have been something internal.  It appears to be something coming from the outside, due to the nature of the opening on about the 100th floor of the South Tower of the World Trade Center.

Three minutes later, Jim Ryan corrected the location of the first plane crash from the South Tower to the North Tower.

8:48:29: The first radio report of the incident is heard on WCBS-AM through traffic reporter Tom Kaminski. WCBS' traffic reports are delivered every ten minutes "on the 8s", meaning that Kaminski's traffic report was to come within two minutes of the initial impact of Flight 11 (although there is no record of how much time actually passed). At the time Kaminski was in "Chopper 880", WCBS' helicopter that he reports from for morning and evening rush hour traffic reports. The following consists of WCBS anchor Pat Carroll crossing to Kaminski in the chopper before he files his report.

Pat Carroll: WCBS news time, 8:48, it's traffic and weather together sponsored by Henry Miller's Theatre. Tom Kaminski, Chopper 880. Tom Kaminski: Alright uh, Pat, we are just currently getting a look. at the World Trade Center, We have something that has happened here at the World Trade Center. We noticed flame and an awful lot of smoke from one of the towers of the World Trade Center. We are just coming up on this scene, this is easily three-quarters of the way up. we are. this is. whatever has occurred has just occurred, uh, within minutes and, uh, we are trying to determine exactly what that is. But currently we have a lot of smoke at the top of the towers of the World Trade Center, we will keep you posted.

8:49: The first report of an incident at the World Trade Center crosses the Associated Press newswire.


CNN breaking the news of a plane crash at the World Trade Center

8:49:34: The first network television and radio reports of an explosion or incident at the World Trade Center. CNN breaks into a Ditech commercial at 8:49. The CNN screen subtitle first reads "WORLD TRADE CENTER DISASTER". Carol Lin, the first TV network anchor to break the news of the attacks, says:[18]

This just in. You are looking at obviously a very disturbing live shot there. That is the World Trade Center, and we have unconfirmed reports this morning that a plane has crashed into one of the towers of the World Trade Center. CNN Center right now is just beginning to work on this story, obviously calling our sources and trying to figure out exactly what happened, but clearly something relatively devastating happening this morning there on the south end of the island of Manhattan. That is, once again, a picture of one of the towers of the World Trade Center.

Just a minute later, Sean Murtagh, CNN vice president of finance, in an on-air phone call, says from his office in the CNN New York bureau that a large passenger commercial jet was seen to hit the World Trade Center. Murtagh is the first network employee on the air. The first email bulletins of breaking news from CNN and MSNBC report "fire at tower of World Trade Center". Both CNN and MSNBC's websites receive such heavy traffic that many servers collapse. BBC News' website is active and shows a picture of the North Tower on fire. Minutes later, email news bulletins revise the reports of fire to a plane crash.

8:50: NEADS is notified that a plane has struck the World Trade Center as they continue to try to locate the flight on radar.

8:50: WCBS-TV in New York breaks away from the CBS network to cover the attack.

8:50: CNBC interrupts an episode of Squawk Box hosted by Mark Haines with a report of the unfolding attack.[19]

8:50: Local New York cable television channel NY1 begins its coverage of the incident.

8:508:54 (approx.): Flight 77 is hijacked.

8:51: Local New York television station WNBC breaks away from the NBC network to begin its coverage of the attack.

8:51: Matt Lauer, co-host of NBC News' Today, interrupts an interview with author Richard Hack and says to the audience, "We wanna go live right now, and show you a picture of the World Trade Center...we have a breaking story right now..." However, NBC did not immediately have the picture ready and went to a regularly scheduled commercial break. They return with a shot of the burning tower.[citation needed]

8:51: A flight controller at the FAA's New York Center notices that Flight 175 had changed its transponder code twice four minutes earlier; he tries to contact the flight.  Another flight in the area, Delta Airlines flight 1489, reports the sight of smoke coming from lower Manhattan to New York Center.  This is the first word any pilots in flight receive of the incident.

8:51: New York City's Amateur Radio Emergency Service net is activated, with ham operators in the area assisting with emergency communications.[20]

8:51: ABC was airing Good Morning America at the time of the attack. After returning from a commercial break, WABC-TV in New York breaks away from the ABC network to carry its own local coverage of the disaster, while on the network, GMA host Diane Sawyer makes this statement:

We want to tell you what we know, as we know it, but we just got a report in that there's been some sort of explosion at the World Trade Center in New York City. One report said, and we can't confirm any of this, that a plane may have hit one of the two towers of the World Trade Center, but again, you are seeing the live pictures here.  We have no further details than that.  We don't know anything about what they have concluded happened there this morning.  But we're going to find out, and of course, make sure that everybody knows on the air.[21]

8:51:34: WINS-AM interrupts its 8:51 traffic report and anchor James Faherty relays word of the crash of Flight 11 to the listening audience, with the station having been notified by one of its employees who lives near the site.

8:52: Lee Hanson receives a phone call from his son, Peter, a passenger on United 175, who says: "I think they've taken over the cockpit—an attendant has been stabbed—and someone else up front may have been killed. The plane is making strange moves. Call United Airlines—tell them it's Flight 175, Boston to LA." Also on board Flight 175, a flight attendant calls a United Airlines office in Chicago, reporting that the flight had been hijacked, both pilots had been killed, a flight attendant had been stabbed, and the hijackers were probably flying the plane.[22]

8:52: The F-15s at Otis Air National Guard Base are airborne. Still lacking an intercept vector to Flight 11 (and not aware that it has already crashed), they are sent to military controlled airspace off Long Island and ordered to remain in a holding pattern until between 9:09 and 9:13.

8:52: Anchor Chris Jansing makes the first announcement on MSNBC of a plane crash into the World Trade Center.

8:52: CBS interrupts The Early Show to report the news of the attack. Bryant Gumbel makes the announcement that a plane has crashed into the World Trade Center.

8:52: CBC Newsworld anchor Mark Kelley makes the first Canadian television report of the first plane crash.

8:52: Sky News host Kay Burley breaks the news of the first plane crash to the UK.

8:54: Flight 77 deviates from its assigned course, turning south over Ohio.

8:55: Fox News comes back from a commercial break to report the attack. E. D. Hill informs viewers that a plane crashed into the North Tower.

8:55 (approx.): An announcement is made over the building-wide PA system by officials in the still-undamaged South Tower of the World Trade Center, "The building is secure, please return to your desks."[23] This announcement is reacted to in numerous ways, ranging from people going back to their offices as suggested, ignoring it and evacuating anyway, or congregating in common areas such as the 78th floor sky lobby.

8:55: President George W. Bush arrives at Emma E. Booker Elementary School in Sarasota, Florida, as part of a scheduled visit to promote education and is reading The Pet Goat when White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card, who is with Bush, informs him that a small twin-engine plane has crashed into the World Trade Center. Before entering the classroom, the President speaks to National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, who is at the White House. She first tells him it was a twin-engine aircraft—and then a commercial aircraft—that had struck the World Trade Center, adding "that's all we know right now, Mr. President."[24]

8:56: Ten minutes after the North Tower of the World Trade Center was hit by Flight 11, the transponder on Flight 77 is turned off and even primary radar contact with the aircraft is lost. During radar blackout Flight 77 turns east, unnoticed by flight controllers. When primary radar information is restored at 9:05, controllers searching for Flight 77 to the west of its previous position are unable to find it.[25] Flight 77 travels undetected for 36 minutes on a course heading due east toward Washington, D.C.

8:58: Flight 175 takes a heading toward New York City.

8:59: Flight 175 passenger Brian Sweeney leaves a message via airphone to his wife Julie:

Jules, this is Brian listen, I'm on an airplane that's been hijacked. If things don't go well, and it's not looking good, I just want you to know I absolutely love you, I want you to do good, go have good times, same to my parents and everybody, and I just totally love you, and I'll see you when you get there. Bye, babe. I hope I call you.

9:00 a.m.


The World Trade Center's South Tower burns at 9:03 a.m., moments after being struck by United Airlines Flight 175.

9:00: Lee Hanson receives a second call from his son Peter, aboard Flight 175:

"It's getting bad, Dad. A stewardess was stabbed. They seem to have knives and Mace. They said they have a bomb. It's getting very bad on the plane. Passengers are throwing up and getting sick. The plane is making jerky movements. I don't think the pilot is flying the plane. I think we are going down. I think they intend to go to Chicago or someplace and fly into a building. Don't worry, Dad. If it happens, it'll be very fast. My God, my God." The call ends abruptly, as Lee Hanson hears a woman scream.[22]

9:019:02: A manager from the FAA's New York Center tells the Air Traffic Control System Command Center in Herndon, Virginia:

New York Center: We have several situations going on here. It's escalating big, big time. We need to get the military involved with us. ATCSCC: We're, we're involved with something else, we have other aircraft that may have a similar situation going on here.

9:01: FAA's New York Center contacts New York terminal approach control and asks for help in locating Flight 175.

9:01: Local New York television station WPIX-TV begins reporting on the attack.[26]

9:02: Evacuation of both World Trade Center towers is ordered by FDNY Battalion Chief Joseph Pfeifer, who was stationed in the lobby of the North Tower. Although it is uncertain whether the South Tower's deputy fire safety director receives this order, an announcement is made over the tower's PA system to "begin an orderly evacuation if conditions warranted".[27]

9:02:57: Flight 175 crashes at about 590 mph (950 km/h, 264 m/s or 513 knots) into the south face of the South Tower (2 WTC) of the World Trade Center, between floors 77 and 85.[28][29] All 65 people on board the aircraft die instantly on impact, and unknown hundreds in the building as well. By this time, several media organizations, including the three major broadcast networks (who have interrupted their morning shows), are covering the first plane crash—millions see the impact live. Parts of the plane, including the starboard engine, leave the building from its east and north sides, falling to the ground six blocks away. New York's WNYW is among the first to specifically report that a second plane has crashed into the complex (many other news agencies do not realize that a second plane has crashed until several minutes later):[30][31][32]

Jim Ryan: Oh, my goodness. There's another one. Oh, my goodness. There's another one! 

Lyn Brown: This seems to be on purpose.

Jim Ryan: Oh, my goodness. Now you...

Kai Simonsen (WNYW helicopter reporter): Was that a plane?

Jim Ryan: Now it's obvious. I think that there's a second plane just crashed into the World Trade Center. I think we have a terrorist act of proportions that we cannot begin to imagine at this juncture.

Kai Simonsen: Oh, my God.

Jim Ryan: My goodness, a second plane now has crashed into the other tower of the World Trade Center. Obviously, suicide terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. What we have, what we have been fearing, what we have been fearing for the longest time here apparently has come to pass. A disastrous terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. Both towers, planes smashing into each one.

A massive evacuation begins in the South Tower below its impact zone. One of the stairwells in the South Tower remains unblocked from the top to the bottom of the tower because of the plane hitting at an offset from the vertical center line of the building, but it is filled with smoke. This leads many people to mistakenly go upwards towards the roof for a rooftop rescue that never comes. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey kept the two sets of heavy metal doors leading to the building's only roof exit tightly locked.[33] The impact severs communication with several television and radio broadcast towers at the WTC; local station WPIX's satellite feed freezes on an image of the second impact which is all the station broadcasts until alternate transmitters are set up hours later.

Because of the North Tower's obstruction of the South Tower from certain camera angles, some are originally unaware that a second plane has struck the South Tower, and instead mistakenly believe that the second explosion has occurred in the North Tower. As instant replays of the second plane crash are shown, the anchors on the three major broadcast networks speculate on whether they are witnessing a terrorist attack or some sort of very rare accident. CNN changes its headline to read "Second plane crashes into World Trade Center." On the local station WABC-TV (which CNN was simulcasting at that moment), anchor Steve Bartelstein first assumes that the explosion seen was caused when the fuselage of the first plane exploded.


The Twin Towers burning from the impact of flights 11 and 175.

9:03: President Bush enters a classroom as part of his school visit.

9:03: FAA's New York Center notifies NORAD (NEADS) of the hijacking of Flight 175, at the same time it crashes.

9:04: Fox News Channel anchor Jon Scott mentions Osama bin Laden as a possible suspect.

9:04 (approximately): The FAA's Boston Air Route Traffic Control Center stops all departures from airports in its jurisdiction (New England and eastern New York State).

9:05: After brief introductions to the Booker elementary students, President Bush is about to begin reading The Pet Goat with the students when Chief of Staff Andrew Card interrupts to whisper to the president, "A second plane has hit the second tower. America is under attack."[34] The president stated later that he decided to continue the lesson rather than alarm the students.

9:06: The FAA bans takeoffs of all flights bound to or through the airspace of New York Center from airports in that Center and the three adjacent Centers—Boston, Cleveland, and Washington. This is referred to as a First Tier groundstop and covers the Northeast from North Carolina north and as far west as eastern Michigan.

9:08: The FAA bans all takeoffs nationwide for flights going to or through New York Center airspace. ABC News reports later that the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, the agency that runs the New York-area airports, asked the FAA for permission to close down the New York Center airspace.

see caption  

President George W. Bush on the morning of September 11, 2001, at Emma E. Booker Elementary School in Sarasota, Florida

9:11: The last PATH train leaves the World Trade Center. The station was vacant when the towers collapsed.

9:11: ABC News anchor Peter Jennings begins reporting on the disaster.

9:13: The F-15 fighters from Otis Air National Guard Base leave military airspace near Long Island, bound for Manhattan.

9:14: President Bush returns to a holding room commandeered by the U.S. Secret Service shortly before 9:15. The holding room contains a telephone, a television showing the news coverage, and several senior staff members. The president speaks to Vice President Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, New York Governor George Pataki, and FBI Director Robert Mueller, and prepares brief remarks.[35]

9:15: NBC News reports unconfirmed statements from employees at United Airlines that an American Airlines aircraft had been hijacked prior to its destruction.

9:17: The FAA closes down all New York City-area airports.[36] The city had initially asked the FAA to close down the airports.

9:17:02: CBS News correspondent Jim Stewart in Washington mentions that in the intelligence community, Osama bin Laden is a probable suspect.

9:18: CNN makes reference to foul play for the first time, stating the FBI was investigating a report of plane hijacking. CNN changes headline to read "AP: Plane was hijacked before crashes".

9:19: United Airlines flight dispatcher Ed Ballinger begins sending warning text messages to his flights: "Beware any cockpit intrusion—Two a/c [aircraft] hit World Trade Center." Because he was sending this warning to his 16 transcontinental flights, this takes several minutes.[37]

9:21: All bridges and tunnels into Manhattan closed.[36]

9:21: Transport Canada, Canada's transportation agency, activates its Situation Centre (SitCen) in Ottawa.[38]

9:23: Ballinger's warning message is sent to Flight 93, and is received in the cockpit a minute later.[37]

9:24: The FAA notifies NORAD's Northeast Air Defense Sector about the suspected hijacking of Flight 77. The FAA and NORAD establish an open line to discuss Flight 77, and shortly thereafter Flight 93.

9:25: The Otis-based F-15s establish an air patrol over Manhattan.

9:25: A video teleconference begins to be set up in the White House Situation Room, led by Richard A. Clarke, a special assistant to the president, that eventually includes the CIA, the FBI, the departments of State, Justice, and Defense, and the FAA.

9:25: The Associated Press informs CNN that the two plane crashes in the World Trade Center appeared to be an "act of terrorism".

9:26: The FAA bans takeoffs of all civilian aircraft regardless of destination—a national groundstop.

9:26: White House counterterrorism chief Richard Clarke indicates he gave the instruction to raise the worldwide force protection condition for U.S military bases at around this time.  This is likely the earliest instance this actual order was issued.  There is alternate evidence the threat condition increase took place sometime over the next hour. See link [1]

9:26: Flight 93's pilot, Jason Dahl, replies to Ballinger's text message, "Ed, confirm latest mesg plz--Jason".[37]

9:26: NBC News correspondent Andrea Mitchell reports to MSNBC anchor Lester Holt that a top U.S. government official informed her that one of the two planes that hit the Twin Towers was an American Airlines 767 from Boston to Los Angeles that was hijacked.

9:28: Hijackers storm the cockpit on Flight 93 and take over the flight. The entry of the hijackers is overheard by flight controllers at Cleveland.

File:U.S. President George W. Bush's remarks to parents and teachers at Emma E. Booker Elementary School (September 11, 2001).ogvPlay media


President Bush addresses parents and teachers at Booker Elementary School on the day's attacks.

9:29: President Bush makes his first public statements about the attacks, in front of an audience of about 200 teachers and students at the elementary school. He states that he will be going back to Washington. "Today, we've had a national tragedy," he starts. "Two airplanes. have crashed. into the World Trade Center. in an apparent terrorist attack on our country," and leads a moment of silence. No one in the President's traveling party has any information during this time that other aircraft were hijacked or missing.[39]

9:32: A radio transmission from Flight 93 is overheard by flight controllers at Cleveland: "Ladies and gentlemen here. is the captain please sit down. Keep remaining [sic] sitting. We have a bomb on board. So sit."

9:32: Controllers at the Dulles Terminal Radar Approach Control in Virginia observe "a primary radar target tracking eastbound at a high rate of speed", referring to Flight 77.

9:339:34: A tower supervisor at Reagan National Airport tells Secret Service operations center at the White House that "an aircraft is coming at you and not talking with us," referring to Flight 77. The White House is about to be evacuated when the tower reports that Flight 77 has turned and is approaching Reagan National Airport.

9:34: The FAA's Command Center relays information concerning Flight 93 to FAA headquarters.

9:35: The President's motorcade departs from the elementary school, bound for Sarasota–Bradenton International Airport and Air Force One.

9:35: Flight 93 reverses direction over northeast Ohio and starts flying eastwards.

9:35: Based on a report that Flight 77 had turned again and was circling back toward the District of Columbia, the Secret Service orders the immediate evacuation of the Vice President from the White House.

9:36: Cleveland advises the FAA Command Center that it is still tracking Flight 93 and inquires whether someone had requested the military to launch fighter aircraft to intercept the aircraft.

9:37: Vice President Cheney enters a tunnel leading to a security bunker.


A Lincoln Town Car taxicab was hit by a lightpole as American Airlines Flight 77 passed over Washington Boulevard and crashed into the Pentagon.[40]

9:37:46: Flight 77 crashes into the western side of the Pentagon at 530 mph (853 km/h, 237 m/s, or 460 knots) and starts a violent fire. The section of the Pentagon hit consists mainly of newly renovated, unoccupied offices. All 64 people on board are killed, as are 125 Pentagon personnel.

9:39: Another radio transmission is heard from Ziad Jarrah aboard Flight 93: "Uh, this is the captain. I would like you all to remain seated. We have a bomb on board and are going back to the airport, and to have our demands, so please remain quiet."

9:39: Fox News Channel correspondent David Asman reports, "We -- we are hearing -- right now that another explosion that -- has taken place. At the Pentagon."[41]

9:39: NBC News Pentagon correspondent Jim Miklaszewski reports that "it felt, just a few moments ago, like there was an explosion of some kind here at the Pentagon." NBC and MSNBC relay reports of the explosion but do not relay word of the crash of Flight 77 as they do not know the cause.

9:40: Video teleconference in White House Situation Room begins with the physical security of the President, the White House, and federal agencies. They are not yet aware of the Pentagon crash.

9:40:49: CNN's Breaking News bulletin reads "Reports of fire at Pentagon."

9:41: Local Washington, DC television station WUSA breaks away from the CBS network to carry local coverage of the explosion at The Pentagon.

9:41:15: The photo The Falling Man is taken.

9:42: Senior FAA traffic manager Ben Sliney issues the execution order for SCATANA grounding all air traffic over the United States and diverting any incoming international traffic to alternate destinations.

9:43: Abu Dhabi TV reports it received a call from the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, claiming responsibility for the World Trade Center attack, but this is soon denied by a senior officer of the group.[42]

9:43: The White House and the Capitol are evacuated and closed.

9:45: United States airspace is shut down. No civilian aircraft are allowed to take off, and all aircraft in flight are ordered to land at the nearest airport as soon as possible. Nearly all international flights headed for the U.S. are redirected to Canada, while some flights from South America were diverted to Mexico. Transport Canada orders a complete closedown of Canadian airspace, but the Mexican airspace did not shut down. The FAA announces that civilian flights are suspended until at least noon September 12, while Transport Canada gives similar orders; the FAA further ordered that diverted U.S.-bound international flights should be taken in, launching the agency's "Operation Yellow Ribbon". The groundings would eventually last until September 14. Military and medical flights as well as Con Air flights continue. This is the fourth time all commercial flights in the U.S. have been stopped, and the first time a suspension was unplanned. All previous suspensions were military-related (Sky Shield I-III), from 1960 to 1962. Many newspapers (including The New York Times) mistakenly print that this is the first time flights have been suspended. This was also the first time commercial flights in Canada have been stopped. 

Further information: Operation Yellow Ribbon

9:45: CNN receives initial reports that, in addition to a fire at the Pentagon, there is also a fire at the National Mall. These reports on the National Mall, however, are later proven to be false.

9:49: The FAA Command Center at Herndon suggests that someone at FAA headquarters should decide whether to request military assistance with Flight 93. Ultimately, the FAA makes no request before it crashes.

9:50 (approximately): The Associated Press reports that Flight 11 was apparently hijacked after departure from Boston's Logan Airport. Within an hour this is confirmed for both Flight 11 and Flight 175.

9:51: FDNY Battalion Chief Orio Palmer of the FDNY's 7th Battalion reaches the 78th Floor Sky Lobby of the South Tower along with Fire Marshal Ronald Bucca. Palmer reports that there are two pockets of fire and numerous dead bodies.[43]

9:52: The National Security Agency intercepts a phone call between a known associate of Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan and someone in the Republic of Georgia, announcing that he had heard "good news", and that another target was still to be hit.[44]

9:53: CNN confirms a plane crash at the Pentagon.

9:55: A CNN correspondent mentions Osama bin Laden as someone determined to strike the US.

9:55: Air Force One leaves Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport.

9:57: Passenger revolt begins on Flight 93.

9:57: President Bush leaves Sarasota, Florida, on Air Force One. The plane reaches cruising altitude and circles for approximately 40 minutes while the destination of the plane is discussed.

9:59:00:[13] The South Tower of the World Trade Center collapses, 56 minutes after the impact of Flight 175. Its destruction is viewed and heard by a vast television and radio audience. As the roar of the collapse goes silent, tremendous gray-white clouds of pulverized concrete and gypsum rush through the streets. Most observers think a new explosion or impact has produced smoke and debris that now obscures the South Tower, but once the wind clears the smoke, it becomes clear that the building is no longer there. NY1 correspondent Kristen Shaughnessy, on the scene of the disaster, reports on the collapse of the South Tower at the instant it begins.[45]

Further information: Collapse of the World Trade Center

9:59: As the South Tower collapses, Father Mychal Judge, OFM, chaplain to the FDNY, is struck by falling debris on the lobby level of the North Tower. He dies of blunt force trauma to the head.[46] He is found by Chief Pfeifer, Jules, and others from the North Tower Command Post who fled when they heard the South Tower collapse and took refuge in the nearby escalator as the debris cloud engulfed them.[47] As Judge's body is the first recovered and certified by the medical examiner's office, he will be designated "Victim 0001" of the September 11 attacks.

10:00 a.m.

10:00: FDNY Battalion Chief Joseph Pfeifer (inside of the still standing North Tower) orders all FDNY personnel to evacuate, via radio.

Battalion 1 Chief (Chief Pfeifer): Command post, Tower 1, all units. Evacuate the building. Command post, to all units.[48]

Due to many communication limitations, numerous firefighters within the tower do not receive this transmission. Some personnel who do not hear the order only leave the building after being told by other firefighters that an evacuation order has been given. Others never receive the order at all.[49]

10:01: The FAA Command Center advises FAA headquarters that an aircraft had seen Flight 93 "waving his wings," the hijackers' efforts to defeat the passengers' counterattack.

10:02: Communicators with the Vice President in the security bunker begin receiving reports from the Secret Service of an inbound aircraft—presumably hijacked—heading toward Washington. This is Flight 93.

10:02: CNN announces that the Sears Tower in Chicago has been evacuated.

10:03 (approximately): The National Military Command Center learns from the White House of Flight 93's hijacking.

10:03:11: Flight 93 crashes at 583 mph (926 km/h, 272 m/s, or 509 knots), due to fighting in the cockpit, 80 miles (129 km) southeast of Pittsburgh in Somerset County, Pennsylvania.[50] Later reports indicate that passengers had learned about the World Trade Center and Pentagon crashes on cell phones and at least three were planning on resisting the hijackers; the resistance was confirmed by Flight 93's cockpit voice recording, on which the hijackers are heard making their decision to down the plane before the passengers succeed in breaching the cockpit door. The 9/11 Commission believed that Flight 93's target was either the United States Capitol building or the White House in Washington, D.C.[51]

10:05: Andrea Mitchell, reporting on NBC from outside the Pentagon, reports that Osama bin Laden may have been involved in the attacks.

10:05: CNN's headlines read: "SOUTH TOWER AT WTC COLLAPSES."

10:05: The IDS Center in Minneapolis is evacuated.

10:07: NBC reports for the first time that the South Tower of the World Trade Center has collapsed. Prior to this time they have said only that a section of the building has fallen away.

10:07: NEADS, controlling the only set of fighters over Washington, first learns of the hijacking of Flight 93, 4 minutes after it actually crashed.

10:08: Air Traffic Control System Command Center in Herndon reports to FAA headquarters that Flight 93 may be down near Johnstown, Pennsylvania; at 10:17 the Command Center concludes it is so.

10:10: National Military Command Center directs Threat Condition Delta for U.S. military bases worldwide.[2]

10:10: Part of the west side of the Pentagon collapses.

10:10: NEADS emphatically tells fighter pilots over Washington, "Negative clearance to shoot."

10:1010:15 (approximately): Vice President Cheney, unaware that Flight 93 has crashed, authorizes fighter aircraft to engage the inbound plane, reported to be 80 miles (129 km) from Washington, based not on radar (from which it has disappeared) but speed and trajectory projections.

10:13: Thousands are involved in an evacuation of the United Nations complex in New York.

10:1310:22: The 9/11 Commission's estimated arrival of Flight 93 over Washington had it not crashed in Pennsylvania.[52]

10:1410:19: A lieutenant colonel at the White House repeatedly relays to the NMCC that the Vice President has confirmed that fighters are cleared to engage inbound aircraft if they can verify that the aircraft was hijacked.

10:15: CNN's headline reads, "EXPLOSION ON CAPITOL HILL."

10:18: NBC reports that Yasser Arafat, Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), has denied complicity in the attacks and is appalled by them.

10:20: President Bush, aboard Air Force One, tells Vice President Cheney that he has authorized a shootdown of aircraft if necessary.[53]

10:23: The Associated Press reports a car bomb has exploded outside the State Department in Washington, D.C. This and several other reports of terrorist acts in the capital are quickly found to be false.[54]

10:24: Two men who were being evacuated through the underground shopping mall below the South Tower when it collapsed on them are able to climb up through thirty feet of debris to safety. 1010 WINS in New York City reports an explosion at the U.S. Supreme Court building. This is later revealed to be erroneous.[55]

10:28:22:[13] The North Tower of the World Trade Center collapses. Due to the destruction of the gypsum-encased stairwells on the impact floors (most skyscraper stairwells are encased in reinforced concrete), no one who was above the impact zone in the North Tower escapes the collapse. The Marriott Hotel, located at the base of the two towers, is also destroyed. The second collapse is also viewed live on television and heard on radio. The North Tower collapses 1 hour, 42 minutes after the impact of Flight 11—the building had burned during the whole duration of the attacks. 7 World Trade Center burns after the collapse of the North Tower. New York City's 1010 WINS reports the collapse live as it happens, broadcasting a live phone call with WINS news director Ben Mevorach, who witnessed the collapse from the Manhattan Bridge.[55] On NBC News, Katie Couric says: "The other tower of the World Trade Center has just collapsed."

Several long-distance videos of the collapse, such as CNN, were able to notice that, after the cloud of dust had partially cleared away, a portion of the building was still standing. It appeared to be the lower half of the northwest corner column of the North Tower, which, like a spire, grew larger and had more structure still standing near the bottom. The portion rose to a fairly good height considering the collapse around it, as it appeared to rise nearly forty stories off the ground. This piece remained standing for a few seconds after the initial collapse before it also came down.

10:31: NORAD first communicates the Vice President's shootdown authority to NEADS.

10:35: Air Force One, carrying the President, turns for Barksdale Air Force Base in Bossier City, Louisiana.

10:37: Associated Press reports that officials at the Somerset County airport confirm that a large plane has crashed in western Pennsylvania. CNN's Aaron Brown passes along reports that a 747 is "down" in Pennsylvania. He stresses these reports are unconfirmed. He also, in the confusion, reports another plane heading for the Pentagon. The Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota, is evacuated and closed. New York City's 1010 WINS relays a report that the U.S. State Department headquarters in Washington, D.C. has been attacked by a car bomb. This is later reported to be false.[55]

10:39: Another hijacked jumbo jet is claimed to be headed for Washington, D.C. F-15s are scrambled and patrol the airspace above Washington, D.C. while other fighter jets sweep the airspace above New York City. They have orders, first issued by Vice President Cheney and later confirmed by President Bush, to shoot down any potentially dangerous planes that do not comply with orders given to them via radio. Eventually, the aircraft is revealed to be a medevac helicopter on its way to the Pentagon.

10:41: NBC News confirms that a plane has "gone down" in Somerset County. The earlier unconfirmed statements about an incident at the State Department in Washington, D.C. are reported as false.

10:43: CNN reports that a mass evacuation of Washington, D.C., and New York has been started. A few minutes later, New York mayor Rudy Giuliani orders an evacuation of Lower Manhattan.

10:49: Fox News Channel is the first of the United States news networks to implement a news ticker at the bottom of its screen for supplementary information about the attacks. CNN adds one at 11:11, and MSNBC adds one at approximately 2:00 pm. All three cable networks have used a news ticker continuously in the years since (and many local television stations have followed suit).

10:50:19: Five stories of part of the Pentagon collapse due to the fire.

10:53: New York's primary elections are canceled.

10:53: Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld orders the U.S. military placed at DEFCON 3, for the first time since the Yom Kippur War in 1973.

11:00 a.m.

11:00: Transport Canada halts all aircraft departures until further notice, except for police, military, and humanitarian flights, as part of Operation Yellow Ribbon. The operation was well underway as international flights headed for the U.S. had already started to land at Canadian airports, beginning at CFB Goose Bay. Fourteen other airports follow, including Halifax, Lester B. Pearson in Toronto, Montréal-Dorval, and Vancouver.

11:05: The FAA confirms that several planes have been hijacked in addition to American Airlines Flight 11.

11:08: The pilot of Korean Air Flight 85 includes the letters "HJK" a code for hijacked, in an airline text message.[56]

11:16: American Airlines confirms the loss of its two aircraft.

11:26: United Airlines confirms the loss of Flight 93 and states that it is "deeply concerned" about Flight 175.[57]

11:53: United Airlines confirms the loss of its two aircraft.

11:55: The border between the U.S. and Mexico is on highest alert, but is not closed.

12:00 p.m.

12:00: ARINC officials notify NORAD about the use of the hijack code on Flight 85.

12:01: (approximately): Fourteen people, including twelve firefighters, who were in a section of a stairwell in the North Tower that held together during the collapse, climb the stairs to the top of the Ground Zero rubble field.

12:04: Los Angeles International Airport, the intended destination of Flights 11, 77 and 175, is shut down.

12:15: San Francisco International Airport, the intended destination of Flight 93, is shut down.

12:15 (approximately): The airspace over the 48 contiguous United States is clear of all commercial and private flights.

12:30 (approximately): Secretary of State Colin Powell boards a plane in Lima, Peru, for Washington, D.C.

12:39: On CNN, Senator John McCain (R-AZ) characterizes the attack as an "act of war."

12:41: Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) tells CNN, "Both the FBI and our intelligence community believe that this is Bin Laden's signature."

1:00 p.m.

File:U.S. President George W. Bush's remarks from Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisiana (September 11, 2001).ogvPlay media

President George W. Bush addressing reporters from Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana.

President George W. Bush addressing reporters from Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana.



President George W. Bush addressing reporters from Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana.

1:00 (approximately): At the Pentagon, fire crews are still fighting fires. The early response to the attack had been coordinated from the National Military Command Center, but that had to be evacuated when it began to fill with smoke.

1:00 (approximately): Jets are scrambled from Elmendorf Air Force Base to shadow Flight 85.

