Tyler, Texas USA Winter, 2022  Worldwide Edition Volume 52 Number 3               

Water on the Moon! See Story on Page Nine

A Political Stew Which May Choke Us

Opinion, By Bobby D. Moore

If you are one among the many who regularly visit The Tyler Chronicle, the absence of political commentary concerning the endless strife between President Donald Trump and the American Socialist/Communist faction may seem strange. (You may have come to know it by a different name. But whatever alias is currently in use, if you look closely and with an informed mind, there is a common denominator.)

That denominator can be factored down into a single word. “Gimme”. “If you got it, we  want it!” But what they fail to understand is that the government is powerless to directly create.  In order for government to “give”, it must first “take”. And, there is a very handy device for this purpose called “taxation”.  You may choose to view it as a Robin Hood scenario in which those with means are robbed with the loot being distributed to the serfs.

But how does this scheme of “legalized theft” influence the desire to work, and build and accumulate? In other words, what does it do for private initiative? The answer is simple; initiative is reduced and ultimately destroyed.  And it is this private initiative (the freedom to make choices) which represents American freedom at its most basic level.

(more to come)

