The Tyler Chronicle     Winter, 2022   Worldwide Edition                                     

The Environment and You


Global Warming?

 The environmentalist movement is going under and Al Gore is getting pissed. Speaking at the Aspen Institute, the former Vice President "lost his cool" and repeatedly shouted “bullsh*t.” “This climate thing, it’s nonsense. Man-made CO2 doesn’t trap heat. It may be volcanoes.’ Bullshit! ‘It may be sun spots.’ Bullshit! ‘It’s not getting warmer.’ Bullshit!” Gore said, without knowing that his comments were being streamed online. “There is no longer a shared reality on an issue like climate even though our very existence of our civilization is at threat. People have no idea,” Gore said. “It’s no longer acceptable in mixed company, meaning bipartisan company, to use the godd*mn word climate. They have polluted this to the point where we cannot possibly come to an agreement on it.”      

Review;  Environmentalism Gone Mad   by Alan Carlin

       As described at some length in my book, Environmentalism Gone Mad, I am one of the few people with no self-interest in the climate issue and an extensive background in both the physical sciences and environmental economics who also has a lifetime of experience in environmental issues both from the viewpoint of an environmental activist in the Sierra Club and of an environmental regulator at USEPA. This turns out to be a very useful combination to understand the climate issue, which I have been studying for about a decade both while working at EPA and subsequently as a retiree.  I have authored or co-authored about 40 publications in both economics and energy/climate areas, including many that have been published in academic journals. Two of these publications are currently offered on Amazon in addition to the new book. Some others can be found by using the Amazon search results link for "Alan Carlin," and all by consulting my website at
It is very important to understand that the climate issue is ultra-controversial and highly politicized, and that the climate alarmists are exceedingly well funded and quite unscrupulous about what they are willing to say to attempt to divert people from the fact that there is no scientific basis for their ideology.  As explained in the book, these differences are widely found on the internet as well as everywhere else where the issue is discussed.  Those who are new to the issue therefore need to examine each statement to determine which side the author is on, whether he/she has actually read my book, and has any scientific basis for what they are saying.  In the case of my new book this means that reviews are likely to be black or white, just like the current public discourse, but the differences are really over the issue of whether climate is primarily influenced by natural or man-made sources and whether US reductions in CO2 emissions will make any measurable difference in climate. Reviews are accordingly likely to be based on these issues, not the quality of the presentation or reasoning or the sources referenced. This is unfortunate but reality

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