1:04: President Bush puts the U.S. military on high alert worldwide (known as Force Protection Condition Delta). Taped remarks from the President were aired from Barksdale Air Force Base, stating that "freedom itself was attacked this morning by a faceless coward and freedom will be defended." He also said that the "United States will hunt down and punish those responsible for these cowardly acts." He then leaves for a U.S. Strategic Command bunker located at Offutt Air Force Base in Bellevue, Nebraska.[58]

1:24: ATC instructs Flight 85 to change its transponder code to 7500, the universal signal for hijack, expecting that, if they had not been hijacked, the pilots would respond to that effect. Instead, they simply comply with the instruction, which ATC takes as confirmation that the flight has indeed been hijacked.[59]

1:27: Mayor Anthony A. Williams of Washington, D.C., declares a state of emergency; the District of Columbia National Guard arrives on site.

2:00 p.m.

2:39: At a press conference New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani is asked to estimate the number of casualties at the World Trade Center. He replies, "More than any of us can bear."

2:45 (approximately) Alerted that a possible hijacked plane might strike a target in Alaska, Governor Tony Knowles orders the evacuation of potential targets.

2:50: President Bush arrives at Offutt Air Force Base, Bellevue, Nebraska, to convene a National Security Council teleconference via the U.S. STRATCOM bunker.

2:54: Flight 85 lands safely in Whitehorse, On the tarmac, Flight 85 was greeted by armed Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers who, after interrogating the pilots, learned the whole ordeal was caused by a translation error.[60]

3:00 p.m.

3:00 (approx.): Pasquale Buzzelli, who lost consciousness in a North Tower stairway during the collapse, awakens to find himself lying atop the debris with only a fractured foot.[61][62]

4:00 p.m.

Smoke plume emanating from the World Trade Center as seen from the ISS

4:00: National news outlets report that high officials in the federal intelligence community are stating that Osama bin Laden is suspect number one.

4:25: The New York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ, and the American Stock Exchange report that they will remain closed Wednesday, September 12.

4:36: President Bush departs Offutt Air Force Base on Air Force One.

5:00 p.m.

5:20:27: The east penthouse on top of 7 World Trade Center crumbles apart.

5:20:33: 7 World Trade Center, a 47-story building, collapses. The building contained New York's emergency operations center, operated by the NYC Office of Emergency Management, originally intended to respond to disasters such as the September 11 terrorist attacks. Due to the emergency personnel having more than enough time to evacuate the building since the collapse of the North Tower, there are no injuries or deaths as a result of the collapse.

6:00 p.m.


Air Force One landing at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland.

President George W. Bush disembarks from Air Force One after landing in Maryland, to board Marine One for the White House.

Airmen watch Marine One depart Andrews Air Force Base for the White House with President George Bush aboard.

6:00: Explosions and tracer fire are reported in Kabul, Afghanistan, by CNN and the BBC. The Northern Alliance, involved in a civil war with the Taliban government, is later reported to have attacked Kabul's airport with helicopter gunships.

6:00: The last of the aircraft headed for the U.S. lands in Canada at Vancouver International Airport, since it was flying over the Pacific.

6:54: U.S. President George W. Bush arrives at the White House in Washington, D.C.

7:00 p.m.

7:00: Efforts to locate survivors in the rubble that had been the twin towers continue. Fleets of ambulances are lined up to transport the injured to nearby hospitals, but they stand empty. "Ground Zero", as the site of the WTC collapse becomes known henceforth, is the exclusive domain of New York City's Fire Department and Police Department, despite volunteer steel and construction workers who stand ready to move large quantities of debris quickly. Relatives and friends of victims or likely victims, many displaying enlarged photographs of the missing printed on home computer printers, have appeared around New York. The New York Armory at Lexington Avenue and 26th Street and Union Square Park at 14th Street and Broadway become centers of vigil.

7:24: Members of Congress join on the steps of the United States Capitol and sing "God Bless America".[63]

7:30: The U.S. government denies any responsibility for the reported explosions in Kabul, capital of Afghanistan.

8:00 p.m.

File:U.S. President George W. Bush's address to the nation on the day's terrorist attacks (September 11, 2001).ogvPlay media

President George W. Bush addresses the U.S. people on the day's terrorist attacks.

8:00 (approx.): Port Authority Police Officer Will Jimeno, who was in an underground corridor between the two towers, is found alive in the rubble, and eventually freed at approximately 11:00 p.m.

8:30: U.S. President George W. Bush addresses the country from the White House in Washington, D.C.[64] Among his statements:

Today, our fellow citizens, our way of life, our very freedom came under attack in a series of deliberate and deadly terrorist acts[,]

Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts shatter steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve[, and]

The search is underway for those who are behind these evil acts...we will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbor them.

As Bush speaks, members of Congress tell CNN that during private briefings with senior administration officials, they were told that the administration had enough evidence that it was "confident" the attacks are the work of Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaeda terrorist network.

9:00 p.m.

9:00: President Bush meets his full National Security Council, followed roughly half an hour later by a meeting with a smaller group of key advisers. Bush and his advisers have evidence that Osama bin Laden is behind the attacks. CIA Director Tenet says that al-Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan are essentially one and the same. Bush says, "Tell the Taliban we're finished with them."

10:00 p.m.

10:00: There are reports (later proven incorrect) of many survivors buried in rubble in New York making cell phone calls. Only two more survivors will be pulled from the rubble on September 12 and neither of them had made cell phone calls.

11:00 p.m.

11:00: After 13 hours, the NYPD,  FDNY and PAPD finally dig out Will Jimeno. They learn that Port Authority police sergeant John McLoughlin is also trapped. The NYPD,  FDNY and PAPD dig him out at 8:00 am the next morning after he has been there for almost a day.

11:30: Before sleeping, President Bush enters into his journal: "The Pearl Harbor of the 21st century took place today...We think it's Osama bin Laden."[65]



  1.  Balz, Dan; Woodward, Bob (January 2002). "America's Chaotic Road to War:Bush's Global Strategy Began to Take Shape in First Frantic Hours After Attack". Washington Post. Archived from the original on April 27, 2011. Retrieved April 5, 2007.

Further reading

External links

September 11 attacks

Hijacked airliners
Crash sites
Cultural effects




Clairvoyant Collapse

                               By Staff-                                                            4936            

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            The following  is a report by --------------------  on--------  concerning the fact that BBC reported that Building Seven had already collapsed... before it actually did.   This article will be transferred to archives as information is accumulated.                                                                                                                                                                                   

 The Summary 

BBC World News started reporting that 7 World Trade Center had collapsed about 23 minutes before the building actually came down, as video of the news network’s live broadcast on September 11th shows.

Editor’s Note:
BBC World News announced WTC 7 had collapsed, well in advance of the actual event. Discovery by blogger prompts controversy. Angered counter-attack from BBC avoids issue: What was the source of the information? New 3-minute video compilation of the key points from the BBC broadcast, demonstrating foreknowledge of WTC 7 collapse. Read more for complete coverage of the last three days.

The skyscraper also known as the Salomon Brothers Building was still standing and clearly visible over the shoulder of a BBC reporter in New York, even as the network provided accurate, past- tense details of its collapse. Jane Standley’s live report was interrupted about five minutes before WTC 7 actually came down at 5:20pm EDT. A video clip establishing this anomaly was discovered on the  news service and first pointed out to the public Monday by the blog writer 911veritas at  .

The ensuing controversy has prompted a swift, unusually angry response from the BBC, which however has failed to address the substantive issue: Apparently the network’s personnel were unfamiliar with WTC 7, which is excusable. They were however reporting information culled from a source with advance knowledge of the building’s collapse. Who was that source?

The answer may be essential to settling the long-standing dispute over whether the third skyscraper to fall on 9/11, which was not struck by an airplane, was demolished using explosives, or collapsed entirely due to structural damage and fire.

Until Tuesday, a 1-gigabyte file record of the BBC World News live broadcast was freely available for download from the Television Archive at, at V08591-16.mpg

Presumably thousands of people downloaded the file before took it offline. The news archive service provided an .xml label in the same directory, indicating that the 42-minute video segment was originally broadcast starting at 4:54pm EDT on September 11th. Various clues within the segment amply confirm this start time (see below), although no time is announced or shown during the segment.

For information purposes under fair-use provisions we are making available a three-minute, 10-megabyte WMV video showing the key excerpts from the segment, with inserted time labels based on a start time of 4:54pm EDT.


 WTC 7: Historical Footnote? 

The 47-story skyscraper WTC 7 was located to the north of the North Tower, across Vesey Street. Prior to 9/11, this relatively obscure cousin to the Twin Towers was more commonly known as the Salomon Brothers Building after its largest tenant.

Built above and around an electrical substation, WTC 7 also housed other businesses and a number of federal agencies: the Securities and Exchange Commission, the IRS, the Department of Defense, and a secret CIA station that the Agency later described as its largest office in North America outside of the Washington area.

The Mayor’s Office of Emergency Management, a high-tech nerve center built by the Giuliani administration and intended as the city’s command headquarters in a crisis, was on the 23rd floor. The location was criticized by officials at the New York Fire Department and others who considered it insecure.

The 9/11 events rendered OEM unusable. WTC 7 was evacuated in the morning, caught fire at some point after the Twin Towers fell, and collapsed completely at 5:20pm Eastern Daylight Time on Sept. 11, 2001. The building fell evenly within 6.5 seconds, leaving a pile of rubble contained almost entirely within the original footprint. The many external signs of a controlled demolition raised the prospect that explosives were used to bring it down. (See for example the video clips at  ).

Authorities have maintained the global failure was entirely due to the serious structural damage caused by the earlier collapse of the Twin Towers and subsequent fires (fueled by diesel tanks located around the building, the largest of which belonged to OEM). The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) was charged with preparing a full report. Its publication date has been delayed several times over a period of almost two years, and is currently scheduled for April 2007.

More at Improbable Collapse: The Demolition of our Republic


 BBC Coverage on 9/11 

The file obtained from shows that the BBC’s uncannily clairvoyant news coverage of the event began at 4:57 pm EDT, 23 minutes before the building actually collapsed. [3:19 on the video]

Speaking from London, BBC World News anchorman Philip Hayton says, “We’ve got some news coming in — the Salomon Brothers Building in New York, right in that part of Manhattan, also has collapsed. This does fit in with a warning from the British Foreign Office a couple of hours ago to British citizens that… there was ‘a strong risk of further atrocities in the United States. And it does seem as if there now is another one with the Salomon Brothers Building collapsing. We’ve got no word yet on casualties, one assumes that the building would have been virtually deserted.” Hayton then reports that the US president is on a flight back to Washington from Nebraska, confirming that the broadcast time is just before 5pm EDT.

The collapse is noted again in the top-of-the-hour headlines, and Hayton gives a longer report at 5:10pm. [13:30 on the video] Significantly, the details are now revised, indicating Hayton has been given new information in the meantime: “Now more on the latest building collapse,” he says. “You might have heard a few minutes ago I was talking about the Salomon Brothers Building collapsing, and indeed it has… It seems that this was not the result of a new attack, it was because the building had been weakened in this morning’s attacks.” Thus Hayton is not only reporting on an event still 10 minutes into the future, but also accurately conveying how the authorities would explain that event, both then and for the next five years. He then introduces a live report from the network’s New York correspondant, Jane Standley.

Standley is seen in front of a window as smoke rises from the destroyed World Trade Center about 10 to 20 blocks behind her. WTC 7 is clearly visible on the right side of the shot, although the British reporter shows no sign she was in any way familiar with the building. She admits to Hayton that she only knows what he has already reported, then speaks for about a minute on the 9/11 events generally, before Hayton again asks about possible casualties at WTC 7. Again, she cannot say. Their exchange on other matters continues, with WTC 7 visible in the background until 5:14pm, when the feed from New York suddenly turns shaky and goes dead. [20:30 on the video]

The building collapsed about five minutes later.

The video leaves no doubt that the BBC received accurate information on the future collapse of WTC 7,  and that the information included the later explanation for that collapse.  We presume the BBC was innocent and unwitting in presenting this report in advance of the actual event, believing the collapse had indeed already happened.

We might reasonably guess that before making its way to the BBC by whatever means, the information originated among the authorities in New York. And  that  is the question here: Who was the original source of the information? Did the source also phrase the event in the past tense? How was the source certain the building would collapse?

The issue raising the most clamor among 9/11 skeptics is surely the timing. Even if the authorities are expecting the building to buckle and collapse due to damage, the exact time is still unknown. That the building does fall straight into its footprint on cue five minutes after Standley’s premature report breaks off is breathtaking.


 The BBC Responds to the Controversy 

Yesterday the head of BBC World News issued the following response to the controversy via his blog at theeditors/2007/02/part_of_the_conspiracy.html

 Part of the conspiracy? 

 Richard Porter   27 Feb 07, 05:12 PM 

 The 9/11 conspiracy theories are pretty well known by now. The BBC addressed them earlier this month with a documentary, The Conspiracy Files, shown within the UK. 

 Until now, I don’t think we’ve been accused of being part of the conspiracy. But now some websites are using news footage from BBC World on September 11th 2001 to suggest we were actively participating in some sort of attempt to manipulate the audience. As a result, we’re now getting lots of emails asking us to clarify our position.   So here goes: 

 1. We’re not part of a conspiracy. Nobody told us what to say or do on September 11th. We didn’t get told in advance that buildings were going to fall down. We didn’t receive press releases or scripts in advance of events happening. 

 2. In the chaos and confusion of the day, I’m quite sure we said things which turned out to be untrue or inaccurate – but at the time were based on the best information we had. We did what we always did – sourced our reports, used qualifying words like “apparently” or “it’s reported” or “we’re hearing” and constantly tried to check and double check the information we were receiving. 

 3. Our reporter Jane Standley was in New York on the day of the attacks, and like everyone who was there, has the events seared on her mind. I’ve spoken to her today and unsurprisingly, she doesn’t remember minute-by-minute what she said or did – like everybody else that day she was trying to make sense of what she was seeing; what she was being told; and what was being told to her by colleagues in London who were monitoring feeds and wires services. 

 4. We no longer have the original tapes of our 9/11 coverage (for reasons of cock-up, not conspiracy). So if someone has got a recording of our output, I’d love to get hold of it. We do have the tapes for our sister channel News 24, but they don’t help clear up the issue one way or another. 

 5. If we reported the building had collapsed before it had done so, it would have been an error – no more than that. As one of the comments on You Tube says today “so the guy in the studio didn’t quite know what was going on? Woah, that totally proves conspiracy… ” 

 Richard Porter is head of news, BBC World 


 “How to Exacerbate a Public Relations Crisis” 

Porter’s phillipic is curious. It was well within his power to view the suspect footage and act to defuse the controversy in a calm, factual way. One might imagine something along these lines:

 “Well, yeah it looks funny, at first sight, seeing our Jane talking about the collapse with the building still standing behind her. Shucks. But consider please the bad damage to WTC 7! The authorities were expecting it to come down at some point that evening or the next day. The streets were cleared in anticipation. So somehow a report was prepared and honestly, we don’t really remember who we got it from. And then it ended up broadcast prematurely. Oops, we regret this, but things like that do happen, it was a chaotic day…” 

Child’s play.

Instead, Porter chooses to identify purveyors of “conspiracy theory” as the enemy, and draws a direct link to the BBC’s recent documentary attack on 9/11 skepticism, as though this is in any way relevant to what BBC World News itself broadcast on September 11th.

He preemptively avers that the BBC has been accused of belonging to “a conspiracy” – which of course the Standley clip does not show, and which no reasonable person would claim on the basis of the clip.

Then he pulls out two unconfirmable claims that may sound all-too familiar: No one remembers exactly what was reported then. And all archived video of the day’s broadcasts has been lost.

There would be groans from the gallery, but normally these two claims amount to trump cards. Except for a decisive difference in this case: the footage is already circulating openly on the Web, where everyone can see it.

Did Porter not view the widely-available video of his network’s advance reports of the WTC 7 collapse, before writing his response? This would amount to an embarrassing lack of due diligence for a news director — in fact, an arrogance worthy of the Soviet media.

Or did Porter watch the segment? In that case, “we forgot” and “we lost our records” are not valid excuses. (Although they seem to be contagious ones: note the message below from, explaining why the video suddenly went off-line yesterday.)

Finally, note the careful phrasing of Porter’s first item: “We didn’t receive press releases or scripts in advance of events happening.” Of course, information also comes in forms other than press releases and scripts. So let’s repeat the relevant question to Porter:

Did the BBC get information that WTC 7 had collapsed on 9/11, before it actually did collapse? Or was it a guess that was “in error” when first reported, but magically turned out to be true just five minutes later?

Where did the information come from, Mr. Porter?

 Appendix  : E-mail from in response to our email

From: Renata Ewing (

Date: Feb 27, 2007 11:48 AM

Subject: Re: BBC Footage verification question

To: Janice Matthews

Hello Janice

Thank you for your email.

The item you write about is not actually ready to be viewed. It is part of a test of a new collection on 9/11. It was not meant to be streamed or downloaded.

Since we are not the source of the footage, we are not able to verify the information contained in it.

The Television Archive is a division of the Internet Archive.




Our original email to

From: Janice Matthews Date: Feb 26, 2007 5:55 PM Subject: BBC Footage verification question To:,


First, please let me say thank you for the great work you’re doing!

A certain video, found at your site, has been making its way around the Internet like wildfire today, finding itself the source of live radio discussions today, phone calls to the BBC and american media, and generally causing quite a stir, as well it should. is very cautious in our reporting, however, and would like to verify as thoroughly as possible that this information is accurate. Therefore, we decided to go to the source and ask you directly about a couple of things. Thanks for your time in helping us with this.

The footage in question is at:

It is footage from the BBC World, broadcast between 4:54 and 5:36 pm EDT on 9/11/01, apparently being taped live in New York City. A woman correspondent is reporting with what appears to be live footage of the Manhattan skyline behind her, including WTC Building 7 just to her right on the screen (over her left shoulder). Yet she is reporting in her broadcast, at approximately 5pm, with WTC7 behind her, that WTC7 has collapsed. (Of course, WTC7 actually collapsed at 5:20pm that day.) Naturally, this is rather confusing! Our first questions are, obviously, 1) was the timestamp on the video accurate, 2) is the footage behind her real or greenscreen, 3) can this footage be verified as from the BBC or could it have been created by someone else, and 4) how can we reach “Television Archive” who is reported as being the original contributor?

We have reviewed the .xml files associated with this video, which appear to verify the validity of source of the footage is indeed BBC: (metadata)(identifier)bbc200109111654-1736 (title)BBC Sept. 11, 2001 4:54 pm – 5:36 pm (mediatype)movies (collection)sept_11_tv_archive (collection)BBC (collection)televisionarchive (publisher)BBC TV (creator)BBC TV (contributor)Television Archive (timezone)-4 (description) News from BBC TV was recorded by the Television Archive, a non-profit archive. Video available as a loan (stream) only. Click for  next video  ,  previous video  , or  program guide  .  Date:  2001-09-11 20:54:47 UTC  Air Time:  2001-09-11 16:54:47 EDT  Length:  0:41:41 (/description) (language)eng (date)2001-09-11 20:54:47 (Air_Time)2001-09-11 16:54:47 EDT (stream_only)1 (subject) Television News; September 11 Terrorist Attacks; 911 Terrorist Attacks

I am not able to view the video via the links in this file, however, and the associated “program file” and “thumbnails” are not available. We notice that this information was updated, at least the line re. “curator” on 2/18/07. Why is that? It appears this file was last modified February 18, 07. Can you tell us whether “curator” was the only modification then? … (short second xml file deleted for brevity)

Finally, I have been unable to download or view the stream on your site, as it “hangs” after an hour or so of downloading… Can you help me see the original footage you have posted?

Thank you for your help. We are prepared to present this information to high-level officials and news media once we can verify; I hope you understand the significance of this and why we are so intent on tracking it down. Please feel free to call me if you would prefer that to email. 816.268.3386 or 816.277.9375 cell. Sincerely,

Janice Matthews Executive Director

___________________________________ From: Janice Matthews To:, date Feb 26, 2007 6:48 PM ———————

More questions…

Why is it that most (not all) of the BBC footage segments from that day do not have links to be able to view the streaming video? I’m not finding that to be the case with other networks on that day, nor for the BBC on other days…?



  From:  The Tyler Chronicle      Summer, 2018      Worldwide Edition


 Some Events & Circumstances Concerning 911   

There are several conspiracy theories involving 911; most of them suggesting that the United States Government was in one way or another responsible for the tragic events of that day. This is another of those ideas that may be hard for you or me or the average man  on the street to accept. In addidtion, it appears that the facts may not be at all easy to ascertain. Like the others in this series, this report will undergo continual modification as information is accumulated and incorporated into it.      

Remember these names.
Barry Jennings, Kenneth Johannemann, Michael H. Doran, Christopher Landis, Bertha Champagne, Paul Smith, John Del Giorno, Deborah Palfrey, Major General David Wherley, Salvatore Princiotta, David, Graham.

For more as the story develops see "911", Chronicle Page 13




The Tyler Chronicle     Winter, 2022    Worldwide Edition                                   

Dear Martha Malone

Advice to the Lovelorn...

 You are invited to write Martha. Whatever your problem may be, Martha will be happy to give you tons of free advice. Take it for what it's worth. Send your email to: Most of the stories published are based in fact, but Martha is inclined to use "poetic license" to the fullest!  Following is our most recent letter to Martha. What advice would  YOU offer?

Dear Martha,

I am sixteen and I live with my stepfather and two step brothers. I have a boyfriend who will graduate next year but neither of us is ready to get married.  The problem is that my stepdad keeps trying to come into my room at night after everybody has gone to bed.

He keeps making up excuses for coming in, but I know what he wants. I have told him in no uncertain terms to keep his distance, but he keeps on. I don’t feel safe to go to sleep!  Last night, I pushed my chest of drawers against the door to keep him out. He had been drinking (which he does a lot nowadays).

My mother’s sister who lives in a nearby town has invited me to come live with her. Should I try to talk some sense into him, or should I just move out?


Sleeping Beauty

Dear Martha Malone,
I am 21 years old and was married for less than a year when my husband and I were divorced. I won't go into the reasons for the divorce, but now that it's all over, I have found another man that I love very much and would like to marry.
We spent our first night together recently, or I should say, part of the night together. You see, my former husband was a tattoo artist (although not a very good one). At any rate, I let him put large,imtimate tattoos on my body in very intimate places (top and bottom, front and rear). He signed his name on them real big too!
When I undressed on our first night together, and my new boyfriend saw them, he went into a jealous rage and walked out, leaving me alone in the motel room. He hasn't been to see me or returned my calls since.
I can't understand why he is so upset! I don't want to lose him, so I considered having the tattoos removed, but the doctor says that would be almost impossible. I wish I had never let him do this to me! I feel branded for life! What can I do?


Dear "Branded",
Removing large tattoos from human skin is not an easy thing to do. Some of the methods used involved blistering the skin with acids and peeling off the resulting dead skin, grinding the skin off with a rotary wire brush, after it's been frozen, "burning" the tattooed skin with lasers, or actually removing the skin surgically.
All of these methods involve the risk of infection, and leave scar tissue in place of the tattoo. Considering the location and size of your tattoos, you might be wiser just to leave them as they are.
Unfortunately, what you wrote is true. You are indeed "branded for life".

Martha Malone  

Dear Martha Malone,
I am a Baptist minister. I was divorced three times before my most recent marriage, which is now coming to an end only a few short months after we spoke our sacred vows. My most recent wife is into musical evangelism, and together we started a new church in an abandoned store front. I worked hard to make the marriage work and to make the new church successful.
But I knew something was wrong with the marriage from the start, since my new wife would frequently drive away from the house at eleven or twelve at night and not return until the early morning hours. When I asked her to explain what was going on, she would say something like... "Oh that's just me!"
She ran up several thousand dollars in credit card and telephone debt in just a couple of months and now she tells me that she wants a divorce!"
I prayed about it and told her that I didn't think it was God's will for us to separate. She left the house cursing me like a drunken sailor, and I later learned that she moved in with an ex-husband truck driver three blocks down the street.
Now her lawyer has sent me a letter saying that she wants the marriage annulled on the grounds that it was never consumated. It definitely was consumated. Now I'm in a hard spot. I don't want another divorce, but neither do I want to swear a lie in court to get an annullment.
I know we could work things out if she would just try. Please give me some advice.

Don the Baptist

Dear Baptist,
Sounds to me like you two are a pretty well-matched pair. I advise you to try to stay with her for the rest of your life... just to help prevent her from screwing up the lives of more poor fools like yourself.

Martha Malone

Dear Martha Malone,
My husband and I have been married for ten years, and have had what I thought was a solid relationship until about six months ago, when my attractive seventeen year-old niece moved in with us. My husband is thirty-two years old, but when he's around this girl, he acts like a teen-ager. He seems to be constantly going out of his way to make physical contact with her; chasing, dancing, and "playfully wrestling" at every opportunity. She encourages him too!
I have awakened on several occasions to discover him not in bed with me. I'm afraid to know what may be happening. I just don't know what to do! I leave home for work about seven-thirty each morning and don't get back in until around six. My husband is currently unemployed and spends most of his time at home. (Watching television?) I know I have let myself "run down" during the past several years and can in no way compare to the new "competition". I have tried to talk to him about the problem, but he dismisses my concern as "unfounded jealousy". What should I do?

Afraid to Know

Dear Afraid,
Your dilemma is an old one. Regardless of whether your husband and niece have crossed the lines of propriety yet or not, there is only one solution from your point of view... Get the girl out of your house.

Martha Malone

Dear Martha Malone,
My son is 32 years old and has moved back in the house with me after his third unsuccessful marriage. I'm his mother and I love him, but he's back on drugs in spite of all the promises he has made. He can't keep a job and now expects me to pay his way. I am a 65 year-old widow and live on a fixed income. He expects me to buy the cigarettes to support his filthy habit. I have asked him to leave several times, but he won't. Last night he came in from a "party" completely stoned and spent the night roaming the house and slamming doors and hitting the wall with his fist and talking in strange voices. I tried to talk to him, but he called me an "old bitch" and threatened to hit me.
I spent the rest of the sleepless night in hysterics. I pray for him all the time, but it doesn't seem to help. I think he is demon-possessed. He finally passed out on the floor. I called the police a few minutes ago and now I'm piling his stuff out in the driveway. I can't go on like this I just can't go on like this. Where did I go wrong? We always gave him everything he wanted.

Distraught Mother

Dear Distraught,
Where did you go wrong? You summed it up in your last sentence. You gave him everything he wanted, and now he still expects it. You, more than anyone else are responsible for the monster your son has become. You helped make him what he is.

Martha Malone

Dear Martha Malone,
This older man and me have been going together now for several years but we broke up three months ago because he is a real "nerd".
He has this thing about drugs... a real anti-drug freak. He told me when we first started going together (I was married at the time) that he would leave me if he ever found out that I had been doing drugs of any kind.
I told him, of course, that I would never do that! And the jerk believed me. Yeah, I was on speed, crack, and Mary Jane, and he thought I was straight!
I told you. He was a real jerk. Sometimes when I would go to see him, I'd be flying outa this world and the old fool didn't even know I was high! Yeah, that's how dumb he was.
Then about a year ago, I got busted on a drug charge in another county. Quite naturally, he found out about it. And things haven't been the same between us since. He says he can't never trust me again.
I don't really need this old dude you know, but I miss some of the good times we used to have, like trips and stuff. Why can't he understand that a little MJ and crack never hurt anybody?
Besides, I can quit any time I want to.


Dear Red,
Drugs make you feel good, sure. But for that good feeling, you pay a big price. You have lost one of the most important things anyone can have... and that is the trust of another person. You have traded a meaningful relationship for your habit. Live with it.

Martha Malone

Dear Martha Malone,
I need help. Boy do I need help! I had this pretty girl, long honey blonde hair, 5Ft. 4in., about 120 lb. We was so happy. Dated 5 1/2 months. She was a old fashion girl, no kissing, no touching until marriage. Well, when the power lines went down, we all would spend the night at a friend's house. They had a fire place, so we was warm, but full of people. My girl friend got behind the door to put her gown on. Well, you know I just had to look.
Oh, did I look close! Real close! And what a shock was it. My heart almost stopped. My pretty girl wasn't a girl at all. She was a He!
Oh what can I do to hold face. My family loves her, sisters, brothers, all love her, my mother. Just what can I say?

Help, Help!

Dear "Help",
Well, you're right about one thing. You DO need help. You say you are a man, but you dated this person five and a half months and you didn't even find out if it was female? That doesn't sound like much of a man to me! Get some of what it takes and start acting like the man you say you are.
On the other hand, you could take your friend to a good surgeon and make everybody happy. Modern medical science can do wonders -- a few nips and tucks and yesterday's "Willie" becomes today's "Willimena". Sounds like it wouldn't take too much to make the conversion in your own case.

Martha Malone


Dear Martha Malone
We've all heard "fish tales" about the "big ones" that got away. I've never had much time for fishing (for fish, that is). But I've had moe than my share of "good ones" that got away.
When I think about all the missed opportunities of the past decades, sometimes I feel a little depressed about the whole thing. I can't justify feeling sorry for myself though because in most cases the catch was lost because of inaction on my part.
As Confucius probably said, "Fish on hook does not necessarily mean dinner in the pan!" How true, how true.
My first great loss of this type came at the happy age of twelve. Her name was Odessa, and although she was only two years older than I in ordinary years, she was light years ahead of me in experience. My one and only experience with Odessa came when she was visiting her cousin, Connie, who lived near me.
And so it happened that on one beautiful autumn afternoon, when the leaves were beginning to turn and the first hint of autumn was in the air that lovely Odessa, obviously lonely, sought to dispel that loneliness.
We were playing on the fragarant straw in the loft of a huge log barn, with wooden shingles and the gently curving lines that only a century or more of existence can bring. The barn had been built by Connie's German ancestors who first settled the property. It was surrounded by oaks older than the barn itself, which cast their reflections across the surface of a still, dark pond.
As we luxuriated in the hay, it soon became obvious that Odessa was in the mood for some serious communication. She began by asking me about my experience with girls. It didn't take me long to fill her in on that... since there wasn't any. Well, not unless you want to count the time my first grade girlfriend gave me a big smack during recess at school one day. But I didn't think that counted, so I didn't mention it.
Odessa asked me if I'd ever been REALLY kissed (to use her emphasis). I said no, and within seconds she had laid one on me. I thought I would strangle! But before I could get my breath, Connie decided to get into the act. They seemed to be trying to outdo each other!
:As I pushed myself away from Connie and her fragrant, long, black hair, I saw Odessa's halter top sailing across the haystack. I took off like I'd just seen a ghost! Maybe two of them! I slid down the ladder from the loft and hit the ground in a dead run. Within minutes, I was safely inside our house a quarter of a mile away, flushed red as a beet, and covered with sweat, grit, straw, and lipstick.
My mother, completely unaware of the near-miss, was preoccupied at the old wood-burning cookstove and without turning around, advised me to clean up for supper.
I didn't sleep very much that night, even though the early autumn rain sang lullabies on the tin roof. I vowed to return to the barn next day. I did. It was cold and empty.
From that day on, I was aware that something beautiful was missing from my life.


Dear Fisherman,
I've had a few of those "big ones" to get off my hook too. But hey! It's an imperfect world! Keep casting!

Martha Malone

Dear Martha Malone
The guy I just dumped came into the place where I work. He was with some of his friends and he was falling down drunk. Up until this time, he had never drunk any type of alcohol. One of his friends told me it was my fault he was drunk, and that I should give him "anything" he wanted. What do you think? Why is his behavior my fault?


Dear Puzzled,
Life has it's hard spots. Getting "dumped" is one of them. Regardless of the emotional pain he is suffering, your exe-boyfriend is responsible for his own actions.

Martha Malone



You are invited to send your letters to Martha Malone and share your romantic experiences with the rest of the whole wide world. Let us hear from you today. Use postal service, or email. Our email address is:  Your letters will be published as space and time permit.   : Sexually explicit letters and those containing obscenity may be edited (read "censored"!). But, for the most part, we keep the editing to a minimum. We publish "Martha Malone" principally for it's entertainment value, but who knows, once in a while it may contain a kernel of good advice.      




Valentine's Day, Originally a Non-Lover's Holiday!

           As children we exchange cards and affectionate notes on Valentine's Day. As we grow older, it's flowers and candy. Why? 

: Although we think of Valentine's Day as a day for lovers, it was originally an effort by the Catholic Church to prevent teenage love!
: Long before the birth of Christ it was the custom of Roman boys and girls to gather every February in a celebration honoring their god, Lupercus. During the festivities, they were allowed to randomly select a "mate" for the coming year and to do anything they liked together during that time.
: When Christians rose to power in Rome, they determined to end this "pagan" practice. They chose a substitute for the god Lupercus to be the focus of a Christian holiday. St. Valentine, a catholic bishop who had reputedly been tortured by the Roman Emperor Claudius II for performing Christian marriages in 270 A.D. now became the symbol of a "more wholesome" love approved by the Church.
: Romans reluctantly traded carnal knowledge for valentine cards, and just to make sure no one gave in to temptation, the Church made worshiping Lupercus a sin punishable by death. With this kind of strong support, Valentine's Day eventually became a recognized holiday all across Western Europe.
: As Christian influence grew, so did the practice of sending notes of affection on February 14. The first valentine cards in America were produced in the 1870's and sold for up to thirty-five dollars each!



The Tyler Chronicle    Worldwide Edition,  Winter 2022

BMCN Radio Network Tops 120,000 

   Bobby D. Moore has realized the dream of a lifetime. He has launched his own radio network. "I have been in love with radio since I was a kid," he said. "And now the development of the internet and digital electronics has made it possible for me to accomplish what only a few years ago would have been impossible. I am grateful to God for the opportunity to create this powerful instrument for good."

   As a child Moore listened to stations like the powerful border station, XERF in Del Rio, Texas. "The station was so powerful that your automobile headlights would light up from the signal when you were parked near the antenna!" he said. XERF has a colorful history which Moore is more than happy to relate, but that is another story. Some years ago, in fact, he made a trip to Mexico and Del Rio to try to buy the station. "I didn't have enough money to pay for gasoline for the trip, but I wanted my own radio station," he chuckled. 

   Local radio stations also impressed Moore as a child. "In the earliest days (when I was about five), all the local stations were AM. The reception was not the best, but let me tell you, some of the best programming came out of those little stations! The earliest local radio personalities I remember played country/western music. Hank Williams and Eddie Arnold were at the top. When the first rock and roll music and news station came to our little East Texas town, it really shook things up. Sermons were preached against it and Elvis was condemned as a disciple of Satan. But the best rock and roll DJ ever to exist on the face of the earth got his start on a station in our town. His name was Paul Williams... "Tall Paul" Williams to be exact. Paul wasn't tall at all, but in all my years, I have never heard a radio personality who could outdo him!" Moore still has recordings of Paul Williams on the air in the 50s.

   But all the quaint memories aside, what has driven Bobby Moore to launch BMCN? His smile vanishes when asked this question. It is almost as if he becomes a different person. Here is what he has to say....

   "I have always cherished freedom. I had the good fortune to grow up in what I believed to be the greatest nation on earth, and basked in the great freedom, which I, like many others, took for granted. It may seem a little contradictory, but although I viewed it as a birthright, I realized that freedom could be lost. And as the decades passed, I personally witnessed the erosion and usurpation of that freedom, bit by bit and piece by piece. 

   "Politics, government, and history didn't interest me very much; I was completely immersed in science and technology during most of my childhood and well into middle life. But as time passed (as I mentioned before) I began to see the growing intrusion of the federal government into the lives of the people. I watched our culture disintegrate. I watched public education become a propaganda tool; I saw our moral values inverted. I watched America become a police state. I personally experienced it.

   "As I saw it, I had two choices; one was to try to escape the oncoming tyranny; the other was to stand against it. You can see which choice I made. It remains to be seen whether or not that was a good decision for me personally."

   "The purpose of BMCN is to provide entertaining programming and a very healthy, if somewhat alarming, dose of what I believe to be truth. ( Mark Twain advised us to use truth sparingly, since it is a very scarce commodity!)"

   "And so, BMCN (The Bobby Moore Communications Network) is based upon lofty ideals. But that's not enough; it's ultimate success will depend upon your support. " At the time of this writing the network did not charge for advertising. 

  Actually, BMCN is a network of seven stations, including the recently added You Tube television edition. Our address there is: You Tube BMCN Television. To reach a complete directory of the BMCN radio stations go to

BMCN  The Bobby Moore Communications Network Honors Paul Williams

According to Bobby D. Moore, founder of BMCN, Paul Williams was the greatest Rock and Roll disk jockey to ever spin a record.  Paul, "Wild Child" Williams was one of a kind. Teenage girls went crazy over him, local preachers accused him of leading the town's youth toward the burning pits of hell, and the sponsors of his after-school radio shows smiled all the way to the bank. 

The year was 1958 and Paul Williams was a senior at Tyler High School in the last graduating class before the name of the school was changed. And that's not all that was changing in Tyler, Texas about that time. In fact, you might say, "Change was in the air!"  The town had supported two AM radio stations; KGKB, the older of the two at 1490 kilocycles which signed off at sunset, and KTBB with the more favorable frequency of 600 kc. Both stations were well accepted by the highly conservative and very fundamentalist population. They played a lot of country music and each had its share of Sunday morning church services.

But then, about the time "Tall Paul" graduated, the radio "airwaves" of a new and very different station signaled "change" for Tyler radio!  Broadcast-ing. From their new studios on the 13th floor of the Peoples Bank Building, KDOK began spreading the musical gospel of "rock and roll". It was the "real deal" featuring the original recordings of the greats; Fats Domino, Elvis, The Everly Brothers, and all  the rest. For some Tylerites, entrenched in their ways, it appeared that the "end of time" had come!  But for many of the younger set, it was a breath of fresh air.  

The timing was perfect. The new station arrived at exactly the right time to  capitalize on the rock and roll wave that would soon be sweeping the country. And Paul Williams was there; his show was an immediate success. The effect this young man had on his listening audience was phenominal. Included in this article is a poem about the "new" station written by a Whitehouse High School student of the time (a young man, by the way). Paul had an incredible wit and was a master of "word play". And when he was sitting between the turntables and in front of that big old studio microphone, he could do no wrong! But "away from the microphone" may have been another story. There are at least two versions of the following tale. Here is the story as related to us  by Paul himself.

The Whiskey Bottle that Changed History

... to be continued...

Click an Address  Below to Tune In Instantly to the BMCN Station of Your Choice

NOTE:  We are currently rescheduling and making technical adjustments. Stations may be periodically off the air without notice. 









Go to You Tube BMCN TELEVISION. That's all there is to it!

Bobby Moore, Founder of BMCN producing a live show.

Bobby spoofing the 70s era.  "The old 50s and 60s music was my thing", he said.

All the News That Is News... Coming Soon on BMCN....




The Tyler Chronicle     Winter, 2022       Worldwide Edition 

The Story of Moore Charcoal

The Dream That Wouldn't Die


"The dream will die when I die, and maybe not even then!" 

Someone once called my mother a dreamer, and indeed she was, but she worked hard to make her dreams become realities. Dreams are a dime a dozen as are the dreamers who spawn them. Dreaming is easy, but forging the dream into the nuts and bolts of reality can be tough! The story of Moore Charcoal is indeed the story of a dream and the lifelong dedication to making it real. 

 MY STRUGGLE, THE LIFE AND TIMES OF BOBBY D. MOORE, details my early interests in science and technology while the following account begins with my special  interest in the "black art" of charcoal making. But what drove this young man in his early teens to what was to become a lifelong obsession? There were at least half a dozen factors... not the least of which was poverty.

POVERTY is cruel. Like so many of life's realities, you can't understand it until you have experienced it!  Poverty and I know each other very well.  But the fact that I am quick to identify poverty as a motivator does not in any sense imply greed. From an early age I sought to escape from poverty and all that it implied, but not for the sake of greed.


A page one story which ran in the Sunday (date) edition of The Tyler Morning Telegraph launched Moore's celebrity status. The story was picked up by The Associated Press, The Dallas Morning News and other larger circulation publications.  Television appearances followed. This was an era when private initiative was applauded.

Clyde Vance (left) and Bobby beside Moore's first cinder block charcoal kiln during its first successful run in 1958. Clyde was Moore's lifelong friend and a superintendent at Tyler Fertilizer Co. a manufacturer of chemical fertilizers owned by chemist, Harold Lust

 A total of half a dozen of these small kilns were built  on the Moore homestead south of Tyler. They were eventually replaced with steel walled ovens and retorts which eliminated the devastating result of air leaks during the cooling cycle.


*Bobby Moore began making charcoal in 1954. He is currently the world authority on the production of wood charcoal.  Be sure to read the  article on...

"The History of Moore Charcoal; the Dream that Wouldn't Die" .

Ask for Moore  all natural hardwood charcoal at your favorite store.


Getting it Together! The Moore Charcoal Plant at Tyler was built from the bare ground up. There was very little to start such an ambitious project.; no concrete foundations, no steel,  virtually no tools, no on-site electriccity, no water, no gas, no money, no experience or professional guidance. Few available, meaningful references. But the necessary ingredients were there nevertheless: a surface to build upon, sod to make primitive charcoal kilns and hardwoods in nearby forests. Most importantly, there was this young man's seemingly endless energy and unshakable dedication to his cause.


In the many decades since its origin, Moore has produced wood charcoal which has been marketed  under numerous brand names including: Moore Charcoal, Ideal Charcoal,  Moore Horticultural Charcoal, Moore Charcoal Briquets, Blue Blazes Briquets,  Mission Smokeless Charcoal, White Glove Charcoal Briquets, and Sears Charcoal Briquets .  Non branded shipments went to activated carbon processors, potting soil producers, filter makers of various kinds,  and specialty uses too numerous to mention.

The remarkable story of Moore Charcoal is one of the most interesting tales of endurance,  determination,  and a winning fight against incredible odds. It ranks with the story of south pole explorer, Ernest Shackleton's epic struggle in his ship, the Endurance.  The scales are different, but the iron will to succeed is the same.  We hope you will read and enjoy  these installments as they are published. Moreover our wish is that you will be motivated and inspired.


The Tyler Chronicle     Winter, 2022     Worldwide Edition 

"It's Your Health!"

Is an All Veggie Diet for You?

Diet composition and nutrition

(From Wikipedia)

Western vegetarian diets are typically high in carotenoids, but relatively low in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin B12.[74] Vegans can have particularly low intake of vitamin B and calcium if they do not eat enough items such as collard greens, leafy greens, tempeh and tofu (soy).[75] High levels of dietary fiber, folic acid, vitamins C and E, and magnesium, and low consumption of saturated fat are all considered to be beneficial aspects of a vegetarian diet.[76] A well planned vegetarian diet will provide all nutrients in a meat-eater's diet to the same level for all stages of life.[77]


Protein intake in vegetarian diets is lower than in meat diets but can meet the daily requirements for most people.[78] Studies at Harvard University as well as other studies conducted in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and various European countries, confirmed vegetarian diets provide sufficient protein intake as long as a variety of plant sources are available and consumed.[79]


Vegetarian diets typically contain similar levels of iron to non-vegetarian diets, but this has lower bioavailability than iron from meat sources, and its absorption can sometimes be inhibited by other dietary constituents.[80] According to the Vegetarian Resource Group, consuming food that contains vitamin C, such as citrus fruit or juices, tomatoes, or broccoli, is a good way to increase the amount of iron absorbed at a meal.[81] Vegetarian foods rich in iron include black beans, cashews, hempseed, kidney beans, broccoli, lentils, oatmeal, raisins, spinach, cabbage, lettuce, black-eyed peas, soybeans, many breakfast cereals, sunflower seeds, chickpeas, tomato juice, tempeh, molasses, thyme, and whole-wheat bread.[82] The related vegan diets can often be higher in iron than vegetarian diets, because dairy products are low in iron.[76] Iron stores often tend to be lower in vegetarians than non-vegetarians, and a few small studies report very high rates of iron deficiency (up to 40%,[83] and 58%[84] of the respective vegetarian or vegan groups). However, the American Dietetic Association states that iron deficiency is no more common in vegetarians than non-vegetarians (adult males are rarely iron deficient); iron deficiency anaemia is rare no matter the diet.[85]

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is not generally present in plants but is naturally found in foods of animal origin.[3][86] Lacto-ovo vegetarians can obtain B12 from dairy products and eggs, and vegans can obtain it from manufactured fortified foods (including plant-based products and breakfast cereals) and dietary supplements.[3][87][88] A strict vegetarian diet avoiding consumption of all animal products risks vitamin B12 deficiency, which can lead to hyperhomocysteinemia, a risk factor for several health disorders, including anemia, neurological deficits, gastrointestinal problems, platelet disorders, and increased risk for cardiovascular diseases.[3][4] The recommended daily dietary intake of B12 in the United States and Canada is 0.4 mcg (ages 0–6 months), rising to 1.8 mcg (9–13 years), 2.4 mcg (14+ years), and 2.8 mcg (lactating female).[86] While the body's daily requirement for vitamin B12 is in microgram amounts, deficiency of the vitamin through strict practice of a vegetarian diet without supplementation can increase the risk of several chronic diseases.[3][4][86]

Fatty acids

Plant-based, or vegetarian, sources of Omega 3 fatty acids include soy, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, canola oil, kiwifruit, hempseed, algae, chia seed, flaxseed, echium seed and leafy vegetables such as lettuce, spinach, cabbage and purslane. Purslane contains more Omega 3 than any other known leafy green. Olives (and olive oil) are another important plant source of unsaturated fatty acids. Plant foods can provide alpha-linolenic acid which the human body uses to synthesize the long-chain n-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. EPA and DHA can be obtained directly in high amounts from oily fish or fish oils. Vegetarians, and particularly vegans, have lower levels of EPA and DHA than meat-eaters. While the health effects of low levels of EPA and DHA are unknown, it is unlikely that supplementation with alpha-linolenic acid will significantly increase levels.[89][clarification needed] Recently, some companies have begun to market vegetarian DHA supplements containing seaweed extracts. Whole seaweeds are not suitable for supplementation because their high iodine content limits the amount that may be safely consumed. However, certain algae such as spirulina are good sources of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), linoleic acid (LA), stearidonic acid (SDA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and arachidonic acid (AA).[90][91]


Calcium intake in vegetarians and vegans can be similar to non-vegetarians, as long as the diet is properly planned.[92] Lacto-ovo vegetarians that include dairy products can still obtain calcium from dairy sources like milk, yogurt, and cheese.[93]

Non-dairy milks that are fortified with calcium, such as soymilk and almond milk can also contribute a significant amount of calcium in the diet.[94] The calcium found in broccoli, bok choy, and kale have also been found to have calcium that is well absorbed in the body.[92][93][95] Though the calcium content per serving is lower in these vegetables than a glass of milk, the absorption of the calcium into the body is higher.[93][95] Other foods that contain calcium include calcium-set tofu, blackstrap molasses, turnip greens, mustard greens, soybeans, tempeh, almonds, okra, dried figs, and tahini.[92][94] Though calcium can be found in Spinach, swiss chard, beans and beet greens, they are generally not considered to be a good source since the calcium binds to oxalic acid and is poorly absorbed into the body.[93] Phytic acid found in nuts, seeds, and beans may also impact calcium absorption rates.[93] See the National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements for calcium needs for various ages,[93] the Vegetarian Resource Group[94] and the Vegetarian Nutrition Calcium Fact Sheet from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics[92] for more specifics on how to obtain adequate calcium intake on a vegetarian or vegan diet.

Vitamin D

Further information: Vitamin D

Vitamin D needs can be met via the human body's own generation upon sufficient and sensible exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light in sunlight.[96][97] Products including milk, soy milk and cereal grains may be fortified to provide a source of Vitamin D.[98] For those who do not get adequate sun exposure or food sources, Vitamin D supplementation may be necessary.

Vitamin D2

  • Plants
    • Alfalfa (Medicago sativa subsp. sativa), shoot: 4.8 μg (192 IU) vitamin D2, 0.1 μg (4 IU) vitamin D3[99]
  • Fungus, from USDA nutrient database:[100]
    • Mushrooms, portabella, exposed to ultraviolet light, raw: Vitamin D2: 11.2 μg (446 IU)
    • Mushrooms, portabella, exposed to ultraviolet light, grilled: Vitamin D2: 13.1 μg (524 IU)
    • Mushrooms, shiitake, dried: Vitamin D2: 3.9 μg (154 IU)
    • Mushrooms, shiitake, raw: Vitamin D2: 0.4 μg (18 IU)
    • Mushrooms, portabella, raw: Vitamin D2: 0.3 μg (10 IU)
    • Mushroom powder, any species, illuminated with sunlight or artificial ultraviolet light sources

Vitamin D2, or ergocalciferol is found in fungus (except alfalfa which is a plantae) and created from viosterol, which in turn is created when ultraviolet light activates ergosterol (which is found in fungi and named as a sterol from ergot). Any UV-irradiated fungus including yeast form vitamin D2.[101] Human bioavailability of vitamin D2 from vitamin D2-enhanced button mushrooms via UV-B irradiation is effective in improving vitamin D status and not different from a vitamin D2 supplement according to study.[102] For example, Vitamin D2 from UV-irradiated yeast baked into bread is bioavailable.[103] By visual assessment or using a chromometer, no significant discoloration of irradiated mushrooms, as measured by the degree of "whiteness", was observed[104] making it hard to discover if they have been treated without labeling. Claims have been made that a normal serving (approx. 3 oz or 1/2 cup, or 60 grams) of mushrooms treated with ultraviolet light increase their vitamin D content to levels up to 80 micrograms,[105] or 2700 IU if exposed to just 5 minutes of UV light after being harvested.[106]


Main article: Choline

Choline is a nutrient that helps transfer signals between nerve cells and is involved in liver function. It is highest in dairy foods and meat but it is possible to be obtained through a vegan diet.[107] 


In-Depth Series on "The American Drug Culture"

Fentanyl Killed 32,000 Americans in 2018  Says The Epoch Times

According to a front page article in the Sept. 5 edition, China is the principal source of the synthetic opioid which continues to flow, unabated, into the U.S. through carriers such as UPS, Fed Ex, and Amazon. While President Trump continues his crackdown on the illicit drug, its manufacture and importation has been likened to a program of chemical warfare against the U.S.

Following is a little of what we know about Fentanyl. Our hope is that you will share this information with your friends and especially with your children. Pretending the threat doesn't exist won't solve the problem.

Here is most of what you need to know about this dangerous drug.

What Is Fentanyl? (National Institute on Drug Abuse)

Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid that is similar to morphine but is 50 to 100 times more potent.1,2 It is a prescription drug that is also made and used illegally. Like morphine, it is a medicine that is typically used to treat patients with severe pain, especially after surgery.3 It is also sometimes used to treat patients with chronic pain who are physically tolerant to other opioids.4 Tolerance occurs when you need a higher and/or more frequent amount of a drug to get the desired effects.

In its prescription form, fentanyl is known by such names as Actiq®, Duragesic®, and Sublimaze®.4,5 Street names for illegally used fentanyl include Apache, China Girl, China White, Dance Fever, Friend, Goodfellas, Jackpot, Murder 8, and Tango & Cash.

Synthetic opioids, including fentanyl, are now the most common drugs involved in drug overdose deaths in the United States. In 2017, 59.8 percent of opioid-related deaths involved fentanyl compared to 14.3 percent in 2010.

What are Opioids?

Opioids are a class of drugs naturally found in the opium poppy plant. Some opioids are made from the plant directly, and others, like fentanyl, are made by scientists in labs using the same chemical structure (semi-synthetic or synthetic).

How do people use fentanyl?

When prescribed by a doctor, fentanyl can be given as a shot, a patch that is put on a person’s skin, or as lozenges that are sucked like cough drops.6

The illegally used fentanyl most often associated with recent overdoses is made in labs. This synthetic fentanyl is sold illegally as a powder, dropped onto blotter paper, put in eye droppers and nasal sprays, or made into pills that look like other prescription opioids.7

Some drug dealers are mixing fentanyl with other drugs, such as heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, and MDMA. This is because it takes very little to produce a high with fentanyl, making it a cheaper option. This is especially risky when people taking drugs don’t realize they might contain fentanyl as a cheap but dangerous additive. They might be taking stronger opioids than their bodies are used to and can be more likely to overdose. To learn more about the mixture of fentanyl into other drugs, visit the Drug Enforcement Administration’s Drug Facts on fentanyl.

How does fentanyl affect the brain?

Like heroin, morphine, and other opioid drugs, fentanyl works by binding to the body's opioid receptors, which are found in areas of the brain that control pain and emotions.8 After taking opioids many times, the brain adapts to the drug, diminishing its sensitivity, making it hard to feel pleasure from anything besides the drug. When people become addicted, drug seeking and drug use take over their lives.

Fentanyl's effects include    

  • extreme     happiness        

  • drowsiness            

  • nausea            

  • confusion            

  • constipation            

  • sedation            

  • problems     breathing        

  • unconsciousness    

Can you overdose on fentanyl?

Yes, a person can overdose on fentanyl. An overdose occurs when a drug produces serious adverse effects and life-threatening symptoms. When people overdose on fentanyl, their breathing can slow or stop. This can decrease the amount of oxygen that reaches the brain, a condition called hypoxia. Hypoxia can lead to a coma and permanent brain damage, and even death.

How can a fentanyl overdose be treated?

As mentioned above, many drug dealers mix the cheaper fentanyl with other drugs like heroin, cocaine, MDMA and methamphetamine to increase their profits, making it often difficult to know which drug is causing the overdose. Naloxone is a medicine that can treat a fentanyl overdose when given right away. It works by rapidly binding to opioid receptors and blocking the effects of opioid drugs. But fentanyl is stronger than other opioid drugs like morphine and might require multiple doses of naloxone.

Because of this, if you suspect someone has overdosed, the most important step to take is to call 911 so he or she can receive immediate medical attention. Once medical personnel arrive, they will administer naloxone if they suspect an opioid drug is involved.

People who are given naloxone should be monitored for another two hours after the last dose of naloxone is given to make sure breathing does not slow or stop.

Some states have passed laws that allow pharmacists to dispense naloxone without a personal prescription. This allows friends, family, and others in the community to use the auto-injector or nasal spray versions of naloxone to save someone who is overdosing. People who are or know someone at risk for an opioid overdose can be trained on how to give naloxone and can carry it with them in case of an emergency.

Naloxone is available as an injectable (needle) solution, a hand-held auto-injector (EVZIO®), and a nasal spray (NARCAN® Nasal Spray).

Read more on our Naloxone webpage.

Can fentanyl use lead to addiction?

Yes. Fentanyl is addictive because of its potency. A person taking prescription fentanyl as instructed by a doctor can experience dependence, which is characterized by withdrawal symptoms when the drug is stopped. A person can be dependent on a substance without being addicted, but dependence can sometimes lead to addiction.

Addiction is the most severe form of a substance use disorder (SUD). SUDs are characterized by compulsive drug seeking and drug use that can be difficult to control, despite harmful consequences. When someone is addicted to drugs, they continue to use them even though they cause health problems or issues at work, school, or home. An SUD can range from mild to severe.

People addicted to fentanyl who stop using it can have severe withdrawal symptoms that begin as early as a few hours after the drug was last taken. These symptoms include:

  • muscle     and bone pain        

  • sleep     problems        

  • diarrhea     and vomiting       

  • cold     flashes with goose bumps        

  • uncontrollable     leg movements       

  • severe cravings    

These symptoms can be extremely uncomfortable and are the reason many people find it so difficult to stop taking fentanyl. There are medicines being developed to help with the withdrawal process for fentanyl and other opioids. The FDA has approved lofexidine, a non-opioid medicine designed to reduce opioid withdrawal symptoms. Also, the NSS-2 Bridge device is a small electrical nerve stimulator placed behind the person’s ear, that can be used to try to ease symptoms for up to five days during the acute withdrawal phase. In December 2018, the FDA cleared a mobile medical application, reSET®, to help treat opioid use disorders. This application is a prescription cognitive behavioral therapy and should be used in conjunction with treatment that includes buprenorphine and contingency management.

How is fentanyl addiction treated?

Like other opioid addictions, medication with behavioral therapies has been shown to be effective in treating people with a fentanyl addiction.

Medications: Buprenorphine and methadone work by binding to the same opioid receptors in the brain as fentanyl, reducing cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Another medicine, naltrexone, blocks opioid receptors and prevents fentanyl from having an effect. People can discuss treatment options with their health provider.

Counseling: Behavioral therapies for addiction to opioids like fentanyl can help people modify their attitudes and behaviors related to drug use, increase healthy life skills, and help them stick with their medication. Some examples include:

  • cognitive     behavioral therapy, which helps modify the patient's drug use     expectations and behaviors, and effectively manage triggers and     stress        

  • contingency     management, which uses a voucher-based system giving patients     “points” based on negative drug tests. They can use the points     to earn items that encourage healthy living        

  • Motivational interviewing,     which is a patient-centered counseling style that addresses a     patient’s mixed feelings to change    

These behavioral treatment approaches have proven effective, especially when used along with medicines. Read more about drug addiction treatment in our Treatment Approaches for Drug Addiction DrugFacts.

Points to Remember    

  • Fentanyl     is a powerful synthetic opioid analgesic that is similar to morphine     but is 50 to 100 times more potent. In its prescription form it is     prescribed for pain, but fentanyl is also made illegally and     distributed as a street drug.        

  • Fentanyl     and other synthetic opioids are the most common drugs involved in     overdose deaths.       

  • Illegal     fentanyl is sold in the following forms: as a powder, dropped on     blotter paper like small candies, in eye droppers or nasal sprays,     or made into pills that look like real prescription opioids.     

  • Illegal     fentanyl is being mixed with other drugs, such as cocaine, heroin,     methamphetamine, and MDMA. This is especially dangerous because     people are often unaware that fentanyl has been added.        

  • Fentanyl     works by binding to the body's opioid receptors, which are found in     areas of the brain that control pain and emotions. Its effects     include extreme happiness, drowsiness, nausea, confusion,     constipation, sedation, tolerance, addiction, respiratory depression     and arrest, unconsciousness, coma, and death.        

  • The     high potency of fentanyl greatly increases risk of overdose,     especially if a person who uses drugs is unaware that a powder or     pill contains it. They can underestimate the dose of opioids they     are taking, resulting in overdose.    

  • Naloxone     is a medicine that can be given to a person to reverse a fentanyl     overdose. Multiple naloxone doses might be necessary because of     fentanyl’s potency.        

  • Medication with behavioral     therapies has been shown to be effective in treating people with an     addiction to fentanyl and other opioids.    



   The Tyler Chronicle     Winter, 2022     Worldwide Edition      

Tyler Chronicle Art

Moore Art Gallery Celebrates Creativity

     "Give one child a hammer and he will build a house; give another child a hammer and he will tear it down.  Like it or not, this is a basic fact of human nature."

     The same principle applies to art. A piece of stone in the hands of Michaelangelo can become a masterpiece; in the hands of another, it will break out a window. Give Da Vinci a little paint,  a brush and a board and he will paint the Mona Lisa.

     The difference in these cases is creative genius; that little understood  and very rare quality of certain individuals which allows them-- NO, it compels them to produce order from chaos and beauty from the commonplace.

     Like art and beauty, genius is not an easy word to define. We won't try. Ironically, the Moore Art Gallery website is devoted to these indefinables. Specifically it is devoted to the surviving paintings of Bobby Dean Moore, his life, and his boundless love of beauty. It is dedicated to the memory of his mother, Mary Alma Moore and to all who are lovers of beauty.  

     Even at the age of three, Bobby's artistic bent was showing itself. He baked mud pies which he had sculpted into the shape of roasted ducks and turkeys. He laid out intricate designs on his mother's kitchen table from freshly cut carrot slices and he decorated tiny Christmas trees made from evergreen twigs.
Bobby was born during the World War II era and his father was a locomotive engineer, so many of his earliest drawings were of the machines of war and the powerful steam engines which he learned to love. Crude oil refineries were commonplace in the East Texas oilfields where he grew up and were the subject of some of his earliest paintings.

     Bobby spent 12 happy years as a student at Whitehouse Public School.
Three teachers there nurtured Bobby's artistic ability, all of whom were related, and all of whom were students of art; Mozel Brown in the first grade, third grade teacher, Marylouise Yarbrough, and fifth grade teacher, Zelma Yarbrough. It was in Zelma's class that Bobby established his reputation as a painter.
He worked with watercolors, tempra and pastels but he quickly found his medium in oils. The energy and force which he brought to the canvas demanded it.
    His now famous and very first oil painting (Fall Colors), is currently featured  in the Bobby Moore Gallery. It was painted with a boar bristle brush on a non-stretched remnant of heavy canvas freyed at the edges.  "It violates just about every rule for painting in oils," he asserted. "It was a product of emotion; pure and simple."  

     Bobby's compulsion from early on was to paint not only what he saw, but what he felt. "I am not a highly disciplined painter; I paint what I feel. If I'm happy, I paint happy scenes with bright colors. And when I am dejected or sad, the paintings show it," he said

     During the twelfth and thirteenth years of his life the young artist painted hundreds of canvases.  Most of them were vibrant scenes from the woodland trails and streams where he spent his childhood and early adolescence.  "This was the  most productive time of my life artistically. It was a time of complete freedom, innocence and joy. And the paintings showed it."

       Later, in an effort to help ease the financial burden of grinding poverty he painted signs, murals, an occasional landscape and while still in high school he worked for a family enterprise painting wild roses on handmade wooden doll furniture. Some complete sets of this furniture still exist and are now sought after as collector's items.
    He wrote for and drew illustrations for several publications including the Whitehouse Journal, The Tyler Star and The Tyler Chronicle newspapers. He made patent drawings for local inventors. He entered several competitions and scored at the top, but he later rejected art competitions. "Art is a subjective thing, no matter how you look at it. It simply can't be judged on a purely objective basis. You can judge craftsmanship and technique, but not art."

     With few exceptions the entire lifetime collection of Bobby's paintings were stored in the little house in the woods where he had grown up. The house mysteriously burned on the cold winter night of  January 19, 1985. His 86 year old mother burned to death in the fire trying to save the paintings.

     You may visit Moore Art Gallery by clicking this link. It features paintings by unknowns, local artists...and the masters.

For more information on Moore Art Gallery, phone Curator at 903-707-6258.


New Jersey Artist Spreads Joy by Mail

Tyler Chronicle Special
Passaic, New Jersey
Sitting in her apartment on the twelfth floor of a Passaic, New Jersey apartment, Joan Kain spreads good will and happiness in a most unusual way. She decorates the envelopes of letters which she mails to her many friends across America and around the world. No high tech needed here! Her materials are simple; clean, white envelopes, and a fistfull of colored ink pens.

The art she creates with these simple tools is colorful and inspiring. And Joan has been displaying her talents since early childhood. Even as a very young child Joan enjoyed time to herself with her colors. She also writes, and has illustrated some of her original stories.Joan assists elderly folks in her apartment building and baby sits for extra income. She has two pet cats and is a voracious reader.

We will feature more of Joan Kain's delightful art work on this, our new Chronicle Art Page.




The Tyler Chronicle     Winter, 2022       Worldwide Edition

Chronicle Farm & Garden  



Article by Bugsy Balfore

Throughout the ages, insects have ruled the world. Sometimes we humans don't like to admit it, but it's a fact. They have us outnumbered! And while many of them are beneficial, some can be devastating to the plants we depend upon. Mankind's solution to this problem has been the indiscriminate overuse of chemical poisons. This practice has certainly killed and controlled lots of pesky bugs, but the corollary damage has been great. The time has come to utilize effective, yet less damaging methods.

Use the methods of control we describe here at your own risk. We make no guarantees as to their effectiveness or safety!

Chiggers: Also Known As "No See 'Ums"

You can't fight what you can't see!  And chiggers are very small; smaller than the  period at the end of this sentence. Chiggers are related to spiders and ticks and in their immature form they are bright red in color, thus the common name "redbug". They hatch in the spring and  are parasites to  both humans and the lower animals. They inhabit grassy, weedy areas and are transmitted to their victims by contact with the grass and weeds.  In the lower grasses, they will hitch a ride on your ankles (especially if you aren't wearing socks or high boots). They immediately begin to move upward until they find an area to "dig in". They prefer armpits, the groin area, and around the waist under the belt. If not stopped, they can travel all the way to the head.

They then inject a digestive enzyme which dissolves the skin tissue upon which they feed.  The result is reddening, swelling and intense itching.  But by the time you start itching,  the chigger nymph has probably already left the scene of the crime. These are bad little critters! The immature forms are parasitic as described and we are told  that in the adult stage, they feed on insects. We are not familiar with them as adults.

Here are some remedies for chigger bites and a few suggestions on how to prevent the bites and control the chiggers.

1. Stay out of chigger infested areas if possible.

2. Wear long, loose fitting trousers tucked in the socks.  Loose fitting, long sleeved shirts will help.  Avoid short pants.

3. Apply powdered sulfur or insect repellent to lower trouser legs and shoes . (We discourage the use of commercial insect repellents.)

4. Keep your lawn well watered. Chiggers prefer dry grasses and weeds.

5.  Itching can be controlled with ordinary baking soda as powder or as a solution in water.

6. An application of vinegar diluted with water helps to discourage chiggers and also to ease the itch of the bites.

7. Best preventive measure yet is ordinary baby oil. After bathing, coat yourself from stem to stern with baby oil. Towel dry.

8. If you have been exposed to chiggers, take a hot bath. Don't be in a hurry; soak a while. Warm soapy water will wash them away quickly. (It's a good  idea to wash your hair and clothing too.)

9. Chiggers can be controlled on your property by a broadcast application of powdered sulfur or diatomaceous earth.

10. Chiggers and fire ants cannot co-exist. A remedy for chigger infestation is fire ant infestation!

The following was discovered as we did research for this article at a Purdue University site.

"Finally, although the word chigger sounds funny and is easy to rhyme, Purdue's Tom Turpin, an entomologist and humorist who teaches a course on insects and literature, says to his knowledge, no one has yet penned a poem about the chigger. 

He says, however, there is one little limerick written years ago by entomologist H.B. Hungerford:"

"The thing called a chigger,
is really no bigger,
than the smaller end of a pin,
but the bump that it raises,
just itches like blazes,
 and that's where the rub sets in."

*Technically chiggers are not insects but are arachnids like spiders and  scorpions. They appear to be most active in mid-summer.

A Man Before His Time, George Washington Carver


How to Grow the Peanut and 105 Ways of Preparing it for Human Consumption     

Seventh Edition, January 1940 By GEORGE CARVER, M. S. in Agr.,


Reprinted 1983 for Tuskegee Institute National Historic Site, George Washington Carver National Monument by Eastern National Park and Monument Association

Of all the money crops grown by Macon County farmers, perhaps there are none more promising than the peanut in its several varieties and their almost limitless possibilities.
Of the many good things in their favor, the following stand out as most prominent:
Like all other members of the pod-bearing family, they enrich the soil.

They are easily and cheaply grown. For man the nuts possess a wider range of food values than any other legume. The nutritive value of the hay as a stock food compares favorably with that of the cowpea. They are easy to plant, easy to grow, and easy to harvest.

The great food-and-forage value of the peanut will increase in proportion to the rapidity with which we make it a real study. This will increase consumption, and, therefore, must increase production. In Macon County, two crops per year of the Spanish variety can be raised.

The peanut exerts a dietetic or a medicinal effect upon the human system that is very desirable. I doubt if there is another foodstuff that can be so universally eaten, in some form, by every individual.
Pork fattened from peanuts and hardened off with a little corn just before killing, is almost if not quite equal to the famous red-gravy hams, or the world renowned Beechnut breakfast bacon.

The nuts yield a high percentage of oil of superior quality. The clean cake, after the oil has been removed, is very high in muscle-building properties (protein), and the ease with which the meal blends in with flour, meal, etc., makes it of especial value to bakers, confectioners, candy-makers, and ice cream factories. Peanut oil is one of the best known vegetable oils.

A pound of peanuts contains a little more of the body-building nutrients than a pound of sirloin steak, while of the heat and energy producing nutrients it has more than twice as much.


There are many varieties of the peanut, all possessing more or less merit. A number have been tested here on our Station grounds and we can heartily recommend the following varieties in the order named:

First, The Spanish---As compared with most other varieties, the vines are small, and upright in growth, with nearly all the pods clinging close to the tap-root; hence, they can be planted closer together and the yield will be larger. This variety produced 59 bushels per acre on very light, sandy soil.

Second, The Georgia and Tennessee Red---These are practically one and the same variety-habit of growth, and fruiting qualities are much the same as the Spanish-with us it made a slightly lower yield. This variety has from three to four kernels to the pod. The nuts are rich in flavor.

Third, The Virginia Running Variety---This variety is often referred to as the typical American peanut. It is decidedly the most popular with the trade. The pods are large and white, the vines spreading, and under favorable conditions it fruits nearly out to the ends of the branches.


With reference to soil, there are two things to bear in mind; viz., whether they are for market or home consumption. The trade demands a light-colored shell, which is only produced on light, sandy, porous soil.

More bushels per acre can be grown on stiff clayey soil than upon light soil, but the pods will be stained dark. In fact, any land that will produce good corn will produce good peanuts provided there is plenty of lime in it.

In the preparation of the soil, the chief essentials are:
Deep plowing, from 8 to 9 inches.
Thorough pulverization with a harrow, drag, smoothing board, etc.
Remove all stones, roots, stumps, clods, and obstructions of all kinds


 Growing Peanuts in the Home Garden                   

by Richard Jauron, Iowa Department of Horticulture

Peanuts (Arachis hypogaea) are an important field crop in the southeastern United States. In 1995, peanuts were grown on 1.5 million acres in the United States. and produced a crop of 3.5 billion pounds. Peanut seeds (kernels) are used for peanut butter, oil, flour, roasted peanuts, and other food products. While they are not widely grown in Iowa, their unique growth habit makes them a fun addition to the home garden.

Peanuts are also known as goobers, goober peas, groundpeas, ground nuts, and earth nuts. The peanut is a legume with compound leaves
similar to clover and yellow, pea-like flowers. Peanut varieties can be classified by growth habit (bunch or runner) and nut type (Virginia or Spanish). Virginia types are large podded and usually contain 1 or 2 large kernels per pod. Spanish types are smaller podded and contain 2 or 3 small kernels per pod.

Peanuts grow best in loose, well-drained soils. Avoid poorly drained, clay type soils. Plant peanuts after the danger of frost is past. Peanuts require a soil temperature of 65 F for germination. Sow peanut seeds 1 to 1 1/2 inches deep and 6 to 8 inches apart. Row spacing for bunch types should be 24 inches and 36 inches for runner types. Suggested varieties for home gardens include 'Spanish,' 'Early Spanish,' 'Virginia Improved,' and 'Jumbo Virginia.' Peanuts are warm-season annuals that require a minimum of 120 frost free days to reach maturity.

The flowering and fruiting of peanuts are unique. Plants flower above ground, but the pods develop below ground. Peanut plants begin to bloom about 30 to 40 days after emergence. The flowers are small, bright yellow, and pea-like in appearance. After pollination and fertilization occurs, the stalk (peg) below the fertilized ovary elongates and curves downward. It takes about 10 days for the peg to penetrate into the soil. A week after soil penetration, the peg tip enlarges and pod and seed development begin. The fruit mature in 9 to 10 weeks with favorable temperatures and moisture conditions. Since the peanut plant flowers over several weeks, all the pods do not mature at the same time.

Cultivate the soil around peanut plants to control weeds and to keep the soil loose so the pegs can easily penetrate the soil surface. Cultivate shallowly to prevent damage to the peanut roots. Stop cultivation in the immediate vicinity of the plants when the pegs begin to penetrate into the soil. A 1 or 2 inch layer of mulch can be placed around plants in early June to control weeds. Any weeds that do appear can be hand pulled.

Harvest the peanuts when the foliage begins to yellow in late summer or early fall. Dig up the plants with a spading fork and carefully shake off the loose soil. Cure the peanuts by hanging the plants in a warm, dry shed or garage. Beware of mice. After the plants have dried for 1 or 2 weeks, shake off any remaining soil and pull the peanut pods from the plants. Continue to air dry the peanuts for an additional 1 or 2 weeks. Once dried, place the peanuts in mesh bags and store them in cool, well-ventilated place until roasted.

This article originally appeared in the May 2, 1997 issue, p. 56.






Judy Boyd, who lives in Houston, Texas and has a "postage stamp" sized back yard enjoys this varid collection of useful and fragrant herbs.
Far left on the stool: Italian Parsley, Top shelf: Greek Oregano, 2nd shelf: Lavender, and Rosemary (which is very tricky to keep alive in a pot.) Bottom row: Aloe Vera, Spearmint, Curly Parsley, Thyme, and in the back is a Jade plant. 

Order hand decorated all natural gourd birdhouses from Chronicle want ads on page 27 or phone 903-707-6258.



The Tyler Chronicle      Winter, 2022    Worldwide Edition   

Chronicle  Outdoors

Whooping Cranes Edge Closer to Extinction

Banded whooping crane and mate observed during fall migration in central Kansas. (Public domain.)

Whooping Crane Restoration

At more than five feet tall with brilliant white plumage, black primary feathers, a red cap, and yellow eyes, the highly endangered Whooping Crane (Grus americana) is one of the most spectacular birds native to North America. In 1942 there were fewer than 20 birds in the flock that migrates from Wood Buffalo National Park in Canada to Aransas National Wildlife Refuge in Texas. 

An additional six cranes were alive in Louisiana, bringing the total global population to only 22 individuals. The non-migratory Louisiana flock died out a few years later; hence all Whooping Cranes now alive derive from a core flock of only 16 birds. Whooping Cranes were likely uncommon even before hunting and habitat loss reduced them to dangerously low numbers. The vanishingly small population of 16 in 1942 represents an extreme genetic and demographic bottleneck that few species survive


Fishing Fever!

As the old song says, "It's summertime and the livin' is easy, Fish are jumpin'..."

Indeed they are. And lots of them are being caught too, as the following snapshots illustrate.  Don't let the season pass you by without making at least one visit to an area lake or to a stockpond on your farm and experience the thrill of landing a "big one"!

Share your fishing snapshots! Just send an email attachment along with your story to:  It's that simple!



  The Tyler Chronicle      Winter, 2022    Worldwide Edition                                           

Chronicle Outdoors

 How to Build a Campfire with One Match and Some Twigs       

Fuel Source: Dead Limbs Found on the Forest Floor

The Same Limbs, Broken Into Shorter Lengths and Separated into Piles According to Size

Smallest Twigs (Kindling) Will Be the First to Ignite When the Match Is Applied Underneath Them

A "Tipi" of Slightly Larger Twigs Is Built Above and Around the Kindling

The Match Is Applied Under the Smallest Twigs

The Fire Is Now Self-Sustaining

Carefully Add Larger Pieces

 How to Build a Campfire with No Matches! 

A magnifying glass is used to focus sunlight to a point. The heat produced is very intense and can quickly ignite dry tender. Of course, the brighter the sun, the better it works. Also, the larger the lens the better. If you are serious about relying on this method to start a fire, you should invest in a high quality, glass convex lens. You should keep it in a protective container to avoid scratches and breakage. Not only can this lens save your life by giving you the life-sustaining warmth of a fire, but you can use it to magnify anything from a splinter in your finger to... you name it!

Dry tender will be ignited by the intense, focused radiation very quickly. The lens should be adjusted to produce the smallest possible point of light on the dry tender. We must emphasize the importance of the quality of the tender, and that it must be kept absolutely dry. The tender pictured here is partially decomposed pine. Pine trees are an especially good source of this material. They die and fall to the ground; soon weather and insects produce this very light-weight, sponge-like material. You can make your own tender from a wide variety of other materials such as cotton cloth, and lint. We will cover this in more detail in a separate article. Igniting the tender is just the first step. You must have dry twigs on hand to carefully feed your growing campfire. Don't wait until your tender is ignited before you try to find twigs! Have your fuel ready beforehand!


Two magnifying lenses are shown here. The smaller one is mounted on a stand with clamps for holding the specimen.  The larger lens on the table is hand held.

Tender can be made from a variety of materials. Good tender should be  extremely dry and it should have a low kindling temperature. The tender shown here was taken from a decomposing tree stump. 

 Tender igniting in medium sunlight after about fifteen seconds.

Magnifying glass removed. Tender well ignited!

The Most Necessary Items for Survival

 Get Yourself a Pocket Knife! 

Of all the necessary tools, the knife is near the top of the list.  In fact, it would be wise to have at least two on hand; a pocket knife such as the one  pictured above, and a larger one for heavier work. If you have ever faced survival in the wild without a knife, then you know how important a sharp metal blade can be. The uses for it are countless, ranging from personal defense to cutting the saplings you can use as building material. If you are serious about "Surviving Hard Times", then get yourself a knife and learn how to use it!

 A Simple Fish Hook Can Provide Delicious, Wholesome Food! 

Fish hooks and line can prove to be the most important items in your survival kit. Making fish hooks in the wild is not an easy task, so make sure you have at least a dozen in your pack. Bobbers and sinkers can be improvised if necessary, but fishing line,  like hooks,  is not easy to make. Moral? Take it with you!

Stainless Steel Pot

Mylar Sheet


Fire Starters

And Yes, A Gun

Survivor's Reference Manual

First Aid Kit





Compass & Timepiece

 High Quality Protein Supply

 Shelters for Survival.... and Comfort!   

Where to Sleep

Here is a basic rule of thumb which cannot be over-emphasized. "Do NOT sleep on the ground!" Of course, there may be situations where you have no choice, but as soon as you can, put some distance between you and the dirt. There are two principal reasons for this; snakes, and fireants. Of course, if you are stranded on an ice floe or in some other situation where the temperature is quite low, sleeping on the ground or snow (with adequate insulation) may actually be to your advantage. But in warmer locations where the lowest temperature is well above freezing, use a hammock, or make yourself an elevated sleeping platform. Spiders, ants, centipedes, scorpions and snakes are your unseen enemies in the night . Take precautions!

With a simple blade and some limbs and small saplings, you can make yourself an elevated bed in a few short hours. This could be the difference between life or death. A good hammock is ideal, and should be considered a basic component of your survival pack. We are assuming that you are in a wooded area. Desert locations will make it more difficult, since there may be few or no materials from which to make your elevated bed, or maybe not even bushes or small trees to hang your hammock!

Avoiding injury of any kind is extremely important. A snake bite or spider bite which might be treated in a clinic or hospital under ordinary circumstances may receive minimal or no treatment in the wild. Even if you do not die from the effects of the venom, infection of the wound will almost certainly occur. Under the very best of circumstances, your ability to secure food will be impaired for what could be an extended period of time.


 A dog is like a wife; it can be a source of great pleasure and an enormous asset, or it can be a liability of the worst kind. You must decide whether or not to include one in your survivalist scenario.



  The Tyler Chronicle     Winter, 2022   Worldwide Edition                                     

The Environment and You


Global Warming?

 The environmentalist movement is going under and Al Gore is getting pissed. Speaking at the Aspen Institute, the former Vice President "lost his cool" and repeatedly shouted “bullsh*t.” “This climate thing, it’s nonsense. Man-made CO2 doesn’t trap heat. It may be volcanoes.’ Bullshit! ‘It may be sun spots.’ Bullshit! ‘It’s not getting warmer.’ Bullshit!” Gore said, without knowing that his comments were being streamed online. “There is no longer a shared reality on an issue like climate even though our very existence of our civilization is at threat. People have no idea,” Gore said. “It’s no longer acceptable in mixed company, meaning bipartisan company, to use the godd*mn word climate. They have polluted this to the point where we cannot possibly come to an agreement on it.”      

Review;  Environmentalism Gone Mad   by Alan Carlin

       As described at some length in my book, Environmentalism Gone Mad, I am one of the few people with no self-interest in the climate issue and an extensive background in both the physical sciences and environmental economics who also has a lifetime of experience in environmental issues both from the viewpoint of an environmental activist in the Sierra Club and of an environmental regulator at USEPA. This turns out to be a very useful combination to understand the climate issue, which I have been studying for about a decade both while working at EPA and subsequently as a retiree.  I have authored or co-authored about 40 publications in both economics and energy/climate areas, including many that have been published in academic journals. Two of these publications are currently offered on Amazon in addition to the new book. Some others can be found by using the Amazon search results link for "Alan Carlin," and all by consulting my website at
It is very important to understand that the climate issue is ultra-controversial and highly politicized, and that the climate alarmists are exceedingly well funded and quite unscrupulous about what they are willing to say to attempt to divert people from the fact that there is no scientific basis for their ideology.  As explained in the book, these differences are widely found on the internet as well as everywhere else where the issue is discussed.  Those who are new to the issue therefore need to examine each statement to determine which side the author is on, whether he/she has actually read my book, and has any scientific basis for what they are saying.  In the case of my new book this means that reviews are likely to be black or white, just like the current public discourse, but the differences are really over the issue of whether climate is primarily influenced by natural or man-made sources and whether US reductions in CO2 emissions will make any measurable difference in climate. Reviews are accordingly likely to be based on these issues, not the quality of the presentation or reasoning or the sources referenced. This is unfortunate but reality

NOTE: If you have a story, comments, or snapshots concerning the environment, email them to:


The Tyler Chronicle     Winter, 2022    Worldwide Edition

      Thomas Jefferson           
"The system of banking [is] a blot left in all our Constitutions, which, if not covered, will end in their destruction... I sincerely believe that banking institutions are more dangerous than standing armies; and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity... is but swindling futurity on a large scale."


Banker Robbers!

              Try finding "bank robbery" or "bank fraud" on the internet. You will find countless stories and articles about individuals who have robbed or defrauded banks. But what about the stories of banks which have defrauded and "robbed" individuals by taking their assets through deception, lies and manipulation? You won't find many of those. Why?      

Historically banks have been able to maintain their desired public image by spending money for advertising, public relations experts, and political contributions. Money, carefully spent, can buy "good will". In fact, it can buy witnesses, lawyers, judges, deputies, constables, sheriffs, chiefs of police, mayors, city councilmen, state and national representatives, senators, kings and presidents.

Many prominent men throughout history however, have recognized the inherent dangers of banks, specifically establishments such as the federal reserve which is now in place in the United States. Later we will examine this bank in more detail, but first let's read a few pertinent quotations from well known historical personalities. We recommend that you research these statements for yourself.

From his private central bank in Frankfurt, in 1790, international banker Mayer Amschel Rothschild said:       "Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws."       

     Napoleon (1803 - 1825) didn't trust banks saying: "When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes... Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain." Napoleon Bonaparte, 1815

     Rep.Charles Lindbergh, father of famous aviator Lucky Lindy, had this to say regarding the Federal Reserve Act:
"This act establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President signs this bill, the invisible government by the Monetary Power will be legalised. The people may not know it immediately, but the day of reckoning is only a few years removed... The worst legislative crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking bill." Rep. Charles Lindbergh (R-MN)

      Woodrow Wilson put it: "We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled governments in the civilised world - no longer a government of free opinion, no longer a government by... a vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organised, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it." Woodrow Wilson

      Thomas Jefferson:           
"The system of banking [is] a blot left in all our Constitutions, which, if not covered, will end in their destruction... I sincerely believe that banking institutions are more dangerous than standing armies; and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity... is but swindling futurity on a large scale."

      Barry Goldwater           
Most Americans have no real understanding of the operation of the international money lenders. The accounts of the Federal Reserve System have never been audited. It operates outside of the control of Congress and manipulates the credit of the United States.

The Trilateralist Commission is international...(and) intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States. The Trilateralist Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power - political, monetary, intellectual, and ecclesiastical.

       Grace Commission      
  100% of what is collected is absorbed solely by interest on the Federal Debt ... all  individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services  taxpayers expect from government.      

      Horace Greeley           
We have stricken the shackles from 4,000,000 human beings and brought all labourers to a common level, but not so much by the elevation of former slaves as by reducing the whole working population, white and black, to a condition of serfdom. While boasting of our noble deeds, we are careful to conceal the ugly fact that by our iniquitous money system we have manipulated a system of oppression which, though more refined, is no less cruel than the old system of chattel slavery.

While boasting of our noble deeds we're careful to conceal the ugly fact that by an iniquitous money system we have nationalized a system of oppression which, though more refined, is not less cruel than the old system of chattel slavery.

      Alan Greenspan      
  In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation  through inflation. ... This is the shabby secret of the welfare statists' tirades against gold.  Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the  way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights. If one grasps  this, one has no difficulty in understanding the statists' antagonism toward the gold  standard.      

Gold still represents the ultimate form of payment in the world

      Alexander Hamilton      
  In the general course of human nature, A power over a man's subsistence amounts to a power over his will.      

      9th Circuit Court      
  ... we conclude that the [Federal] Reserve Banks are not federal ... but are independent  privately owned and locally controlled corporations... without day to day direction from the  federal government.      

      Lord Acton      
  The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or  later is the people versus the banks.      

      John Adams      
  Banks have done more injury to the religion, morality, tranquility, prosperity, and even  wealth of the nation than they can have done or ever will do good.      

All the perplexities, confusion and distress in America arise not from defects in their Constitution or Confederation, nor from want of honor or virtue, so much as downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit, and circulation.

      Keith Bradsher      
  In a small Swiss city sits an international organization so obscure and secretive....Control  of the institution, the Bank for International Settlements, lies with some of the world's  most powerful and least visible men: the heads of 32 central banks, officials able to shift  billions of dollars and alter the course of economies at the stroke of a pen.      

      Major General Smedley Darlington Butler      
  War is just a racket. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it  seems to the majority of people. Only a small inside group knows what it is about. It is  conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the masses.      

I wouldn't go to war again as I have done to protect some lousy investment of the bankers. There are only two things we should fight for. One is the defense of our homes and the other is the Bill of Rights. War for any other reason is simply a racket.

I believe in adequate defense at the coastline and nothing else. If a nation comes over here to fight, then we'll fight. The trouble with America is that when the dollar only earns 6 percent over here, then it gets restless and goes overseas to get 100 percent. Then the flag follows the dollar and the soldiers follow the flag.

      Abraham Lincoln       "The money powers prey upon the nation in times of peace and conspire against it in times of adversity. The banking powers are more despotic than a monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. They denounce as public enemies all who question their methods or throw light upon their crimes. I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me and the bankers in the rear. Of the two, the one at my rear is my greatest foe."      

Sordid history of Federal Reserve System       

By Ed Konecnik

Most Americans have no real understanding of the operation of bankers or where money comes from. Consequently, many are indifferent to the machinations of the Federal Reserve. I implore those concerned about debt, sound money, transparency, liberty, taxation without representation to consider the following facts.

After having consolidated their financial grip on most of the European nations, the Rothschild family, along with other wealthy international bankers, wished to extend their sphere of influence in the United States. In November 1910, after several failed attempts to establish a central bank, a group of bankers met surreptitiously on Jekyll Island, N.C., to draft a plan they would call the Federal Reserve System. They decided on this name because it would deceive the people into thinking it was a government agency administered and regulated by congress.

In reality, the Federal Reserve System is owned by private individuals. It is a consortium of unelected unaccountable bankers who hold the value of the dollar in their hands. They control interest rates and create money out of thin air by buying bonds issued by the government, charging the taxpayers fees and interest payments. This has the same effect as printing money. Policies and actions of the Feds do not have to be approved by the president, the Congress or any elected official and it has never been audited. Why would the government grant a monopoly to private bankers to print money and pay fees and interest when it has the authority to make the money itself interest free?

The Constitution gives only Congress authority to “coin money and regulate the value thereof.”

President Woodrow Wilson, who signed the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, regretted his action: “I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. All our activities are in the hands of a few men.”

Thomas Jefferson warned, “I believe banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.”

Mayer Anselm Rothschild stated, “Give me control of a nation’s money supply, and I care not who makes its laws.”

Author and philosopher Johann von Goethe writes, “None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.”

Ed Konecnik


 "More on Banker Robbers"                                      
Hard to Find Information on Banks, Bankers and Finance.... 

National Press Release Media Release Contact: John R. Dempsey E-Mail: April 15, 2005 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New Westminster, B.C., April 15, 2005. John Ruiz Dempsey BSCr, LL.B, a criminologist and forensic litigation specialist filed a class action suit on behalf of the People of Canada alleging that financial institutions are engaged in illegal creation of money. The complaint filed Friday April 15, 2005 in the Supreme Court of British Columbia at New Westminster, alleges that all financial institutions who are in the business of lending money have engaged in a deliberate scheme to defraud the borrowers by lending non-existent money which are illegally created by the financial institutions out of “thin air.”

Dempsey claims that creation of money out of nothing is ultra vires these defendants’ charter or granted corporate power and therefore void and all monies loaned under false pretence contravenes the Criminal Code. The suit which is the first of its kind ever filed in Canada which could involve millions of Canadians alleges that the contracts entered into between the People (“the borrowers”) and the financial institutions were void or voidable and have no force and effect due to anticipated breach and for non-disclosure of material facts. Dempsey says the transactions constitutes counterfeiting and money laundering in that the source of money, if money was indeed advanced by the defendants and deposited into the borrowers’ accounts, could not be traced, nor could not be explained or accounted for. The suit names Envision Credit Union (“Envision”), a credit union; Laurentian Bank of Canada (“Laurentian Bank”), Royal Bank of Canada (“Royal Bank”), Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (“CIBC”), Bank of Montreal (“BOM”), TD Canada Trust (“Canada Trust”) and Canadian Payment Association (“CPA”) as civil conspirators.

The plaintiff in the lawsuit is seeking recovery of money and property that was lost by way of confiscation through illegal “debt” collection and foreclosure. The Plaintiff is also seeking for the return of the equities which rightfully belongs to the People of Canada, now being held by the defendant financial institutions as constructive trustees without color of right. At all material times, these defendant banks and all of them have no legal standing to lend any money to borrowers, because: 1) these banks and credit unions did not have the money to lend, and therefore they did not have any capacity to enter into a binding contract; 2) the defendants did not have any cash reserve, they are not legally permitted to lend their depositor’s or member’s money without expressed written authorization form the depositors, and: 3) the defendants have no tangible assets of their own to lend and all their “assets” are “paper assets” which are mainly in the form of “receivables” created by them out of “thin air,” derived out of loans whereas the monies loaned out were also created out of thin air.

Other than bookkeeping and computer entries, no money or substance of any value was loaned by the defendants to the Plaintiff. In all of the loan transactions entered into between the Plaintiff and the Defendants, the financial institutions did not bring any equity to any of the transaction. All the equities were provided by the borrowers. The practices of the defendant financial institutions alleged in the complaint starkly contrast the practices of responsible and ethical money lenders who actually lend real, tangible, legal tender cash money. The complaint alleges that the loan transactions are fraudulent because no value was ever imparted by the defendants to the Plaintiff; these defendants did not risk anything, nor lost anything and never would have lost anything under any circumstances and therefore no lien has been perfected according to law and equity against the Plaintiff.

The foreclosure proceedings which comes as a result of the borrower defaulting on such fraudulent loans were carried out in bad faith by the defendant banks and credit unions, and as such, these foreclosures were in every respect unlawful acts of conversion and unlawful seizure of property without due process of law which always results in the unjust enrichment of the defendants. The suit alleges that the defendants utilize fraudulent banking practices whereby they deceive customers into believing that they are actually receiving “credit” or money when in fact no actual money is being loaned to their customers. However, the complaint describes a practice whereby there is realistically no money other than ledger or computer entries being loaned to the borrowers. Rather than real money being received by the borrowers, “electronic” or “digitally created money”, created out of nothing, at no cost to the financial institutions are entered as “loans” into their customers’ accounts. The borrowers are then required to pay criminal interest rates for the money they never received.

The suit alleges that the defendants effectively turn consumers into virtual debt slaves, forcing them to pay for something they never received, and then seizing their properties if they can no longer pay the banks with real money. There is no law in Canada that could remotely suggest that the defendant financial institutions have the legal right to create money out of nothing. Dempsey says: “only God has the power to create anything out of nothing.” The class action suit, the first and the biggest of its kind in Canada is intended to give the justice system the opportunity to prove itself to the People of Canada who is really in control or whether they would continue to allow itself to be used by the banks as a tool in their unlawful and fraudulent banking practices which always ends in the enslavement of the people and confiscation of the people’s properties.

Two other class action suits were filed by John Ruiz Dempsey against the banks. The first one was filed by Dempsey on behalf of Ian Dennis Gravlin of Calgary, Alberta and Pavel Darmantchev of Kelowna, B.C. versus the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. This matter is set for case management conference hearing on April 26, 2005. The Plaintiffs expects a stiff opposition from the defendant’s law firm. Madam Justice Garson is the case management judge assigned to the case. A second class action suit was filed against MBNA CANADA BANK on behalf of Pavel Darmantchev of Kelowna, B.C., Ian Dennis Gravlin of Calgary, Alberta and Dena Alden of Vancouver, B.C. Statement of Claim in English:'s SOC.doc Statement of Claim in French: - Recours collectif - Banques.doc See Latest Update: Press Releases: Published nation-wide: Press Release September 6, 2005: We hit Canada News Wire - nation-wide.

NOTE: If you have a bank-related story that you would like to see in print email us at ...


February 6, 2020 

by Egon von Greyerz 

This is probably the most important article I have penned. It is about the destiny of three individuals who all followed different tides. We are today at the point when the consequences of taking the wrong tide will be ruinous whilst the right one will be extremely propitious.

I have quoted Brutus’ speech in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar many times in the last twenty years. But I believe that it is today more relevant than at any time in history, when it comes to economic affairs.

There is a tide in the affairs of men.
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
On such a full sea are we now afloat,
And we must take the current when it serves,
Or lose our ventures.

Shakespeare – Julius Caesar

The moral of the story will be obvious. The outcomes are so vastly different that anyone who reads about the three human destinies below will easily sympathise with the one who took the tide that “leads to fortune” rather than the two who ended up “in miseries.”

But here is the crunch of the story. Although virtually all investors reading this article will see the obvious choice, I am convinced that 99% of all investors will make the wrong investment decision in the next few years and end up in miseries.

So let’s look at the three different individuals who followed different currents.


The first and true story is about Charles Dupont, a Frenchman who in 1920 at the age of 20 inherited 1 million French francs and how he successfully invested his inheritance.

The second and also true story is about Lotte Hendlich, a German widow in her 50s who left Germany in 1919 and came back in 1923 to a financial nightmare.

(The Charles and Lotte stories are from the )

The third one is about Alfred who received his first shares when he was born in 1945 and continued to invest in the stock market until today. The Alfred story was written by myself and is fictitious. But it could easily be a true story since it is very typical for many investors in the last 75 years. (LINK Alfred article)


Charles Dupont was born in Paris in 1900. When he was 20, he inherited the important sum of 1 million French francs. He received advice from an extremely wise man who told him to buy gold. So Charles bought 50,000 gold Napoleon coins worth 20 francs each. The weight was 6.45 grammes or 1/5th of an ounce. At the time, these coins were legal tender in France. From the time of his purchase in January 1920, Charles spent one gold coin per day for all his living expenses until he died in 1980. Charles was not married and lived a frugal life.

Charles had a few visits from the tax authorities since he never paid any tax. The tax inspector could never understand what he lived on since he had no declared income and no bank account and thus no payments in or out. But as the taxman couldn’t find anything, he took no action.

After Charles’ death in 1980, his nephew moved into the apartment. The nephew found Charles’ diary in which he wrote that he could live simply but well on his one gold coin per day. Charles also described the war and the black market. In those hard times the 20 franc gold piece went up in value as it did during currency manipulations.

In 1988 Charles’ nephew found two heavy chests in the attic that belonged to his uncle. In these chests he found 28,100 Napoleon gold coins. For a modern man, these coins served no purpose so Charles’ nephew sold every single coin. He received the incredible sum of 13.9 million French francs.

So Charles had during 60 years spent 21,900 gold coins and made his nephew a rich man with the remaining 28,100 coins.

The 50,000 gold coins Charles bought weighed 290.3 kilos (9,333.15 oz). Over half was left or 5,245 oz which his nephew found and sold. In 1988 the average gold price was $450. So the nephew received $2.36 million, a considerable fortune. Today in February 2020 the gold price is $1,590 so the value of the coins that Charles left behind would be $8.3 million currently. That is 3.5x or almost $6 million more than the nephew received when he sold the gold coins in 1988.


The second story is about Lotte Hendlich, a German widow in her 50s, who returned to Frankfurt in September 1923 after having spent 4 years in Switzerland. She had left Germany in 1919 to visit her relatives in a Swiss village. She broke her hip in Switzerland and then caught tuberculosis and had to stay in Switzerland to recover until September 1923 when she returned to Germany. Her Swiss relatives had paid all her expenses while she was in Switzerland.

On her return, she found three letters from her German bank. The first one, written in 1920, was from a bank employee suggesting that she should put her substantial sum of 600,000 marks in US dollars instead. The bank employee explained: “It is my judgement that the purchasing power of the mark will decline and I suggest that you guard against this through some suitable investment which we can discuss when you come into the bank.”

The 600,000 marks was in mid 1920 worth $70,000, a substantial sum at the time.

Lotte found a second letter from the bank in her pile, written in September 1922. It was written by another bank officer who said: “It is no longer profitable for us to service such a small account. Please withdraw your funds at the earliest opportunity.”

The third bank letter Lotte had received in her absence was dated a few weeks before she returned in September 1923. The letter stated: “Not having heard from you since our last communication, we have closed your account. Since we no longer have any small denomination notes, we enclose a note for one million marks.”

Lotte was obviously shocked. Receiving 1 million marks in return when your deposit in 1920 was 700,000 seems a generous gesture by the bank. But the stamp on the letter was also one million marks and Lotte understood that all her considerable fortune had been destroyed by hyperinflation and she had no money left.

Below the dire consequences of hyperinflation:

(Billionen in German is Trillion in English)


When Alfred was born at the end of WWII he was fortunate to receive $100 of stocks from his grandparents. His parents and grandparents continued to buy $10 of stocks every month for him.

Alfred started working in his early 20’s. He had a good income and continued to save an important part of his earnings in stocks every month until he retired in 2010. With his family’s savings and his own, Alfred had put a total of $1 million in stocks. With the help of a rising stock market, Alfred’s $1 million savings have grown to $16 million today. In 1945 when he started, the Dow was 150 and today it is 28,250, a 188x increase.

What is more remarkable about Alfred is that he never tried to time the market. He bought Dow Stocks every month and never sold. He never analysed the market or tried to time it. Nor did he study any of the shares he bought. Why should he since he was never going to sell anyway.

Alfred sat through some hair-raising corrections. In 1973-4 he lost 40% and the same in 1987 and 2000-2. And in 2008-9 he lost 60%. But these were only paper losses and Alfred was never concerned. “The market always comes back.” And how right he was as the market continued to go to new highs until January 2020.

So Alfred has until now been a genius and beaten over 99% of all experts by just buying the Dow index and never selling.

As opposed to the other two true stories, Alfred’s story hasn’t finished yet and today February 5th 2020, the market is near its all time high. So it is looking good for Alfred.


But what Alfred doesn’t realise is that the stock market already turned down in real terms in 1999. Between 1999 and 2011, the Dow fell 87% against gold. Since then we have seen a correction up in the ratio and the Dow is now down 60% “only” against gold since 1999. So while the Dow is up 2.6x since 1999, gold is up 5.5x.

The Dow/Gold ratio was 1 to 1 in 1980. The long term target is now below 0.5 to 1. That means a 99% fall from here. The trending quarterly MACD indicator has turned for the first time in 9 years – an ominous sign.

Very few investors are aware that gold has vastly outperformed stocks in this century (even if dividends are included). No investment managers buy gold. They don’t understand gold and they don’t like it since they can’t churn commissions by buying and holding physical gold for the clients. MSM virtually never writes about gold and when they do it is derogatory and written with total ignorance.

The Alfred story is not finished yet since the Dow is near the top and Alfred currently is a hero and a very rich man with 75 years of investment success. But it is likely to end in tears.

So let us look at our three investors and draw some conclusions:


Firstly Alfred has had a very successful investment record for the last 75 years but I am afraid that he will lose it all in the next five years or so. If my forecast is correct in the graph above, and I am convinced it will be, then Alfred will end up a very poor man since the Dow is likely to decline by 99% in real terms, which is against gold.

So 75 years of savings all put into stocks will just evaporate in the coming five years. Hard to believe for most investors who thought they were experts in buying stocks. Little did they understand that credit expansion and money printing created unsustainable bubbles that had to burst one day.


Charles who put all his money into gold was a simple man who did not want to lose his big inheritance. He lived a comfortable life and had more wealth left when he died than when he started as his gold continued to appreciate. Sadly his nephew didn’t understand the wisdom of wealth preservation and turned it all into paper money.


But it is Lotte who experienced the biggest disaster. She started with a substantial amount of money but due to bad luck and some poor money management, she lost it all during the Weimar hyperinflation.

So is there a moral in these three destinies that we can learn from?

Well, since Alfred’s story is not totally written yet, I can hear some optimistic stock market investors arguing that he will be the winner with his big return to date. Time will obviously tell but I will stick to my forecast that he will lose it all. Because Alfred will never get out just as he hasn’t in all the previous corrections. And that will be typical for almost all stock investors. They will first buy the dips and when that doesn’t work, they will hang on to their stocks until they are worthless.


Investment markets are a wonderful leveller. You can look like a genius for a long time (or 75 years as with Alfred) and then lose it all. As Richard Russell said, “In a secular bear market everyone is a loser.”

So Lotte lost because she had all cash during a hyperinflationary period. And Alfred will lose it all in the biggest market crash in history. But Charles kept it all because he had gold. He wasn’t an investment genius but just a cautious man and listened to the wise man who told him to buy gold.


The moral of the story is that over time you cannot go wrong with gold. It might not be a very exciting investment but that is of course the whole purpose. Over thousands of years gold hasn’t gone up in real terms. All gold has done is to maintain purchasing power. And when governments constantly destroy the value of paper money, you can lose it all like Lotte or keep it all like Charles.

But people never learn. As Pete Seeger wrote in Where Have All The Flowers Gone: “When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn.”


No sadly, the majority of people don’t learn, because they all believe that it is different today. History could be a great teacher but sadly few people read or understand history.

For the few people who grasp that risk today is greater than anytime in history, they also understand that physical gold is the ultimate form of wealth preservation. Lotte didn’t see it, Alfred won’t realise it until it is too late. But Charles experienced that during depressions, wars and currency devaluations gold maintained its purchasing power and gave him a financially secure life.

The choice is easy but sadly only a very few will take the tide that leads to fortune.

Egon von Greyerz
Founder and Managing Partner
Matterhorn Asset Management
Zurich, Switzerland
Phone: +41 44 213 62 45

Matterhorn Asset Management’s global client base strategically stores an important part of their wealth in Switzerland in physical gold and silver outside the banking system. Matterhorn Asset Management is pleased to deliver a unique and exceptional service to our highly esteemed wealth preservation clientele in over 60 countries.
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                  The Tyler Chronicle    Winter, 2022        Worldwide Edition                   

Where are Clintons, these dog days of summer? The Hamptons? Salty, sunny Martha’s Vineyard? Under a rock somewhere in the Chappaqua woods? Fate is turning in more than one uncomfortable way for the once-charmed couple of Boomerdom.

There is, of course, the freshly re-issued Jeffrey Epstein underage sex scandal, come ‘round again with a vengeance this time because there are fewer Clinton partisans left in the Department of Justice where the matter has festered for decades like a fistula slowly seeping its rot through the body politic. The vengeance emanates from the Clinton’s nemesis, the uppity Golden Golem of Greatness who dared to “steal” Hillary’s place in the Oval Office (and history). To put it plainly, Mr. Trump had enough of the two-year-plus persecution he endured from the Clinton-inspired Mueller investigation into the Clinton-propagated Russia Collusion flim-flam. And having patiently survived this audacious, seditious effrontery, is now out to squash the Clintons like a pair of palmetto bugs.

At this fraught hour of a frightful age, one turns to a metaphysical contemplation of these two Clintons, Hill-and-Bill, and just what it is that they represented in our national life these many years. Mainly, what I wonder is just how much power and influence they exerted behind-the-scenes in Washington since their exit from the White House in 2001. For example, starting with the most recent shenanigans, the curious composition of Robert Mueller’s Special Counsel team, spiked with obvious Clinton insiders such as Andrew Weissmann, present at HRC’s aborted victory party on election night 2016, Jeannie Rhee, a lawyer for the Clinton Foundation, and several other former Obama-era DOJ staffers. How did that happen? How did Mr. Mueller get away with that?  World Made by Hand: A ... James Howard Kunstler Best Price: $1.99 Buy New $10.72 (as of 09:40 EDT - Details

One obvious answer: the media titans ignored it. This leads the casual observer to ask; how did it work that revered pillars of The News, like The New York Times, The Washington Post, NBC, CBS, and so many others became captives of the Clinton narrative? What is the reality there? Probably not so much that the Clinton’s actually control persons and agencies, but that they are figurehead monarchs of the bureaucratic monster called the Deep State; and that this Deep State has been doing everything possible to preserve its increasingly corrupt perquisites against the call to dismantle them — a.k.a. “draining the Swamp.”

Can there be any shred of doubt left in this land that if anyone “colluded” with Russians to interfere in the 2016 election it was the Clinton Campaign’s Fusion GPS disinformation unit, which assembled The Narrative, with the assistance of CIA Director John Brennan, and peddled it to the willfully credulous FBI led by James Comey and the news media. We won’t rehash any more of this excruciatingly complex criminal project, except to note that it is now unraveling with equally painful blowback to the people responsible, including Hillary Rodham Clinton who may be liable for a heap of felony charges in the matter.

All of that nasty business may redound to the various intrigues emanating from HRC’s years as Secretary of State, namely the fantastic hoovering up of hundreds of millions of dollars by the Clinton Foundation from foreign parties doing business with the State Department, including the Russian Federation. How did all that indecency slip through the cracks? Once again, the media ignored it because it would not advance their interests in gender and identity politics to investigate the avatar of the party promoting those crusades. And because the Obama Justice Department under Loretta Lynch deliberately looked the other way for similar reasons.

And now there is the Epstein matter, which threatens not only former president Bill Clinton, but a cosmos of political, financial, and entertainment “stars” in countless ugly incidents that involve a kind of personal corruption that has no political context but says an awful lot about the obliteration of moral and ethical boundaries by the people who ended up running things in this fretful moment of US history. President Clinton has already kicked off this debacle by lying to the media about the number of rides he took on Mr. Epstein’s notorious airplane.  The Long Emergency: Su... James Howard Kunstler Best Price: $1.12 Buy New $2.99 (as of 10:50 EDT - Details

I voted for Bill Clinton twice. When they came up from the backwater of Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1992, they seemed like the fresh, bright antidote to twelve years of fusty Reaganism with the GHW Bush moldy cherry-on-top. Governor Bill, so glib and charming. Tall and catnip to the ladies, too! And almost immediately he was in deep shit over that part of his act, but he wiggled through it all with the aid of his perky, stalwart wife and partner, who defended him sedulously on nationwide TV. (America had never even heard about her misadventures on the Watergate Committee, where, age 27, she gained a reputation for being less than honest.) And that was followed by the first instance of Hillary moneygrubbing when she turned a few thousand bucks into a six-figure bonanza almost overnight in a wired commodities trade.

After all that bother they mostly minded their manners in the White House until Bill got all sexed up by Miss Lewinsky, and they managed to slip through that fiasco without penalty. It was really in the years following — after they left the White House copping some historic GI furnishings, and got caught doing it — that they put together their fabulous empire of grift known as the Clinton Foundation, with its do-good cover act called the Clinton Global Initiative. Curiously now, we learn that Bill was pretending to be on various world-saving missions during many of those trips he took on the Epstein Travel Service plane. We’ll see how that pans out going forward.

When all is said and done, the official business of going forward with these various scandals and their unwindings may prove to be the most nauseating and destabilizing period in our nation’s history. Nemesis is rising.

Reprinted with permission from


                                    The Best of James Howard Kunstler                                


                   More Politics: a Page Worth Reading!                      







































  The Political Doctrine of Statism

by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

The Patriot Act that was rammed through after the September 2001 attacks was one of the more egregious blows against liberty in our lifetimes. It shredded core rights and liberties that had been taken for granted for centuries. Liberties are never lost all at once, but the Patriot Act, as disgusting in its details as in its name and the rhetoric that surrounded it, was for the United States the turning point, the law that best exemplifies a full-scale embrace of statism as a national ideology. It is a law so severe, so outlandish, as to cause people to forget what it means to be free.

This is why I believe Ron Paul’s book Liberty Defined to be one of the most important statements of our time. He defines liberty clearly and cleanly as freedom from coercive interference from the state. That is how the liberal tradition from Aquinas to Jefferson to Rothbard understood it, too, for there is no greater threat to liberty than the state. Its powers must be crushed if we are to revisit what liberty means..

Ron goes further to apply the principle of liberty in many of the most controversial areas of modern life. The purpose here is not to detail some governing blueprint. What Ron seeks to do is much more important. He seeks to fire up the human imagination in ways that permit people to think outside the prevailing statist norms..

In 1945, Ludwig von Mises wrote a similar book called Omnipotent Government: The Rise of the Total State and Total War. It is probably the most blistering and thorough attack on National Socialism ever written. He details the peculiar characteristics of Nazi-style statism (its nationalism rooted in the worship of bloodlines). Just as importantly – and very unusually for this genre of writing – Mises sought to explain how Nazism is only a symptom of a larger problem, which is statism itself. He regarded statism as a special doctrine that people come to embrace often without entirely understanding its teaching and claims. It emerges within a context of economic or security emergency..

There is always some great excuse for the trashing of the human freedom that built civilization as we know it. If the state cannot find one, it is glad to invent one. A population that is ideologically gullible or afraid for its security can permit government to run roughshod over people’s rights and liberties, and a government that gains such power never gives it back on its own. Rights and liberties must be reclaimed by the people themselves, and the spark that makes this happen is reversing the conditions that permitted the rise of statism. The people must lose their gullibility through ideological enlightenment, and they must lose their sense of fear that the world will fall apart if the tyrant is not in control. .

Part of this process of enlightenment requires an understanding of what was lost when we gave up liberty, and what can be gained by reclaiming it. Mises’s book did not overlook this task, with a pithy description of the traditional classical liberal vision:.

In order to grasp the meaning of this liberal program we need to imagine a world order in which liberalism is supreme. Either all the states in it are liberal, or enough are so that when united they are able to repulse an attack of militarist aggressors. In this liberal world, or liberal part of the world, there is private property in the means of production. The working of the market is not hampered by government interference. There are no trade barriers; men can live and work where they want. Frontiers are drawn on the maps but they do not hinder the migrations of men and shipping of commodities. Natives do not enjoy rights that are denied to aliens. Governments and their servants restrict their activities to the protection of life, health, and property against fraudulent or violent aggression. They do not discriminate against foreigners. The courts are independent and effectively protect everybody against the encroachments of officialdom. Everyone is permitted to say, to write, and to print what he likes. Education is not subject to government interference. Governments are like night-watchmen whom the citizens have entrusted with the task of handling the police power. The men in office are regarded as mortal men, not as superhuman beings or as paternal authorities who have the right and duty to hold the people in tutelage. Governments do not have the power to dictate to the citizens what language they must use in their daily speech or in what language they must bring up and educate their children. Administrative organs and tribunals are bound to use each man's language in dealing with him, provided this language is spoken in the district by a reasonable number of residents..

We could add to this beautiful list of traits of a liberal society. There is no welfare state (and there was not before Bismarck and FDR).There are no passports (and there were not before World War I). There are no government identification cards (there were not before World War II). People can use any currency they want to use (people could do so before the Civil War). They can accumulate wealth and pass it on to their children with the full knowledge and expectation that their children’s children will benefit too (so it was before World War I). They can innovate in the commercial marketplace without fear of courts, lawsuits, regulators, taxmen, and the customs house. They can negotiate all contracts, associate or disassociate, and hire and fire as they see fit. They do not hear government propaganda piped into stores and other public places. They do not even have to care about politics because the state is so limited and nearly powerless that not even the worst of people can change its essential functioning..

This is not a far-flung dream. Mises’s explanation here is a composite of how liberty has worked in various times and various places over the last several hundred years. And he wrote this as a reminder of what people have lost in surrendering their lives and the functioning of society over to government power..

The point that Mises was making with his book was that it is not enough to hate a particular regime; we must oppose the ideological underpinnings of that regime and see what it has in common with the universal experience of tyranny. Nor is it enough merely to oppose government. We must also come to love liberty, to see and understand how it works even though we live in times when liberty is ever less seen, and ever less understood. This was the burden of his great book: to highlight Nazism as a particular application of the broader menace of statism itself..

This is also the point of Ron Paul’s Liberty Defined. Yes, he opposes government as we know it. Much more importantly and much more profoundly, he understands the liberty that we do not know, and he strives to help us to love it, dream of it, and work for its achievement..

It doesn’t surprise me that Ron’s own son Rand Paul turns out to be the only member of the U.S. Senate to dare to stand up to the Patriot Act and call it what it is. He has staked his political career on his action to stop its reauthorization. It is truly the case that if we can’t see what is wrong with the Patriot Act, we can’t see what is wrong with any despotism in the past or the present. If we can see what is wrong with it, we have a good start on beginning to see what is right about human liberty..

May 26, 2011.

Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. [send him mail], former editorial assistant to Ludwig von Mises and congressional chief of staff to Ron Paul, is founder and chairman of the Mises Institute, executor for the estate of Murray N. Rothbard, and editor of See his books..

Copyright © 2011 by Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.





             Are We Following the Path of Ancient Rome?                  
by Bobby D. Moore

I first published the following comments in the spring of 1981. In the three decades since, nothing has happened to change my predictions or opinions. In fact, the probabilities have become near certainties.

“In the second century of the Christian era, the Empire of Rome comprehended the fairest part of the earth, and the most civilized portion of mankind.” (Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire)

The first seven centuries of the Roman Empire's existence were filled with a rapid succession of triumphs. It seemed that the ambitious design of subduing the whole earth was within reach.

Then came the inexorable decay and decline resulting ultimately in the total collapse of this once great and haughty nation. Historians have carefully recorded conditions which were present before and during the collapse of Rome. And as Americans we could benefit greatly from a study of this period.

Someone once said that “He who refuses to learn from the mistakes of the past is sure to repeat them”. There are those who would have us believe that our nation is following the same road to ruin as ancient Rome. There is little doubt in my mind that this is true.

The Roman Empire lasted for about a thousand years. The United States has survived for only two hundred. Whether it will make it through the next fifty or one hundred is questionable.

The attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan should sound a warning to us all. We are living in dangerous and uncertain times. During the last days of Rome, becoming emperor was equivalent to a death sentence.

In ancient Rome, the nobler the man, the surer and quicker was his destruction. Things had become perverse. The majority of those in power were corrupt. So whenever an honest individual rose to a position of power, he was immediately viewed as a threat by those dishonest and corrupt individuals around him. And he was quickly destroyed. The noble and ignoble alike knew the same fate.

In my opinion, Ronald Reagan is the closest thing to an honest man to occupy the white house in a long time. The odds are against him. He is trying to do too many things right.

In a society that is largely corrupt, honesty will not be tolerated. The honest man is a threat to too many who have built their entire lives around dishonesty and the government dole.

The parallels between our condition and that of ancient Rome are striking. Consider, for example, the “law”.

In Rome, Gibbon writes, “The execution of the laws was venal and arbitrary. A wealthy criminal might obtain, not only the reversal of the sentence by which he was justly condemned; but might likewise inflict whatever punishment he pleased on the accuser, the witnesses, and the judge.” In other words, one got as much “justice” as he could afford.

Distinction of any kind became criminal. Internal strife, civil wars. Gibbons notes the great causes of the downfall of Rome.

In today's America, thousands are simply “stepping out of line”. These are the wise ones. They realize that equity does not exist in our system, and are “turned off” by the relentless and essentially meaningless pressures of our society.

The man with the goat, a garden, chickens and pigs who punches no timeclock and answers to no master is philosopher and king. He seeks an opportunity, even amid decay to find satisfaction and independence



            The tree of liberty is watered by the blood of patriots and tyrants".... Thomas Jefferson...


   U.S. Constitution                          

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. Article. I.

Section. 1. All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.

Section. 2.The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the several States, and the Electors in each State shall have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous Branch of the State Legislature.

No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of twenty five Years, and been seven Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen.

Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons [Modified by Amendment XIV]. The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct. The Number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand, but each State shall have at Least one Representative; and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to chuse three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations one, Connecticut five, New-York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten, North Carolina five, South Carolina five, and Georgia three.

When vacancies happen in the Representation from any State, the Executive Authority thereof shall issue Writs of Election to fill such Vacancies.

The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.

Section. 3.The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, chosen by the Legislature thereof [Modified by Amendment XVII], for six Years; and each Senator shall have one Vote.

Immediately after they shall be assembled in Consequence of the first Election, they shall be divided as equally as may be into three Classes. The Seats of the Senators of the first Class shall be vacated at the Expiration of the second Year, of the second Class at the Expiration of the fourth Year, and of the third Class at the Expiration of the sixth Year, so that one third may be chosen every second Year; and if Vacancies happen by Resignation, or otherwise, during the Recess of the Legislature of any State, the Executive thereof may make temporary Appointments until the next Meeting of the Legislature, which shall then fill such Vacancies [Modified by Amendment XVII].

No Person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty Years, and been nine Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen.

The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided.

The Senate shall chuse their other Officers, and also a President pro tempore, in the Absence of the Vice President, or when he shall exercise the Office of President of the United States.

The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.

Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.

Section. 4.The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.

The Congress shall assemble at least once in every Year, and such Meeting shall be on the first Monday in December [Modified by Amendment XX], unless they shall by Law appoint a different Day.

Section. 5.Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members, and a Majority of each shall constitute a Quorum to do Business; but a smaller Number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the Attendance of absent Members, in such Manner, and under such Penalties as each House may provide.

Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.

Each House shall keep a Journal of its Proceedings, and from time to time publish the same, excepting such Parts as may in their Judgment require Secrecy; and the Yeas and Nays of the Members of either House on any question shall, at the Desire of one fifth of those Present, be entered on the Journal.

Neither House, during the Session of Congress, shall, without the Consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other Place than that in which the two Houses shall be sitting.

Section. 6.The Senators and Representatives shall receive a Compensation for their Services, to be ascertained by Law, and paid out of the Treasury of the United States. They shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place.

No Senator or Representative shall, during the Time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil Office under the Authority of the United States, which shall have been created, or the Emoluments whereof shall have been encreased during such time; and no Person holding any Office under the United States, shall be a Member of either House during his Continuance in Office.

Section. 7.All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.

Every Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a Law, be presented to the President of the United States;[2] If he approve he shall sign it, but if not he shall return it, with his Objections to that House in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the Objections at large on their Journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If after such Reconsideration two thirds of that House shall agree to pass the Bill, it shall be sent, together with the Objections, to the other House, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by two thirds of that House, it shall become a Law. But in all such Cases the Votes of both Houses shall be determined by yeas and Nays, and the Names of the Persons voting for and against the Bill shall be entered on the Journal of each House respectively. If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a Law, in like Manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress by their Adjournment prevent its Return, in which Case it shall not be a Law.

Every Order, Resolution, or Vote to which the Concurrence of the Senate and House of Representatives may be necessary (except on a question of Adjournment) shall be presented to the President of the United States; and before the Same shall take Effect, shall be approved by him, or being disapproved by him, shall be repassed by two thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives, according to the Rules and Limitations prescribed in the Case of a Bill.

Section. 8.The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;

To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;

To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;

To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;

To establish Post Offices and post Roads;

To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;

To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court;

To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offences against the Law of Nations;

To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;

To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;

To provide and maintain a Navy;

To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;

To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings; — And

To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.

Section. 9.The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person.

The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.

No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.

No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census or Enumeration herein before directed to be taken.

No Tax or Duty shall be laid on Articles exported from any State.

No Preference shall be given by any Regulation of Commerce or Revenue to the Ports of one State over those of another; nor shall Vessels bound to, or from, one State, be obliged to enter, clear, or pay Duties in another.

No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.

No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.

Section. 10.No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.

No State shall, without the Consent of the Congress, lay any Imposts or Duties on Imports or Exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing it's inspection Laws; and the net Produce of all Duties and Imposts, laid by any State on Imports or Exports, shall be for the Use of the Treasury of the United States; and all such Laws shall be subject to the Revision and Controul of the Congress.

No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.

Article. II.

Section. 1.The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years, and, together with the Vice President, chosen for the same Term, be elected, as follows:

Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.

The Electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by Ballot for two Persons, of whom one at least shall not be an Inhabitant of the same State with themselves. And they shall make a List of all the Persons voted for, and of the Number of Votes for each; which List they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the Seat of the Government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate shall, in the Presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the Certificates, and the Votes shall then be counted. The Person having the greatest Number of Votes shall be the President, if such Number be a Majority of the whole Number of Electors appointed; and if there be more than one who have such Majority, and have an equal Number of Votes, then the House of Representatives shall immediately chuse by Ballot one of them for President; and if no Person have a Majority, then from the five highest on the List the said House shall in like Manner chuse the President. But in chusing the President, the Votes shall be taken by States, the Representation from each State having one Vote; a quorum for this Purpose shall consist of a Member or Members from two thirds of the States, and a Majority of all the States shall be necessary to a Choice. In every Case, after the Choice of the President, the Person having the greatest Number of Votes of the Electors shall be the Vice President. But if there should remain two or more who have equal Votes, the Senate shall chuse from them by Ballot the Vice President [Modified by Amendment XII].

The Congress may determine the Time of chusing the Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the United States.

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

In Case of the Removal of the President from Office, or of his Death, Resignation, or Inability to discharge the Powers and Duties of the said Office, the Same shall devolve on the Vice President, and the Congress may by Law provide for the Case of Removal, Death, Resignation or Inability, both of the President and Vice President, declaring what Officer shall then act as President, and such Officer shall act accordingly, until the Disability be removed, or a President shall be elected [Modified by Amendment XXV].

The President shall, at stated Times, receive for his Services, a Compensation, which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the Period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that Period any other Emolument from the United States, or any of them.

Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation: — "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Section. 2.The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any Subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices, and he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.

He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.

The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.

Section. 3. He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper; he shall receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers; he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and shall Commission all the Officers of the United States.

Section. 4. The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Article. III.

Section. 1. The judicial Power of the United States shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour, and shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services a Compensation, which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in Office.

Section. 2.The judicial Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution, the Laws of the United States, and Treaties made, or which shall be made, under their Authority; — to all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls; — to all Cases of admiralty and maritime Jurisdiction; — to Controversies to which the United States shall be a Party; — to Controversies between two or more States; — between a State and Citizens of another State [Modified by Amendment XI]; — between Citizens of different States; — between Citizens of the same State claiming Lands under Grants of different States, and between a State, or the Citizens thereof, and foreign States, Citizens or Subjects.

In all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State shall be Party, the supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction. In all the other Cases before mentioned, the supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdiction, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as the Congress shall make.

The Trial of all Crimes, except in Cases of Impeachment, shall be by Jury; and such Trial shall be held in the State where the said Crimes shall have been committed; but when not committed within any State, the Trial shall be at such Place or Places as the Congress may by Law have directed.

Section. 3.Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

Article. IV.

Section. 1. Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State. And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof.

Section. 2.The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.

A Person charged in any State with Treason, Felony, or other Crime, who shall flee from Justice, and be found in another State, shall on Demand of the executive Authority of the State from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the State having Jurisdiction of the Crime.

No Person held to Service or Labour in one State, under the Laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in Consequence of any Law or Regulation therein, be discharged from such Service or Labour, but shall be delivered up on Claim of the Party to whom such Service or Labour may be due [Modified by Amendment XIII].

Section. 3.New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.

The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to Prejudice any Claims of the United States, or of any particular State.

Section. 4. The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened), against domestic Violence.

Article. V.

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate [Possibly abrogated by Amendment XVII].

Article. VI.

All Debts contracted and Engagements entered into, before the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation.

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.

Article. VII.

The Ratification of the Conventions of nine States, shall be sufficient for the Establishment of this Constitution between the States so ratifying the Same.

The Word, "the," being interlined between the seventh and eighth Lines of the first Page, The Word "Thirty" being partly written on an Erazure in the fifteenth Line of the first Page, The Words "is tried" being interlined between the thirty second and thirty third Lines of the first Page and the Word "the" being interlined between the forty third and forty fourth Lines of the second Page.

Attest William Jackson


done in Convention by the Unanimous Consent of the States present the Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven and of the Independence of the United States of America the Twelfth In witness whereof We have hereunto subscribed our Names,

Go. WASHINGTON — Presidt.

and deputy from Virginia













In Convention Monday, September 17th, 1787.


The States of

New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, MR. Hamilton from New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia.


That the preceeding Constitution be laid before the United States in Congress assembled, and that it is the Opinion of this Convention, that it should afterwards be submitted to a Convention of Delegates, chosen in each State by the People thereof, under the Recommendation of its Legislature, for their Assent and Ratification; and that each Convention assenting to, and ratifying the Same, should give Notice thereof to the United States in Congress assembled. Resolved, That it is the Opinion of this Convention, that as soon as the Conventions of nine States shall have ratified this Constitution, the United States in Congress assembled should fix a Day on which Electors should be appointed by the States which have ratified the same, and a Day on which the Electors should assemble to vote for the President, and the Time and Place for commencing Proceedings under this Constitution. That after such Publication the Electors should be appointed, and the Senators and Representatives elected: That the Electors should meet on the Day fixed for the Election of the President, and should transmit their Votes certified, signed, sealed and directed, as the Constitution requires, to the Secretary of the United States in Congress assembled, that the Senators and Representatives should convene at the Time and Place assigned; that the Senators should appoint a President of the Senate, for the sole purpose of receiving, opening and counting the Votes for President; and, that after he shall be chosen, the Congress, together with the President, should, without Delay, proceed to execute this Constitution.

By the Unanimous Order of the Convention

Go. WASHINGTON — Presidt

. W. JACKSON Secretary.


1. The title was not a part of the original document. It was added when the document was printed.

2. Our scanned images show this as a semi-colon, which can be seen in the image at the National Archives

NOTE:  If you have commentaries regarding government, feel free to send them by email to:



The Tyler Chronicle    Winter, 2022     Worldwide Edition

  " MAMA" Offers a Hand Up, Not a Hand Out!



Brought to you as a service of Mary Alma Moore Association (MAMA)


1.Snelling Staffing Services
1225 WSW Loop 323, Tyler, Texas


2.Express Employment Professionals
4603 Troup Highway, Tyler, Texas


3.Brelsford Personnel
1001 ESE Loop 323, Suite 475, Tyler, Texas


4.Adecco Employment Services
1710-A South Jackson Street (City?)


5.Advanced Temporaries Corporate Office
1221 Loop 323 WSW, Tyler, Texas


6.American Medical Staffing
2020 Lindbergh Street
Tyler, Texas


7.Champagne Vocational Employment Center
217 North Industrial St.
Tyler, Texas


8.Community Workforce of Texas
3313 Loop 323 SSW
Tyler, Texas


9.East Texas Waste Management
1820 Shiloh Road
Tyler, Texas


10.Employment Services


11.Health MSN
3800 Paluxy Drive
Tyler, Texas


12.Kelly Services
1828 ESE Loop 323
Tyler, Texas


13.Logix Therapy Staffing Solutions
2808 South Main St. (City?)


3200 Troup Highway Suite 135
Tyler, Texas


15.Remedy Intelligent Staffing
821 Loop 323 ESE
Tyler, Texas


16.The Lambrecht Company LLC
1277 Santa Fe Trail
Tyler, Texas


17.Tyler Professional Personnel Staffing
3404 South Southwest Loop 323
Tyler, Texas


18.Workforce Solutions East Texas
4100 Troup Highway
Tyler, Texas


*19.Capstone Personnel & Staffing
130 Shelly Drive
Tyler, Texas


20.Advance'd Temporaries
1221 WSW Loop 323
Tyler, Texas


21.Design Quest Inc.
2044 Deerbrook Drive (City?)


22.Goodwill Industries of East Texas
409 West Locust St.
Tyler, Texas


23.Christian Women's Job Corps of Tyler
235 South Broadway
Tyler, Texas



Brought to you as a service of Mary Alma Moore Association (MAMA)


1. Catholic Charities of Tyler
202 W (?)
Tyler, Texas


2. Friends for Life
1517 West Front
Tyler, Texas


3. Heritage for the Blind
"Donate Your Car"


"Donate Your Car and Help Find Missing Kids"
Child Quest International (License # 77-0252808)
"Call to donate your vehicle."


402 West Front
Tyler, Texas 75702


6. Goodwill Industries
409 West Locust St.
Tyler, Texas 75702


7. The Salvation Army
633 North Broadway 75702
Tyler, Texas


8. The United Way
4000 South Park Drive
Tyler, Texas 75703


9. Churches which have a charity outreach (Listed Separately)


10. Meals, etc.


11. East Texas Food Bank
3201 Robertson Rd.
Tyler, Texas


12. Community Food Pantry
16662 CR 196
Tyler, Texas


13. Casa of Smith County
318 East Fifth Street
Tyler, Texas


14. Habitat for Humanity
822 West Front Street
Tyler, Texas





 Karl Ries 
Karl Ries, 73, passed away on January 8, 2009 in Tyler, Texas. He was born May 1, 1935 in Germany to the late Karl and Maria Ries. He was reared in Germany, moved to Canada in 1958 and then to America in 1961. He was a self-employed automobile mechanic in San Diego, California, and Virginia. In 1987 he and his wife moved to Tyler, Texas where he became well known as a freelance writer. He wrote for several newspapers including The Tyler Chronicle and authored the well-known book, Mom, What Is Peace? 

Mr. Ries enjoyed fishing, square dancing, and German folk dancing. He was a pilot, had his own seaplane, and loved to travel. On his last trip around the world, he served as traveling correspondent for The Tyler Chronicle.

Survivors include his wife of 53 years, Gisela Ries of Tyler; four sons, Thomas Ries and wife Karen of Tampa, Florida, Andy Quaye and wife Wilma of Canada, Jim Reese and wife Lauren of Atlanta Georgia, and John Ries; a daughter, Irene Ries of Atlanta Georgia and seven grandchildren. Collin, Phillip, Trevor, Lisa, Alexander, Carter and Olivia.







Halloween Treats for Tricksters, Goblins, and Witches...





Eerie Scary Halloween Treats


Every season of the year offers an opportunity to create special culinary delights. And Halloween is certainly no exception. When the hot days of summer are over, the nip of autumn is in the air, and leaves of red and gold carpet the forest floor, ghosts, ghoulies and goblins will soon be making their nightly rounds.


Be prepared for this onslaught when October 31 rolls around with these treats guaranteed to delight even the most demanding tricksters.      

             Ghoulish Gravestones             

To make gravestone cookies, use a sugar cookies recipe and a gravestone cookie cutter. Since the gravestone shaped cutter may be hard to find, you may have to improvise, or settle for a simple inverted "U" shape. A simple sugar cookie recipe that works well is included in "Grandma's Recipes" on this page.


Bake & cool the cookies completely. Coat with royal icing, tinted gray by adding a small amount of black food coloring. Add just enough corn syrup to make the icing level itself when spread.


Wait a full day for the icing to harden before lettering the gravestone cookies with food coloring pens. 



            Eerie Eyeballs       3 oz lemon gelatin
1 cup hot water
1/2 cup miniature marshmallows
1 cup pineapple juice
8 oz cream cheese

In a double boiler dissolve lemon gelatin in 1 cup water. Add marshmallows and stir until melted.


Remove from heat. Add pineapple juice and cream cheese and beat until well blended. 


Cool slightly. Spray a truffle candy mold or round ice cube trays with non-stick cooking spray, and then pour the mixture into the molds. Place in the refrigerator.      


To decorate, you may use liquid food coloring and an old detail paintbrush. Use black food coloring for the pupils. You may dip the ball into a shallow pool of food coloring to create the iris... or paint it on if you prefer.   Rubber ice cube trays work fine, just put the gelatin mixture in the refrigerator to set, and then pop the little globes out when you're ready to paint.            

This recipe should make about nine dozen squishy (and tasty) eyeballs!

At Last, Our Say on the "Pandemic"

(Articles are being edited at this time.)

Pandemic Definition by Merriam Webster Dictionary


pan·dem·ic | \ pan-ˈde-mik

 An outbreak of a disease that occurs over a wide geographic area and affects an exceptionally high proportion of the population a pandemic outbreak of a disease.



Rockport Texas, Pittstop for Hummers  

The big crowds go to Cape Canaveral for space shuttle launches, but folks around Rockport and Fulton, Texas celebrate their own launch each fall.


These twin coastal towns fuel up thousands of hummingbirds to help them on their way across the Gulf of Mexico to a warm winter home in the tropics.


In fact, Rockport and Fulton celebrate the annual southern migration the weekend after Labor Day with bus and boat trips, self-guided tours, educational seminars and many other activities.


Just a few years ago the hummers' pickings were slim. There were few feeders and not many nectar producing plants in the area, which serves as a funnel for huge numbers of the little birds getting ready for the long flight over open water.


Anyone who has put out a hummingbird feeder knows that the tiny flyers need to stoke up often. Anna Reemsnyder, a hummingbird lover and resident of Fulton, explains that the little creatures must eat at least 5 to 8 times per hour.


"Not so long ago in the grand scheme of things, fields of wildflowers and sprawling forests carpeted much of North America," she explains. "Hummers counted on a trail of nectar-rich, tubular blossoms. But, from a bird's-eye view, today's landscape must be frightfully disappointing."


In mid to late August, hummers start guzzling food and tiny insects so fast that their weight nearly doubles in just a few days. They need the groceries. The rufous hummingbird, for instance, travels as many as 5,000 miles from its summer home in Alaska to winter digs in South America.


Large numbers of the little birds congregate in the Rockport-Fulton area to take on fuel and build strength for the 600-mile trip across open water to the Yucatan Peninsula. Aside from hungry sea gulls, the trip is even more dangerous because scientists estimate that hummingbirds have a range of only about 650 miles without food and rest. At the end of the flight, the gas tank is almost empty.       


So before this challenging trek begins, the Texans tank 'em up. Just a few years ago, the area had few feeders and not many nectar producing plants. But now, there are feeders and flowers everywhere. Even local shrimpers have taken to putting feeders on their boats so they can prepare hummingbirds for the journey.

 Other people come to the area, too. Thousands of visitors came this past year, and the number increases as more folks find out about the visual treat that awaits them. And quite a show it is, Anna reports.                  

"The trees and bushes are filled with exhausted or satiated, resting birds. Others hover in a blur of wings, then dart in like sunbeams as vacancies occur on feeders and blooming plants," she adds. Most of the hummers are ruby-throated, the only species native to the eastern United States and southern Canada. But sharp eyed observers can spot other types. Bird fanciers can see many other species... including rare whooping cranes... at the neaby Aransas National Wildlife Refuge.

The hummers are smart little birds... they wait along the Gulf Coast until they can catch the southerly tail wind of a Pacific or Canadian weather front, explains Diane Probst of the local chamber of commerce.

 "Neither the hummers nor the climate go by our calendar, so each year will be different in numbers or birds and weather conditions," she points out.                  

  "You'd think that after all these years we've thrown a party for them, they would RSVP,"

 If you want to visit the Rockport-Fulton area during the Hummer/Bird Celebration in September, you can call a toll-free number, 1-800/242-0071, for current information.      


Serra Pelada, Hell on Earth... 1986



The "Epoch Times"--- What Is It?


A few days ago we discovered The Epoch Times,  a "new" publication which may merit your close attention. This is a nationally circulated newspaper which purports to publish unbiased news. The copy which came into our hands is a full sized, broad sheet newspaper of about 48 pages.  If it does what it says it does, it deserves to be read by every American.  More, as information becomes available to us.

SINCE THE ABOVE PARAGRAPH WAS WRITTEN, more information has become available to us.  A part of that information is  contained in the following article.

What Is “The Epoch Times”

The one word which best describes “The Epoch Times” is “foreign”. The “catch-phrase” for this print publication which is currently distributed by free and paid circulation throughout the U.S. is “Truth and Tradition”.  But upon close inspection of its past several issues, I find it short of both.

But in spite of that, it is refreshing to see anything which purports to be a newspaper supporting President Donald Trump. And the “Epoch Times” certainly does.

Upon examining the first issue to come to my attention, I came away feeling a bit confused.  It was unmistakably an instrument of propaganda. But what newspaper nowadays isn’t?  Whose propaganda, and for what purpose? Could it be that it was founded by the Trump organization to counteract some of the negative coverage he has received from establishment media?  

That consideration was soon put to rest. No. The “Epoch Times” just didn’t fit. And advertising. Where was the advertising? It was almost non-existent.  The cost of publishing and distribution has to be enormous. Without advertising revenue, who pays the bill?

As the months passed and as a result of considerable research, the somewhat murky image is becoming clearer. Here’s the picture as we now see it (subject, of course, to correction as new information becomes available).

(1) The “Epoch Times” had its origins in China.

(2) It appears to be the implacable foe of the Chinese Communists.

(3) The “Epoch Times” is closely associated with and possibly an instrument of the Chinese religious movement, Falun Gong.  Falun Gong has been the subject of severe persecution by the Chinese Communist government.

(4) The “Epoch Times” is not a 501-C3 nonprofit corporation. They informed us by phone that as far as they know, the money you spend for a subscription is therefore not tax deductable.

(5) First U.S. edition was in 2000.

(6) Headquarters is in New York City.

(7) Founder was John Tang.

(8) Owner: Epoch Media Group.

(9) Non-audited circulation is 1,314,375

(10) Although it touts “traditional American values” The Epoch Times does not have its roots in America. It remains essentially foreign.

Coming next…  What is The “Epoch Times” position regarding the current virus “pandemic"?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             More...


Halloween as Viewed By a Neopagan  ( Entered 11-9-2020 )

By Isaac Bonewitz (from his website at

Reporters are always asking us what we Neopagans “do” for Halloween. Well, usually we take our kids  around our neighborhoods trick or treating, as carefully as any other parents. Those who stay at home may hand out commercially packaged candy to those who visit our houses (we might prefer to give out homemade goodies, but paranoia has made such treats unwelcome). Over the weekend, our circles of friends will have rituals that might include “dumb suppers” (silent, saltless meals) for the Ancestors, or separate “kid circles” and costume parties for our children — and we always wind up with at least as many kids as we started out with! Most of us will do some divination, give honor to those who have died in the past year, play traditional games, and meditate on our own mortality.


That’s what American Neopagans will do on Samhain. No blood drinking, no baby sacrifices, no crimes — just good, clean, all-American festivity with some ceremonial  additions appropriate to the season and current events.        

A student sent me an email asking me to sum up in more personal terms what Halloween means to me and other Neopagans. Here is what I told her:

  • Halloween is the modern name for Samhain, an ancient Celtic holy day which many Neopagans — especially Wiccans, Druids and Celtic Reconstructionists — celebrate        as a spiritual beginning of a new year.
  • Halloween is a time to confront our personal and cultural attitudes towards death and those who have passed on before us.
  • Halloween is a time to lift the veil between the many material and spiritual worlds in divination, so as to gain spiritual insight about our pasts and futures.
  • Halloween is a time to deepen our connection to the cycles of the seasons, to the generations that have come before us and those that will follow, and to the Gods and Goddesses we worship.
  • Halloween is a time to let our inner children out to play, to pass on our childhood traditions to our children, and to share the fun with our friends and neighbors of many other faiths...

For more information on Halloween from the Neopagan perspective you may write Mr. Bonewitz  or visit any of his numerous highly educational websites.

Wikipedia Has More Halloween Info'

Halloween (Samhain) marked the end of the harvest season and beginning of winter or the 'darker half' of the year. Like Beltane, it was seen as a time, when the boundary between this world and the Otherworld thinned. This meant  the 'spirits' or 'fairies', could more easily come into this world and were particularly active. Most scholars see the “spirits” as "degraded versions of ancient gods whose power remained active in the people's minds even after they had been officially replaced by later religious beliefs".

 They were both respected and feared, with individuals often invoking the protection of God when approaching their dwellings. At Halloween it was believed that the spirits needed to be propitiated to ensure that the people and their livestock survived the winter. Offerings of food and drink, or portions of the crops, were left outside for them.  The souls of the dead were also said to revisit their homes seeking hospitality.

Places were set at the dinner table and by the fire to welcome them. The belief that the souls of the dead return home on one night of the year and must be appeased seems to have ancient origins and is found in many cultures throughout the world. In 19th century Ireland, "candles would be lit and prayers formally offered for the souls of the dead. After this the eating, drinking, and games would begin".

Throughout Ireland and Britain, the household festivities included rituals and games intended to foretell one's future, especially regarding death and marriage. Apples and nuts were often used in these divination rituals. They included apple bobbing, nut roasting, scrying or mirror-gazing, pouring molten lead or egg whites into water, dream interpretation, and others. Special bonfires were lit and there were rituals involving them. Their flames, smoke and ashes were deemed to have protective and cleansing powers, and were also used for divination. In some places, torches lit from the bonfire were carried sunwise around homes and fields to protect them.

It is suggested that the fires were a kind of imitative or sympathetic magic – they mimicked the Sun, helping the "powers of growth" and holding back the decay and darkness of winter. In Scotland, these bonfires and divination games were banned by the church elders in some parishes. In Wales, bonfires were lit to "prevent the souls of the dead from falling to earth". Later, these bonfires served to keep "away the devil". (Wikipedia) to be continued.

Did Witches Get a Bad Rap?

More to Come...


Home | Wire | In March, US Deaths from COVID-19 Totaled Less Than 2 Percent of All Deaths

In March, US Deaths from COVID-19 Totaled Less Than 2 Percent of All Deaths

Originally Published: 04/06/2020

Ryan McMaken

About 2.9 million people die in the United States each year from all causes. Monthly this total ranges from around 220,000 in the summertime to more than 280,000 in winter

In recent decades, flu season has often peaked sometime from January to March, and this is a major driver in total deaths. The average daily number of deaths from December through March is over eight thousand.

So far, total death data is too preliminary to know if there has been any significant increase in total deaths as a result of COVID-19, and this is an important metric, because it gives us some insight into whether or not COVID-19 is driving total death numbers well above what would otherwise be expected. 

Indeed, according to some sources, it is not clear that total deaths have increased significantly as a result of COVID-19. In a March 30 article for The Spectator, former UK National Health Service pathologist John Lee noted that the current number of deaths from COVID-19 does not indicate that the UK is experiencing "excess deaths." Lee writes:

The simplest way to judge whether we have an exceptionally lethal disease is to look at the death rates. Are more people dying than we would expect to die anyway in a given week or month? Statistically, we would expect about 51,000 to die in Britain this month. At the time of writing, 422 deaths are linked to Covid-19—so 0.8 per cent of that expected total. On a global basis, we’d expect 14 million to die over the first three months of the year. The world’s 18,944 coronavirus deaths represent 0.14 per cent of that total. These figures might shoot up but they are, right now, lower than other infectious diseases that we live with (such as flu). Not figures that would, in and of themselves, cause drastic global reactions.

How do these numbers look in the United States? During March of 2020, there were 4,053 COVID-19 deaths according to Worldometer. That is 1.6 percent of total deaths in March 2019 (total data on March 2020 deaths is still too preliminary to offer a comparison). For context, we could note that total deaths increased by about four thousand from March 2018 to March 2019. So for March, the increase in total deaths is about equal to what we already saw as a pre-COVID increase from March 2018 to March 2019.


As Lee notes, total COVID-19 deaths could still increase significantly this season, but even then we must ask what percentage of total deaths warrants an international panic. Is it 5 percent? Ten percent? The question has never been addressed, and so far, a figure of 1 percent of total deaths in some places is being treated as a reason to forcibly shut down the global economy.

Yet, as a CDC report recently noted, pneumonia deaths have often been far more common than COVID-19 deaths are right now: "Based on National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) mortality surveillance data available on March 26, 2020, 8.2 percent of the deaths occurring during the week ending on March 21, 2020 (week 12), were due to [pneumonia and influenza]."

Meanwhile there is a trend t of attributing more of those pneumonia deaths to COVID-19 rather than influenza, although this doesn't actually mean the total mortality rate has increased. The CDC report continues: "the percent of all deaths with Influenza listed as a cause have decreased (from 1.0% to 0.8%) over this same time period. The increase in pneumonia deaths during this time period are likely associated with COVID-19 rather than influenza." This doesn't necessarily represent a total increase in pneumonia deaths, just a change in how they are recorded.

This reflects an increased focus on attributing deaths to COVID-19, as noted by Lee:

In the current climate, anyone with a positive test for Covid-19 will certainly be known to clinical staff looking after them: if any of these patients dies, staff will have to record the Covid-19 designation on the death certificate—contrary to usual practice for most infections of this kind. There is a big difference between Covid-19 causing death, and Covid-19 being found in someone who died of other causes. Making Covid-19 notifiable might give the appearance of it causing increasing numbers of deaths, whether this is true or not. It might appear far more of a killer than flu, simply because of the way deaths are recorded.

Given this rush to maximize the number of deaths attributable to COVID-19, what will April's data look like? It may be that COVID-19 deaths could then indeed number 10 or 20 percent of all deaths. 

But the question remains: will total deaths increase substantially compared to April 2019 or April 2018? If they don't, this will call into question whether or not COVID-19 is the engine of mortality that many government bureaucrats insist it is. After all, if April's mortality remains "about the same" as the usual total and comes in around 230,000–235,000, then obsessive concern over COVID-19 would be justified only if it can be proven April 2020 deaths would have plummeted year-over-year had it not been for COVID-19.


Meanwhile the CDC is instructing medical staff to report deaths as COVID-19 deaths even when no test has confirmed the presence of the disease. In a Q and A on death certificates published by the CDC on March 24, the agency advises:

COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death. Certifiers should include as much detail as possible based on their knowledge of the case, medical records, laboratory testing, etc. If the decedent had other chronic conditions such as COPD or asthma that may have also contributed, these conditions can be reported in Part II. [emphasis in original.]

This is extremely likely to inflate the number of deaths attributed to COVID-19 while pulling down deaths attributed to other influenza-like illnesses and to deaths caused by pneumonia with unspecified origins.  This is especially problematic since we know the overwhelming majority of COVID-19 deaths occur in patients that are already suffering from a number of other conditions. In Italy, for example, data shows 99 percent of COVID-19 deaths occurred in patients who had at least one other condition. More than 48 percent had three other conditions. Similar cases in the US are now likely to be routinely reported simply as COVID-19 cases.  


Source: Total death and flu/pneumonia death data via National Center for Health Statistics ( COVID-19 totals via Worldometer COVID stats.

Unfortunately, because total death data is not reported immediately, we have yet to see how this plays out. We do know historically, however, that deaths attributed to flu and pneumonia over the past decade have tended to make up around five to ten percent of all deaths, depending on the severity of the "season."  Last week (week 14, the week ending April 4) was the first week during which COVID-19 deaths exceeded flu and pneumonia deaths, coming in at 11 percent of all death for that week. (Using a 2017-2019 average as a baseline.) The prior week, (week 13, the week ending Mar 28) COVID-19 deaths made up 3.3 percent of all deaths.  These numbers are likely to rise throughout the month. Yet, until we have reliable numbers on all deaths in the coming weeks, it will be impossible to know the extent to which COVID-19 are "cannibalizing" flu and pneumonia deaths overall. That is, if the COVID-19 totals skyrocket, but total deaths remain relatively stable, then we might guess that many deaths formerly attributed simply to pneumonia, or to flu, are now being labeled as COVID-19 deaths. Potentially, this could also be the case for other patients, such as those with advanced cases of diabetes.

UPDATE, April 8:

White House COVID-19 task force member Dr. Deborah Birx has confirmed that it is now standard practice to count all death of persons "with" COVID-19 as deaths caused by COVID-19. At  an April 7 briefing, Birx explained:

We’ve taken a very liberal approach to mortality. I think the reporting here has been pretty straightforward over the past five to six weeks. Prior to that, when there wasn’t testing in January, and February, that’s a very different situation and unknown….[Now] if someone dies with COVID-19 we are counting that as a COVID-19 death.

The above article was originally published in "The WIRE", from the Mises Institute. More to  come.


From: The Tyler Chronicle, Spring, 2020 and Previous Editions

EDITOR'S  NOTE: The following is a copy of one of many such ads currently appearing on the internet. We publish it in this edition of the Tyler Chronicle for information purposes only. For more information read the serious article by Egon von Greyerz on page 22!         

ANNUAL DYANNA DAWNN TRIBUTE SHOW  Robert Graebner presents the second annual Dyanna Dawnn Fan Club tribute show in memory of the late and great Miss Dynamite herself, Dyanna Dawnn. We invite you to enjoy an hour of great musical entertainment featuring Elvis stylist, Bobby Moore. Door prizes will be awarded and refreshments will be served. It's all taking place at Taylor Auditorium in the Tyler Public Library building at 201 South College Street at 1 pm on November 8, 2019.  And, it's free!  NOTE: Show cancelled due to illness and death of Mr. Graebner.


SEE & HEAR BOBBY MOORE LIVE  Free show second Tuesday of each month at Waterton Inn, 2885 Shiloh Road, Tyler. The big, hour long show starts at two pm sharp in the dining area. You are invited to come and bring a guest. The show features 50s and 60s Elvis hits, and even a little Country Western and Gospel. Bobby's voice is now heard around the world on the BMCN radio network and on the internet at To see and hear Bobby on You Tube, just go to You Tube and then type in BMCN TELEVISION. That's all there is to it!



*** THE FIAT MONETARY SYSTEM IS FALLING APART – GETTING DESTROYED ***                                                           

"We're well past the point of no return. On a scale of 1 to 10, we're over 1,000 at how unsustainable this economic regime is.

The next step will include such desperate measures, such as Helicopter Money, Universal Basic Income and Income Tax Credits that we anticipate more than $10 trillion in equity loss this next downturn, more than in 2008!

You must take into consideration the risk of a system RESET, a catastrophic recession that changes everything we know about the financial system.

Society will never be the same, and we must prepare immediately. Every day counts."


Neck Deep in Trash!

    According to a recent article in the "Atlantic", although Americans are finally making an effort to recycle, things aren't going as planned. And it appears that the country is accumulating an incredible  tonnage of  cardboard, plastic, glass and other "recyclables" that... aren't!   Several causes are blamed  for the situation, a principal one being economic.  A case  in point is the 400,000 tons of plastic trash piled high by the "Keep Northern Illinois Beautiful" nonprofit.  The  mountain of bales continues to grow with no profitable sale in sight.  China, which was once a market for countless boatloads of mixed plastic discards and waste paper from the U.S. no longer welcomes these materials from us.

    We produce about 267.8 million tons of municipal solid waste annually (2017 figures). That amounts to about 4.5 pounds per person per day. And that does not include demolition waste or sewage sludge. Any way you look at it, that's a lot. Percentage-wise a breakdown of our municipal solid waste looks  like this: textiles 6.3%, rubber and leather 3.4%, wood 6.7%, food 15.2%, yard trimmings 13.1%, paper and cardboard 25%, metals 9.4%, and plastics 13.2%.  What about glass?

    You can expect more updates on  recycling and related topics in The Tyler Chronicle, and on BMCN (The Bobby Moore Communications Network).  Following are links if your computer uses windows media player. For complete directory, go to

*NOTE: The following stations are undergoing maintenance and may have unannounced interruptions during the next thirty days.








Is Atomic Radiation Killing You and Your Children?



      "Depleted" uranium ammunition has been extensively used by the United States in the middle east conflict. The result, above and beyond the fatalities caused be the exploding shells, is thousands of acres of land contaminated by radioactivity and a legacy of birth defects which will extend for many generations to come. The Abrams tank pictured above not only fires rounds of depleted uranium, but utilizes this very dense metal for armor. American soldiers who have been exposed to the inhalation of depleted uranium dust are at  risk of producing deformed offspring, cancer, and many other related illnesses.  The use of atomic weapons by the United States did not end with the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.        


      Munitions utilizing "depleted" uranium are available in a wide range of calibers; ranging in size from rifle ammunition (a favorite of snipers) to the cannon-sized rounds fired from tanks. An atomic bomb utilizing "depleted" uranium, (small enough to be carried on a backpack) was developed and tested by the U.S. as early as the 50s. "Depleted" uranium is in plentiful supply since it is a byproduct of the uranium enrichment process used to produce the "enriched" uranium used in many atomic reactors.  In fact, there is so much of it available that safely storing it has been a real problem. The storage problem is compounded by the fact that this radioactive material has a half-life of about two billion years.      


 The Tyler Chronicle      Winter, 2019      Worldwide Edition                          

Gentleman Jim Thigpen,  "Master of the Telecaster"          

A retired industrial engineer has been named to the Tyler Chronicle's Rock-N- Roll Hall of Fame. Jim Thigpen is the first, in fact, to receive the award. Jim, a native of Danville, Virginia, grew up in the 50s when the likes of Elvis and Jerry Lee Lewis and Carl Perkins were laying the foundations of the greatest popular music revolution in America.  Jim played in the high school band and his musical group, The Teen Age Rockers, performed regularly at country club parties and other local events.

During Jim's adolescence the great cotton textile mills were in operation in Danville, producing goods that were the pride of his state and the nation. "Industry" had not yet become a dirty word in America. And great railroads in the twilight of steam served the mills over shining ribbons of singing steel.

The era left in indelible impression on the man, which he carries with him to this day. It is impossible to play 50s rock-n-roll unless you feel it, some would say. And there can be no doubt in anyone's mind when they hear him play, threat Jim feels it... deep in his bones. And as a result, so does his audience.

As Jim left the high school scene, other obligations left him little time for the music he enjoyed so much; an air force career, raising a family, a position in finance, and finally his years of work for Trane Mfg. Company as an industrial engineer. Then, a chance meeting resulted in Jim's renewed interest in 50s rock-n-roll; an interest which has blossomed beyond everyone's expectations.

Veteran 50s rock-n-roll stylist, Bobby Moore was searching for a lead guitarist who could "play the 50s tunes the way they should be played." "The search was not successful until we met Jim," Moore said. "There are lots of good guitarists out there, but not many who can play this music right. Either you have the feel for it, or you don't."

"Jim is a perfectionist... maybe to the point of being obsessive", Moore asserted. "He has never been late or missed a gig. Never." Jim now owns a collection of more than fourteen guitars, many costing thousands. Jim's wife, Ruth Ann is a solid supporter of his musical efforts as are his five children; James Jr., Sheila, Shelley, Jimmy, and David.

Jim has deep spiritual roots and is a deacon at Willowbrook Baptist Church in Tyler. "Gentlemen Jim Thigpen is indeed the "Master of the Telecaster!"

OBITUARIESRobert Graebner Dies at Local Hospice

Robert Charles Graebner, manager and husband of the late Dyanna Dawnn was pronounced dead at the Tyler Hospice at approximately 4:00 PM Tuesday, December 3, 2019. Graebner had been suffering from  pneumonia, and  undisclosed other infections. He  had been hospitalized in Tyler's Medical Center for several weeks prior to his death.  His wife (see separate article)  died December 6, 2017, almost exactly 2 years before his passing.  Funeral arrangements are pending.


Lethan Alan Barnes

Dr. Lethan Alan Barnes 77, died on October 2 at Tyler's Trinity Mother Francis Hospital. He was born September 13, 1942 in Abilene, Texas, the son of Hoyt and Nettie Barnes.

He was a graduate of Texas A & M University and taught at Tyler Junior College for almost half a century. He is survived by his current wife, Nan, his children and grandchildren. Burial was at Cathederal in the Pines in Tyler , October 8, 2019.


The Tyler Chronicle Entertainment Hall of Fame

Local Performer Dies During Surgery    

Singer, Dyanna Dawnn, born Diana Lois Fountain, died during heart surgery at Tyler's Medical Center Hospital on December 6, 2017.  Dyanna was born March 15, 1946 in San Augustine County, Texas.  She was one of fourteen children born to James and Jessie Fountain and grew  up in the deep East Texas piney woods, where many of her family members still live.  She is survived by her husband and manager, Robert Charles Graebner and an adopted daughter.

Throughout her long career as a country and gospel singer, Dyanna made many personal appearances and recordings. Her first CD album of note was Touch of Country released in 1990She hosted her own worldwide network radio show of the same name on the BMCN radio network. She also promoted numerous special "benefit" performances. Dyanna performed and recorded in Nashville, Tennessee

Her biography, Dynamite, was being written at the time of her death, but as yet has not been published. Following her death, the Dyanna Dawnn Association was formed to discover and promote musical talent in co-operation with the Dyanna Dawnn Fan Club. " Our purpose is to maintain the Dyanna Dawnn legacy and to help launch the careers of up and coming performers", Graebner said.  If you would like more information or to arrange a free audition, write: DD Association, Post Office Box, 130174, Tyler, Texas, 75707.


Terry Teene
Terry Teene (born 1942) was a musician, vocalist, songwriter, and entertainer, most commonly known for the early 1960's novelty hit, "Curse of the Hearse". According to the Rockabilly Hall of Fame, he has recorded over 300 distinct songs and played on 100 or more released recordings, performing as a "major artist" on 25 of them. He has recorded under 70 names and appeared in over 500 nightclubs, by his own count.

Born Terence Blaine Knutson to Keremit Knutson, Terry Teene began taking piano lessons at four years of age and later sang in the high school choir. A local DJ, hearing him sing in church, suggested that he audition to perform on a local television program. He performed on TV for eight weeks in a row and put together the band "Terry and the Pirates".

In 1960, in Clovis, New Mexico, he cut recordings of his first two songs, "Just Wait Til I Get You Alone" and "Orchids Mean Goodbye", under Norman Petty. Of the 300 songs in Teene's discography, "Curse of the Hearse" is perhaps his most famous, being played by Dr. Demento on the majority of his Halloween shows. "Pussy Galore" was originally written for the James Bond film "Goldfinger", but was not featured on the film or soundtrack. Other songs include "Happiness Is Coming" (under the name of Blaine Bel Aire), We're Going to Put Iowa on the Map," "Fun To Be With", and "Perfect 36". When the Fireballs ( a rock group with which he was performing at the time) disbanded, Terry began a second parallel career as a clown. He has performed under the names of "ToBo the Clown" and "Clownzo"; and was one of the creators and originators (with George Voorhees) of the costume, likeness, and name and character of Ronald McDonald, one of the world's most recognizable trademark characters.

Teene was president of the Cavalcade of Clowns, an association of professional clowns and related entertainers, from 1978 through 1980. He also helped edit the Cavalcade of Clowns magazine. He has appeared with: Circus Vegas (for six years), Big John Strong Circus, Mexican International Circus, the Safari Circus (as Producing Clown), and the Emmet Kelly Jr. Circus.

In April, 2012, Terry Teen was involved in a traffic accident in Tyler, Texas from which he never regained consciousness.



    Karl Ries                                               A memorial service for Karl Ries, 73, of Tyler, will be held at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Jan. 10, 2009, in the chapel of Stewart Family Funeral Home with Father Dan Daugherty officiating. Mr. Ries passed away on Jan. 8, 2009, at Hospice of East Texas in Tyler.

He was born on May 1, 1935 in Germany to the late Karl and Maria Ries. He was raised in Germany, moving to Canada in 1958 and then to America in 1961. Mr. Ries was a self-employed automobile mechanic in San Diego, Calif., and Virginia. In 1987 he moved to Tyler and became a freelance writer. He has since published a book and written for several newspapers. Mr. Ries enjoyed fishing, square dancing, and German folk dancing. He also was a pilot, had his own seaplane and loved to travel.

Mr. Ries is survived by a loving family including his wife of 53 years, Gisela Ries of Tyler; four sons, Thomas Ries and wife Karen of Tampa, Fla., Andy Quaye and wife Wilma of Canada, Jim Ries and wife Lauren of Atlanta, Ga., and John Ries; a daughter, Irene Ries of Atlanta, Ga.; and seven grandchildren, Collin, Phillip, Trevor, Lisa, Alexander, Carter and Olivia.

Memorials in honor of Karl Ries may be made to Hospice of East Texas, 4111 University Blvd., Tyler, 75701; or Prince of Peace Catholic Church, Troup Highway, P.O. Box 456, Whitehouse, 75791.

  Published in Tyler Morning Telegraph on Jan. 9, 2009                    


 Karl Ries 
Karl Ries, 73, passed away on January 8, 2009 in Tyler, Texas. He was born May 1, 1935 in Germany to the late Karl and Maria Ries. He was reared in Germany, moved to Canada in 1958 and then to America in 1961. He was a self-employed automobile mechanic in San Diego, California, and Virginia. In 1987 he and his wife moved to Tyler, Texas where he became well known as a freelance writer. He wrote for several newspapers including The Tyler Chronicle and authored the well-known book, Mom, What Is Peace? 

Mr. Ries enjoyed fishing, square dancing, and German folk dancing. He was a pilot, had his own seaplane, and loved to travel. On his last trip around the world, he served as traveling correspondent for The Tyler Chronicle.

Survivors include his wife of 53 years, Gisela Ries of Tyler; four sons, Thomas Ries and wife Karen of Tampa, Florida, Andy Quaye and wife Wilma of Canada, Jim Reese and wife Lauren of Atlanta Georgia, and John Ries; a daughter, Irene Ries of Atlanta Georgia and seven grandchildren. Collin, Phillip, Trevor, Lisa, Alexander, Carter and Olivia.

 The Bobby Moore Communications Network Honors Paul Williams

According to Bobby D. Moore, founder of BMCN, Paul Williams was the greatest Rock and Roll disk jockey to ever spin a record.  Paul, "Wild Child" Williams was one of a kind. Teenage girls went crazy over him, local preachers accused him of leading the town's youth toward the burning pits of hell, and the sponsors of his after-school radio shows smiled all the way to the bank. 

The year was 1958 and Paul Williams was a senior at Tyler High School in the last graduating class before the name of the school was changed. And that's not all that was changing in Tyler, Texas about that time. In fact, you might say, "Change was in the air!"  The town had supported two AM radio stations; KGKB, the older of the two at 1490 kilocycles which signed off at sunset, and KTBB with the more favorable frequency of 600 kc. Both stations were well accepted by the highly conservative and very fundamentalist population. They played a lot of country music and each had its share of Sunday morning church services.

But then, about the time "Tall Paul" graduated, the radio "airwaves" of a new and very different station signaled "change" for Tyler radio!  Broadcasting. From their new studios on the 13th floor of the Peoples Bank Building, KDOK began spreading the musical gospel of "rock and roll". It was the "real deal" featuring the original recordings of the greats; Fats Domino, Elvis, The Everly Brothers, and all  the rest. For some Tylerites, entrenched in their ways, it appeared that the "end of time" had come!  But for many of the younger set, it was a breath of fresh air.  

The timing was perfect. The new station arrived at exactly the right time to  capitalize on the rock and roll wave that would soon be sweeping the country. And Paul Williams was there; his show was an immediate success. The effect this young man had on his listening audience was phenominal. Included in this article is a poem about the "new" station written by a Whitehouse High School student of the time (a young man, by the way). Paul had an incredible wit and was a master of "word play". And when he was sitting between the turntables and in front of that big old studio microphone, he could do no wrong! But "away from the microphone" may have been another story. There are at least two versions of the following tale.

Marybeth Vaughn

Duane Stephens

Memorial services for Duane Gray Stephens, 81, Tyler, are scheduled for Saturday, October 29 2016, at 2 p.m. at Landmark Baptist Church, 11125 University Blvd., Tyler, 75707.

Mr. Stephens passed away on October 26 in Tyler. Duane Stephens was born Nov 26, 1934 in Nacogdoches, Texas to the late Edward C. Stephens and Edith Stephens. He grew up in Nacogdoches and graduated from Nacogdoches High School in 1953. He began his rodeo career in 1952 and thrilled rodeo fans for the next 15 years.

He toured the rodeo circuits, with Sandra by his side, across the United States, from Texas to Wisconsin and from Florida to Oregon. Duane's bullfighting prowess and popularity of his horse acts earned him many return engagements. He was known for "Dancing with bulls in close proximity." He was inducted into the Texas Rodeo Hall of Fame in 2008.

Duane attended Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches where he met and married his love, Sandra Lee Wall. Sandy and Duane were named "Cutest Married Couple" on the SFA campus for two years. His income from rodeo sent Duane and his lovely bride Sandra through SFA.

Moving to Tyler in 1968, he devoted himself to growing his law practice, raising a family, and numerous charitable acts including March of Dimes Service Award for Distinguished Voluntary Leadership in the fight against Birth Defects, Personalities of the South Honoring America's Leaders 1972 Edition, Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity Samuel Houston Chapter 1967-1968, Duane G Stephens of the State Bar of Texas Tri Lawyers Association, Texas Criminal Defense Lawyer's Association 1975, The Supreme Court of the State of Texas Attorney and Counselor at Law 1972.

He practiced law for five decades where he was known by judges, colleagues, clients and friends as a living legend.

After his rodeo days, he owned and operated the Vizcaya Cattle and Horse Ranch. He brought the sport of Team Penning to East Texas. Duane successfully competed, winning many championships throughout the U.S. up through his golden years.

He emphatically loved his family, friends and God. He took great joy in all that they did. He was a wonderful father, husband, grandfather, friend and our "Mr. Wonderful." He was preceded in death by his wife of 58 years. Survivors include children, Dustin Stephens and wife Kristin, of Whitehouse, Desiree Stephens and godchildren, of Tyler, and Julia Roberts and husband Kevin, of Tyler; brother F.L. Steve Stephens and wife Pollyanna; sister-in-law, Linda Bass and husband Sam, of Nacogdoches; 10 grandchildren; one great-grandchild; and many nieces, nephews, cousins, many friends.

He attributes whatever success he has had to the power from above ALMIGHTY GOD

Published in Tyler Morning Telegraph on Oct. 29, 2016                    

Harry Loftis  

Judge Harry Loftis (1921-2003)

Judge Harry Loftis was a founding partner in the law firm of Loftis & Roberts, which eventually became known as Roberts & Roberts Law Firm.  Judge Loftis was born in Brownsboro on July 22, 1921 and raised in Tyler, where he graduated from Tyler High School. He earned degrees from Tyler Junior College and The University of Texas at Austin. He joined the Army Air Corps during World War II and served in France, England, and Italy. He flew glider missions behind enemy lines and was awarded several medals and citations. In January 2003, Judge Loftis shared his wartime accounts as part of a Library of Congress project to preserve the stories of veterans from World War II.

For 13 years, he served as the District Attorney and then as the County Judge for Smith County, Texas. In 1975, Judge Loftis received the T.B. Butler Award which recognizes outstanding contributions in leadership, service or community improvements. He was Tyler Junior College’s Outstanding Ex-Student of 1964 and received the Tyler Jaycees top honor, the Earl Story Award, in 1952. He was a president or board member of Tyler Jaycees, Texas Junior Bar Association, Smith County Red Cross, Tyler YMCA, Kiwanis Club, Strutters, Mother Frances Advisory Board, Tuberculosis Association, Chamber of Commerce and Texas Rose Festival Association. He was a director and chairman of the board of old Rose Capital Bank and a lieutenant governor of Kiwanis International.

As chairman of the Tyler Chamber of Commerce’s education committee, he worked diligently to make Texas Eastern University (now The University of Texas at Tyler) a reality. He was a member of Marvin Methodist Church, where he served on Board of Stewards and taught the Friendly Bible Class. Judge Loftis died December 9, 2003 in Tyler. He will always be remembered as a good husband, a good father, and a good man.

Ernest Leon Wimpey, Maurine Wimpey

George Wimpey  



                                                Services for Horace Glynne Staples, 66, Tyler, are scheduled for 11 a.m. Wednesday, May 14, 2008, at Tyler Memorial Funeral Home with Dana Ivey and Ramon Ivey officiating.Burial will be in Pleasant Retreat Cemetery under direction of Tyler Memorial Funeral Home.

Mr. Staples died May 10, 2008, in Tyler.

He was born Aug. 6, 1941, in Tyler to the late H.C. and Nellie Staples, and was a lifelong resident. He was a graduate of Whitehouse High School and received his associate's degree from Tyler Junior College. He was the owner/operator of Glynne's Water Well Pump Sales & Service and was a Baptist.

He had served with the 82nd Airborne in the U.S. Army and was a Tyler firefighter for 17 years. He was a member of the Texas Ground Water Association, treasurer of the East Texas Chapter, and life member of the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars. He was preceded in death by brother, Larry L. Staples; sister, Dorothy Jean Staples; and niece, Rebecca Ann Moose.

Survivors include his wife, Judy Staples of Tyler, sons, Wayne Staples of Chandler, DeWayne Staples and Jennifer Shackelford of Tyler; daughters, Lisa Staples Phillips and husband Billy of Tyler, Michele Staples Warden and husband Teddy of Bullard; grandchildren, Brittany Staples Dennis and husband Sean of Tyler, Brandon Staples, E1, U.S. Marine Corps of Tyler, Natalie Nulf of Tyler, Kevin Staples of Tyler, Suzanne Warden of Bullard, Heather Nulf of Tyler, Zachary Warden of Bullard, Jessica Shackelford of Tyler, Kevin Shackelford of Tyler, Travis Shackelford of Tyler; sisters, Rita Staples Bohlmann and husband Jim, Helen Noose and husband Roger; several nieces and nephews.

Pallbearers are Matthew Harris, Joe Grudza, Michael Cummins, Bill Johnson, Mark Sarver and Collin Ferris
Honorary pallbearers are Russell Bohlmann, Gregory Bohlmann and Dusty Hymer Staples. The family wishes to extend very special thanks to the staff at East Texas Medical Center for all of your hard work and prayers.

Family will receive friends 6-8 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home. Memorials may be made to the American Heart Association and American Diabetes Association.

                                                Published in Tyler Morning Telegraph from May 12 to May 13, 2008                    


Glynne Wayne Staples  

Glynne "Wayne" Staples, 50 of Whitehouse, TX passed away Sunday, May 7,2017. Wayne was born in Tyler on October 16,1966 to Glynne and Judy Staples. He was a graduate of Whitehouse High School and then recieved an Associate degree in Business at Tyler Junior College. Wayne resided in Whitehouse and has been a long time member of Mt. Carmel Baptist Church.

He was a certified pump installer for the family business " Glynnes Water Well Pumps and Service". He was a member of both the Texas and East Texas Ground Water Associations. Wayne was a faithful member of the "Hunger For Love" Ministry where he helped prepare food to be served to those in need of nourishment every Saturday morning.

Mr. Staples is survived by his Mother: Judy Staples of Whitehouse, Sister: Lisa Staples Martin and husband Marlon of Troup, Twin brother: Bennie DeWayne Staples and Jennifer Shackelford of Tyler, Sister: Michele Staples Warden and husband Ted of Bullard.

Nieces and Nephews are: Brittany Staples Dennis and husband Sean of Whitehouse, Brandon Staples and fiancee Kellie Morrow of Tyler, Natalie Nulf of Tyler, Kevin Staples and Megean Huddle of Whitehouse, Jessica Shackelford and fiancee Max Garrison of Houston, Suzanne Warden of Galveston, Kevin Shackelford of Tyler, Heather Nulf of San Antonio, Travis Shackelford of Tyler and Zachary Warden of Bullard.

Great Nieces and Nephew include EmmaLee and HannahLynn Staples of Whitehouse, William "Liam" Mklaren of Tyler
Extended Family: Mark and Heidi Eslicker of Tyler, Jamie and Matthew Puccio of Tyler, Jason and Rachel Eslicker of Tyler

Mr. Staples was preceded in death by his father: Horace Glynne Staples, Grandparents: Guy and Evelyn Kline, HC and Nellie Staples and his Beloved Dog "Macy" Pallbearers are Brandon Staples, Kevin Staples, Kevin Shackelford, Travis Shackelford, Sean Dennis and Matthew Harris. Honorary Pallbearers include Zachary Warden, Jason Eslicker, Mark Eslicker, Gus Ramirez, Pat O'Neal, Keith Tittle

Visitation is Saturday, May 13, 2017 at Memorial Funeral Home on Hwy 64 West beginning at 10am. The funeral service will follow beginning at 12 noon with Ramon Ivey officiating. Burial will be at Pleasant Retreat Cemetery. In lieu of flowers the family request memorial donations made to Hunger For Love 11179 CR 168 Tyler, TX 75703
Published in Tyler Morning Telegraph on May 11, 2017                    

Larry Wimberly

Mary Wimberly

Garry Wimberly

Charles Wayne Wright

Douglas Brown

Ernest Ray Deal

Linda Faye Dark

Joe Richard Rasberry

Thomas Wayne Tomlinson

Julia Tomlinson

Freddie Mack Ray

Alan Barnes

Services for Lethan Alan Barnes, 77 years of age, of Tyler, will be held on Tuesday, October 8th at 10:00 a.m. at Stewart Family Funeral Home with Dr. David O. Dykes and Rev. Ron Wells officiating. Burial will follow at Cathedral in the Pines in Tyler under the direction of Stewart Family Funeral Home. Dr. Barnes passed away Wednesday, October 2, 2019 in Christus Trinity Mother Francis Hospital. He was born September 13, 1942 in Abilene to Hoyt and Nettie Barnes.

Alan was devoted to God and family. He was passionate about encouraging others to achieve both spiritual and intellectual growth. Alan was a member of Green Acres Baptist Church where he enjoyed singing in the Choir and teaching Sunday School. A graduate from Texas A&M Class of 66', Alan was a proud Aggie often wearing maroon. For almost fifty years, Dr. Barnes was a professor and academic counselor at Tyler Junior College. 

Alan was preceded in death by his parents, Hoyt and Nettie Barnes; his brother, Wilman Barnes; and his loving wife, Barbara Barnes (Martin). He is survived by his loving family including his wife, Nan Barnes; his children, Chrissy, Terry, Tandy, and Patrick Barnes; and his grandchildren, Mia, Bailey, and Sarah Barnes.

Pallbearers will be Rick Stewart, Alan Fisher, Joe Dark, Jim Reed, Mark Mueller, and Clint Chamberlain. Honorary pallbearers will be Gideon Members of East Camp Tyler.

Visitation is scheduled from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. on Monday, October 7th at Stewart Family Funeral Home, 7525 Old Jacksonville Highway in Tyler.

In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to either of the following: Gideons International, P.O. Box 131997 Tyler, TX 75713-1993 (check memo: "For Bibles") or Centrepoint Ministries, P.O. Box 2464 Lindale, TX 75771. October 6, 2019


Willard Rhone

B. G. (Bill) Hartley  

Bill Hartley was a good man. His steadfast faith, devotion to family, loyalty to friends, unflinching optimism and uncompromising integrity inspired everyone who knew him. His attention to bringing untrained future bankers into the profession and working tirelessly to train them is well known. He was sought after to become a member of over fifty institutions and charitable organizations. He loved people and loved to help others. Bill passed away Monday, May 28th, 2018 in Tyler.

He was born August 22, 1929 to Maedell (Patterson) and Earl Hartley. He married Billie Boyd on January 3rd, 1959, with whom he had two children, Jane Alice and Patrick Boyd.Bill held three positions in his entire professional career - all of which he was sought after to accept. First, after his graduation from Mt. Pleasant High School, he was asked by a local bank president to join the bank's staff. He did and found a great love for banking. He worked up through the various departments starting by "pitching checks". During this time, as he was too young to have been drafted by World War II, but still wanting to serve his country, he went to enlist in the U.S. Army. This was a time when the Army did not want any more men so instead he enlisted in the National Guard where he served for six years. After eight years with the bank, and after three years of urging, he joined the State Department of Banking where he worked for five years becoming first an Assistant Examiner and then as the Examiner in Charge for the San Antonio district.

Having made so many friends in Tyler in 1960 he was asked to be in charge of a new bank to be located in a suburban location and known as Southside State Bank. The bank opened its doors on October 1st, 1960. Business came slowly at first, but with the help of wonderful men such as the first Board of Directors: Murph Wilson, Edwin Russell, Bill Curtis, W.H. Hudson, A. Earl White, G.J. Loetterle, E.L. Howard, Sidney Bradford, M.D., Bruce Brookshire, and T.C. Harvey, the bank flourished and became a leading financial institution in East Texas. During Bill's 54 years as President and CEO its assets rose from $0 to $6.375 billion, while its locations grew from one to 60. He was completely devoted to Southside Bank, passing up three separate opportunities to be president of the Texas Bankers' Association because he did not want to give up time from the Bank that such a position would require. He served two years as an officer with the American Bankers Association.

Bill loved Tyler and its people. During his time in Tyler he worked with over fifty organizations among which were the ETMC Regional Healthcare System Board of Directors and the Board of Trustees for Texas College. He served the Texas Rose Festival Association and was its president in 1980. Bill received numerous awards, all of which he was very proud, but especially the TB Butler Award, the Outstanding Citizen Award presented by the East Texas Area Council of Boy Scouts of America, and the East Texas Communities Foundation Philanthropy Award. In 2017, the first new building constructed at Texas College in 50 years was co-named for Hartley.

Services for Bill are scheduled for Friday, June 1st, 2018, under the direction of Jackson's Burks-Walker-Tippit funeral home. Officiated by Rev. Dr. Doug Baker, a graveside service at Rose Hill Cemetery will begin at 10 a.m. followed by a memorial service at 11 a.m. in the sanctuary of Marvin United Methodist Church. The family will greet friends after the service in Pirtle Fellowship Hall.

Survivors are his wife, Billie, his daughter and family Jane, Mike and Hartley Coker, his niece Brenda Tyner and her husband Tommy and their family, sister-in-law Jeanette Boyd Irwin and her family and a tremendous number of friends. Bill was predeceased by his parents, his sister Wanda Hartley Dalton, and his best pal, his son Patrick Boyd Hartley.

If desired, memorials would be greatly appreciated by Marvin United Methodist Church, 300 West Erwin, Tyler, TX 75702; Texas College, 2404 N. Grand, Tyler, TX 75702 or Tyler Junior College Foundation in memory of Patrick Boyd Hartley, P. O. Box 9020, Tyler, TX 75711-9020. 

Tyler Morning Telegraph Obituary


Patrick Hartley

Hallye Rae Tyner 

Hallye Rae Tyner was born May 17, 1925, in Wortham to Dr. D.A. and Marguarite Bounds. She passed away on Oct. 15, 2013, in Tyler. She was preceded in death by her parents; her brother, Joe Bounds; her husband, J.W. Tyner; and her stepson, Gordon C. Tyner. She is survived by her daughters and son-in-law, Mitzi and Robert Parks, of Tyler, and Zoe Anna Tyner, of Tyler; grandchildren, including Leslie Parks, Dustin Parks, Andrew Myers and Zoe Lawhorn, all of Tyler; nieces, Patricia Vogel, of Groesbeck, Bonnie Andoin, of Beaumont; one nephew, Joe Ed Bounds, of Mexia; and cousin, Hill Howard Jr., of Wichita Falls.Hallye Rae attended Kilgore Junior College and was one of the original Kilgore Rangerettes under the direction of Gussie Nell Davis. She remained a part of that organization as a Rangerette Forever. Hallye Rae graduated from Stephen F. Austin University with a degree in education. Her primary work and enjoyment in life was her role as wife and mother. She was an accomplished homemaker in every sense of the word and created a beautiful, welcoming and comfortable home for her family and friends. She and her husband raised paint horses and traveled extensively to cutting horse shows and competitions in the United States. They also traveled to foreign countries as ambassadors of the American Paint Horse Association. She was a gracious and charming host, companion and friend. She is remembered by all who knew her for her Christian faith, unfailing kindness, compassion and concern for the welfare of others.
Services for Hallye Rae Tyner will be 2 p.m. Friday, Oct. 18, 2013, in the chapel of Burks Walker Tippit Funeral Home with Dr. Paul Powell officiating. She will be laid to rest in Rose Hill Cemetery. The family will receive friends at Burks Walker Tippit from 5 to 7 p.m. Thursday.
Pallbearers will be Harvey Vogel, Tom Andoin, Michael Dunn, Paul Dunn, Andy Myers and Dustin Parks.
The family wishes to express appreciation to special caregivers, Oletha, Eva and Judy.
Family requests memorials be made to Green Acres Baptist Church; Meals on Wheels; or The Hospice of East Texas Foundation.

                                               Published in Tyler Morning Telegraph on Oct. 17, 2013                    

Thomas Hall

J. C. Henderson

J. C. Hibbard

J.B Harrison

Martha Caroline (Mattie) Harrison

Bertha Edna Roberts

John William Roberts Sr.

John William Roberts Jr.

Don William Roberts

Allie Burns

Gilbert Burns

Billy Frank Burns

David Roberts

George Davis

Zelma Yarbrough

Mary Louise Yarbrough

Helen Ruth Tyner

J. W. Tyner

Gordon Charles Tyner

Lois Pike


  Shirley Smith   Services for Shirley Terry Smith, 82, of Whitehouse, are scheduled for 10 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 7, 2009, at the Whitehouse United Methodist Church with the Revs. Charlotte Austin and Chuck Bratz officiating. Burial is at Whitehouse Cemetery under the direction of Lloyd James Funeral Home.Shirley Terry Smith was born July 11, 1926, in Whitehouse to the late Millard and Nina McCutchan Terry. She died Feb. 4, 2009, after a brief illness.

During Shirley's career as newspaper reporter, photographer and writer she worked for the Tyler Star, the Whitehouse Journal and the Tri-Country Leader. She personally wrote, published and delivered Smitty's Shopper during the early 1960s and Homefolks in 1981-82. Shirley was also an author, publishing "Whitehouse: 1840-1960," and "ByGones in 1989."

Shirley is remembered for her Little League baseball team, the Whitehouse Scorpions. Two generations of boys will never forget Coach Shirley and her unique coaching style.

In 1994 Shirley Smith was chosen as Mrs. Yesteryear. She participated in the Senior Citizen Spelling Bees, winning several first-place trophies and going to the state finals. A lifelong member of Whitehouse United Methodist Church, Shirley sang in the choir and served as Sunday school superintendent.

Shirley married Herschel "Buddy" Smith on April 11, 1945. Their children are Laura Spann of Liberty City, Marsha Farr (deceased), Russell Smith and Brian Smith, all of Whitehouse. She has nine grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren.

The family will receive friends from 6-8 p.m. today at the funeral home.

Memorials may be made to McCary's Chapel UMC Food Pantry, 5758 Old Highway 135 North, Kilgore, 75662.

                                  Feb. 6, 2009                    

H.G. ? Lusk 

Marybeth Vaughn

Marybeth Vaughn died at her Tyler home Thursday night, Sept 5, 2013 after an extended illness. She was born November 6,  1934 in Henderson, Texas and was the eldest of the two daughters of Hugh J. and Zilpha Vaughn.

The Vaughn family published the Tyler Star weekly newspaper for decades; she was a writer and well known photographer. She and writer Bobby Moore produced many feature stories for the Star, written by Moore and photographed  by Marybeth.   In her later years, she owned and operated Star Publishing, a printing enterprise. 

Marybeth has one surviving sister, Diane Rhodes of Tyler.

Jim Vaughn

Memorial services for Dr. James Miller Vaughn, 94, Tyler, a local philanthropist and TJC Board of Trustees member, are scheduled for 11 a.m. Saturday, July 7, at First Presbyterian Church with Dr. Stuart Baskin officiating.

Dr. Vaughn died Wednesday, July 4, 2007, at home in Tyler.

Dr. Vaughn had his hand in many goings-on in the Tyler area, and his legacy in Tyler will live on long after his death, friends and family said.

"Dr. Vaughn was a great friend of Tyler and his loss will be deeply felt by everyone in our community. He's been involved in so many life-enhancing opportunities throughout the community," said Dr. William R. Crowe, president of Tyler Junior College.

As for his close friends, Vaughn's passing reminded them of a man who will leave a lasting impression.

"Besides being a fine and caring doctor, he was generous, loved life and his numerous friends," said Jack Flock, a longtime friend of Vaughn. "I was privileged to serve with him on the TJC board of trustees as well as on the First Federal Savings and Loan board. I feel a great sense of loss, and I'm saddened to lose our dear friend."

On June 2, Vaughn and his wife of 70 years, Bonna Bess Vaughn, Tyler, celebrated another anniversary with a reception at their home.

Together they had two children, James M. Vaughn Jr. and wife Salle Warner Vaughn of Houston, and daughter, Bette Barton Vaughn Benton of Houston; grandchildren, Virginia and Geoffrey Angulo of Houston, Britt and Elaine Benton of Austin, Blake and Stacey Benton of Houston; and seven great-grandchildren.

Born Oct. 23, 1912, in Tyler, Vaughn, son of Edgar H. and Lillie Mae Miller Vaughn, was educated in Tyler schools, attending Tyler Junior College, The University of Texas at Austin, and University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, where he received his B.S. and M.D. in 1937. He was a Lieutenant Commander in the Navy, and was an EENT physician for 50 years. He was a member of First Presbyterian Church, and was preceded in death by his parents, Edgar H. and Lillie Mae Miller Vaughn, and son-in-law, Matthew Hall Benton III.

He was a member of the Smith County Medical Association of which he was past president; past chief of staff at Medical Center Hospital; past chairman of the Board of Texas Eastern School of Nursing; and past president of East Texas Hospital Foundation.

He received several awards, including Tyler Junior College's First Distinguished Alumni Award in 1962, Texas Eastern School of Nursing's 1977 "Doctor of the Year" award, UTMB's Distinguished Alumnus Award in 1977, "People of Vision" award in 1984, UTT's Award of Patriot of the Year in 1989, and 1993's T.B. Butler Award as Tyler's Most Outstanding Citizen.

He was serving on the foundation boards of Trinity Mother Frances Health System, East Texas Medical Center, University of Texas Health Center at Tyler, and Member Emeritus on the Board of The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston at the time of his death.

He served on the Tyler Junior College Board 46 years, and served as Director Emeritus on the Tyler Junior College Foundation. He became a member of the Chancellor's Council of The University of Texas in 1974.

As a businessman, Vaughn was the former director for the Lone Star Steel Company of Dallas, The Peoples Life Insurance Company of Tyler, InterFirst Bank, Tyler, and General American Oil Co. of Dallas. He was a longtime director of the First Federal Savings and Loan; and director of the Vaughn Foundation, Dr. Vaughn gave generous amounts of money to both TJC and UT Tyler.

Honorary pallbearers are Jack Flock, Mic Alleman, Jeff Buford, Chester Vaughn, Bob Faulkner and Rod Mabry.

In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to charity of choice.


                                                Published in Tyler Morning Telegraph from July 6 to July 7, 2007                    

Roy L. Lilly

Clara Lilly

Mildred Lilly  

  Services for Mildred Lilly, 87, of Tyler, will be held on Monday, Aug. 11, 2008, at 10 a.m. at Burks Walker Tippit Funeral Home with Pastors Roy Thoene and Sherman Mayfield officiating. Burial will follow at Meador Cemetery.

Mildred passed away Friday, Aug. 8, 2008, in Tyler. She was born Oct. 14, 1920, at Elberta Switch (Tyler, Smith County) to the late Roy L. and Clara Nolen Lilly. She attended Whitehouse schools and was a graduate of Tyler High School and Federal Institute. She was a lifelong member of Pleasant Hill Baptist Church where she was a faithful member and taught a ladies' Sunday school class for a number of years.

Mildred touched many lives with her generous, giving spirit of service and friendship.

She began her career as a bookkeeper for Irving Machine Shop. Later she joined the firm of Kemm Manufacturing, a spin-off of Sledge Manufacturing Company, as office manager. Later Levi Strauss Company bought this operation and she served as office manager for several more years. At retirement, the Company flew her to their corporate headquarters in San Francisco where she was honored for her excellent service.

After retirement Mildred learned to cook. She took much pride in this achievement and enjoyed serving "country style" meals to her family and friends. She was an avid bridge player and also enjoyed watching baseball games. Her family was her pride and joy and her nieces and nephews were frequently referred to as her "children."

Mildred was preceded in death by her parents; infant brother Johnny; a sister, Lucy Lilly Deen and her husband Walt; nephews, John Deen and Rolen Lilly.

Survivors include brothers, Paul Lilly and wife Theresa, twin brothers Wade Lilly and wife Evelyn, Willie Lilly and wife Virginia of Tyler; nieces, Beth and husband Doyle Starnes of Tyler and their son Taylor of Austin, Gail and husband Joe Thigpen and their son Andy of Tyler; nephews, Roy Lilly and wife Ann of Tyler and their daughters Elizabeth of Dallas and Margaret Ann of Fort Worth, Bud Lilly and wife Debbie and their son Zach of Whitehouse and their daughter Amanda and husband T.J. Goodpasture of Whitehouse, Kent Lilly and wife Jan of Tyler, Don Lilly and wife Amy and their daughter Lauren and their son Peyton of Whitehouse, Ted Lilly and wife Cathy and their daughter Sarah and their son Adam of Longview, Mason Deen and wife Allene of Schertz; and great-nephew Ryan Lilly and Mindy of Van. Also surviving are several cousins and a host of friends.

The family would like to express deepest appreciation to the staff at Reunion Plaza Senior Care Center and the caregivers at Legacy Hospice for their comfort and careful attention to Mildred during her last days, and also to Jackie McCalla, a longtime faithful family friend.

Pallbearers are Roy Lilly, Bud Lilly, Kent Lilly, Don Lilly, Ted Lilly, Mason Deen, Doyle Starnes and Joe Thigpen.

Family to receive friends Sunday 3-4:30 p.m. at the funeral home.

In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Pleasant Hill Baptist Church.

                                                Published in Tyler Morning Telegraph on Aug. 10, 2008                    

Lucy Ellen (Lilly)

Wade Lilly

Willie Lilly

Adolfus Warren

Onie Warren

Kenneth Warren


Richard Harvey

Services for Richard Harvey, 70, Tyler, are scheduled for 3:00 p.m., Thursday, Dec. 15, 2005, at Stewart Family Funeral Chapel with Rev. Paul Powell officiating. Burial will be in Rose Hill Cemetery under direction of Stewart Family Funeral Home. Mr. Harvey passed away Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2005 in Tyler. Born to the late M. J. Harvey, Sr. and Frances Sledge Harvey on April 20, 1934 in Tyler, Mr. Harvey lived in the East Texas Community his entire life. A graduate of Tyler Public Schools, he attended Southern Methodist University where he received a Business Administration Degree in management. He later accepted a position with Tyler Pipe Industries founded by his father. In 1969, Richard resigned his position as Vice-President and member of the Board of Directors of Tyler Pipe Industries to devote full time to his business, ranching and civic interests. Mr. Harvey had many business interest including owning and operating a ranch and owning Barclay Apartments as well as The Honey Tree, a health food store and restaurant in Tyler. He held a commercial, multi-engine instrument rating, and had logged as excess of 6,000 hours of flying time. Richard served his community in many facets including being a member of the Board of Directors of the Douglas MacArthur Academy of Freedom and Board Member of Lone Star 2000 and the Texas Ranger Association Foundation. He started the Free Enterprise Educational Institution of Texas in 1986, being the Chairman of the Board. This Institution rewards high school and college students for writing an essay on the subject of "What Free Enterprise Means to Me". The scholarship program has given away in excess of $200,000 to deserving students over the last sixteen years. In 1984, 1988, and 1994, Mr. Harvey ran in the Texas State Senate District 2 race against Democrat nominees and was edged out each time receiving just under half the vote. He accomplished this with campaign spending of less than half of his opponents. He and his wife were members of the First Baptist Church of Tyler. He enjoyed hunting, fishing, and jogging. He will always be remembered as a loving husband, father, grandfather, and sportsman. Mr. Harvey was preceded in death by his parents and a son, Rick, Harvey, Jr. Richard is survived by his loving family including his wife of 51 years, Evelyn; son, Michael Brown Harvey of Florida; daughters, Frances Harvey Keaton of Connecticut and Kathryn Harvey Diamond of Texas; grandchildren, Julian Keaton, Lauren Keaton, Evelyn Keaton, and Samuel Diamond; brother, M. J. Harvey, Jr. of Dallas. Honorary Pallbearers will be Glenn Elliott, Max Womack, Bob Mitchell, J. B. Smith, Bobby Nichols, Luther Glass, and his law enforcement friends. The family will receive friends from 6:00-8:00 p.m. Wednesday at Stewart Family Funeral Home, 7525 Old Jacksonville Hwy, south Tyler, 75703.


(Notice of Show Cancellation from Entertainment Page)

Also, see Bobby at the Carnegie Library Taylor Auditorium in Tyler, Texas, Nov. 8, 2019. The show is an annual event commemorating the life of the late musical stylist, Dyanna Dawnn. Musical entertainment, door prizes and refreshments will be provided by the local chapter of the Dyanna Dawnn Fan Club. Local performers are invited to participate. Email  for entry forms and more information. Admission is free. 



" Mueller Gives New Meaning to the Term 'Useful Idiot', " Writes Kunstler                                                          

Who imagined that in the climactic scene of the blockbuster RussiaGate fantasy, when the curtain was ripped away, the Wizard at the controls would turn out to be… Captain Queeg! We need not rehearse all the depressing particulars of Robert Mueller’s six-hour public humiliation in two House committee hearings in order to reach a set of conclusions about the conduct of his rogue investigation and the perfidious report issued in his name.

One is that Robert Mueller could not have run his investigation. There is even reason to question that he was briefed on the day-to-day developments by the people who did run it — since, for instance, he apparently never heard the phrase “Fusion GPS,” that is, the swarm of flying monkeys who delivered the whole shebang’s predicate documents known as the Steele Dossier simultaneously to the FBI, The Washington Post, and The New York Times beginning in 2016. By his testimony Wednesday, Mr. Mueller gives new meaning to the term useful idiot.

The two-year inquisition was run by attorneys Andrew Weissmann and Jeanie Rhee, two arch Hillary Clinton partisans (the latter a lawyer for the Clinton Foundation), leading now to the conclusion that the Mueller Investigation itself was no less a Clinton operation than the Steele Dossier. I wonder if it will become known whether Mrs. Clinton herself was in regular communication with Weissmann and Rhee during these years, or who were the intermediaries between them. Surely federal attorney John Durham has the mojo to seize phone records of the Mueller Team and find out exactly who was checking in with whom.

I, for one, even doubt that the lingering assertion of Russian “interference” in the 2016 election — taken as dictum by too many dupes — has any merit at all. Rather it was just a foggy byproduct of the mighty gaslighting effort by experienced Intel Community specialists working the zealously biased and credulous news media into a lather of bad faith. All of the Russians and “Russian agents” lassoed into narrative appear to have professional connections to either the CIA, the FBI, the US State department, or Mrs. Clinton’s various networks of myrmidons in the DNC, the Obama administration, and Fusion GPS. These relationships were all sedulously ignored by the Special Counsel’s office — and now they can’t be.

Hence, it is easy to imagine that Attorney General Barr and his lead investigator, Mr. Dunham, must now entertain the unappetizing prospect of examining the roles of Mrs. Clinton and the foregoing cast of characters in this melodrama for the purpose of discovering whether this was actually the seditious conspiracy that it appears to have been — with rather horrific possible consequences of grave charges and severe punishments.

In all this long and excruciating public playing-out of dark schemes, Mr. Trump, first candidate and now president, seems to have acted as little more than a tackling dummy for the Mueller Team and its backstage Clinton confederates. He tweeted childishly about the deeply partisan composition of the Mueller Team when he should have mounted a forceful legal opposition to the effrontery of their selection in the first place.  The Long Emergency: Su... James Howard Kunstler Check Amazon for Pricing. 

It’s interesting to follow the pronouncements of the bit-players in this spectacle, now that Mr. Mueller has inadvertently destroyed the basis of the sacred narrative. Rep. Jerold Nadler turned up yakking with Anderson Cooper on CNN last night, looking every inch like the Mayor of Munchkin Land, bloviating against the supposed imminent Russian takeover of America (read: by witches) and the now-receding fool’s errand of impeachment, which would only further expose the criminal culpability of his own Democratic Party in this sordid misadventure. Mr. Cooper looked deeply pained by the chore, and yet his own professional credibility is on the line after two years of allowing himself to be played like a flugelhorn by the folks who matter in this country, and he contested nothing in Mr. Nadler’s mendacious pratings.

And now a fretful silence will descend around this colossal goddamned mess as the momentum of history shifts against the perpetrators of it, and the true machinery of American justice is brought to bear upon them. The playing-out of Act Three will probably coincide with epic global financial disorder in the months ahead, further obscuring what people and nations can do to arrest the collapse of Modernity and its sidekick Human Progress.

Reprinted with permission from


The Biggest Danger of Uncontrolled Immigration

By Michael S. Rozeff                                                

The extent of our economic freedom and the defense of our property rights are the key factors in our accumulation of wealth (goods and services) and a rise in our standard of living via the division of labor. But economic freedom and property rights depend critically on our laws and institutions, that is, the kind of government we have.

There is no question that we’ve moved away from the good laws and institutions that promote capitalism and embarked instead on a course of bad laws and institutions that promote socialism. This is why over a period of decades our living standards have not grown as much as they could have, and why some large portions of Americans can’t seem to get ahead, drop out of the labor force, live on welfare or even live on the streets.Immigration is good for a country under two conditions. First, the country has the good laws and institutions that protect economic freedom and property rights. Second, the immigrants assimilate to the good laws and do not change them for the worse.

The socialist aspects of our current system are its bad laws. Immigrants don’t do Americans any good if they burden those parts of our system that offer “free” or subsidized goods and services. We cannot have a welfare state and allow unlimited immigration. Too many immigrants will opt for the free benefits. The wealth transfer is a tax upon working taxpayers. This amounts to greater socialism and economic retardation.  

In order to benefit from immigration, as we have in our pre-1930s past when the welfare state and socialist regulatory laws were minimal, we need to get rid of these bad laws and institutions. This being unlikely at present, immigration becomes a worse and worse problem. It must be stopped, but stopping it requires a wall and police state measures. As George Reisman notes, the welfare state becomes a police state with unlimited immigration.

Then there is the second condition, which is that immigrants assimilate to our laws and institutions if they are the good laws supportive of and consistent with capitalism, private property rights and economic freedom. If they assimilate to what we have in our country today, this means adopting and supporting a system that has large socialist elements. This is definitely undesirable in terms of promoting the growth of wealth. We do not want to teach immigrants that American prosperity owes to our panoply of socialist interventions.

Worse yet, there are conflicting sentiments among immigrants to contend with. Some or many come because they want to work, educate themselves and get ahead in ways they couldn’t where they came from. But some or many also bring with them sentiments and political attitudes of their mother countries that they’ve imbibed and do not realize are contradictory to economic freedom and private property rights. Once within the bosom of our system with its socialist elements, they are likely to fall right in line with them, thinking they are being true Americans in supporting laws like Obamacare, Medicare for All, or other socialist laws and administrations.

In other words, the greater the immigration, the greater the support for socialism, both because the immigrants learn that here by assimilation and because it’s consistent with their prior political training and attitudes. The fraction of Americans supportive of capitalism then declines and socialist legislation becomes easier and easier to pass.

This dire situation will come into being even faster when existing American socialists and newly-minted socialist leaders among the immigrants actively organize and proselytize among immigrants susceptible to their appeals.

What are the political attitudes of immigrants? There is no one answer. The answers vary from one country to another. What Sweden, Germany and America experience may be three different things.  

I’ve found one recent paper (October 2016 in the Journal of Politics) that examines our situation with respect to Mexicans in our country. Mexicans constitute about 1/3 of our immigrant population. The title is “Partisanship by Invitation: Immigrants Respond to Political Campaigns”.

The study examined two elections: 2006 and 2008. The authors, James A. McCann and Katsuo A. Nishikawa Chávez, find that the Democratic party benefited much more highly from its partisan appeals than did the Republican party. The detailed findings led the authors to conclude

“Barring a major shift in the dispositions of Republican lawmakers and party activists towards identities and issues that Mexicans and other immigrant groups hold dear, a shift that appears improbable at this juncture, there is likely little chance that Republican campaign messages in any electoral environment could pull the Mexican-born toward that party, even if Republican candidates themselves are perceived as personally attractive figures.”

Although the Republican party has been no stranger to socialist legislation, such as extending Medicare to prescription benefits, the Democrats are worse. They typically propose the socialist extensions and campaign for them for years on end until they become law.

The biggest danger of uncontrolled or unlimited immigration is that it shifts American politics even more greatly toward socialism.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

Michael S. Rozeff [send him mail] is a retired Professor of Finance living in East Amherst, New York. He is the author of the free e-book Essays on American Empire: Liberty vs. Domination and the free e-book The U.S. Constitution and Money: Corruption and Decline.                           More from Michael Rozeff

Do You Really Want to Be a Republican or a Democrat?

Another fascinating and thought-provoking essay by Michael Rozeff                               

My main purpose is this. I want to suggest how most of us can get closer to our heart's political and social desire. The exceptions are those immoral persons who insist on lording it over other people against their wills, i.e., the authoritarians of any stripe.  

I present an imaginary scenario. It is not meant to be a detailed photograph    of a new reality. It is to suggest the concept to you as a possible new reality.    I am following in the footsteps of Paul    Emile de Puydt.  

Suppose that local    government remains as it is. Suppose that at the beginning of the year, you    sign up for your preferred national government. You enroll yourself for one    year. Next year you may make a different choice. 

To keep matters simple,    suppose that you have three choices: Republican (Red), Democrat (Blue), and    Libertarian (Coral). But in the back of your minds, understand that there    can be more choices. There can be Green, Red Lite, Blue Lite, Yellow, and    so on.  

 If you choose Red, you agree to abide by Red's national government.    If you choose Blue or Coral, you agree to abide by their national governments,    respectively. You may choose Red and your neighbor may choose Coral. Each    of you decides to abide by your own selected national governments.   

The meaning    of national here is not that there is one nation, one society, and one national    government. It means only that there is a government whose members live in    many localities. Hereafter I'll drop the term national and just refer to    government. The Reds, Blues, and Corals live all over the place in crazy-quilt    patterns. You may choose Coral and your neighbor may choose Blue. That's    the same kind of thing one finds if one maps out the religions and churches    that people sign onto.   

I won't try to mimic perfectly the government preferences    of existing Reds, Blues, and Corals. I will merely suggest some of their    preferred policies in order to show how this system can work. Yes, there    will be many details and questions that any thoughtful person can raise.    But I am not trying to answer these in advance. 

 By consulting Republican platforms, Republican votes and the actions of    Republican administrations, we build up an idea of the Red government. I    suggest to you that those who sign on to Red government for themselves can    have most of it for themselves without forcing those who sign on for Blue    government into Red government. The same goes for the Blues (and the Corals).    They can get most of what they want without forcing others into their government.     

Consider health care. The Reds don't want government-run health care. They    want to maintain the existing system but with reforms. The Blues want basic    security in health care for everyone. Each of you who wishes these two systems    can have it without making the other belong to your system. This is a crucial    point. Nothing at all prevents a Red adherent from subscribing and paying    for and being regulated by the Red system's rules, while at the same time    a Blue subscribes to his system and lives with it. There can be Red Medicare    (or whatever) and Blue Medicare, just as there are different insurance companies    and hospitals and medical plans. The Blues don't have to force the Reds into    their system in order to get what they want, anymore than they must force    those who want to patronize rock concerts into seeing the operas that they    prefer. The Corals, by the way, don't want government involved in health    care, and their government won't require any funds from them for that purpose.      

Why should anyone be fighting with his neighbor over his neighbor's choice    of health care system when this alternative is feasible? At present, no one    has a choice of national government. The government claims the right to regulate    health care. Therefore, everyone fights and tries to get his own way. Everyone    tries to make everyone else pay for what he gets. Presented with a choice    of government, the fighting can cease. Each person can get what he wants.     

Those who, given a choice, still insist on making everyone kowtow to his    system under one government are, in my opinion, advocating an evil thing. They do not think it's evil, however. They think it's good to make everyone do the same thing because the government tells them to. Their reasoning usually comes down to some notion that "society" would fall apart unless everyone is made to obey. They have some notion of a collective or a unitary society or a single nation or one people, and they place this notion above that of any individual person. To my way of thinking, these ideas are all wrong.      

It's not a good thing for the government to tell everyone what to do. They    abuse the power. They don't know what's right for everyone. They prevent    people from bettering themselves. Society won't fall apart. In fact, the    notion of one society is flawed. This notion of one "society" is deeply ingrained among persons of most all political persuasions. Even the Corals frequently use it without even realizing it. I could pile up an enormous list of quotations that use this notion of society. I've no doubt used it myself. It's a dangerous idea because all people supposedly in one society are not united and uniform in their social and political preferences. In that sense, society is a mythical construction. It serves to support the idea of a single government for that single society. That's what makes it so insidiously dangerous. Finally, the idea that the collective is above the individual person is wrong too. The collective invariably comes right back to an elite few who speak for the group, and that's nothing more than government again with all its attendant ills.      

The fact of the matter is that any national government that purports to    speak and act for a unitary society is actually a small group of persons    who claim to be deputed to act on behalf of another group of unidentifiable    persons. Any claim of government to act on behalf of everyone cannot be verified    by any open and freely-made agreements. I know of no government that is annually    endorsed and chosen freely by those who want to have it. All governments    impose on those persons under their rule. None are instruments that arise    from consent. They all lack the legitimacy of open consent by persons who    voluntarily make known their choices and agree to stick by them.   

I will not    belabor the point that government by choice is possible by going through    each and every one of the issues that divide people politically and socially.    I will merely mention some more of the issues that do not require a monolithic    (monopoly) national government: voting rights, economy and job creation,    energy independence, open government, civil rights, abortion, retirement    security, education, fair elections, science and technology, drugs, and welfare.    For example, the Reds might sign on to a government that, among them, enforces    no abortions, while the Blues and Corals countenance abortions. The Reds and Blues may enforce various economic rules, taxes, and subsidies among their own but not other supporters in order to achieve their versions of economic health and job creation. The Corals may engage in laissez-faire. The Blues may foster teachers' unions and required education from age 3 onwards, while the Reds may foster curricula that they favor.      

Again, the crucial point here is that there are no reasons why each group    cannot choose what it prefers in these areas, and these are the areas that    the major political parties list on their web sites and discuss in their    platforms.   

Defense is somewhat more difficult because what each government    does may affect persons choosing a different government. Nothing prevents    the Reds (or Blues) from raising armed forces from among themselves and stationing    these forces in foreign lands and entering foreign conflicts. If war starts,    their enemies might attack everyone, even those who didn't subscribe to that    government. What's likely to happen, however, is that since the Reds or any    war-making government have to pay for their wars by collecting money and    soldiers from those who voluntarily subscribe to that government and that    policy, they will find their capacity to gather resources and manpower for    these wars to be far, far lower than under the present system of monopoly    government. When people have a choice about fighting and paying for fighting    because they must bear the costs, the deaths, and the injuries, they are    likely to make a far different choice than when a government forcibly extracts    their treasure and blood from them, while stirring them up with propaganda    and concocting international incidents that lead to war.   

Warfare will be    a case of the "good" driving out the "bad" from the market, at least to a greater extent than we get under the present system.      

Now I ask you, do you really want to be a Republican or a Democrat? Will    you willingly and voluntarily pay for the kinds of government they now bring?    Will you willingly submit your persons and property to their rules and regulations,    which you do when you choose a government? Or will you seek out other choices    in government?   

I predict that given a choice, vast numbers of persons will    not choose anything remotely resembling the kind of government we have today.    That discrepancy between what we have and what we might have is a measure    of the unhappiness that existing government causes.   

Paul Emile de Puydt recommended    choice in government in 1860. This was on the eve of the world going in exactly    the opposite direction. Whatever progress has been made since then has been    due to liberty in free markets, not to the monopoly governments that grew    and grew and grew in size, strength, and power, until they brought two world    wars upon mankind along with genocides, nuclear weapons, unending warfare,    and vast economic instabilities. The time has come to reverse directions,    to stop thinking in terms of single societies ruled by single governments    that lack legitimate consent.  

The time has come to start thinking in terms  of choice in government.

Michael S. Rozeff [send him mail] is a retired Professor of Finance living in East Amherst, New York. He is the author of the free e-book Essays on American Empire: Liberty vs. Domination and the free e-book The U.S. Constitution and Money: Corruption and Decline.  

More from Michael Rozeff

New U.S. Law Blurs The Line Between Hate Speech And Hate Crime               

By Michael Rozeff

Eleven years ago, this essay argued against hate-crime laws. One argument read “People can eventually be accused of hate crimes when they use hateful speech. Hate crimes laws are a seed that can sprout in new directions.” This has now come to pass, I am sorry to say. This week, the Congress passed S. J. Res. 49, and President Trump signed it, making it part of the U.S. legal code.

The law rejects “White nationalists, White supremacists, the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis, and other hate groups…” But why? Because of their ideas? Because of their expression of these ideas? No government that stands for freedom and free speech, whose charge is to protect rights, should be singling out specific groups by name and by law declaring them as outlaws or threats because of their philosophies. If they have committed a crime, such as defamation of character or incitement to riot or riot itself, then charge them and try them. But American government has no legitimate authority to single out some of its citizens in this way. This, furthermore, is an exceedingly bad precedent. Who’s next?

The resolution is too specific, but it’s also dangerously vague. The term “other hate groups” has no known definition. Suppose that this term is defined by a group like the Southern Poverty Law Center. The SPLC currently names 917 groups as hate groups (see here for a list). Their criteria are not restricted to violent actions. They comprise SPEECH. They say “All hate groups have beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people, typically for their immutable characteristics.” They are very clear about this: “Hate group activities can include criminal acts, marches, rallies, speeches, meetings, leafleting or publishing.”

This Congressional resolution is a declaration that certain kinds of groups, some named but many, many others open to inclusion, are to be attacked by the U.S. government. The law urges “the President and the President’s Cabinet to use all available resources to address the threats posed by those groups.” The term “threats” in the first paragraph is vague, dangerously vague. However, the very next paragraph singles outfree speech actions when “hundreds of torch-bearing White nationalists, White supremacists, Klansmen, and neo-Nazis chanted racist, anti-Semitic, and anti-immigrant slogans…” The same sentence joins this with violent actions “…and violently engaged with counter-demonstrators on and around the grounds of the University of Virginia in Charlottesville…”

This law regards free speech as a threat, linking it to violence, painting them with one brush. There can be no justice that can stem from such a completely sloppy and inexcusably amateurish legal treatment. This linkage is made clear in paragraph seven with this language: “…communities everywhere are concerned about the growing and open display of hate and violence being perpetrated by those groups…” There is no distinction made here between the “open display of hate” and “violence being perpetrated”. As I predicted 11 years ago in arguing against hate crime laws, hate speech is being identified with hate crime.

I am just as uncomfortable with the notion of defining and singling out “hate speech” as some sort of new danger or threat or harmful activity or crime, to be dealt with by government or courts of law as I was 11 years ago with the idea of “hate crime”. The standard categories of crime are quite enough without adding to them a government laundry list of prejudices and aversions that everyone is not supposed to express or feel, under penalty of government law. 

 More from Michael Rozeff     

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The Doctrine of Statism

By Lew Rockwell

The Patriot Act that was rammed through after the September 2001 attacks was one of the more egregious blows against liberty in our lifetimes. It shredded core rights and liberties that had been taken for granted for centuries. Liberties are never lost all at once, but the Patriot Act, as disgusting in its details as in its name and the rhetoric that surrounded it, was for the United States the turning point, the law that best exemplifies a full-scale embrace of statism as a national ideology. It is a law so severe, so outlandish, as to cause people to forget what it means to be free.

This is why I believe Ron Paul’s book Liberty Defined to be one of the most important statements of our time. He defines liberty clearly and cleanly as freedom from coercive interference from the state. That is how the liberal tradition from Aquinas to Jefferson to Rothbard understood it, too, for there is no greater threat to liberty than the state. Its powers must be crushed if we are to revisit what liberty means..

Ron goes further to apply the principle of liberty in many of the most controversial areas of modern life. The purpose here is not to detail some governing blueprint. What Ron seeks to do is much more important. He seeks to fire up the human imagination in ways that permit people to think outside the prevailing statist norms..

In 1945, Ludwig von Mises wrote a similar book called Omnipotent Government: The Rise of the Total State and Total War. It is probably the most blistering and thorough attack on National Socialism ever written. He details the peculiar characteristics of Nazi-style statism (its nationalism rooted in the worship of bloodlines). Just as importantly – and very unusually for this genre of writing – Mises sought to explain how Nazism is only a symptom of a larger problem, which is statism itself. He regarded statism as a special doctrine that people come to embrace often without entirely understanding its teaching and claims. It emerges within a context of economic or security emergency..

There is always some great excuse for the trashing of the human freedom that built civilization as we know it. If the state cannot find one, it is glad to invent one. A population that is ideologically gullible or afraid for its security can permit government to run roughshod over people’s rights and liberties, and a government that gains such power never gives it back on its own. Rights and liberties must be reclaimed by the people themselves, and the spark that makes this happen is reversing the conditions that permitted the rise of statism. The people must lose their gullibility through ideological enlightenment, and they must lose their sense of fear that the world will fall apart if the tyrant is not in control. .

Part of this process of enlightenment requires an understanding of what was lost when we gave up liberty, and what can be gained by reclaiming it. Mises’s book did not overlook this task, with a pithy description of the traditional classical liberal vision:.

In order to grasp the meaning of this liberal program we need to imagine a world order in which liberalism is supreme. Either all the states in it are liberal, or enough are so that when united they are able to repulse an attack of militarist aggressors. In this liberal world, or liberal part of the world, there is private property in the means of production. The working of the market is not hampered by government interference. There are no trade barriers; men can live and work where they want. Frontiers are drawn on the maps but they do not hinder the migrations of men and shipping of commodities. Natives do not enjoy rights that are denied to aliens. Governments and their servants restrict their activities to the protection of life, health, and property against fraudulent or violent aggression. They do not discriminate against foreigners. The courts are independent and effectively protect everybody against the encroachments of officialdom. Everyone is permitted to say, to write, and to print what he likes. Education is not subject to government interference. Governments are like night-watchmen whom the citizens have entrusted with the task of handling the police power. The men in office are regarded as mortal men, not as superhuman beings or as paternal authorities who have the right and duty to hold the people in tutelage. Governments do not have the power to dictate to the citizens what language they must use in their daily speech or in what language they must bring up and educate their children. Administrative organs and tribunals are bound to use each man's language in dealing with him, provided this language is spoken in the district by a reasonable number of residents..

We could add to this beautiful list of traits of a liberal society. There is no welfare state (and there was not before Bismarck and FDR).There are no passports (and there were not before World War I). There are no government identification cards (there were not before World War II). People can use any currency they want to use (people could do so before the Civil War). They can accumulate wealth and pass it on to their children with the full knowledge and expectation that their children’s children will benefit too (so it was before World War I). They can innovate in the commercial marketplace without fear of courts, lawsuits, regulators, taxmen, and the customs house. They can negotiate all contracts, associate or disassociate, and hire and fire as they see fit. They do not hear government propaganda piped into stores and other public places. They do not even have to care about politics because the state is so limited and nearly powerless that not even the worst of people can change its essential functioning..

This is not a far-flung dream. Mises’s explanation here is a composite of how liberty has worked in various times and various places over the last several hundred years. And he wrote this as a reminder of what people have lost in surrendering their lives and the functioning of society over to government power..

The point that Mises was making with his book was that it is not enough to hate a particular regime; we must oppose the ideological underpinnings of that regime and see what it has in common with the universal experience of tyranny. Nor is it enough merely to oppose government. We must also come to love liberty, to see and understand how it works even though we live in times when liberty is ever less seen, and ever less understood. This was the burden of his great book: to highlight Nazism as a particular application of the broader menace of statism itself..

This is also the point of Ron Paul’s Liberty Defined. Yes, he opposes government as we know it. Much more importantly and much more profoundly, he understands the liberty that we do not know, and he strives to help us to love it, dream of it, and work for its achievement..

It doesn’t surprise me that Ron’s own son Rand Paul turns out to be the only member of the U.S. Senate to dare to stand up to the Patriot Act and call it what it is. He has staked his political career on his action to stop its reauthorization. It is truly the case that if we can’t see what is wrong with the Patriot Act, we can’t see what is wrong with any despotism in the past or the present. If we can see what is wrong with it, we have a good start on beginning to see what is right about human liberty..

May 26, 2011.

Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. [send him mail], former editorial assistant to Ludwig von Mises and congressional chief of staff to Ron Paul, is founder and chairman of the Mises Institute, executor for the estate of Murray N. Rothbard, and editor of See his books..

Copyright © 2011 by Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.

 What Is "The Epoch Times"?

A few days ago we discovered a new publication which may merit your close attention. This is a newspaper which purports to publish unbiased news. The copy which came into our hands is a full sized, broad sheet newspaper of about 48 pages.  If it does what it says it does, it deserves to be read by every American.  More....9-17-2019

Watch For:

"It's Your Health!"

Upcoming In-Depth Series on "The American Drug Culture"    9-17-2019 

The Tyler Chronicle   Summer,  2019 

                                   Exploring "Conspiracy Theories"                               

Things are rarely what they seem. This is a basic fact of life which has impressed itself upon me indelibly during the past decades of my life. So while I am not quick to brand everything I see or hear as a conspiracy, neither am I quick to dismiss conspiratorial theories when they are presented. It is true, of course, that some such ideas are initially more credible than others. For example, in my opinion, the likelihood of a conspiracy in the shooting of President John Kennedy is far greater than the notion embraced by some that the earth is hollow and is inhabited by human-like reptiles from another planet!

We will be exploring some of the widely held conspiratorial theories in the future... and some not so widely held. We will do our best to provide whatever information is available to substantiate or perhaps discredit these ideas, and you can decide for yourself whether or not they are credible. (The  stories will be published as they are written and are thus incomplete. You may follow them as they develop.)

International Bankers Seek Global Control 

We call this the "Grand Daddy of All Conspiracy Theories". Once its parts are exposed and placed under the light of scrutiny, it is not difficult to understand. But for reasons which will be discussed later, it is extremely difficult to accept. Our effort will be to collect and publish information which forms the basis of the theory. After you have learned all you can about it from every source you can, then YOU decide whether to embrace it as fact, fancy, or perhaps something in between.

See more on banks and bankers on "Banker Robbers", Page 22

 Fluoridation of Public Water Supplies 


 Is There a Cure for Cancer?


The following from:


 Armed Feds Confiscate Wood from Gibson Guitars



Gov’t says wood is illegal if U.S. workers produce it

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Justice department bullies Gibson without filing charges

The Federal Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. has suggested that the use of wood from India that is not finished by Indian workers is illegal, not because of U.S. law, but because it is the Justice Department’s interpretation of a law in India. (If the same wood from the same tree was finished by Indian workers, the material would be legal.) This action was taken without the support and consent of the government in India.

On August 24, 2011, around 8:45 a.m. CDT, agents for the federal government executed four search warrants on Gibson’s facilities in Nashville and Memphis and seized several pallets of wood, electronic files and guitars. Gibson had to cease its manufacturing operations and send workers home for the day, while armed agents executed the search warrants. Gibson has fully cooperated with the execution of the search warrants.

• Raid shut down Gibson factories and cost company money

This is the second time that federal agents have raided Gibson facilities and disrupted production – this time causing lost productivity and sales.

• Wood seized was Forest Stewardship Council Controlled

The wood the Government seized on August 24 is from a Forest Stewardship Council certified supplier and is FSC Controlled, meaning that the wood complies with the standards of the Forest Stewardship Council, which is an industry-recognized and independent, not-for-profit organization established to promote responsible management of the world’s forests. FSC Controlled Wood standards require, among other things, that the wood not be illegally harvested and not be harvested in violation of traditional and civil rights. See for more information. Gibson has a long history of supporting sustainable and responsible sources of wood and has worked diligently with entities such as the Rainforest Alliance and Greenpeace to secure FSC certified supplies. The wood seized on August 24 satisfied FSC standards.

• Nearly two years later, no charges have been filed

In 2009, more than a dozen agents with automatic weapons invaded the Gibson factory in Nashville. The Government seized guitars and a substantial amount of ebony fingerboard blanks from Madagascar. To date, 1 year and 9 months later, criminal charges have NOT been filed, yet the Government still holds Gibson’s property. Gibson has obtained sworn statements and documents from the Madagascar government and these materials, which have been filed in federal court, show that the wood seized in 2009 was legally exported under Madagascar law and that no law has been violated. Gibson is attempting to have its property returned in a civil proceeding that is pending in federal court.

The Justice Department has asked the judge to stop the court case indefinitely.

• Information sought in raid was already made available

Since 2009, Gibson has fully cooperated with the Government’s investigation of wood and has provided substantial documentation regarding Gibson’s wood-buying activities over the years. Yet, the Federal Government raided Gibson’s facilities on August 24, 2011, without warning or communication of any kind. Had the Government simply communicated with Gibson, Gibson would have cooperated without having to stop its production and send workers home.

• Not about illegal logging, not about conservation, not about the environment

The U.S. Lacey Act does not directly address conservation issues but is about obeying all laws of the countries from which wood products are procured. This law reads that you are guilty if you did not observe a law even though you had no knowledge of that law in a foreign country. The U.S. Lacey Act is only applicable when a foreign law has been violated.

• Gibson is innocent and will fight to protect its rights

Gibson has complied with foreign laws and believes it is innocent of ANY wrong doing. We will fight aggressively to prove our innocence.

For more information, please contact:

Henry E. Juszkiewicz

c/o Gibson Guitar Corp.

309 Plus Park Blvd.

Nashville, TN 37217

(615) 871-4500 Extension 2405

About Gibson Guitar:

Gibson is known worldwide for producing classic models in every major style of fretted instrument, including acoustic and electric guitars, mandolins, and banjos. The Gibson Les Paul guitar is the best-selling guitar of all time and bears the name of the late, great Les Paul. Gibson’s line of Robot guitars, including the revolutionary new Firebird X, represents the biggest advances in electric guitar design in over 70 years. The Gibson Foundation is the philanthropic arm of the Gibson Guitar Corp., and dedicates its time and services to making the place a better world for children through its support of music, education, health and human services. Founded in 1894 in Kalamazoo, Michigan and headquartered in Nashville since 1984, Gibson Guitar Corp.’s family of brands now includes Epiphone, Dobro, Kramer, Steinberger, Tobias, Echoplex, Electar, Flatiron, Slingerland, Valley Arts, Maestro, Oberheim, Baldwin, Sunshine Piano, Take Anywhere Technology, J&C Fischer, Chickering, Hamilton, and Wurlitzer.

Visit Gibson’s website at

For breaking Gibson News: Press RSS Feed.

Follow Gibson on Twitter at and Facebook at

Gibson, 1-800-4GIBSON (1-800-444-2766) or


Jeremy Singer / Gibson UK, 020 7167 2144 /

Chris O’Hearn / Gibson Australia 61 2 9929 2257 /


In 2009, more than a dozen agents with automatic weapons invaded the Gibson factory in Nashville. The Government seized guitars and a substantial amount of ebony fingerboard blanks from Madagascar. To date, 1 year and 9 months later, criminal charges have NOT been filed, yet the Government still holds Gibson’s property. Gibson has obtained sworn statements and documents from the Madagascar government and these materials, which have been filed in federal court, show that the wood seized in 2009 was legally exported under Madagascar law and that no law has been violated. Gibson is attempting to have its property returned in a civil proceeding that is pending in federal court.

The Federal Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. has suggested that the use of wood from India that is not finished by Indian workers is illegal, not because of U.S. law, but because it is the Justice Department’s interpretation of a law in India. (If the same wood from the same tree was finished by Indian workers, the material would be legal.) This action was taken without the support and consent of the government in India.

Unbelievably enough, this was not the first time that the Gibson factories have been raided for this same reason.


                  Chernobyl and Fukushima Atomic Disasters; More to Come?


                             ... Breast Cancer... Tripled ... Since 1981 ...            


9-18-2019  2:47 AM Nat Weather Service

.DAY ONE...This Afternoon and Tonight... 
Heat index values are exceeding 100 degrees this afternoon across portions of the region, so caution should be exercised if working or playing outdoors. Also, an upper low along the upper Texas Gulf Coast will bring some rain chances to the region, especially along and south of the Interstate 20 corridor. No hazardous weather is expected with this activity as most of it will diminish by sunset. 
.DAYS TWO THROUGH SEVEN...Wednesday through Monday... 
Showers and thunderstorms will be on the increase across the region as Tropical Storm Imelda moves inland along the upper Texas Gulf Coast and the remnants slowly migrate into portions of East Texas through the remainder of the work week. Locally heavy rainfall is expected with this system and there is a slight risk of flooding by Wednesday and Thursday in East Texas where rainfall totals of 2 to 5 inches are possible and locally higher amounts cannot be ruled out. 
Activation of emergency management personnel...amateur radio operators...and storm spotters will not be needed through tonight. 



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The Tyler Chronicle Cookbook FIGGY FIGGY PUDDING

So, bring us some figgy pudding, bring us some figgy pudding, bring us some figgy pudding and bring it out here!”

We hate to burst your Christmas Bubble folks, but the good ol’ traditional English figgy pudding may not be the treat you were hoping for.  But rather than go into a lengthy diatribe about the shortcomings of the “real deal” we’ve done something far better. We concocted our very own  version of  a Christmas pudding guaranteed to make the traditional “figgy” pale by comparison

Can you imagine a “pale pudding”? Well, actually, no. Me neither

But look, you can get away with this, because nobody in America or in most other parts of the civilized world has a clue as to what a real, genuine “figgy pudding” is. Only in England do they know… and even they don’t. 

So, let’s get with it!  Here’s some of what  you’ll need. 4 eggs, 2/3 cup melted butter, 1 1/2 cups brown sugar, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 ¼ cups all purpose flour (sifted), 2 ½ teaspoons baking powder, 2 cups whole milk, ½ cup chopped dates, ½ cup chopped pecans or walnuts, 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon  and 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg, 12 marischino cherries, four pitted prunes (finely diced), a heaping tablespoon of grated orange peel, and one pound of chopped dried figs.

*1 cup breadcrumbs.... And a partridge in a pear tree...

Moderately hot oven; 350 degrees F.

HEAT milk and figs but do not boil. Cook for about 10 minutes, stirring frequently.

COMBINE cinnamon, salt, sugar, baking powder, nutmeg and flour.

BEAT eggs one minute at high speed. Then add butter, orange peel, fig mixture and bread crumbs.

SLOWLY add flour and mix until blended. Do not over mix.

BAKE in a bundt pan placed in a  pan of hot water for about 2 hours.

NOTE: If you overcook, the pudding will come out more like a  cannon-ball than a pudding. Take it out of the oven to cool as soon as it begins to slightly pull away from the side of the bundt pan.  Experience is the best teacher here. For a moister pudding increase liquids slightly. For a cake-like texture, add less milk.

NOTE: Halloween and Thanksgiving recipes are being moved to CHRONICLE ARCHIVE, PAGE 26.

